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Official Feedback Thread: Bonding Runestone Changes



  • oria1oria1 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 263 Arc User

    Even with the new changes to bondings 65% at rank 14 we will still see those numbers

    Note i have seen and 280000 but i couldnt get fast a screenshot.

    We gonna see more than this if companions keep transfering the buffed power to the player and that because all we will get increase to our base power and companion power through level 14 radiants =1000 stat rating no matter what you did to the bonding .

    Its fine to keep the bonding as you plan too but please fix the double share of power through the bonding procs. Otherwise soon we'll have the same issues as the power creep will get even higher and you will have to nerf either the bonding or the classes that share power.

    Those of you disagree that the double power share is wrong can you tell us if is fair for two classes to double buff ( which means x4 power share through the companion and bonding )?

    Most of you complained about double dip debuffs on tr but you dont complain about quadrable
    power sharing of 2 classes( op-dc).

    Yes I would to listen from the people that disagree as to why they think that its better in the future (as it almost happened now) to either nerf the bondings or the classes that powershare and NOT fix the quadruple power share that happens with companions now and will get worse with the r14s?

  • metalicum1metalicum1 Member Posts: 200 Arc User

    Those changes could have been the best thing ever. It could have make Neverwinter true MMO where players need to cooperate and use both defensive and offensive strategies. Now it's more of the same.
    More powersharing, less options, the same meta, no room for room for anything that doesn't share ridiculous amount of power.

    for 10 hours or so I had hope. With 50% uptime, players would really need to take a look what other classes bring to the table. Because there is power hidden in specs and classes that are worthless now. People don't see it over 290k power they have.

    People will soon discover that with 100% uptime and r14 enchants nothing will change, they will just have to do more of the new refine system.
    While you could have a completely new game and new meta, you have more of the same and some additional refine ahead.
    Well played raging babies.
    Aris Meyde CW MoF Renegade

    [PS4] Alliance - House Stargaryen
  • muckingfuppetmuckingfuppet Member Posts: 207 Arc User
    edited August 2017
    > @darkstarrfoff said:
    > basicly is, bondings buff stays 15secs up and has a 30secs cd after the fisrt click when bonding icon appears, basicly 15secs after the icon disspears, but bondings still BIS runes for companions,
    > They reconsidered, now it's going to be "100% uptime" (details tbd). I just remember something. HP from augment is transferable, right? And, not transferable through bonding pet. For some build, augment is better. This is just a comment. I am not complaining.
    > Yes, as it says now you are able to get 96k HP extra with the right stones. Is this confirmed to be wai?
    > I think that is what it was when I was using augment (before bonding time). However, I don't trust my memory fully these days.
    > I think the total is 108K if you put another 3 r14 radiant in.
    > if u meant for oath paladins oath of protection, bondings with a striker companion is still better
    > I would say that it significantly depends on what type of build you have.
    > Power share is still a major buff that OPs provide, and if it continues to work with companions then an HP build might actually be very good.
    > Additionally, HP benefits AoC damage. And there are prot-OP's which get a majority of their damage from AoC. So another +25% HP could potentially be a viable source of damage increase
    > Wouldn't be 25% for 96k, that's almost 1/3rd of my nearly 300k HP OP. For Deko at some 330k that would push their pally to over 400k. Thing is though you would have to give up a lot of stats to do that currently and seemingly even in the new system. Even with the new changes to bondings 65% at rank 14 we will still see those numbers
    > Note i have seen and 280000 but i couldnt get fast a screenshot.
    > We gonna see more than this if companions keep transfering the buffed power to the player and that because all we will get increase to our base power and companion power through level 14 radiants =1000 stat rating no matter what you did to the bonding .
    > Its fine to keep the bonding as you plan too but please fix the double share of power through the bonding procs. Otherwise soon we'll have the same issues as the power creep will get even higher and you will have to nerf either the bonding or the classes that share power.
    > I agree. Making companions only share their non buffed power would be far more effective than taking our stats away. This doesn't fix the real issue of the power share loop.

    bondings don't need to be touched at all just stop companions getting any buffs at all from outside sources this would fix the games problems but also not hurt people that play solo and need the extra stats of the bondings as they are now
  • reg1981reg1981 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,435 Arc User
    Did you actually plan to drop the uptime to 50% or was it put out there to take the heat off the % drop in the first place? :)
  • thefiresidecatthefiresidecat Member Posts: 4,486 Arc User
    dairyzeus said:

    Hmm, did a little math based on my current mod 11.5 gear and it looks like if I upgraded every single offensive enchant I had (including bondings) I'd gain ~400 power and lose ~400 crit.

    So assuming the power share timings that dupeks and darthtzarr pointed out get addressed then we'll stay at pretty much the exact same power level as we are now.

    It's only going to cost us millions in enchantment upgrades from 12-14 XD

    yeah. exactly. it's unacceptable
  • metalicum1metalicum1 Member Posts: 200 Arc User

    > @metalicum1 said:

    > Those changes could have been the best thing ever. It could have make Neverwinter true MMO where players need to cooperate and use both defensive and offensive strategies. Now it's more of the same.

    > More powersharing, less options, the same meta, no room for room for anything that doesn't share ridiculous amount of power.


    > for 10 hours or so I had hope. With 50% uptime, players would really need to take a look what other classes bring to the table. Because there is power hidden in specs and classes that are worthless now. People don't see it over 290k power they have.


    >People will soon discover that with 100% uptime and r14 enchants nothing will change, they will just have to do more of the new refine system.

    >While you could have a completely new game and new meta, you have more of the same and some additional refine ahead.

    >Well played raging babies.


    What class do you play that you feel so butt-hurt and left out?

    All the groups that I run with guild or put together via lfg have a standard set up;

    1 Tank- Pally or GF.

    1 Heal- Templock, Pally, or DC.

    1 Buff- DC, CW, or occasional HR.

    2 Dps- Any damage dealer.

    I say this not as a criticism as I know what it's like to feel left out. If you form your own groups and tailor them to your liking you shouldn't have a problem. Also if you are having this problem within guild, I think you may need a better guild/alliance that is not full of self-serving jerk wads.

    There is no need to cry nerf and call people "raging babies" in a effort to ruin something that is already working for 90% of the player base in your own self interest.

    Best of luck I hope you get it all figured it out :)

    Well I play buffing CW, not going to be left out in mod 12 with or without the changes. This is not about me being more or less viable. I play most of the time in premade parties, friends, anyway.

    The main problem is that the game is not as interesting as it could be. How do you build a DPS toon nowadays? cap everything you can and stack power. How do you build a party? Take all the powersharing you can and add a GWF/HR.
    Everyone has so much stats that there is an entire portion of the game left out.
    Does anyone consider slotting skills and items for reducing incoming damage? No
    Does anyone look for utilities like CC when fighting mobs? No
    Does anyone need an off-tank, an off healer? No
    Does anyone need to follow boss mechanics? No daily spamming fixes everything
    Does anyone need different then meta DPS enchants, and debuffing ones? No

    Well there you go. With less stats the game will be better in my not so humble opinion. I don't see people even considering that. I see them only calculating how much stats they will loose and what they do now may not be as viable anymore.

    There are viable concerns, but very few people are threatening to quit because of those.
    Aris Meyde CW MoF Renegade

    [PS4] Alliance - House Stargaryen
  • santralafaxsantralafax Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 2,896 Arc User
    Putting this out just before a 2xrp wasn't very bright. I typically spend $50+ on 2xrp, now I'll use what I've got and then wait-see.
  • thefiresidecatthefiresidecat Member Posts: 4,486 Arc User
    edited August 2017

    Putting this out just before a 2xrp wasn't very bright. I typically spend $50+ on 2xrp, now I'll use what I've got and then wait-see.

    on the other hand I applaud them for it. the rage would be higher if they waited til just after 2x to announce. but yeah. I was/am same spot.
  • morrigan81morrigan81 Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited September 2017

    Well I play buffing CW, not going to be left out in mod 12 with or without the changes. This is not about me being more or less viable. I play most of the time in premade parties, friends, anyway.

    The main problem is that the game is not as interesting as it could be. How do you build a DPS toon nowadays? cap everything you can and stack power. How do you build a party? Take all the powersharing you can and add a GWF/HR.
    Everyone has so much stats that there is an entire portion of the game left out.
    Does anyone consider slotting skills and items for reducing incoming damage? No
    Does anyone look for utilities like CC when fighting mobs? No
    Does anyone need an off-tank, an off healer? No
    Does anyone need to follow boss mechanics? No daily spamming fixes everything
    Does anyone need different then meta DPS enchants, and debuffing ones? No

    Well there you go. With less stats the game will be better in my not so humble opinion. I don't see people even considering that. I see them only calculating how much stats they will loose and what they do now may not be as viable anymore.

    There are viable concerns, but very few people are threatening to quit because of those.

    Probably a side-topic, but to me it sounds like you haven't had a chance to play other support classes beside MoF CW.
    Before making a generalized claim, please take a careful look on what other support classes do first in game.

    As a good example, if you look at classes such as DC, you will find most of encounters will provide:
    1) buff teammates, debuff mobs
    2) reduce incoming damage from mobs while increasing amount of damage mobs receive from your party.

    So let's go over your claims:
    Does anyone consider slotting skills and items for reducing incoming damage? Yes. Pretty obvious isn't it?
    Does anyone look for utilities like CC when fighting mobs? Yes. Majority of CWs I played with still use icy terrain and Conduit of Ice
    Does anyone need an off-tank, an off healer? Probably no. But majority of 5-men dungeons designed to have single tank and single heal.
    Does anyone need to follow boss mechanics? Yes. Try bring Orcus down in T9G without following mechanics and see what happens. Try beating down Drupi in FBI and ignore Call of Winter.
    Does anyone need different then meta DPS enchants, and debuffing ones? There is no absolute 'meta' that applies to all classes in this game. Depends on what class and what role you play, you will probably need to choose the one that fits the most.

    So please stop voicing such generalized claims without a proof.
    Post edited by morrigan81 on
  • bomber#0573 bomber Member Posts: 156 Arc User
    edited August 2017
    > @metalicum1 said:
    > Well I play buffing CW, not going to be left out in mod 12 with or without the changes. This is not about me being more or less viable. I play most of the time in premade parties, friends, anyway.
    > The main problem is that the game is not as interesting as it could be. How do you build a DPS toon nowadays? cap everything you can and stack power. How do you build a party? Take all the powersharing you can and add a GWF/HR.
    > Everyone has so much stats that there is an entire portion of the game left out.
    > Does anyone consider slotting skills and items for reducing incoming damage? No
    > Does anyone look for utilities like CC when fighting mobs? No
    > Does anyone need an off-tank, an off healer? No
    > Does anyone need to follow boss mechanics? No daily spamming fixes everything
    > Does anyone need different then meta DPS enchants, and debuffing ones? No
    > Well there you go. With less stats the game will be better in my not so humble opinion. I don't see people even considering that. I see them only calculating how much stats they will loose and what they do now may not be as viable anymore.
    > There are viable concerns, but very few people are threatening to quit because of those.

    I guess that I must live and play on a magical island where we don't have those "problems", a Neverwinter utopia?
    As they are not a viable concern to me...

    1.) Yes.. Dps stats are pretty cookie cutter, but they make sense. Reach 60% RI> reach 100% Crit Chance> Stack Power>add a rotation. The rotation is completely up to you. Some are more efficient but what you use is YOUR choice.

    2.) I slot skills that reduce the groups incoming damage, increase damage resistance, or decrease the enemies damage output very often. Just quickly off the top of my head; Astral shield on my DC, Circle of Power on my OP, Knights Valor on my GF, Commanding Shot on my HR, Ray of Enfeeblement on my CW, and I am sure that there are more I'm forgetting.

    3.) Yes CC powers are great! I routinely use; Icy Terrain/Arcane Singularity/Oppressive Force/Furious Immolation on my CW, Plant Growth on my HR, Smoke Bomb on my TR, .....

    4.) Yup, Tanks are always in the group, sometimes 2, and we run with Healadins, Templocks, and Virtuos Clerics all the time.

    5.) Yes boss mechanics are followed, no spamming of dailies is going to magically help you beat in mspc.

    6.) What? You lost me chief. Is there a third type of enchant? Most provide a % of extra damage and/or a debuff...
    Ie; The Frost on my DC=Debuff, Terror on my GF=Debuff, Dread on my HR=Debuff, Lightning on my CW...

    You are always entitled to your "not so humble opinion" but I guess that I am just not seeing an issue. For good or bad, people are going to play the way that they want to play no matter what. They will always find a way to play without X Role in a misguided attempt to shave a minute or two off of a run.

    To say that the game needs to be nerfed in any way in an effort to force players to play as you see fit is just self-serving bs.

    You know what they say about opinions though... That is just my not so humble opinion ;)
    Post edited by bomber#0573 on
  • karamekoskaramekos Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 47 Arc User
    Thank you Mr. Sears for be present, engaging the community and for your timely response to the feedback communicated thus far.
  • bomber#0573 bomber Member Posts: 156 Arc User
    I'm by no means the smartest Rocket Surgeon on the block.

    That being said I feel that a smarter fix for the "issue" would be a combination of any or all of...
    1.) Leave Bonding uptime and percentage as is but make bonding companions immune to player buffs.
    2.) Bring Augment Companions to within 50-75% effectiveness of a Bonding set up (yes a reduced %, they never die).
    3.) Make Eldritch Runestones give their % based stat share in either offensive or defensive slots.

    I feal that changes such as those above would be more palatable to the player base and keep folks from leaving.
  • metalicum1metalicum1 Member Posts: 200 Arc User

    > @metalicum1 said:


    > Well I play buffing CW, not going to be left out in mod 12 with or without the changes. This is not about me being more or less viable. I play most of the time in premade parties, friends, anyway.


    > The main problem is that the game is not as interesting as it could be. How do you build a DPS toon nowadays? cap everything you can and stack power. How do you build a party? Take all the powersharing you can and add a GWF/HR.

    > Everyone has so much stats that there is an entire portion of the game left out.

    > Does anyone consider slotting skills and items for reducing incoming damage? No

    > Does anyone look for utilities like CC when fighting mobs? No

    > Does anyone need an off-tank, an off healer? No

    > Does anyone need to follow boss mechanics? No daily spamming fixes everything

    > Does anyone need different then meta DPS enchants, and debuffing ones? No


    > Well there you go. With less stats the game will be better in my not so humble opinion. I don't see people even considering that. I see them only calculating how much stats they will loose and what they do now may not be as viable anymore.


    > There are viable concerns, but very few people are threatening to quit because of those.


    I guess that I must live and play on a magical island where we don't have those "problems", a Neverwinter utopia?

    As they are not a viable concern to me...

    1.) Yes.. Dps stats are pretty cookie cutter, but they make sense. Reach 60% RI> reach 100% Crit Chance> Stack Power>add a rotation. The rotation is completely up to you. Some are more efficient but what you use is YOUR choice.

    2.) I slot skills that reduce the groups incoming damage, increase damage resistance, or decrease the enemies damage output very often. Just quickly off the top of my head; Astral shield on my DC, Circle of Power on my OP, Knights Valor on my GF, Commanding Shot on my HR, Ray of Enfeeblement on my CW, and I am sure that there are more I'm forgetting.

    3.) Yes CC powers are great! I routinely use; Icy Terrain/Arcane Singularity/Oppressive Force/Furious Immolation on my CW, Plant Growth on my HR, Smoke Bomb on my TR, .....

    4.) Yup, Tanks are always in the group, sometimes 2, and we run with Healadins, Templocks, and Virtuos Clerics all the time.

    5.) Yes boss mechanics are followed, no spamming of dailies is going to magically help you beat in mspc.

    You are always entitled to your "not so humble opinion" but I guess that I am just not seeing an issue. For good or bad, people are going to play the way that they want to play no matter what. They will always find a way to play without X Role in a misguided attempt to shave a minute or two off of a run.

    To say that the game needs to be nerfed in any way in an effort to force players to play as you see fit is just self-serving bs.

    You know what they say about opinions though... That is just my not so humble opinion ;)

    It's true we might be playing in a different world. Last time I checked nobody ever mentioned wanting to run with a Warlock or Rogue, but I've seen thousands of people spamming chats to get more DCs into their runs.
    I've never ever seen anyone wanting more crowd control or any of such utility.
    And yes I can consciously play the game less efficiently by slotting worse powers, but's that not a good game design argument. I can do whatever I want technically, I can run without armor or without any companions, sure I can, but I am not playing the game anymore as the very essence, to use your best ability and knowledge to win, is gone.

    You are absolutely right, I want to shape the game to the state I like it more. Just like everyone else here. There are 14 pages of people wanting to shape the changes and the game to what they want.

    (btw and this is true, I've played probably hundreds of public and private runs of MSVA, and never ever once, if it wasn't my personal group, anyone used the runes boss mechanic. Never ever ever. Why? Because it was inefficient, it was better to stay in one big pile and push buttons)
    Aris Meyde CW MoF Renegade

    [PS4] Alliance - House Stargaryen
  • ragequittingdc#8599 ragequittingdc Member Posts: 229 Arc User
    edited August 2017
    > @bomber#0573 said:
    > I'm by no means the smartest Rocket Surgeon on the block.
    > That being said I feel that a smarter fix for the "issue" would be a combination of any or all of...
    > 1.) Leave Bonding uptime and percentage as is but make bonding companions immune to player buffs.
    > 2.) Bring Augment Companions to within 50-75% effectiveness of a Bonding set up (yes a reduced %, they never die).
    > 3.) Make Eldritch Runestones give their % based stat share in either offensive or defensive slots.
    > I feal that changes such as those above would be more palatable to the player base and keep folks from leaving.

    this would be good. I would even take it a step further and say, why not make the other runestones give buffs to other stats like deflect severity, crit severity, damage resistance, or lifesteal like some one else mentioned. if there is a serious need to make them desirable again try something a little different instead of making them the new bondings while nerfing bondings themselves.
    im actually the gwf carry
  • zacoria1405zacoria1405 Member Posts: 230 Arc User
    So will bondings go to 14? If so what % comp stats will they give at this rank?
  • beckylunaticbeckylunatic Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 14,231 Arc User

    this would be good. I would even take it a step further and say, why not make the other runestones give buffs to other stats like deflect severity, crit severity, damage resistance, or lifesteal like some one else mentioned. if there is a serious need to make them desirable again try something a little different instead of making them the new bondings while nerfing bondings themselves.

    Companions have lifesteal and regen (*spit*) stats, which is why those could actually work.

    The other stats you mentioned would not unless companions were redesigned to have those stats. So this is easy change vs. hard change. Asking for hard change, you might eventually get it if it was a good idea, but it could easily take years.

    Guild Leader - The Lords of Light

    Neverwinter Census 2017

    All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
  • strathkinstrathkin Member Posts: 1,798 Arc User
    edited August 2017
    meirami said:

    "> @strathkin said:

    > A Rank 12 Eldritch currently only provides a 12% Augmentation Boost if loaded in Defense slot. You also don't get a +840 buff and only a +700 if loaded in Offence but then you loose the Augmentation."

    Yes. But with the proposed changes and fully upgraded, it will be 25.5%.

    Yea but if your talking a Eldritch Rank 14 they only provide augmentation boost if your companion has the available DEFENSE Runestone slot's available. If your augment has 3 offense slots you'll only gain the +700 if Rank 12 or the buff for the rank of Runestone you have available; realize only a few Augments have 2 defense slots and but a very limited few have 3 -- like maybe 1 possibly 2 in future.

    So Augments may be more viable alternative companions for a few classes depending upon their build choices or the challenge their facing; but I suspect a majority will mostly use Strikers, Leaders, Controllers or Defender companions with R7-R14 Bondings still.
  • zacoria1405zacoria1405 Member Posts: 230 Arc User
    What % will a rank 14 bonding give please?
  • darkstarrfoffdarkstarrfoff Member Posts: 158 Arc User
    strathkin said:

    meirami said:

    "> @strathkin said:

    > A Rank 12 Eldritch currently only provides a 12% Augmentation Boost if loaded in Defense slot. You also don't get a +840 buff and only a +700 if loaded in Offence but then you loose the Augmentation."

    Yes. But with the proposed changes and fully upgraded, it will be 25.5%.

    Yea but if your talking a Eldritch Rank 14 they only provide augmentation boost if your companion has the available DEFENSE Runestone slot's available. If your augment has 3 offense slots you'll only gain the +700 if Rank 12 or the buff for the rank of Runestone you have available; realize only a few Augments have 2 defense slots and but a very limited few have 3 -- like maybe 1 possibly 2 in future.

    So Augments may be more viable alternative companions for a few classes depending upon their build choices or the challenge their facing; but I suspect a majority will mostly use Strikers, Leaders, Controllers or Defender companions with R7-R14 Bondings still.
    I take it you missed the response that eldritch will receive the +25.5% stats in either slot.
  • highliregardedhighliregarded Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 13 Arc User
  • fantasticmfantasticm Member Posts: 67 Arc User
    What a stupid thing to change eldritch runestones.

    It's simple math, they are useless, no matter what you do. Let's say you have an augment with six brutals rank 14, that's 6x700 power, plus 3 empowered runestones rank 14 is 2000 power each. In an augment you get 100%, so total power increase would be 10200.

    If you instead of 6000 power choose eldritch runestones, you would only get 76.5% on top of 4200 power.

    Am I missing something here?

    It's funny though that cryptic gives in to complaints from people who don't want to spend money on bondings.

    I don't want to spend money on anything, can you nerf orange mounts now?!
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