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Official Feedback Thread: Bonding Runestone Changes



  • strathkinstrathkin Member Posts: 1,798 Arc User
    edited September 2017

    Ya, who is to say that after most of us get back to BIS that they won't find bonding and enchantments in need of another nerf? This fear will prevent spending by anybody other than those with money to burn. No player should have this fear, the bonding nerf should be completely reversed and powersharing and other overpowered buffs slashed instead. Aura of Courage is another broken mechanic that is abused and should be dealt with.

    Powershare was originally designed to buff players & companions. Changing how that works would take far more considerable time... and does not encourage the desired effect and really would just be a NERF to support. DPS classes already do a massive amount of DPS in the game, and Bonding stones are 9x or more powerful than any other Rune, but clearly they don't need a correction?

    Heck even after the changes to other Runes the R14 Bonding Stone will be more than 5x better than the increased R14 Eldritch or others. This is the best way to limit powershare directly caused by bondings while also correcting the significant lead they held over other Runes. While I was surprised they were planning to limit uptime to 50%, the fact they reversed it will protect maintain powersharing - even if at a lower rate.

    If they limited Powershare to only benefit players without Nerfing the buff percentages; which would be the only viable option to consider, it would make the correction you have to bonding now look like nothing. It also would not address the core issue of bondings being far too superior to other equivalently ranked stones.

    People wouldn't even talk power share if we only had R12 Eldritch in defense Rune slots. Bondings are the cause (7.9x higher Augmentation boost than an Eldritch) and you also get the higher Offense/Defense buff as well. You just can't have one Rune 9x or even more powerful than any other Rune. Everything else had been relegated to JUNK status for far too long.

    My Corellite! <3

    In any MMO if one thing is at a massive advantage, it's clear it needs to be corrected; especially if it's the only thing everybody uses. A game without different choices for different classes/feats/companions or builds would not be exciting. Bondings left alone basically equate to a "God Mode Cheat" being permitted in the game.
    Post edited by strathkin on
  • gromovnipljesak#8234 gromovnipljesak Member Posts: 1,053 Arc User

    There is also the issue of nerfing us and then forcing us to run a dungeon, that was designed around bondings as they are now, to get marks to get back to where we are now. That is a catch 22. TonG is hard now, imagine running it a minimum of 87 times in a gimped state. Most players can't even get invites to it...

    Exactly. I love helping new players and 1st runners get through TNG - and I usually take everything slowly and explain it, but I can't carry the group - that's when I involve my guildmates. But now, not only will I not be able to carry, I'd basically drag the group down. I'm a pretty good DPS atm - not top tier, but can carry stuff like FBI. Now imagine literally any other class with lower IL - if they're not HR, CW or GWF, they'd just not be able to do jack due to how underpowered other classes are (especially poor TRs, they deserve a buff of epic proportions). And with Orcus being such a massive tank, you NEED at least one ridiculous single target DPS - not a single 15k HR or GWF could carry that alone. With the bonding nerf... well, you get the point.
  • araneaxaraneax Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 639 Arc User

    so if power creep is the issue, why arent they nerfing the buffs/debuffs of the clerics, guardian fighters, renegade wizards, pallys and warlocks.... oh, cause that would take actual mathematics and proper programming and of course, time. to nerf the bondings, well thats heaps easier and who cares about the painstaking hours players have spent testing and trying to get stats just right and swapping out insignias and enchantments and gear pieces. just putting it back on the players to work it all out is pretty much HAMSTER imo.

    nerfing the buffs/debuffs of the clerics...

    Do you want me to have a heart attack ? Cos this is how people get heart attacks...

    you ll be hearing from my lawyer... =.=

    ( JK ) :wink:

  • strathkinstrathkin Member Posts: 1,798 Arc User
    edited September 2017

    The companions rebuff is a pretty well known issue for years now and one mayor reason why content at BIS level is trivial and also why supporter classes reign NWO. Sry, but a buff getting enhanced for 285% by a companion ?

    I wouldn't say support classes reign in NWO - there are just as many DPS classes as well. The fact is it's hard to say because many players have like 3-4 DPS classes and possibly just as many support; but the roles can very depending on feat choices.

    Yet I think you hit the issue on TOP of the head. 285% is insanity. A current R12 Eldritch gives 12%, while bonding 95% (7.9x better buff) and it does so while also giving a higher +840 to defense or offense as well. You can't have one Rune offering 9x or more the benefit of every other one out there while others are mostly considered Garbage.

    Powershare wouldn't even be a topic if we only had R12 Eldritch. The exploit is solely caused and created by bondings high augment boost.
  • pteriaspterias Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 661 Arc User
    I know it's considered crazy OP, but returning the Loyal Gear (and not locked behind the hardest content either) would be a nice, conciliatory measure on your part. The Ardent Store needs some love anyway...
  • deadshadows86deadshadows86 Member Posts: 62 Arc User

    We fully understand how big of a topic this is which is why we wanted to get the details out early to get feedback on all of the changes. And feedback certainly has been given! Although these types of topics can get heated due to the passion players have for this game, it is a good thing to see such involvement and discussion from our player base.

    There are valid points being brought up through out this discussion. Reading over all of this feedback, from multiple sources, has allowed us to take a look at different perspectives on the bonding issues. Bonding runestones do need an adjustment and we'd like to allow for other companion and runestone choices to not be so underwhelming compared to a bonding companion.

    Many of the points brought forward by you is that a 50% up time changes too many dynamics which will drive many players to feeling that an augment pet is the only correct route to play. That is not our intention and not where we want the game to go.

    We are going to switch the up time to being able to be 100% (cooldown and up time will match). This will be with the lowered percentages that we presented and seems like the best way to address many of the concerns while still bringing bonding power more in line with where it should be.

    Also, we are going to look into switching the offensive effect of Eldritch Runestones to match the defensive effect, meaning that either slot will grant the stat gain (it does mean the AP functionality of the Eldritch Runestone offensive slot is going away). This allows players who would like to use an augment pet with Eldritch Runestones to have a choice in which augment pet to use.

    The concerns on dungeon runs/difficulty in the game with any changes to bonding runestones is not unnoticed and something we have been paying attention to internally throughout all of this. We have been doing internal testing on this and look forward to feedback during preview on this very topic.

    If that is the case then i'm ok with changes ... I'll start to make my calculation of new share %age at 100% up time then it come on preview to see what i need to change on live for getting back to DR cap ... and other usefull stats ...

    And i've seen in another post (sorry if i don't quote you i can't read and remember everything ...) someone proposed to add the companion gift to other rune it could be a solution but at a less higher rate.

    On preview last time i checked bonding r12 gave 750 stats + 55% stats sharing, other enchant could give 700 stats and 15% stats sharing, still not the best but would help for balancing maybe ?

    Why not giving the companion gift a permanent proc for companion that attack not then they attack but only then present (all except augment and Energon (at least he never proced them for me before)), and for the power creep that is told also along the lines, why not make the stats share (probably the same with the legendary bonus) only take into account the base stats and the item of the companion not the buff on them (except buff from companion influence) ? it'll won't change the current power buffs spells of the game but still limiting the insane amount that you can have ...

    Then after this change if the high end is too hard you could start to up the power buff to balance this type of content (or nerf the content ... your choice)

    There is multiple solution to the problem, more people to talk about it, more possibilities will arise and make even more idea come forth, making hopefully better decision for everyone to enjoy !

    Good day and good luck to find the right thing to do !
  • strathkinstrathkin Member Posts: 1,798 Arc User
    edited September 2017

    so if power creep is the issue, why arent they nerfing the buffs/debuffs of the clerics, guardian fighters, renegade wizards, pallys and warlocks.... oh, cause that would take actual mathematics and proper programming and of course, time. to nerf the bondings, well thats heaps easier and who cares about the painstaking hours players have spent testing and trying to get stats just right and swapping out insignias and enchantments and gear pieces. just putting it back on the players to work it all out is pretty much HAMSTER imo.

    The reason is CLEAR. Because the cause is NOT powershare, if we only had R12 Eldrtich the whole discussion would not exist...

    If they did even attempt reducing support buff's in be the first nail in the coffer to support classes; so the only alternative would be to limit powershare to players only! Yet if that was done it would make the existing NERF to bonding far worse than it is now; yet would fail to correct the 9x advantage Bonding has over other equally ranked Runes.

    The revised Bonding Changes address the cause not the symptom; while still leaving Bonding in a BiS role with 5x benefit. Most will likely maintain 3x Bonding stones in their companion, yet some might now want to pair 2 Bonding with an Empowered or other Rune. Now at least their are some viable options including for Augments.

    Many may disagree with me. But my analysis I think is very FAIR & looks at a variety of options or alternatives having worked in technology for 20+ years. I compliment them on finding a solution which addressed the cause of the issue while restoring balance between Bonding and all other Runes in a very fair and appropriate way.

    I think those who continue to attack Cyptic's decision are taking it 5 steps too far! It's going beyond debate to just encouraging or promoting TOXIC atmosphere. I'm not saying they will RETHINK the 50% uptime, but your certainly not winning sympathy to your cause. >:)

    Honestly as another person stated earlier... ...285% of a companions Rune, Gear & Enchantments that also attacks with 3 or 4 powers, while also getting a dual higher buff of +2520 to offense or defense. That's 11x more powerful than every other Rune and the reason power share is a problem at the very core.
  • muckingfuppetmuckingfuppet Member Posts: 207 Arc User
    > @strathkin said:
    > Ya, who is to say that after most of us get back to BIS that they won't find bonding and enchantments in need of another nerf? This fear will prevent spending by anybody other than those with money to burn. No player should have this fear, the bonding nerf should be completely reversed and powersharing and other overpowered buffs slashed instead. Aura of Courage is another broken mechanic that is abused and should be dealt with.
    > Powershare was originally designed to buff players & companions. Changing how that works would take far more considerable time... and does not encourage the desired effect and really would just be a NERF to support. DPS classes already do a massive amount of DPS in the game, and Bonding stones are 9x or more powerful than any other Rune, but clearly they don't need a correction?
    > Heck even after the changes to other Runes the R14 Bonding Stone will be more than 5x better than the increased R14 Eldritch or others. This is the best way to limit powershare directly caused by bondings while also correcting the significant lead they held over other Runes. While I was surprised they were planning to limit uptime to 50%, the fact they reversed it will protect maintain powersharing - even if at a lower rate.
    > If they limited Powershare to only benefit players without Nerfing the buff percentages; which would be the only viable option to consider, it would make the correction you have to bonding now look like nothing. It also would not address the core issue of bondings being far too superior to other equivalently ranked stones.
    > People wouldn't even talk power share if we only had R12 Eldritch in defense Rune slots. Bondings are the cause (7.9x higher Augmentation boost than an Eldritch) and you also get the higher Offense/Defense buff as well. You just can't have one Rune 9x or even more powerful than any other Rune. Everything else had been relegated to JUNK status for far too long.
    > My Corellite! <3
    > In any MMO if one thing is at a massive advantage, it's clear it needs to be corrected; especially if it's the only thing everybody uses. A game without different choices for different classes/feats/companions or builds would not be exciting. Bondings left alone basically equate to a "God Mode Cheat" being permitted in the game.

    wrong, dps do massive damage because of the power share put it this way I'm a bis gwf and with bondings proced and all self buffs my ibs hits for roughly 1.5 mill but when I'm in a power share group in fbi 2×dc and a pally my ibs hits for 35 to 40 mill so ask yourself is it bondings or is it buffs double dipping through your companion?

    nerfing bondings will not stop this but stopping companions receiving any buffs from any outside source will fix this, this isn't nerfing any class as the players character will still receive the full buffs from any out side source
  • rampageon#9608 rampageon Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    I have put much work in it and it was great fun and enjoyment doing solo stuff or running with friends. Really good game and worth to invest in...
    That's the reason i want it to be great and continue to grow and i think bonding nerf is very bad move on the part of the company and il try explain why:
    1) As devs said reason for nerfing bonds is to FIx their impact on the game's balance... wrong this will change nothing cause once players will get those rank 14 enchants and unparalleled WE the BIS Player will be in slightly better position and so this will achieve nothing...
    2) The real problem of the game is "Power Share" that multiplies from companions and gives huge boost to player. If they would fix multiplying effect it will balance the game, bondings would need no interfering and content would be much enjoyble on all lvls and dungens.
    3) All the hard content FBI/MSP/MSVA/TONG requires you to have rank 12 bondings and pretty decent build/gear as well as skills To finish in one piece) nerfing bondings will make this content for not perfect groups (aka not every group consists of OP,GF, AC DC, DO DC °And random dps you name it) or low gs people almost unplayable... you won't be able to finish it in under 1 hour even mb and so won't be willing to carry any1 to just get peridot at the end of exhausting 1h+dungeon... (yes reward system is a complete other topic so il stop at that here))). The point is that content was meant to have bondings so it will be much harder to get by for low GS people and whoever was BIS pre nerf and had that 350k+ power on em will still breezee verything regardless so no issue will be fixed.
    4) People have grinded their as...es to balance their stats with bondings and enchants and now company decides to just halve what was your hard earned results! There are many reasons people enjoy playing MMOs and i think one of the most important part is to have that deep progression system that you invest your time and effort and get benefited by watching your char getting stronger and achieving this milestones... this move is complete opposite cause progression you made is tempered and you are given option to spend even more time just to get where you were... you don't mess up with peoples hard earned items like that when it was your game design that forced every1 to get them.
    5) NWO is great free to play game where you can have decent endgame char if you can understand how the game works and requires from you to do. That said we all understand that for company to deliver this excellent product and create new content needs funding. They don't have to anger so many people by this wrong move to force us just to get where we were lre nerf... every1 eventually would upgrade to rank 14s without this drastic major changes cause they would open so many new char customization options!
    Solution: Fix the interaction of Power share with companions to repair that broken overpowered party composition. Not only will this allow to balance and make game more fun but also running with 3 dps 1 tank and dc would be valid again so there will be way more variety in gameplay and easyier to make groups. With either changes the dungen lvl difficulty ofc should be changed accordingly. Power share nerf will further push players to strive for rank 14 enchants and unparalled WE to enhance individual character strength. This move is win win for both parties! On one hand players will have new content and strive for new items at the same time their chars would be as strong as they were pre changes but with more opportunities to grow (sounds wonderful to me) on the other hand company will maintain happy player base and earn profit by implementing this changes.
    Sorry for long post but i care too much for this game to watch it sink like it did in mod 6... don't want anymore exodus... the more people there will be the more money company will generate, as for us we will get continues development of the game. We really can win out of this... all of us...
  • strathkinstrathkin Member Posts: 1,798 Arc User
    pterias said:

    I know it's considered crazy OP, but returning the Loyal Gear (and not locked behind the hardest content either) would be a nice, conciliatory measure on your part. The Ardent Store needs some love anyway...

    I think that is the TYPE of feedback they might be at least 'open' to considering in Lieu of the all changes, while perhaps they were overdue and I'd state most are very appropriate.
  • gabrieldourdengabrieldourden Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,212 Arc User
    @strathkin : no. I always supported changes so far, I even supported mod6 because it made people rethink the way they played. They say that they want to bring dailies back in line and I support that as dailies should feel special.
    I even support a tone down of bonding runestones. What I can't stand is the fact that they want to resell us the same power again for the same content. It's not the change itself, it's the attitude. They are slowly streamlining the game so that any progress is tied to buying wards and painful grind. The game is becoming more and more a boring grind and want they offer us is more grind. The next step I expect will be removing coal wards from the Crypt of Piety and tying the whole game to the ZEN market making it a pay-to-advance game.
    Le-Shan: HR level 80 (main)
    Born of Black Wind: SW Level 80
  • wizardlvl80#5963 wizardlvl80 Member Posts: 519 Arc User

    @strathkin : no. I always supported changes so far, I even supported mod6 because it made people rethink the way they played. They say that they want to bring dailies back in line and I support that as dailies should feel special.

    I even support a tone down of bonding runestones. What I can't stand is the fact that they want to resell us the same power again for the same content. It's not the change itself, it's the attitude. They are slowly streamlining the game so that any progress is tied to buying wards and painful grind. The game is becoming more and more a boring grind and want they offer us is more grind. The next step I expect will be removing coal wards from the Crypt of Piety and tying the whole game to the ZEN market making it a pay-to-advance game.

    This is basically the perfect sum up and main issue people have for these changes.
  • mat44444mat44444 Member Posts: 116 Arc User
    To sum this all up – pretty much everyone I have discussed this change with in the game or online disagrees/hates it. Pretty much all see it as a simple money grab. Now it does not really matter whether the development team are doing this for money or to make the game better; the perception of the potential player base sees it as a money grab. If I was looking now at this game to decide if I wanted to make it my next playing experience, I would check it out online see these comments and pass.

    Sometimes people’s perception of a thing is more important than the reality of that thing.

    Pushing this change through will just hurt the feelings of the players, your customers – its bad business

    Have fun all
  • wizardlvl80#5963 wizardlvl80 Member Posts: 519 Arc User

    Wait, what? Dread and Vorpal being nerfed? WUT? My main is HR and these are two best weapon enchantments for HR. Please tell me it's not true :neutral:
  • silence1xsilence1x Member Posts: 1,503 Arc User
    adinosii said:

    There is a Zen sale right now. In the past I have usually put some money in the game - bought Zen to spend during the 40% or 50% sale events. This time - well, do you think I feel motivated to spend my money?

    I don't think I'm alone.

    You are NOT alone. This is the first charge bonus that I have not loaded up on Zen via my credit card. I usually do it in anticipation of upcoming Zen sales like you but this time - nope.

    I aim to misbehave
  • gromovnipljesak#8234 gromovnipljesak Member Posts: 1,053 Arc User
    Alright, labor day is over, it's Tuesday and it's about 6:30 AM in the middle of the states, so I'm expecting a few devs within 2-3 hours.

    On that note, have you reconsidered anything? It's the best path to go, really. Just, avoid the massive nerf.
  • jonkocajonkoca Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 2,586 Arc User
    edited September 2017


    Wait, what? Dread and Vorpal being nerfed? WUT? My main is HR and these are two best weapon enchantments for HR. Please tell me it's not true :neutral:

    I guess what they mean is that with the bonding nerf, getting a 100% crit chance will be difficult or impossible, and since vorpal/dread both require you to crit... then their effectiveness will also be proportionally lower.

    This a pain for HRs, as other enchants, feytouched for example, are seriously buggy with our powers. When I had a fey, I was limited to pg, Fox and longstriders, because everything else broke the fey buff.

    Just to sum up the changes.

    1) we are going to be nerfed to the tune of approx half our offensive pet stats. Major reductions in power - base damage, and crit chance. In my case about 15k power and 7.5k crit.

    2) we are very incentivized to buy this back.

    3) however with the daily AD queue change, and alts being disqualified due to lack of progression, acquiring "free" AD is going to become difficult.

    4) however number 2, on our mains, completing dungeons with decent rewards, fbi tbh., in a timeframe that makes economic sense becomes downgraded. Not to mention the playerbase will be generally poorer, which will negatively impact AH sales and prices.

    5) the requirement to run ToNG to acquire vital components for upgrading provides a nice catch22. The solution to which I am expecting will be expensive zenstore packs, to be announced undoubtably as a "gift" to the playerbase by the nice helpful devs, once enough people cry on the forums.

    Results: powercreep temporarily solved. End gamers given something to spend their AD on. With a control mechanism - the possibility of an upgrade pack in the future - of ensuring Zen purchases, especially if the zax becomes massively backlogged.

    In the interim, people will be switching out enchants to prop up crit, which is always an expensive business, and frustrations will lead to credit card use.

    From cryptic's Pov. it's all win.

    All I hope is that with this influx of cash, the game content will be improved, and the neglected classes will get an overhaul.
    Post edited by jonkoca on
    No idea what my toon is now.
  • gromovnipljesak#8234 gromovnipljesak Member Posts: 1,053 Arc User
    jonkoca said:


    Wait, what? Dread and Vorpal being nerfed? WUT? My main is HR and these are two best weapon enchantments for HR. Please tell me it's not true :neutral:

    I guess what they mean is that with the bonding nerf, getting a 100% crit chance will be difficult or impossible, and since vorpal/dread both require you to crit... then their effectiveness will also be proportionally lower.

    This a pain for HRs, as other enchants, feytouched for example, are seriously buggy with our powers. When I had a fey, I was limited to pg, Fox and longstriders, because everything else broke the fey buff.
    Not only that, this update in general will make crit-based classes like HR and TR trail behind. Not only because of the bonding nerf, but because of the "upgraded" vorpal and dread. Holy avenger literally gains 9.66% more damage, while vorpal and dread get 5% increased severity and only vorpal gets a slight debuff increase (to 3%, instead of 2%). So it seems like they're trying to kill TRs completely.
  • bratleyraybratleyray Member Posts: 389 Arc User
    How about they just auto rank our bonding 12s to 14.... then we bear no extra cost and remain where we are... let them gain new profits from the newer players whom havent already spent years grinding....

    [The Legendary Outlaws] (Guildhall 20)

  • gromovnipljesak#8234 gromovnipljesak Member Posts: 1,053 Arc User

    How about they just auto rank our bonding 12s to 14.... then we bear no extra cost and remain where we are... let them gain new profits from the newer players whom havent already spent years grinding....

    No because we still wouldn't be nearly as strong. That is literally just a fraction of the stats we have now. 30% less per bonding R12 atm vs R14. That's not a good trade for anyone.
  • wizardlvl80#5963 wizardlvl80 Member Posts: 519 Arc User

    So we basically now just put all our azures to companion? What's the plan? We are crit-based class. Combat path won't be reliable now, since it looses crit chance in favor of crit sev. This is a very grim future we're facing.
  • araneaxaraneax Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 639 Arc User
    edited September 2017

    jonkoca said:


    Wait, what? Dread and Vorpal being nerfed? WUT? My main is HR and these are two best weapon enchantments for HR. Please tell me it's not true :neutral:

    I guess what they mean is that with the bonding nerf, getting a 100% crit chance will be difficult or impossible, and since vorpal/dread both require you to crit... then their effectiveness will also be proportionally lower.

    This a pain for HRs, as other enchants, feytouched for example, are seriously buggy with our powers. When I had a fey, I was limited to pg, Fox and longstriders, because everything else broke the fey buff.
    Not only that, this update in general will make crit-based classes like HR and TR trail behind. Not only because of the bonding nerf, but because of the "upgraded" vorpal and dread. Holy avenger literally gains 9.66% more damage, while vorpal and dread get 5% increased severity and only vorpal gets a slight debuff increase (to 3%, instead of 2%). So it seems like they're trying to kill TRs completely.

    And i just got my dread to trans... recently... lol .. HAMSTER... i should have went with the holy A... HAMSTER...


  • bratleyraybratleyray Member Posts: 389 Arc User
    > @gromovnipljesak#8234 said:
    > How about they just auto rank our bonding 12s to 14.... then we bear no extra cost and remain where we are... let them gain new profits from the newer players whom havent already spent years grinding....
    > No because we still wouldn't be nearly as strong. That is literally just a fraction of the stats we have now. 30% less per bonding R12 atm vs R14. That's not a good trade for anyone.

    Umm... we all knew a nerf was coming. The stat drop im sure most of us can deal with. Its the extra cost to return to where we currently are thats the issue. Besides, most of the stat loss is made up with other enchants going to 14. Either way it should be an option. Its called feedback, not just what you want. Personally i would be ok with the nerf if i didnt need to spend another 6 months and 30 mil AD to be able to do what i can now. As im sure others would agree. The more options we offer the better chance we have of coming to an agreement we all can live with. Its gonna happen... best to realize it now.

    [The Legendary Outlaws] (Guildhall 20)

  • gromovnipljesak#8234 gromovnipljesak Member Posts: 1,053 Arc User
    ...ummm no. We can't. Outright losing 12k stats isn't something you can just make up with a few enchant upgrades. You'd have to put on at LEAST 6k more stats on your comp ALONG WITH the R14 upgrade. Besides, just simply changing R12 into R14 is harder than you think.
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