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Update on the Dungeon Key Change



  • demonmongerdemonmonger Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 3,350 Arc User
    edited January 2017
    Me too
    I hate paying taxes! Why must I pay thousands of dollars in taxes when everything I buy is taxed anyways!
  • litaaerslitaaers Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 871 Arc User
    wylonus said:

    it was easier to get until Mod 6, they added more RNG than it was intended.

    Proof? Screenshot? :tongue:
  • wylonuswylonus Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 2,376 Arc User
    are you trying to flamebaiting me?
    i used to get 1-2 good prizes a month, every month until last may 2015, none of these were made for screenshots, cant prove it.
    i played NWO when they were in beta, played it from feb 2014 until they released in June 2014, it was fun and it was my birthday gift when they invited me to Beta when i sign up in jan 2014.
    so, i know much differences when they released lockboxes with Nightmare, my first prize was Pheora, still my best pet and upped to legendary.
    i stop playing due to heavy spam and mailbox flooded, took a break for 2 months and came back after hearing they fix spam problems.

    so, after May 2015, Mod 6 became so bad that made lockboxes prizes lot harder and expensive to win a prize.

    then you havent read one of the old patch notes that they nerfed by harder RNG, very unpopular, many older friends i knew were gone.
  • litaaerslitaaers Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 871 Arc User
    No, I am not trying to flamebaiting you. The emoji was intended to show lightheartedness.

    However, now I would like you to link the patch notes where they nerfed by harder RNG. I don't remember seeing that. Perhaps I missed it.
  • forumnamesuxsforumnamesuxs Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 490 Arc User
    edited January 2017
    "Edit: just noticed them claiming there were patch notes about it, although I can't remember them. Maybe I was "afk" that mod. I'll still leave the original comment intact, because I'm lazy and on my phone atm."

    Ninja nerfing is common practice. There are likely no notes stating they changed anything to lb rng, but from my experience, after close to two thousand keys spent since summer '16, they nerfed it HARD!
    You know what my best drop was from all of those keys? I don't remember the exact amount, but max five epic companion/artifact/mount boxes. Five. I don't remember how many I got of which type, but.. Five. Tops.
    Its neat, eh?
    I'm so grateful for being allowed to get sucked in to this game, run by disillusioned, at best unintentional scammers.
    And now they want to take even more from us. BS.
    It's actually kind of nice, though, because if the RNG on preview makes it to live, I won't ever have to open a campaign menu to make a key again, nor do I have to spend AD/zen on dragon keys. No point. It's still <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font>.
    However, if they were to add dragon keys to VIP, maybe then I'd have a reason to enter the dungeons/raids where they can be spent.
    Wolves, big as a horse! I need new pants!

  • wylonuswylonus Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 2,376 Arc User
    forum, thank you, you did noticed lot differences with pre-mod 4/Icewind when we pull plenty of nice items with 10-20 keys until mod 6, collect 30 keys from VIP for a month and we see junks. you are correct with ninja-nerf and no-patch updates where no one were able to check and look up old notes, some dont exist or deleted.

    i could save all those packs for professions, companion, and other packs, but problem is, i dont have room to loot when adventuring or run some dungeons, felt forced to open all packs, my alts are nearly full and becoming unplayable "mules".
    i wanted to save up companion packs so i could get some extra upgrade tokens but been getting 2 tokens when i open daily, i hate it!

    by the way, ESO is expanding all new DCL, "Housings" for players coming in Feb 2017. that make me so excited. NWO still hadnt offer yet and seem not commited, if they do, it would be the biggest comeback for NWO in history, and for returning players that waited so long. they need to get rid of those dead weight market team that made the game so awful and made the devs look so bad in the eyes and hearts of players.
  • wylonuswylonus Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 2,376 Arc User
    Lit, that okay, my reading/understanding which was humor, scarcism, or insult, or not intended, it was rough to understand base on my hearing loss since birth, it take time to clearly understand. i dont grasp that fast until few minutes later or reread it hours later then realizing.
  • blur#5900 blur Member Posts: 490 Arc User
    From what i saw in those test runs on preview drop chance is the same, as bad as ever, only thing that drops more often is that new dungeon-specific item. Opening chests and getting +1 and +2 rings... those should be eradicated from chest drops and only drop directly from boss. +3 and +4 rings are the least we should get from using keys on chests.
    From personal experience, i have done more than 3.000 runs in Demogorgon(ndemo+edemo) and i havent got any +5 ring i could use from there. Now with this change for the same amount of runs i would need 3.000 keys, while i can make only 1 daily so that would take me ~8 years or i could buy keys from Zen, which is what you Cryptic want but i dont because if 3k runs didnt give me what i need so far what guarantee i have i will get it with another 3k runs...
    Also biggest impact from this change is on nSVA and mSVA, people can forget upgrading weapons to legendary level if they havent done it so far. Again either buy Zen keys and get nothing from chests or farm like insane to get those reputations and again get nothing because those Legendary marks simply are not dropping. I dont remember the last time i got one, must have been 20+ runs ago and they drop very unbalanced. 3 Ild, 7 Uvar and 12 Stigs so far...
    Either make them exchangable between each other (example: 2stigs for 1 ild or so...) or make them drop a LOT more often since those marks are nothing special, a simple material for upgrade and you made them very rare and for many unobtainable after this change. From my point of view with this change you are shooting yourself in the knee but you will probably understand it when you start losing players.
  • araneaxaraneax Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 639 Arc User
    edited January 2017
    Thank you for not listening to anything we said.

    Ignoring us completely in our efforts to explain what will this change do to a game.

    Thank you also for ignoring 50 + pages of angry people telling you it is WRONG what you are doing.
    And that people will leave. We lost too many people already.
    But i guess that is not the way this company sees it.

    Please do not ask for our feedback again.
    We get it , it is useless and means nothing in the end.

    From personal experience, i have done more than 3.000 runs in Demogorgon(ndemo+edemo) and i havent got any +5 ring i could use from there. Now with this change for the same amount of runs i would need 3.000 keys, while i can make only 1 daily so that would take me ~8 years

    This .


  • diloul31diloul31 Member Posts: 250 Arc User
    edited January 2017
    From the very begining i said things are going south.
    I was so angry when Cryptic announced this change and people started : "Oh this is great, nice , good, cool, well done... ect ect"

    What Cryptic is doing is perfectly clear and perfectly suicidal...

    I already said it a thousand times... Cryptic don't want to you to win anything from chests... Maybe they augmented chances by 10 times but going from 0.01 to 0.1% change nothing...
    If the good drops become usual, the ah will be flooded by nicely priced stuff and there will be no reason to run these dunjeons ( and to buy keys, you follow ? )
    If the good drops are usuals and bonded, same thing, no reason to run dunjeons for <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> you can't sell...

    No Cryptic, isnt a company that provides fun for players. Or sorry i must correct that, they actually do during leveling to 70.

    When you hit that lvl, the job of Cryptic is to make the game so painful in grinding and fraking boring that you will pay to avoid that.
    This game isnt a game you want to naturally support by giving money to devs, it's a game that force you pay for not going insane because you invested so much time in it and would like to see some improvement...
    This is exactly what they are doing here...

    People will never run each campaign tasks just for a key in 19h...
    They perfectly know it so they think, we'll hit zen market and buy keys for RNG..

    You got is so wrong, we already have chests with enchanted keys.

    You run a dunjeon, you get reward for you run not hamster key to buy here, this is pure bs.

    My god, Cryptic, you totally burried this game...

    I'm trying to picture people working at Cryptic around the table in need to make money ( wich i understand)
    coming with this idea... And i'm so not amazed...

    Remenber the whole ruckus started with " open a chest without using key is a bug" is to translate " we came up with an idea for you to help us make more money by buying useless pixels keys that do not guarantee you a single decent item "

    Will all due respect, do you realise we live in an industry with so much good competition and nice titles coming. Why don't yo go in the direction of listen to people and fix what's wrong...
    Bring us removed content, add new enjoyable to play content.
    We'll gladly and naturally support you by buying things here and here..
    But giving us this ? The right to earn what you should have for free for finishing your donjeon.
    You want me to pay for this and even so i have 95% chance of looting pure hamster ?

    How is that fair seriously ?

    People will buy that nice mount or compagnion or service they need, all that kind of stuff is legit to sell and apreciated but buying a chance at rng after i spend my time doing a dunjeon ?
    You're telling me i don't deserve that chance of loot if i dont't pay or only once a day ?
    Post edited by diloul31 on
  • dpowl#2513 dpowl Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    **Warning - Constructive ideas and a lack of dev flaming below...

    I haven't read through all 18 pages of posts, so I'm sorry if there is repeat information here but I was putting some thought into the upcoming key changes and had some suggestions and ideas. I hope someone reads this and at least gives the ideas some thought and consideration. Some of these overlap and could be a "this or that" idea.

    Consuming a key that you can make 1 per day if you have the required campaign currency will reduce gameplay for a lot of people. Once I am out of keys and not getting rewards that will give me enough to purchase more keys there is not much to do. I was farming some Thaumaturgic stones last night and had a thought that I feel may work though.

    There are a few areas in the game already that handle using a key on a chest in a way that I think would work out good if carried over to all chests. Sharandar and Dread Ring, when you use a key you get Gold Crescents or Onyx Fragments at 3, 10, or 20 every time. These can then be turned in to get additional keys at the cost of 10 per key. I think this concept works good for a consumable key as you are getting points each time toward another key and sometimes getting a key or two as a reward. Something similar to this for all chests that consume a key would be a good way to give additional keys as a reward.

    For chest drops, the rewards don't seem to be increased much from what I've seen in videos of people opening chests on the preview server. I'm not exactly sure what's missing here, but maybe adding in some good refinement (sapphire, black opal, blood ruby, and maybe a rare chance for a brilliant diamond) and / or other additional refinement such as rank 5 - 7 enchants and runestones or the chance for things like preservation wards, additional keys, extra AD may help.

    This last suggestion, I'm not sure how it would work. Maybe as a scoreboard drop similar to PoM and Demo? At the end of a skirmish, such as Shores of Tuern, there is a "free" chest. Something like this for other dungeons would at least offer players without the additional key the ability to open one chest and get some rewards at the end. Adding a new chest would probably require some work, and getting rid of Epic Dungeon Keys isn't going to happen, so that is why I suggested maybe some items just auto add and show as received at the end when the scoreboard prompts.

    Thank you for your time and consideration.

  • therealprotextherealprotex Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 526 Arc User

    I hope someone reads this and at least gives the ideas some thought and consideration.

    I lol'ed at the thought that with "someone" you meant someone at Cryptic.

  • btairbornebtairborne Member Posts: 352 Arc User
    Won't affect my playstyle. I don't do dungeons daily or spam them when I do. I'll probably always have extra free keys.
  • araneaxaraneax Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 639 Arc User

    Won't affect my playstyle. I don't do dungeons daily or spam them when I do. I'll probably always have extra free keys.

    You do not do fbi runs , cn runs and Msva ?

  • rafaeldarafaelda Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 666 Arc User
    What is below is not a feedback is just my feelings, i will not lose time posting any idea here anymore, is just my feeling about the game and some sort of good bye...

    OK so i've spent like half of my keys last night and wille doing that i was thinking, the only key i have used for real in months is the greaer demonic Key, in Edemo and only to get the Twisted inchor for a weapon set for my CW alt...

    My point is, the drop is sooooo HAMSTER that not having a key will probably change nothing !! :p
    the only good drops oi got, i got as drops (Lostmouth Horn, a Twisted off hand, and some +4 rings)... i may could make a few greater demonic keys for CN when i end my wepon farming but the other i would just ignore since they NEVER gave HAMSTER anyway...

    This situation just took the tiny hope i still had in this game future, don't get me wrong, with D&D lore and the combat animation this is still a great mmo, but still miles away from the great game i've started to play and loved sooo much...

    I used to send a few bucks in this game, i've brought some friends from other games to play with me and gave them some Zen for them to get the first buy pack and a 80% mount (used to be hard to get at start), but all of them are gone |(they are smarter than myself), and i'm not spending any more money in this game... my last Vip expired during winter festival (2015 xmas) and my last zen i bought a few days before the first announce of key changes in last November i think...
    i will probably play sometimes i think, mostly weekends, but i will drop my position as guild officer because i will not play this for real anymore...

    Tks for the great game so far, was the best MMO i've played, a game where i happily spent money, but that game is long gone and this incident in not the cause, is just the last drop, something to light the fuse and show me that i'm losong my time because there's no way for that game come back...

    PS.: I would really love to recieve a email in a few months saying that "Neverwinter Online 2" is in work and will bring the feel and features we had in this one back then, sonds crazy ? yeah i know but i think that is more more likely to happen that this game turn back to what it was...

    God Bye and have fun everyone !!! :'(
  • wylonuswylonus Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 2,376 Arc User
    well, i am waiting for solo player "Neverwinter Nights 3".
  • pzaar#1875 pzaar Member Posts: 25 Arc User
    Never have i ever seen a company so hellbent on getting rid of it's customers. Lets see accuse us all of being cheaters by using a feature you put in the game and was there for years ok. Then ask us all for feedback and suggestions, all of which were ignored. Then say you made changes like we asked but really just shined up the HAMSTER you already offered, but luckily you asked us to preview it and give feedback which obviously was another rouse to decieve us as you let us preview for a week and then bam ram it onto console. I feel very bad for anyone who took time out of their life to actually brainstorm and write out ideas for yall to ignore. Let me see how would i sum up how you have been treating us over this change...i guess i would say very disrespectfully. Like we are punk kids trespassing on your yard. If you dont want us here just ask nicely we will all leave, you really dont have to lie and be deceitful towards us. So unnecassary. I implore anyone to find a game/game company that wants you as a customer and respects you as a customer. Lies and deceit. I have around 3 months on my vip once that runs out or i run out of keys i am out of this game and will never return to anything associated with Cryptic or PWE. You have put a dark cloud over the D&D name, a game i have been supporting for 25 years.

    To my fellow gamers there are so many games and so many companies that will respect you, please go to one of them as acts like this should not be tolerated by any customer of any product anywhere. They are turning this game into a casino game. I can go to Las Vegas and play D&D slots anytime while being treated with respect. Embarrassing.

    Oh and dont worry i will spend this entire weekend warning my fellow ps4 players in protectors enclave of this change as they like to bury these changes in the forum where no one will see them.
  • muramune99#1335 muramune99 Member Posts: 39 Arc User
    For whatever reason, my previous post vanished and the topic was closed. So, I'll post it here I guess...

    Let me put in my two cents to this whole change. I currently play on PS4 and these changes will effect me soon. It seems that anytime that there is a "exploit" or "bug", there is a quick fix or patch to fix it. This is why this seems odd that it took this long to address it. Additionally, anything that they do not believe is a major problem, like unplayable dungeons (which took months to fix on PS4) takes significantly longer, but if someone figured out how to get a rare item easier or could accuse them of false advertisement, they are quick to fix it. I believe that one part of one version of Prophecy of Madness is still impossible to get gold on (players killed enemies before they could even take a step and had to wait for spawning) and yet, this is not addressed. Also, at the price right now, Legendary Dragon Keys are about half the cost of regular Enchanted Keys that open Lockboxes. That means, people will flock to Lockboxes more than Dungeons and Lockboxes can give better rewards. Less effort will always win out. Even with a 15% off coupon, the Legendary Dragon Keys will be 51 Zen each and the Enchanted keys can have a 40% off coupon reducing the price to 75 Zen. At the current rate of Zen in the Astral Diamond Exchange, each Enchanted Key must give out around an average of 22,500 Astral Diamonds of worth, which it typically does. A Legendary Dragon Key must give out around an average of 15,300 Astral Diamonds, which it doesn't at the moment. I often finish Epic Dungeons with Seals of Elements (which isn't enough to get anything from a single run) and Ring, Belt, or Necklace worth about 2k-4k when salvaged. You see the problem?

    I believe that Cryptic is trying to make changes to the peek "bug" and many players simply want better drops and/or chest contents without the "bug" being addressed at all.

    What I believe Cryptic should have done to make players happy:
    1. Give players some insight to changes way more in advance. Don't keep us all in dark
    2. Addressing a "bug" and creating a "Useful Items" tab is welcomed and this will end up saving so many players space (you did good here)
    3. Increased the drop rate of items from bosses in higher tier dungeons (not sure if this was done or not)
    4. Remove Flawless Sapphires, Aquamarines, Peridots, and White Pearls from being able to drop from bosses (it is an insult for Lostmouth to be dropping these and a Black Opal should be the lowest refinement dropped from epic dungeon bosses) and replace them with something that can be salvaged or be useful, as most players that run these dungeons already have all of their equipment maxed out or nearly maxed out and are looking for other useful items
    5. Increased the value in the chests, like Rank 7 Enchantments or actual Armor or Weapon Enchantments and not just the shards and increased rate of appearance of rarer items like artifacts and +4 and +5 rings (some of this has applied, or at least we are told to believe)
    6. Create a new currency or use existing currencies (Seals of the Protector and/or Seals of Elements) to be used for an exchange vendor for items from those areas. You can raise the cap on the limit of these seals one can have though. This way, if a player acquires, lets say 4000 Seals of the Protector, they can exchange it for a Shard of Orcus Wand or a Ring of Brutality +5.
    7. Scale the keys to be made to require less time and materials to make or have quests give more of the currency as reward (no one wants to farm for 2-5 days to make one key and then have to wait 20 hours for it to be made)
    8. Add new and different items to these chests and re-introduce older items (something like non-bound vouchers, older mounts and companions, new equipment, new fashion sets, masterwork profession assets, or wards)- a nice surprise or "what is that?" response is always nice at the end of dungeon
    9. Add a new level or set of levels to VIP
      Suggestions would be something like:
        Rank 13- Receive 1 Companion Upgrade Token per day
        Rank 14- Receive 1 Strongbox Key per day
        Rank 15- Receive 1 Legendary Dragon Key
        Rank 16- Receive 1 Companion Upgrade Token per day, 2 total
        Rank 17- Profession tasks take 5% less time
        Rank 18- Can summon guild repository anywhere
        Rank 19- Receive 1 Companion Upgrade Token per day, 3 total
        Rank 20- Profession tasks take 5% less time, 10% total
        Rank 21- Add 100 Power and Defense to every member of your group. 200 Power and Defense if you are greater than level 64.
        Rank 22- Receive 1 Companion Upgrade Token per day, 4 total
        Rank 23- Receive 1 Preservation Ward per day
        Rank 24- Recieve 1 Legendary Dragon Key per day and can summon your guild coffer anywhere
    10. Give players a reason to stay, keep playing, and keep paying for content. This is really vital for any developer and company to stay in business. If this is followed, we all win, not just the players, but also everyone at Cryptic, Arc Games, and Perfect World
  • demonmongerdemonmonger Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 3,350 Arc User
    edited January 2017
    I thought never winter already broke my heart, until the day I was forced to use my key to get useless junk.

    I already was given a robe of useless junk when I started this game. While the robe was commical, the key changes are not.

    Basically they are saying beND over and take the hamster up your hamster...

    No thanks...

    (Puts chains around all the chest)

    Mimic king.. mimics are master of deception, your name is fitting since you too have fooled many with false hopes of treasures.

    I hate paying taxes! Why must I pay thousands of dollars in taxes when everything I buy is taxed anyways!
  • spookymoo#7778 spookymoo Member Posts: 69 Arc User
    edited January 2017
    To quote Dragons "I'm out" .

    Post edited by spookymoo#7778 on
  • diloul31diloul31 Member Posts: 250 Arc User
    Like usual, it's obvious that this "change" already is a distaster and... not a word from people runing the show...
  • trivialrage#6656 trivialrage Member Posts: 67 Arc User
    "Okay, well, that’s quite a bit of info I know, but as I mentioned we wanted to be able to provide you with as much information as we could. We understand these updates may not resolve all the concerns players have shared with us but we feel it is a step forward in addressing RNG + Loot Quality. We received some great feedback while this change was on the Preview Shard and we will continue monitoring player reception with the changes on Live. Thanks again for teaming up with us on this adventure! "-quoted from the dev blog.

    This is a basically a"we heard you, but f.u., we dont care"
    on a brighter note, since running dungeons will become pointless, maybe pvp will become more active.maybe?
  • mraureliusr#6575 mraureliusr Member Posts: 9 Arc User
    Oh, there will be a word from the people running the show. They'll say
    "These changes have had a great reception!" despite the fact that there's 18 pages of people telling them this is stupid, they're leaving, they won't take it.

    What's really HAMSTER sad is that people will keep playing. PWE and Cryptic know they can do WHATEVER THEY WANT and most players will suck it up and keep playing. That's why they can ignore the 18 pages. They have enough new players coming in that don't know any better, that keep spending money.

    My hours have dropped right off over the last month... I reached 1000 hours with an average of 100hrs per 2 weeks... now I'm down to 20hrs per 2 weeks... and that will keep dropping off. I bought 6 months of VIP at Black Friday, and when that expires I will probably stop playing.

    Cryptic devs -- you really, really, really need to listen to your players. I just did my first MC with the new patch and I was excited, looking forward to maybe getting some good loot for the first time in 4 months. Nope, had to waste 2 keys on absolute HAMSTER HAMSTER that I NEVER would have Accepted before, would have Declined every time.

    IF IT WAS A BUG WHY DID IT TAKE SO LONG TO FIX HUH? As many others have mentioned any time there's an exploit or bug you're on it like white on rice. I think someone finally realized they could make more money by HAMSTER us around just a little bit more.

    Well, I'm definitely on my way out. And I'm the bread and butter type player. I don't spend a lot, but I spend a decent amount continually. Won't be spending another HAMSTER PENNY on this game.

    Good luck. That's all I can say. Good luck.
  • trinity706#8838 trinity706 Member Posts: 853 Arc User
    I see this as a multi-faceted change.

    Players are NOT forced to buy keys with money to run dungeons multiple times no matter how people try to spin it. There are a number of ways to generate Astral Diamonds to buy Legendary dragon keys (x5 for 300Z or about 90k AD/76.5k AD with 15% off coupon. Coupled with multiple characters (lower level dungeons and skirmishes) and or VIP (neither are necessary but helps), the amount of AD that can be obtained daily increases which opens the door for extra keys. You see what happens is players get into a groove then panic & complain when things change without even attempting to adapt and utilize the in-game tools they have available (and "should already be) but rather take to being outraged/being lazy. Taking about an hour to get 5 Legendary Dragon keys? That's a small amount of effort for more dungeon>open chest runs.

    If players want to run the dungeons for the keys they create through the campaign and get off for the day that is their choice. The other side of this change is if players only want to run those created key dungeons, the time they would have been spending running those dungeons multiple times and saving the key until they find loot that they want can be spent running daily quests (you know, the ones that give you the currency to make the keys in the first place?) and Stronghold quests, both of which that would help advance their Guild and give players tangible rewards NOT based on RNG (Guild boons, structures, etc).

    Guilds/Alliances are a major part of the game and players are seemingly moving focus away from them (if they have not already). Again the other side of this change is players could even save their keys for the weekend and during the week run the different campaign zones for currency for their Guild's coffer.
    ALL Rights Reserved for any and all suggestions, ideas, etc. from this user.

    “There are changes that can be made that don’t require coding...” - TriNitY
    "No amount of coding will change human behavior" - TriNitY

    Ongoing Issue: Legitmate Players Banned for Botting (Console) and the Future for "Dedicated" Players

    Suggestions: (Implemented) \/\/ Rearrange Character on character Select Screen
  • spideymtspideymt Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 710 Arc User
    17 SVA Runs....1!!!!!! motherflower uvar...no legendary ring, just 1 crappy boa companion. Ur serious???

  • d3vilzreaperd3vilzreaper Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 3 Arc User
    Well with my good bye to neverwinter ill leave my last message to neverwinter devs !!!!!!! YOUR GAME IS BROKEN AND HAMSTER !!!!!!!!!!!!!!I am playing about 2 years now and it was a waist of my time ginding 5 hours a day to get my gf to BIS an fails dream. You think your fixing the game and content but your fu##ing it up more and more. now for my story and i think alot off players are feeling it im an gaurdian fighter with an dps build was turning to pay out wen i reached legengary neck , shield , weapon and belt with mythic artifacts , i could do some damage i almost catched up with GWF and CW,s with dps then you fu###d it up with the GF nerf , SO LAME off you , just becauce gf was aparently overpowerd , the way i see it is GF swordmaster is suspost to be an dps class if you look at the roman empire and Greek warriors in midevil times and OP is an tank class , i stoped playing your game because off that and restarted to play again with the new giant contend and started to like the game again even if i still have to grind for legend rings and transended enchants.


    i live in a poor country the avrage salary is 6000 now 1$ =15 for me so buying your stuff is expensive but i still did it vip and keys now i have to use up 20 keys for nothing and spend all those cash for nothing its a waist of my live, anyways im an gf so i notice my drop ratio is up to sh#t the dps and heal classes have mutch beter luck than me so that needs fixing a long time ago but yeah ( lets nerf the gf even more ) and gearing up an gf us main class takes alot, now with your new key sistem its a waist to run countless of dungeons for an +1 ring 6 times in a row with an 2k ad refinement totaly pointless for me to even run an dungeon and after 2years to be an item level of 3.4k not worth playing anymore since its going to take even longer now ,

    AND THEN !!!!!

    Everything is bound so i cant even sell stuff to lazy rich players to make that extra cash to spend on my toon like the old days wen ppl were selling stuff for cheap and made millions of ad i dont care about that let them make millions it benifits me us well i can build up my toon faster and grind gear to resell to them its a win / win now all is bound and worthless cant even sell it anymore because its bound and have to farm my as## off for stuff not fun anymore i espect to have 1 toon bis in say 8months time not 6 years of playing then be able to start with the next toon

    your makeing your own game HAMSTER!!






  • demonmongerdemonmonger Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 3,350 Arc User
    Rip neverwinter
    I hate paying taxes! Why must I pay thousands of dollars in taxes when everything I buy is taxed anyways!
  • thefiresidecatthefiresidecat Member Posts: 4,486 Arc User
    I remember last year with the coalgate what a ghost town it was for a good 3 or 4 months after the announcement. it still hadn't recovered by the time I switched over to ps4... not sure what they're thinking here repeating it but on a larger scale.. the price on the adex went thru the roof over night and never did come down again..
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