Though I agree with most of this, I think BO is still usable, just not as before. The 50% damage dealt to you is absorbed by your temp HP when using TW, and its 50% of your shield as damage. Also, the incoming damage absorbed by the shield does get mitigated by your DR, but not when its released (tested).
Finally, the shields have a stacking priority for damage purposes, as follows:
Absolution>BO>temp HP>HP
The damage taken by any of these bars will also be mitigated if using shielding strike and divine touch. Keep in mind it does not count the feats from the Bulwark path since Im Justice spec.
I ran a CN yesterday with a GF and a DC on party using my usual boss rotation and was able to tank Orcus, though it was difficult at first since Im 2.8k ilvl and was my first time ever running CN. Used BO+TW+Bane and Shielding strike with shield of Faith, plus aura of courage/truth. Opened with TW in party to get my temp HP up, then SoF and bane on orcus, then BO and spam SS for the added shield. Party died once, but we successfully killed him on second try without dying. Now by myself, i would not have been able to tank Orcus at all cause I barely could survive more than two hits.
Overall, stacking shields is NOT the answer for survivability.
Yeah cheers m8, you go ahead and kill any chance of them making improvements by saying "oh it's fine even on a 2.8k pally".
Well done.
Give these guys the slightest excuse to do nothing and they'll take it - and you've just provided them with that excuse.
My points were about overall utility and not end boss survivability. Surely you noticed that unless you hit SoF just before every single mob, any dps that run forward can take huge amounts of damage? That's what I'm referring to. A GF will have KV active and hit ITF before every group - the pally has nothing except the dodgy BO.
Please Do Not Feed The Trolls
Xael De Armadeon: DC
Xane De Armadeon: CW
Zen De Armadeon: OP
Zohar De Armadeon: TR
Chrion De Armadeon: SW
Gosti Big Belly: GWF
Barney McRustbucket: GF
Lt. Thackeray: HR
Lucius De Armadeon: BD
And I agree with you. Mind you I had a DC and a GF when I did my run, so I cannot claim that it was all me. And no its not fine at all. Just because its doable does not mean it works. I needed help to do it cause I couldnt on my own. Edited previous post.
If the devs want to make the paladin stack shields as a tanking feature, thats fine. But make one of the shields into a separate layer of DR.
FEEDBACK: Make BO also reduce incoming damage by 50% while active.
Make Absolution reduce incoming damage by 50% instead of increasing Damage Resistance
This should help with survivability the same way a GF, and it makes BO more usable.
You had two other support classes running a combination of AA, HG, KV, ITF, passive DR reduction, AP gain plus other de/buffing from the likes of BtS and thought you wouldn't mention that in your initial "oh it's all fine" feedback thus giving the impression it was all down to your pally's tanking ability..?
Anyway, back on my previous point: the devs obviously aren't going to do anything that'll increase the OP's survival abilities - at best, they are going to monitor how the recent changes impact the class over a period of months.
My suggestions had nothing to do with alterations to survivability, as implied by my nod to their possible conclusion that GF layered shields are equalled out by pally high temp health. They were instead focused on pre-boss groups and the ability to be at the center of the fight.
E.g. running with TW, BL and RA slotted with the suggestions I'd put forward: Charge BL whilst approaching mob, release and hit RA when in range then hit TW: that would be an effective way of getting into the mob first, grabbing threat, gaining temp health and protecting the rest of the group by being the target of the enemy adds.
This has no damage immunity problems, it's simply a matter of protecting the group via aggressive tactics drawing the threat.
As things currently stand you'd hit RA, send the mobs flying (thus negatively impacting group DPS and finding yourself kicked from the group), followed by TW then standing still and 'not' generating threat whilst waiting on BL for several seconds.
With the inability to use the pallys only 'charge/rush' skill (RA) it means pallys usually enter the fight late (slow waddle behind speedy GWFs and SWs) who are already taking damage due to the absence of decent passive damage negation skills (GF can provide 65% damage reduction to the group with the right feats plus KV. The OP can provide 12.5%).
Let's be honest - Paladins are not unpopular due to boss fight mechanics, it's mostly down to their lack of ability during the long run toward the boss. My suggestions directly apply to this aspect of group runs and really have little to no impact on end-boss fights.
Edit: thanks for your clarifying edit
I have zero hope that they'll do anything relating to survivability and as such any OP with below 95% DR (yes, 95%: Orcus's 15% RI means you need to stack DR to 95% to maximise damage reduction) is going to have a very hard time at Orcus unless they run with an AA spamming DC - which will be next on the nerf list so don't go relying on that tactic.
Please Do Not Feed The Trolls
Xael De Armadeon: DC
Xane De Armadeon: CW
Zen De Armadeon: OP
Zohar De Armadeon: TR
Chrion De Armadeon: SW
Gosti Big Belly: GWF
Barney McRustbucket: GF
Lt. Thackeray: HR
Lucius De Armadeon: BD
So I had another go at CN, just finished and boy was it a HAMSTER show. Wen with 3 dps and 1 DC, plus me and we died 12 times before we got another pally and tagteamed it. It was impossible even with DC buffs I was dying in 3 hits if I missed my rotation. Started with my usual rotation of BO+TW+Bane and it didnt work at all, then switched BO for divine touch, then Absolution. Tried Aura of truth, then prot, then truth again. Nothing was working. In the end, had to settle for Absolution+BO+TW to survive, and had help of a 3.7 ilvl OPP that we got after 12 deaths, just to get through.
This is NOT OK. It is impossible for anything lower than 3.2 ilvl for a paladin to tank orcus; and even they have trouble alone. You have destroyed the paladin class cause you didnt want to listen to feedback. This is unacceptable, two classes nerfed into destruction in one patch. Did you think about what these changes would do, or did you only think about taking the invulnerability of BO? Go, play a paladin and see for yourselves that this change has done, then go play a Guardian Fighter and see how leagues and bounds it is ahead from the paladin. I am really considering abandoning this toon for a GF, cause thats how much inferior we are now.
Thank you for the respec and for fixing the Burning Light bug.
Feedback: Binding Oath remains useful on live. The changes result in heals being needed for certain content (Orcus for eg) but this is a good thing.
Absolution: While much improved it needs to work on the OP and "target ally" because as it stands now, you can find yourself targeting allies that are standing on the other side of a boss from you and thus not getting the benefit of it yourself.
Bug: Absolution doesn't fade. This means you can put it on the whole party before going into a boss fight, swap it out for another power and then go into the fight.
Post edited by obsidiancran3 on
Obsidian Moonlight - Paladin Obsidian Oath - Warlock A whole lot of other Obsidian toons as well.
The way changes (nerfs) are happening with the OP, they'll probably nerf the GF shield layer from 80% to 40% to balance out with the OP class before they buff OP survivability. Sigh.
CN can be completed successfully with a Paladin but that does not necessary mean it failed or succeeded because of the Paladin - we are not essential to a run and that is a huge issue for a tanking class. I tried 2 CN runs over the weekend even though I had decided not to run it until the devs address our concerns. Anyway I pugged both runs, first I was grouped with a party averaging in 2.5 IL. We lacked dps and the healing was neither good nor bad. We failed - I actually died at the first boss while trying to resurrect a team mate. The second run I was pugged with 4k AC DC and 4k GWF, my pally is 3.8 for reference purposes. This run was almost easy and that includes even the Orcus fight. What does that tell us? Nothing new Im afraid, it simply states what we've known forever namely in this game gear is everything. Before the nerf to BO a Paladin was essential to a run, we could literally carry a run, now we depend on a high item level team mates. Paladin tanking is not tied to stacking layers of HP shields, sadly no, that works for trash mobs and weak boss critters only. Our tanking is tied to stacking dailies: Shield of Faith and AA, you absolutely need that combo for Orcus. The Paladin is weak now, that's the truth, a tank who dies without support is not a good tank. We need to be able to survive against the likes of Orcus for a least a while on our own. I see this done in a very simple way: ADD additional layer of DR to one of our abilities, either to Sanctuary or Absolution or BO.
That's it
PS: about the issue with Relentless Avenger - it can be used successfully in a group setting without hindering your team mates. In the opening rush into a mob I dont see problem with the knockback. You get aggro that way. If you dont want to knock them back simply use RA and hit Templar's the moment you approach the mob. That way you accomplish several things: you get there first, you get temp HP, you stun the critters in preparation for a full charge BL and you dont knock them back.
Row, row, row your boat, Gently down the stream.
Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, Life is but a dream.
with the recent changes i must admit nothing rly changed (well nothing cept for call of winter wipes) i still use oath, bane, templars on bosses, and can still tank all giants without dieing
absolution - this skill is useless for me, im already at 80% dr and im definitely not gonna stand there during boss fight trying to target ally that needs it
circle of power - could find some uses for this skill (25% dr for party is nice), but still not good enough to replace other encounters during boss fights
i love the fact you all raging about how op this op that really for god u really relay on bubble and ob THAT much? okay op requires skill to survive tank even DPS. Honestly if u know how to tank already then this will not effect you that much. I tank CN after this update with a group of 2.5k avg and u know what we drop it in 21 secs... WANNA know why? There a huge different between damage resist and damage taken reduced the damage taken reduce it way better so let me show u some math and i need to record this because honestly im sick of pm about nerf the op. Frist I never used ob never have never will reason for that it truely is bad. next you all probly an HP base stop right there. 200k hp dont do nothing for you. OP dont need 200k hp reason temp wraith is not base on hp and the aura u have is true it damage base on the chars hp so it really does not buff the party base on your 200k hp meaning and tested if an op has 200k and op that has 130k the aura damage be the same but the 130k would be built on power and over all damage would be higher making dungeons faster.
next temp wraith gives u 300% on damage you deal NOT always flash of light can hit friendly's to meaning if u using a bonding stone and have a lot of crit and power u can get a lot of temp hp. So now we talkn about over 700k hp by lowering it damage down it does to u at most u should be only taken because of def 60k-80k
so that would take almost 10 hits for him to take your hp away by then u can do it again bubble is great but there really no point to it i swap out for cleansen touch. this will allow me to double my temp hp because it gives 300% on how much heal again more targets u hit the more hp u have. once in a trial i had over 3m temp hp SO yes it is posable but stop relaying on ob and learn to tank
darthpotaterMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,261Arc User
next temp wraith gives u 300% on damage you deal NOT always flash of light can hit friendly's to meaning if u using a bonding stone and have a lot of crit and power u can get a lot of temp hp. So now we talkn about over 700k hp by lowering it damage down it does to u at most u should be only taken because of def 60k-80k
I agree, everyone complaining have his OP built around DR, I allways built my OP around power/crit/arp and HP I have 50% DR only for the mandatory gear.
My Templar's Wrath gives me usually 500k-700k temp hp in group content, sometimes 1M-1,5M in certain situations with good debuffs. In Orcus fight once you take the first hits and the group set the debufs etc. My yellow bar never goes down. But the 95% of the OPs are built around bubble, recovery and damage reduction.
HP is much better than DR because you get extra dmg reduction from other sources and HP helps with absolution (only needed with low item level), aura of courage, and new BO). And aura of courage DOES HAVE a difference between 130k hp or 200k hp. If you take a group of 5 in a dungeon, the difference in total dmg is VERY NOTICEABLE
But this problem is the same in all classes, every time a class is changed peple gets stuck, incapable to adapt, incapable to understand how the class works. They must learn the new key sequence and copy a new build to do something.
Still the class needs some work, there are lots of useless powers and need more buffs to the team dmg.
@darknessdestory7 I agree with your point about HP based builds, it always struck me that these were designed for more damage from aura of courage only and relied on BO and DP to weather through the lack of DR.
I believe getting to -95% DR is the way to go (boss RI of 15% means you can stack to 80+15=95% effectively). Crit looks more useful since the nerf to owlbear procs and if you crit on a TW then you squeeze out an extra 82% temp health (comparing non-crit to critting with severity boons chosen).
A combination of these two means (a) you are losing less temp health per hit, and (b) you have more temp health to lose.
The elephant in the room however is that everything here is about self survival - not group survival. Personally I believe that BO should've been redesigned around a concept similar to Knights Valor where it redirects 50% damage from the entire group, half of that passes on to you with your DR filtering it downward. With it's fixed aggro that would make it a useful skill.
With that, the damage taken should be immediate, not held off. That way BO could stay on a timer and not have a fixed damage absorbency. In effect it would be KV with a limited up-time, negated via Temp Health instead of extra DR from a GF shield. Keep the threat gen on it though.
In mobs that wouldn't be a problem as we can take it - for the likes of Orcus, (if you maintain threat), most damage is directed only at the pally anyway so it negates 50% of your incoming damage instead of providing unlimited immunity with the original design.
Xael De Armadeon: DC
Xane De Armadeon: CW
Zen De Armadeon: OP
Zohar De Armadeon: TR
Chrion De Armadeon: SW
Gosti Big Belly: GWF
Barney McRustbucket: GF
Lt. Thackeray: HR
Lucius De Armadeon: BD
But this problem is the same in all classes, every time a class is changed peple gets stuck, incapable to adapt, incapable to understand how the class works. They must learn the new key sequence and copy a new build to do something.
- And here is another one with the assumptions. Best thing to do online is share your way and your opinions, refrain from trying to read other people's minds cause you have zero clue what they are doing or thinking..
Anyway, my pally for example was never built around DR. In fact I used to run with 75% base crit chance and a vorpal. My focus when building the pally was in fact the trio of power/crit/hp. Im not reacting so violently in my comments because Im stuck, unable to run content. Im angry, yes angry because the paladin class has received nothing but nerfs since inception regardless of them being justified or not. Because the last batch of nerfs was quite severe and nothing meaningful was given in return. Because there is a very clear advantage now to running content with a GF tank instead. Because Paladin tanks are not essential to a successful dungeon run and at certain item levels are actually a hindrance. Shall I continue or are you capable of understanding my reasons for negative feedback now?
Row, row, row your boat, Gently down the stream.
Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, Life is but a dream.
darthpotaterMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,261Arc User
But this problem is the same in all classes, every time a class is changed peple gets stuck, incapable to adapt, incapable to understand how the class works. They must learn the new key sequence and copy a new build to do something.
- And here is another one with the assumptions. Best thing to do online is share your way and your opinions, refrain from trying to read other people's minds cause you have zero clue what they are doing or thinking..
Anyway, my pally for example was never built around DR. In fact I used to run with 75% base crit chance and a vorpal. My focus when building the pally was in fact the trio of power/crit/hp. Im not reacting so violently in my comments because Im stuck, unable to run content. Im angry, yes angry because the paladin class has received nothing but nerfs since inception regardless of them being justified or not. Because the last batch of nerfs was quite severe and nothing meaningful was given in return. Because there is a very clear advantage now to running content with a GF tank instead. Because Paladin tanks are not essential to a successful dungeon run and at certain item levels are actually a hindrance. Shall I continue or are you capable of understanding my reasons for negative feedback now?
Those arent asumptions, are my real experience in game. Every time there is a change people start asking what is the best build, what build is the goto now, what equip companions etc. People dont think just ask, search in internet and copy paste. Thats MY EXPERIENCE as a CW and as OP. The problem with OP is that there are much less information because various reasons.
I agree that GF is better in various aspects than a OP, and shine even more in BIS teams. But GF allways required skill, and any mindless snail could have success with OP prior to this change. Now you need to do a bit more. That said OPs are far far from being unable to tank as you are claiming. I think you are so angry with the changes that you arent even trying your best to give a look. You were claiming that OPs would be unable to tank orcus since the patch notes, with no test in preview or live.
What I am trying to say is that OPs are viables as tanks but need some changes to be in the level of GF in party buffs or utility. We wont get that changes with "the end of the world posts" we can get something with feedback and suggestions.
Hey man, there are plenty of suggestions, feedback and bug reports in this thread covering all matters Paladin. Notice any problem with it though? Its kinda obvious, the problem is that its just us players talking and arguing. No dev reply, no dev input. What's worse, bis paladins or paladins who run premade parties stacking buffs dismiss the concerns with claims that the "class is fine". We fail to even represent a unified front here in case a dev does show up. So nothing will change, people at high IL will continue eating any kind of content for breakfast and people at the lower to medium range (which is most players btw) will continue to die miserably at dungeons labeled as suitable for 2000 IL.
Row, row, row your boat, Gently down the stream.
Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, Life is but a dream.
darthpotaterMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,261Arc User
@emilemo yes a dev here discusing with us (and is an official feedback thread) would be apreciated indeed.
@asterdahl Is the paladin still susceptible to have any change (change to better)? or you can close this thread lol. What do you think about all the suggestions explained here? Is there any chance to fine tune at least what we have to be a bit better? for example more seconds to divine protector duration (thinking in Knight Valor), less dmg back from BO (for example 30%) or make unused powers or features usable?
I wonder what you were doing to have such trouble at that ilvl. Not that Im saying its cookie cutter easy, but at that ilvl you should have less trouble tanking orcus than me a 2.8 ilvl. Paladins are still capable of tanking orcus, but its not as good or as efficient as a GF. I'd say look at your rotation and see what could be beneficial.
I still say that we need a second layer of DR to be able to tank better. @asterdahl, If the devs want us to use Sanctuary, then make it at least reduce incoming damage by 40% and generate threat instead of increasing DR. Most OP tanks already run with high DR, so most of the powers that add DR are useless for us.
What the paladin needs is a serious rework of the class like the GF got, cause right now were overshadowed by them. We need to be an equal option for tanking, and were not currently.
I done CN without a healer on my op NP and im built power crit and hp again i keep reading everyone built on recovery and worry about the bubble and ob if u dont have high damage resist STOP trying to be a tank honestly to god the reason y gf is better then people say because every op stack HP over DEF it true that hp is good but it honestly sht if u take more damage taken the hit because without power your not going to do much. With me at 3.4k and if i put my bonding on im almost godlike because of my temp hp gets so damn high and temp wraith can do a lot of damage again aura of courage is not base on the OP hp IT IS NOT TRY IT have a guildie show u i tested this over and over again and i tried the recovery and action point gain. but i relized if u go more power the better the buffs u give the party! fyi GF can only get 70% damage out put op has an endless damage buff fyi. let me do the math for u bane has 30% damage debuff that = into the fray NEXT our light aura that gives 25% of our power to the party avg op can get a lot of power 40k power 25% of that =10k power for party 400 power =1% =25% omg so far we at 55% buff gf has 70% now aura of corage adds 15%~ damage so 55% +15% =70% ah there equal LOL 70% to op 70% on top of that op can get a speed buff so the encounter powers are lower for the party so? NOW the question is who is on par if u do this math that why did not add damage to cicle of power. So i will ask the question once again how the hell is gf better then op if u build it power and crit and def? are u just the same as a gf that uses temp hp? are u doing as much damage as a gf? yes so stop worring about your teamates if they dumb and take damage because they wanna fight on top of you that them not you! and yes my OP buffs serpass a gf by 2% because of the sh weapons
I done CN without a healer on my op NP and im built power crit and hp again i keep reading everyone built on recovery and worry about the bubble and ob if u dont have high damage resist STOP trying to be a tank honestly to god the reason y gf is better then people say because every op stack HP over DEF it true that hp is good but it honestly sht if u take more damage taken the hit because without power your not going to do much. With me at 3.4k and if i put my bonding on im almost godlike because of my temp hp gets so damn high and temp wraith can do a lot of damage again aura of courage is not base on the OP hp IT IS NOT TRY IT have a guildie show u i tested this over and over again and i tried the recovery and action point gain. but i relized if u go more power the better the buffs u give the party! fyi GF can only get 70% damage out put op has an endless damage buff fyi. let me do the math for u bane has 30% damage debuff that = into the fray NEXT our light aura that gives 25% of our power to the party avg op can get a lot of power 40k power 25% of that =10k power for party 400 power =1% =25% omg so far we at 55% buff gf has 70% now aura of corage adds 15%~ damage so 55% +15% =70% ah there equal LOL 70% to op 70% on top of that op can get a speed buff so the encounter powers are lower for the party so? NOW the question is who is on par if u do this math that why did not add damage to cicle of power. So i will ask the question once again how the hell is gf better then op if u build it power and crit and def? are u just the same as a gf that uses temp hp? are u doing as much damage as a gf? yes so stop worring about your teamates if they dumb and take damage because they wanna fight on top of you that them not you! and yes my OP buffs serpass a gf by 2% because of the sh weapons
Punctuation is your friend.
Row, row, row your boat, Gently down the stream.
Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, Life is but a dream.
Paladin's changes mostly garbage. Whom ever tested this new skill sets just made checks and did not do their job at all. I agree with most of what is recommended by "treesclimber" seems to know what should be done vs. just deleting the paladin class all together. Only one thing I would suggest is changing "Relentless avenger" into what it should have been all along a "Net PULL" not this push HAMSTER, Paladin equal's Tank. Armor, HP, Shield, all other issues since GF and Pally have the same equipment vs higher AC/HP for paladins. Or self healing like in the old D&D game (book). Just my 2 cents
"let me do the math for u bane has 30% damage debuff that = into the fray" Bane is a 3 strike single target skill that lasts for 10 secs, as such the uptime averages at 2 strikes, so 20% debuff on one target - so only usable in boss fights.
Yes, powersharing is a nice buff and probably the best we have to offer. Bear in mind that a good DPS will get a huge amount of power themselves, this will significantly lower the % you add to their overall power. The perverse point is that Pallys now need to stack a lot more DR and as such receive less power boost from incoming damage, thereby sharing less.
Aura of Courage assists dps from anywhere between 3% to 17% depending on how big their hits are. As it's a fixed value, the more damage a DPS does, the less % benefit it receives from Courage - so a GWF gets very low benefit whilst an SW or CW using DoTs will receive a lot more. To be clear, the actual buff to damage is somewhere around 2k per hit.
As such, Pallies do not buff parties to the 70% you stated. For mobs it's more like 15 to 25% and on bosses around 35 to 55%. That's assuming your group does not have survivability issues and you need to swap out Courage for Truth or Prot.
You're right that Pallys need to re-evaluate the HP based builds seeing as Orcus can wipe most of that in 2 hits if you don't have very high DR, that's why I'm now building for 95% DR at around 140k-150k HP.
Please Do Not Feed The Trolls
Xael De Armadeon: DC
Xane De Armadeon: CW
Zen De Armadeon: OP
Zohar De Armadeon: TR
Chrion De Armadeon: SW
Gosti Big Belly: GWF
Barney McRustbucket: GF
Lt. Thackeray: HR
Lucius De Armadeon: BD
I've mentioned this before and I'll mention it again our tanking abilities does not scale to damage in at all so going forward one can only assume the damage the mobs is going to deal is going to increase and increase and our tanking mitigation will be mitigating the exact same amount before we die making content harder and harder unlike the GF you can throw him into a higher tiered dungeon that deals more damage and still cut that damage by a big percentage chunk due to the additional DR layer it receives.
Every tank class I've played in other MMOs allows its abilities to scale automatically to content based on percentage numbers not a flat basic value such as max health which barely increases from mod to mod.
Okay first if u guys seen my name in shout then you. My build has a higher % then any GF and this is a fact that why party's love me those who say % goes down with power no lol its 400 power =1% it does not get weaker as it goes gf gives 30% damage increase okay 400x30=12,000 power . This is the basic rule of power that what some people don't understand if u have 40k power your doing 100% more damage means your powers does 100% more damage from there base. So if a op can get 50k power your doing a buff just like into the fray now giving out 12500 power that = to 31% is it posable to get that power yes! that much power your healing will be higher temp hp will be higher just put azures on your def and omg your dr is high. Im only a 3.3k op and a lot of people started to copy my build. The reason why it works! Like i said if u need aura of truth in battle well simply u doing something wrong. Orcus only hits me without a dc 70k! that it 70k because of the damage i take has be reduced. My dr is only 75% and like i said i have np tanking orcus. There was a gf who failed tanking it and guildie called me on the frist try i was able to do it. I dont need bubble protection or any of that to protect my allys. Again you guys use bonding here a FACT bonding does not do much for you. By increasing my power my prism kicks in everytime i uses a daily. And this heals my party members. OB is nice sure it does need some fixing but to be honest with you guys the fact is every time i read this forum over and over again most of u guys are raging about not doing it well I going to say this.
Tanking has nothing to do protecting the party FYI if they stand in the red THEY deserve to die. Because before even gf with kv had the same problem because of careless dps. Now again i dont use bubble because i have no need to 90% of the partys i go with perfer me over any gf fyi because well my buffs are higher
and i can show u why when u can do over a mil jug then we talk untill then i got to say this learn to play the class stop complaining if u wanna go gf go gf. There are a lot of real tanks out there that know how to do there job and i showed that the next time i run cn im going to record it to show u guys what im talkn about.
and you will see op buffs are nuts and if they give us more godly sht well ya honestly they need to nerf us one more time to be balance with the gf
Okay first if u guys seen my name in shout then you. My build has a higher % then any GF and this is a fact that why party's love me those who say % goes down with power no lol its 400 power =1% it does not get weaker as it goes gf gives 30% damage increase okay 400x30=12,000 power . This is the basic rule of power that what some people don't understand if u have 40k power your doing 100% more damage means your powers does 100% more damage from there base. So if a op can get 50k power your doing a buff just like into the fray now giving out 12500 power that = to 31% is it posable to get that power yes! that much power your healing will be higher temp hp will be higher just put azures on your def and omg your dr is high. Im only a 3.3k op and a lot of people started to copy my build. The reason why it works! Like i said if u need aura of truth in battle well simply u doing something wrong. Orcus only hits me without a dc 70k! that it 70k because of the damage i take has be reduced. My dr is only 75% and like i said i have np tanking orcus. There was a gf who failed tanking it and guildie called me on the frist try i was able to do it. I dont need bubble protection or any of that to protect my allys. Again you guys use bonding here a FACT bonding does not do much for you. By increasing my power my prism kicks in everytime i uses a daily. And this heals my party members. OB is nice sure it does need some fixing but to be honest with you guys the fact is every time i read this forum over and over again most of u guys are raging about not doing it well I going to say this.
Tanking has nothing to do protecting the party FYI if they stand in the red THEY deserve to die. Because before even gf with kv had the same problem because of careless dps. Now again i dont use bubble because i have no need to 90% of the partys i go with perfer me over any gf fyi because well my buffs are higher
and i can show u why when u can do over a mil jug then we talk untill then i got to say this learn to play the class stop complaining if u wanna go gf go gf. There are a lot of real tanks out there that know how to do there job and i showed that the next time i run cn im going to record it to show u guys what im talkn about.
and you will see op buffs are nuts and if they give us more godly sht well ya honestly they need to nerf us one more time to be balance with the gf
"Over a million jug" has nothing to do with "learn to play'' and everything to do with a high IL character stacking party buffs and debuffs. Get over yourself man, your advice is just a badly disguised boast, you are not helping other players and you are not helping the class.
PS: @darknessdestory7 After I took 5 mins out of my precious time to actually read the entirety of your comment, which wasnt easy mind you and after inspecting your profile, I have this to say. You, sir, are a troll who created a troll account to troll Paladin players. From this point on you are ignored.
PS2: you probably wanted to call yourself darknessdestroy and failed to type even that correctly..
Post edited by emilemo on
Row, row, row your boat, Gently down the stream.
Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, Life is but a dream.
Okay first if u guys seen my name in shout then you. My build has a higher % then any GF and this is a fact that why party's love me those who say % goes down with power no lol its 400 power =1% it does not get weaker as it goes gf gives 30% damage increase okay 400x30=12,000 power . This is the basic rule of power that what some people don't understand if u have 40k power your doing 100% more damage means your powers does 100% more damage from there base. So if a op can get 50k power your doing a buff just like into the fray now giving out 12500 power that = to 31% is it posable to get that power yes! that much power your healing will be higher temp hp will be higher just put azures on your def and omg your dr is high. Im only a 3.3k op and a lot of people started to copy my build. The reason why it works! Like i said if u need aura of truth in battle well simply u doing something wrong. Orcus only hits me without a dc 70k! that it 70k because of the damage i take has be reduced. My dr is only 75% and like i said i have np tanking orcus. There was a gf who failed tanking it and guildie called me on the frist try i was able to do it. I dont need bubble protection or any of that to protect my allys. Again you guys use bonding here a FACT bonding does not do much for you. By increasing my power my prism kicks in everytime i uses a daily. And this heals my party members. OB is nice sure it does need some fixing but to be honest with you guys the fact is every time i read this forum over and over again most of u guys are raging about not doing it well I going to say this.
Tanking has nothing to do protecting the party FYI if they stand in the red THEY deserve to die. Because before even gf with kv had the same problem because of careless dps. Now again i dont use bubble because i have no need to 90% of the partys i go with perfer me over any gf fyi because well my buffs are higher
and i can show u why when u can do over a mil jug then we talk untill then i got to say this learn to play the class stop complaining if u wanna go gf go gf. There are a lot of real tanks out there that know how to do there job and i showed that the next time i run cn im going to record it to show u guys what im talkn about.
and you will see op buffs are nuts and if they give us more godly sht well ya honestly they need to nerf us one more time to be balance with the gf
Stop touching youself... Pally players deserve more.
Rofl a troll no. Do the math, I have spend 2 weeks testing damage for other classes. I spent 2 weeks getting to were i wanted, again gf buff is 70% capped op so far i have 95% buff damage ignore all you want fact is a fact. A lot of players started my build and its power crit and def. NOT hp power is share 25% and i have a lot of power. Even so a gf low item lvl vs a op low item lvl its the same. It only matter at higher item lvls and when an op of 4.2k will over power a gf who 4.2k because again the cap is 70% where op is limitless. This is why they did not give damage boost with circle of power. And as for the nerf we are still godly with low encounter power counter times. We can spam skills. Again if u cant find out how to go all out on this way i say it again op is stronger then gf and i proved that meny times. And u just wanna god tank and not die? is that the way u wanna play no challenge? FYI till i say this any op done ecc etos elol vt solo then we talk. But sir your are stronger then a gf just you dont know how to play and i explain how to many times go test it your self you be surprised
Though I agree with most of this, I think BO is still usable, just not as before. The 50% damage dealt to you is absorbed by your temp HP when using TW, and its 50% of your shield as damage. Also, the incoming damage absorbed by the shield does get mitigated by your DR, but not when its released (tested).
Finally, the shields have a stacking priority for damage purposes, as follows:
Absolution>BO>temp HP>HP
The damage taken by any of these bars will also be mitigated if using shielding strike and divine touch. Keep in mind it does not count the feats from the Bulwark path since Im Justice spec.
I ran a CN yesterday with a GF and a DC on party using my usual boss rotation and was able to tank Orcus, though it was difficult at first since Im 2.8k ilvl and was my first time ever running CN. Used BO+TW+Bane and Shielding strike with shield of Faith, plus aura of courage/truth. Opened with TW in party to get my temp HP up, then SoF and bane on orcus, then BO and spam SS for the added shield. Party died once, but we successfully killed him on second try without dying. Now by myself, i would not have been able to tank Orcus at all cause I barely could survive more than two hits.
Overall, stacking shields is NOT the answer for survivability.
Yeah cheers m8, you go ahead and kill any chance of them making improvements by saying "oh it's fine even on a 2.8k pally".
Well done.
Give these guys the slightest excuse to do nothing and they'll take it - and you've just provided them with that excuse.
My points were about overall utility and not end boss survivability. Surely you noticed that unless you hit SoF just before every single mob, any dps that run forward can take huge amounts of damage? That's what I'm referring to. A GF will have KV active and hit ITF before every group - the pally has nothing except the dodgy BO.
Xael De Armadeon: DC
Xane De Armadeon: CW
Zen De Armadeon: OP
Zohar De Armadeon: TR
Chrion De Armadeon: SW
Gosti Big Belly: GWF
Barney McRustbucket: GF
Lt. Thackeray: HR
Lucius De Armadeon: BD
Member of Casual Dailies - XBox
If the devs want to make the paladin stack shields as a tanking feature, thats fine. But make one of the shields into a separate layer of DR.
FEEDBACK: Make BO also reduce incoming damage by 50% while active.
Make Absolution reduce incoming damage by 50% instead of increasing Damage Resistance
This should help with survivability the same way a GF, and it makes BO more usable.
Anyway, back on my previous point: the devs obviously aren't going to do anything that'll increase the OP's survival abilities - at best, they are going to monitor how the recent changes impact the class over a period of months.
My suggestions had nothing to do with alterations to survivability, as implied by my nod to their possible conclusion that GF layered shields are equalled out by pally high temp health. They were instead focused on pre-boss groups and the ability to be at the center of the fight.
E.g. running with TW, BL and RA slotted with the suggestions I'd put forward:
Charge BL whilst approaching mob, release and hit RA when in range then hit TW: that would be an effective way of getting into the mob first, grabbing threat, gaining temp health and protecting the rest of the group by being the target of the enemy adds.
This has no damage immunity problems, it's simply a matter of protecting the group via aggressive tactics drawing the threat.
As things currently stand you'd hit RA, send the mobs flying (thus negatively impacting group DPS and finding yourself kicked from the group), followed by TW then standing still and 'not' generating threat whilst waiting on BL for several seconds.
With the inability to use the pallys only 'charge/rush' skill (RA) it means pallys usually enter the fight late (slow waddle behind speedy GWFs and SWs) who are already taking damage due to the absence of decent passive damage negation skills (GF can provide 65% damage reduction to the group with the right feats plus KV. The OP can provide 12.5%).
Let's be honest - Paladins are not unpopular due to boss fight mechanics, it's mostly down to their lack of ability during the long run toward the boss. My suggestions directly apply to this aspect of group runs and really have little to no impact on end-boss fights.
Edit: thanks for your clarifying edit
I have zero hope that they'll do anything relating to survivability and as such any OP with below 95% DR (yes, 95%: Orcus's 15% RI means you need to stack DR to 95% to maximise damage reduction) is going to have a very hard time at Orcus unless they run with an AA spamming DC - which will be next on the nerf list so don't go relying on that tactic.
Xael De Armadeon: DC
Xane De Armadeon: CW
Zen De Armadeon: OP
Zohar De Armadeon: TR
Chrion De Armadeon: SW
Gosti Big Belly: GWF
Barney McRustbucket: GF
Lt. Thackeray: HR
Lucius De Armadeon: BD
Member of Casual Dailies - XBox
This is NOT OK. It is impossible for anything lower than 3.2 ilvl for a paladin to tank orcus; and even they have trouble alone. You have destroyed the paladin class cause you didnt want to listen to feedback. This is unacceptable, two classes nerfed into destruction in one patch. Did you think about what these changes would do, or did you only think about taking the invulnerability of BO? Go, play a paladin and see for yourselves that this change has done, then go play a Guardian Fighter and see how leagues and bounds it is ahead from the paladin. I am really considering abandoning this toon for a GF, cause thats how much inferior we are now.
Binding Oath remains useful on live. The changes result in heals being needed for certain content (Orcus for eg) but this is a good thing.
Absolution: While much improved it needs to work on the OP and "target ally" because as it stands now, you can find yourself targeting allies that are standing on the other side of a boss from you and thus not getting the benefit of it yourself.
Bug: Absolution doesn't fade. This means you can put it on the whole party before going into a boss fight, swap it out for another power and then go into the fight.
Obsidian Oath - Warlock
A whole lot of other Obsidian toons as well.
I tried 2 CN runs over the weekend even though I had decided not to run it until the devs address our concerns. Anyway I pugged both runs, first I was grouped with a party averaging in 2.5 IL. We lacked dps and the healing was neither good nor bad. We failed - I actually died at the first boss while trying to resurrect a team mate. The second run I was pugged with 4k AC DC and 4k GWF, my pally is 3.8 for reference purposes. This run was almost easy and that includes even the Orcus fight. What does that tell us? Nothing new Im afraid, it simply states what we've known forever namely in this game gear is everything. Before the nerf to BO a Paladin was essential to a run, we could literally carry a run, now we depend on a high item level team mates. Paladin tanking is not tied to stacking layers of HP shields, sadly no, that works for trash mobs and weak boss critters only. Our tanking is tied to stacking dailies: Shield of Faith and AA, you absolutely need that combo for Orcus. The Paladin is weak now, that's the truth, a tank who dies without support is not a good tank. We need to be able to survive against the likes of Orcus for a least a while on our own. I see this done in a very simple way: ADD additional layer of DR to one of our abilities, either to Sanctuary or Absolution or BO.
That's it
PS: about the issue with Relentless Avenger - it can be used successfully in a group setting without hindering your team mates. In the opening rush into a mob I dont see problem with the knockback. You get aggro that way. If you dont want to knock them back simply use RA and hit Templar's the moment you approach the mob. That way you accomplish several things: you get there first, you get temp HP, you stun the critters in preparation for a full charge BL and you dont knock them back.
Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, Life is but a dream.
i still use oath, bane, templars on bosses, and can still tank all giants without dieing
absolution - this skill is useless for me, im already at 80% dr and im definitely not gonna stand there during boss fight trying to target ally that needs it
circle of power - could find some uses for this skill (25% dr for party is nice), but still not good enough to replace other encounters during boss fights
divine protector - 2 extra sec would be perfect
next temp wraith gives u 300% on damage you deal NOT always flash of light can hit friendly's to meaning if u using a bonding stone and have a lot of crit and power u can get a lot of temp hp. So now we talkn about over 700k hp by lowering it damage down it does to u at most u should be only taken because of def 60k-80k
so that would take almost 10 hits for him to take your hp away by then u can do it again
bubble is great but there really no point to it i swap out for cleansen touch. this will allow me to double my temp hp
because it gives 300% on how much heal again more targets u hit the more hp u have. once in a trial i had over 3m temp hp
SO yes it is posable but stop relaying on ob and learn to tank
My Templar's Wrath gives me usually 500k-700k temp hp in group content, sometimes 1M-1,5M in certain situations with good debuffs. In Orcus fight once you take the first hits and the group set the debufs etc. My yellow bar never goes down. But the 95% of the OPs are built around bubble, recovery and damage reduction.
HP is much better than DR because you get extra dmg reduction from other sources and HP helps with absolution (only needed with low item level), aura of courage, and new BO). And aura of courage DOES HAVE a difference between 130k hp or 200k hp. If you take a group of 5 in a dungeon, the difference in total dmg is VERY NOTICEABLE
But this problem is the same in all classes, every time a class is changed peple gets stuck, incapable to adapt, incapable to understand how the class works. They must learn the new key sequence and copy a new build to do something.
Still the class needs some work, there are lots of useless powers and need more buffs to the team dmg.
Caturday Survivor
Elemental Evil Survivor
Undermontain Survivor
Mod20 Combat rework Survivor
Mod22 Refinement rework Survivor
I believe getting to -95% DR is the way to go (boss RI of 15% means you can stack to 80+15=95% effectively). Crit looks more useful since the nerf to owlbear procs and if you crit on a TW then you squeeze out an extra 82% temp health (comparing non-crit to critting with severity boons chosen).
A combination of these two means (a) you are losing less temp health per hit, and (b) you have more temp health to lose.
The elephant in the room however is that everything here is about self survival - not group survival. Personally I believe that BO should've been redesigned around a concept similar to Knights Valor where it redirects 50% damage from the entire group, half of that passes on to you with your DR filtering it downward. With it's fixed aggro that would make it a useful skill.
With that, the damage taken should be immediate, not held off. That way BO could stay on a timer and not have a fixed damage absorbency. In effect it would be KV with a limited up-time, negated via Temp Health instead of extra DR from a GF shield. Keep the threat gen on it though.
In mobs that wouldn't be a problem as we can take it - for the likes of Orcus, (if you maintain threat), most damage is directed only at the pally anyway so it negates 50% of your incoming damage instead of providing unlimited immunity with the original design.
@asterdahl please consider this as an option
Xael De Armadeon: DC
Xane De Armadeon: CW
Zen De Armadeon: OP
Zohar De Armadeon: TR
Chrion De Armadeon: SW
Gosti Big Belly: GWF
Barney McRustbucket: GF
Lt. Thackeray: HR
Lucius De Armadeon: BD
Member of Casual Dailies - XBox
But this problem is the same in all classes, every time a class is changed peple gets stuck, incapable to adapt, incapable to understand how the class works. They must learn the new key sequence and copy a new build to do something.
- And here is another one with the assumptions. Best thing to do online is share your way and your opinions, refrain from trying to read other people's minds cause you have zero clue what they are doing or thinking..
Anyway, my pally for example was never built around DR. In fact I used to run with 75% base crit chance and a vorpal. My focus when building the pally was in fact the trio of power/crit/hp. Im not reacting so violently in my comments because Im stuck, unable to run content. Im angry, yes angry because the paladin class has received nothing but nerfs since inception regardless of them being justified or not. Because the last batch of nerfs was quite severe and nothing meaningful was given in return. Because there is a very clear advantage now to running content with a GF tank instead. Because Paladin tanks are not essential to a successful dungeon run and at certain item levels are actually a hindrance. Shall I continue or are you capable of understanding my reasons for negative feedback now?
Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, Life is but a dream.
I agree that GF is better in various aspects than a OP, and shine even more in BIS teams. But GF allways required skill, and any mindless snail could have success with OP prior to this change. Now you need to do a bit more. That said OPs are far far from being unable to tank as you are claiming. I think you are so angry with the changes that you arent even trying your best to give a look. You were claiming that OPs would be unable to tank orcus since the patch notes, with no test in preview or live.
What I am trying to say is that OPs are viables as tanks but need some changes to be in the level of GF in party buffs or utility. We wont get that changes with "the end of the world posts" we can get something with feedback and suggestions.
Caturday Survivor
Elemental Evil Survivor
Undermontain Survivor
Mod20 Combat rework Survivor
Mod22 Refinement rework Survivor
Hey man, there are plenty of suggestions, feedback and bug reports in this thread covering all matters Paladin. Notice any problem with it though? Its kinda obvious, the problem is that its just us players talking and arguing. No dev reply, no dev input. What's worse, bis paladins or paladins who run premade parties stacking buffs dismiss the concerns with claims that the "class is fine". We fail to even represent a unified front here in case a dev does show up. So nothing will change, people at high IL will continue eating any kind of content for breakfast and people at the lower to medium range (which is most players btw) will continue to die miserably at dungeons labeled as suitable for 2000 IL.
Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, Life is but a dream.
Is the paladin still susceptible to have any change (change to better)? or you can close this thread lol.
What do you think about all the suggestions explained here?
Is there any chance to fine tune at least what we have to be a bit better? for example more seconds to divine protector duration (thinking in Knight Valor), less dmg back from BO (for example 30%) or make unused powers or features usable?
Caturday Survivor
Elemental Evil Survivor
Undermontain Survivor
Mod20 Combat rework Survivor
Mod22 Refinement rework Survivor
I still say that we need a second layer of DR to be able to tank better. @asterdahl, If the devs want us to use Sanctuary, then make it at least reduce incoming damage by 40% and generate threat instead of increasing DR. Most OP tanks already run with high DR, so most of the powers that add DR are useless for us.
What the paladin needs is a serious rework of the class like the GF got, cause right now were overshadowed by them. We need to be an equal option for tanking, and were not currently.
NEXT our light aura that gives 25% of our power to the party avg op can get a lot of power 40k power 25% of that =10k power for party 400 power =1% =25% omg so far we at 55% buff gf has 70% now aura of corage adds 15%~ damage so 55% +15%
=70% ah there equal LOL 70% to op 70% on top of that op can get a speed buff so the encounter powers are lower for the party so? NOW the question is who is on par if u do this math that why did not add damage to cicle of power. So i will ask the question once again how the hell is gf better then op if u build it power and crit and def? are u just the same as a gf that uses temp hp? are u doing as much damage as a gf? yes so stop worring about your teamates if they dumb and take damage because they wanna fight on top of you that them not you! and yes my OP buffs serpass a gf by 2% because of the sh weapons
Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, Life is but a dream.
Only one thing I would suggest is changing "Relentless avenger" into what it should have been all along a "Net PULL" not this push HAMSTER, Paladin equal's Tank.
Armor, HP, Shield, all other issues since GF and Pally have the same equipment vs higher AC/HP for paladins. Or self healing like in the old D&D game (book). Just my 2 cents
"let me do the math for u bane has 30% damage debuff that = into the fray"
Bane is a 3 strike single target skill that lasts for 10 secs, as such the uptime averages at 2 strikes, so 20% debuff on one target - so only usable in boss fights.
Yes, powersharing is a nice buff and probably the best we have to offer. Bear in mind that a good DPS will get a huge amount of power themselves, this will significantly lower the % you add to their overall power. The perverse point is that Pallys now need to stack a lot more DR and as such receive less power boost from incoming damage, thereby sharing less.
Aura of Courage assists dps from anywhere between 3% to 17% depending on how big their hits are. As it's a fixed value, the more damage a DPS does, the less % benefit it receives from Courage - so a GWF gets very low benefit whilst an SW or CW using DoTs will receive a lot more. To be clear, the actual buff to damage is somewhere around 2k per hit.
As such, Pallies do not buff parties to the 70% you stated. For mobs it's more like 15 to 25% and on bosses around 35 to 55%. That's assuming your group does not have survivability issues and you need to swap out Courage for Truth or Prot.
You're right that Pallys need to re-evaluate the HP based builds seeing as Orcus can wipe most of that in 2 hits if you don't have very high DR, that's why I'm now building for 95% DR at around 140k-150k HP.
Xael De Armadeon: DC
Xane De Armadeon: CW
Zen De Armadeon: OP
Zohar De Armadeon: TR
Chrion De Armadeon: SW
Gosti Big Belly: GWF
Barney McRustbucket: GF
Lt. Thackeray: HR
Lucius De Armadeon: BD
Member of Casual Dailies - XBox
Every tank class I've played in other MMOs allows its abilities to scale automatically to content based on percentage numbers not a flat basic value such as max health which barely increases from mod to mod.
4,300 Tankadin
My build has a higher % then any GF and this is a fact that why party's love me those who say % goes down with power no lol
its 400 power =1% it does not get weaker as it goes gf gives 30% damage increase okay 400x30=12,000 power
Tanking has nothing to do protecting the party FYI if they stand in the red THEY deserve to die. Because before even gf with kv
had the same problem because of careless dps. Now again i dont use bubble because i have no need to 90% of the partys i go with perfer me over any gf fyi because well my buffs are higher
and i can show u why when u can do over a mil jug then we talk untill then i got to say this learn to play the class stop complaining if u wanna go gf go gf. There are a lot of real tanks out there that know how to do there job
and i showed that the next time i run cn im going to record it to show u guys what im talkn about.
and you will see op buffs are nuts and if they give us more godly sht well ya honestly they need to nerf us one more time
to be balance with the gf
"Over a million jug" has nothing to do with "learn to play'' and everything to do with a high IL character stacking party buffs and debuffs. Get over yourself man, your advice is just a badly disguised boast, you are not helping other players and you are not helping the class.
PS: @darknessdestory7 After I took 5 mins out of my precious time to actually read the entirety of your comment, which wasnt easy mind you and after inspecting your profile, I have this to say. You, sir, are a troll who created a troll account to troll Paladin players. From this point on you are ignored.
PS2: you probably wanted to call yourself darknessdestroy and failed to type even that correctly..
Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, Life is but a dream.
FYI till i say this any op done ecc etos elol vt solo then we talk. But sir your are stronger then a gf just you dont know how to play and i explain how to many times go test it your self you be surprised