We have talked about redistribute some of thorned root damage to other damage sources. I get an idea which may not be the perfect solutuon but i write it here anyway.
Grasping roots is a class mechanism. We could enhance this mechanism a bit. There are two options: 1. Applying a debuff only for HR; 2. Let grasping roots already do certain amount damage.
Then we make thorned root feat only increase the damge by an amount which is smaller than now. My 2 cent.
Not actually a bad suggestion, imo, considering Trapper will need to use Grasping root encounters anyways as a basis for Throned Roots- but that does mean making sure the Grasping version still procs its dmg for Trappers in addition to Thorned's dmg. This is really just making those encounters more palatable for non-Trappers, while leaving them rel the same for Trappers. As Combat and Archery now, most of these powers do very low dmg by themselves and don't have short cds.
Its not a huge priority imo, though, just cause Archery and Combat can still be fine w/o any of those powers- its more about build better diversity in the long term.
@amenar can you make anything about aimed strike and goushing wound often failing when target is moving pls. Not related to that why not increase clear the ground range and damage? combat really could really use at will boost not having to depend always on flurry and stormwarden should distinguish from pathfinder with more damage than it is now, specially after blade storm correction.
CtG range is already amazing.
Not sure how 1800 tooltip DPS will fair. Though CWs do 1800 with their chilling cloud as well unbuffed, but they can pile on that crit and secondary DPS sources and damage buffs like there's no tomorrow. I feel that will not come close to competing with AoE output of other classes can do.
The sad part, is that the CW doesn't even need it's at-wills to mow down mobs, yet can still put combat to shame with them.
Rapid Strike is still stuck in purgatory and aimed strike was left alone.
Low tooltip base DPS = less scaling with party buffs = doing even less DPS than other classes.
Aye, the main culprits here now are Rapid Strike, Split Strike, and Aimed Strike, imo. CtG may be decent enough now for a pbAoE at-will, and DA/CA are still prob fine in groups.
Perhaps Combat's feats should buff those three melee at-wills specifically somewhere (they are shared among both paths anyways). Afaik, Feat buffs tend to be 'total dmg' boosts, instead of this 'base dmg' boost going around that ignores wpn dmg's contribution.
We have talked about redistribute some of thorned root damage to other damage sources. I get an idea which may not be the perfect solutuon but i write it here anyway.
Grasping roots is a class mechanism. We could enhance this mechanism a bit. There are two options: 1. Applying a debuff only for HR; 2. Let grasping roots already do certain amount damage.
Then we make thorned root feat only increase the damge by an amount which is smaller than now. My 2 cent.
Not actually a bad suggestion, imo, considering Trapper will need to use Grasping root encounters anyways as a basis for Throned Roots- but that does mean making sure the Grasping version still procs its dmg for Trappers in addition to Thorned's dmg. This is really just making those encounters more palatable for non-Trappers, while leaving them rel the same for Trappers. As Combat and Archery now, most of these powers do very low dmg by themselves and don't have short cds.
Its not a huge priority imo, though, just cause Archery and Combat can still be fine w/o any of those powers- its more about build better diversity in the long term.
@amenar can you make anything about aimed strike and goushing wound often failing when target is moving pls. Not related to that why not increase clear the ground range and damage? combat really could really use at will boost not having to depend always on flurry and stormwarden should distinguish from pathfinder with more damage than it is now, specially after blade storm correction.
CtG range is already amazing.
Not sure how 1800 tooltip DPS will fair. Though CWs do 1800 with their chilling cloud as well unbuffed, but they can pile on that crit and secondary DPS sources and damage buffs like there's no tomorrow. I feel that will not come close to competing with AoE output of other classes can do.
The sad part, is that the CW doesn't even need it's at-wills to mow down mobs, yet can still put combat to shame with them.
Rapid Strike is still stuck in purgatory and aimed strike was left alone.
Low tooltip base DPS = less scaling with party buffs = doing even less DPS than other classes.
Aye, the main culprits here now are Rapid Strike, Split Strike, and Aimed Strike, imo. CtG may be decent enough now for a pbAoE at-will, and DA/CA are still prob fine in groups.
Perhaps Combat's feats should buff those three melee at-wills specifically somewhere (they are shared among both paths anyways). Afaik, Feat buffs tend to be 'total dmg' boosts, instead of this 'base dmg' boost going around that ignores wpn dmg's contribution.
it would be interesting to have roots do a dot or something. a way to make archery and combat gain a damage buff were trappers would not benefit. but as i mentioned earlier that trappers don.t use strong grasping roots only weak and thorned roots.
ghoulz66Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 3,748Arc User
Feedback: Ok, I'm quite shocked at the performance of 2 seconds of Flurry vs 2 hits has provided. I did not expect something like that to actually make such a difference.
Feedback: Ok, I'm quite shocked at the performance of 2 seconds of Flurry vs 2 hits has provided. I did not expect something like that to actually make such a difference.
And yea, Blade Hurricane is much better now, though I still think the targeted at-will melee buffs are warranted, and the 2sec duration still kinda pigeon-holes us into using at least one of the short cd melee powers (not many of em) and/or Stormstep Action. Still tied to PG_GW to be really good, but I highly doubt that would ever change. At least now you have a bit more variety of 'okay-ish' powers to combine. Combat is looking much better. Truly competitive as a Striker? Not sure about that, but we'll see.
Really wish these changes were implemented sooner. May try some more detailed testing later.
edit: also still kinda dumb that Skirm's Gambit and Lucky Blades work against each other a bit. Before it wasn't a huge deal w/ just the AP gen boost, but now that the latter can also give 15% more encounter power (read: Plant Growth) dmg on a proc then.. yeah..
I will test every tree this evening. By the way i dont expect flurry to be as powerful as it seemed to you. In 2 seconds how many at wills can you throw? 2? Max 3? Whats its uptime? 25%? Gonna check interaction with oak skin.. That would be interesting
ghoulz66Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 3,748Arc User
I will test every tree this evening. By the way i dont expect flurry to be as powerful as it seemed to you. In 2 seconds how many at wills can you throw? 2? Max 3? Whats its uptime? 25%? Gonna check interaction with oak skin.. That would be interesting
All I can tell you is that I vaporized an evoker, a golem, and 2 servitors by only using Throw Caution and some CtG spam.
Not too sure. But I think something might need to be adjusted somewhat. Clear the Ground's range might need toned down to the tip of the blades. There's currently no reason to use rapid strike.
But it felt good to round em all in the lair and slaughter them like lambs. Didn't even use Flurry for that. Seems Scything Blades has no cap to it. Is it a good thing, or a bad thing?
Will have to test it out also as a longshot archery hybrid to see is it could be pushed to brokenness.
Did the Totem of Auril HE in IWD, DPS seems to keep up, and it's quite heavy. Actually was sorta keeping up with my GWF in AoE. Maybe I'll try something other than a vorpal and Skirmisher's gambit.
Dummy testing atm. Comparing the AoE of my Trapper to my Combat HR. All my HRs are similarly geared (~2.6k ilvl, goat aug w/ r7-8 enchants; no bonding stones on anyone, same boons completed).
TL;DR: they're very close in 4-target AoE for me. Trapper would edge out vs. more clumped mobs since I was using CoA on him but not on the Combat HR (hitting all 4 targets instead of 2-3 per, so these test conditions favor the Combat HR a bit).
Combat: Thorn Strike, Throw Caution (Feated), Plant Growth, Clear the Ground, Disrupting Shot + Stormstep Action, Blade Storm - all rank 4. Positioning myself to hit all 4 targets w/ CtG and PG most of the time: Basically just used the encounters as they came up, Disrupting Shot on cd, and (if both were ready) used TCaution before PG for the dmg boost. CtG all in-between.
Quite strong AoE for the mob setup. At-will derived dmg takes up the vast majority of it (would be even moreso w/o PG). The non-PG encounters were basically there to proc the capstone and other things, and as their outright dmg was a small contribution. W/ about 93% of my dmg from AoE stuffing hitting all 4 targets (usually), it came down to about 16.4k dps per target.
Unfortunately, this leaves Pathfinder in the dust for selfish AoE dps setups, as Split Strike's reach sucks compared to CtG and its tough to hit even >1 target w/ it, and Bear Trap doesn't make up for it.
- Trapper: Hindering, Constricting/Steel Breeze, CoA/PG, Clear the Ground, Disrupting Shot + SSA, AotS - all rank 4. Positioning myself to hit all 4 targets w/ PG, SB, and CtG most of the time:
CoA gets recorded as a sep entity on ACT, so throwing that in:
About ~70k dps total (ie. close to my Combat test).
Took some breaking in w/ the SotF changes, but settled on cycling between all 3 encounters in each stance- w/ one full cycle of CtG and a Disrupting Shot used after switching to melee and using all those encounters first. CoA wasn't always up when I went back into ranged, and sometimes had to throw some Elec Shots in there while waiting for Hindering Shot to refill. Still had all melee encounters ready by the time I swapped back to melee stance, so I was using PG pretty much as often as I could. There may be a better AoE setup for the Trapper out there, but I'm not as well-versed in it.
- Full-ranged Archery AoE isn't really fair to compare on the dummies atm, since most of its powers can't hit all 4 of them. I'd prob have to play around w/ weaving in PG and going in and out of melee range, but I'd rather not atm.
That's said, Aimed Shot is really nice now. Archery is gonna be the single-target slayer build.
For the time being, I did a rough single-target test w/ the Archer from range: Thorn Ward + Commanding Shot + Longstrider's, Aimed Shot, Disrupting + SSA - all rank 4.
The log got a bit messed up by getting CA from another player for a bit of it (so not gonna post it), but I was getting ~35-37k dps on ONE target w/ that setup (~48% Aimed Shot, ~24% Thorn Ward (sep log entry), ~16% Commanding Shot, ~3-4% Longstrider, and ~3-4% for Disrupting). Considering that the AoE rotations above for the other trees were about 16.5k dps per target, and I wasn't using PG here at all, that's pretty freaking crazy for Archery.
- I'll try to do more tests in a day or two (family is in, busy). Will be trying to focus on single-target stuff for it (prob to come to the conclusion that Rapid Strike and Aimed Strike still prob need a buff :x ), though it may be tough to eliminate most incidental/splash dmg to >1 target for some builds.
BUG: Hawkeye has strange interaction with the Dread Enchantment and Hawk Shot. Wearing the Dread Enchantment (and probably similar enchantments that give dots) causes Hawkeye to drop off for the HR using it. Example: I use Hawk Eye, swap stances to use Hawk Shot from 60'+ range, but Hawkeye doesn't proc. Hawkeye procs fine for Longstriders for example, but when using Hawk Shot from 60' or something, it seems not to proc. At less than 60' it seems to proc fine. I don't know if this is the exact bug case, because it's been quite annoying to determine it, but this is the best cause I've come up with so far.
EDIT: Okay, just tested with other skills. Hawk Shot is not procing skill effects such as Ambush and Hawkeye past the 60' range mark. At least certainly not with an enchantment equipped.
Also, Hawkeye and probably Blade Storm are still being affected by damage buffs.
FEEDBACK: please remove at-wills from Swiftness of the Fox in PvP. Additionally, Careful Attack as I mentioned earlier in a bug post, is procing Swiftness for every tick rather than just the application.
ghoulz66Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 3,748Arc User
Think Clear the Ground need's it's ranged decreased. That or make it function like it says, deal more damage the closer you are to the target AKA base damage that decreases the further the target is.
Also requiring Split Strike to need attention, or Pathfinder is completely garbage as combat.
treesclimberMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,161Arc User
@amenar since you fixed healing depression from insignias in pvp pls write in your "to do" book a balance in insignias, survivor's gift will now heal me 150 every second, that's really low to say the least.
treesclimberMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,161Arc User
@ghoulz66 I think the oposite, it should work as electric shot to deal huge chunks of damage in a room full of mobs, but that's just my opinion of how it would caracrterize SW I did no testing do close range damage. About split strike the animation does not make any sence to me it should cover a more circular area around the hr, not eliptical, my hr seems like he's trying to reach his foot but then forgets how fat he is so goes back.
gabrieldourdenMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,212Arc User
@flowcyto : really interesting comparison. If Stormwarden Combat works so well I may switch. Have you tried it single target?
@ralexinor : do you think that the Ambush/Hawkeye dropping out bug may be related to the Cordon/ Chains one (issues at distances over 50/60 feet)?
Le-Shan: HR level 80 (main)
Born of Black Wind: SW Level 80
do you think that the Ambush/Hawkeye dropping out bug may be related to the Cordon/ Chains one (issues at distances over 50/60 feet)?
I don't think so, but I'm not really in a position to say. From my testing it seems like separate issues, since Hawk Shot still hits the target whereas Cordon does, but they're different types of skills (single target vs area activation/AoE). I didn't test at 50', which is where the bug with Cordon happens, but if it occurs at 50', then they're probably related.
Additionally, I isolated the issue to be possibly related with weapon enchantment/dot enchantments, as it was working when I didn't have Dread equipped (Hawkeye, at least, didn't test with Ambush).
I can test further later, but right now I don't have the time to as I'm busy with other things.
@amenar is there any chance you can create a new thread please from fresh with your list of changes etc? Then put a link or something here so we can go to it.
This has gone to 40 pages and a nightmare to read. It actually slows my laptop down quite a bit with screen freezing... it only seems to be this thread (my laptop is a bit rubbish I have to admit).
Main - Rydia (HR70) - Xbox One Player only Alts : Storm (SW70), Edge (TR70), AD Farm (CW70), Grunt (GF70), Rosa (DC70), AD AD AD (GWF70), Your Mum (OP70)
FEEDBACK: After further testing, permarotations/daze is still possible in PvP, if not even more annoying now because rotations are more seamless even if I don't use the bugged Careful Attack and when Hindering Shot charges run out, an at-will can be easily used to reset the cd. I can provide video proof of this if necessary.
I would like to propose the following change (assuming Careful Attack is fixed to proc Swiftness only on cast).
Swiftness of the Fox: cooldown reductions are halved in PvP (7.5% instead of 15%).
lunartic666Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 53Arc User
edited August 2016
bug: when flurry is up use of encounter power doesn't extend flurry feedback: make flurry stacking up to 3 times, extend flurry to 4 sec
@flowcyto : really interesting comparison. If Stormwarden Combat works so well I may switch. Have you tried it single target?
Not yet for either Trapper or Combat, but I will try later today. Note that on my Trapper AoE test I also wasn't always hitting all 4 targets w/ Hindering Strike's root, and only 1-2 targets w/ Constricting Arrow's root. So, Trapper still prob edges out Combat in AoE, but for Trapper it takes enemy formations that are a bit more clumped up, whereas Combat w/ CtG and PG excels vs. more scattered formations. In the end, Combat's extra AoE dps pretty much depends on the reach/power of the at-will(s) used, vs. the reach/power of the encounters mattering for the Trapper (assuming both are using Plant Growth).
May test 2-target Archery w/ Elec Shot (rank 1), Rain of Arrows, CoA, and Longstrider's, since its ranged AoE is generally tighter, and ya can't really test Split the Sky on the dummies.
Think Clear the Ground need's it's ranged decreased. That or make it function like it says, deal more damage the closer you are to the target AKA base damage that decreases the further the target is.
Also requiring Split Strike to need attention, or Pathfinder is completely garbage as combat.
I think CtG's max reach is fine as is (though its prob a bit wider than the tooltip states- seems to be more like a 18-20' burst at max). I'd rather the tooltip be updated to be more accurate than to nerf down CtG. And as far as I can see, its dmg gradient is being imposed atm (adjacent target dummy is taking consistently more per hit than one that's ~10' further out).
Its more like Split and Rapid Strike are slacking than CtG doing too much, imo.
But yeah, Split Strike's AoE coverage should be improved. It'll prob still end up tighter than CtG, but that's okay as its avail to both paths early on, and has a minor lunge/range component to it. Maybe just turn the strike into a 12-15' burst/sphere around the main target (its an "8' blast" atm).
@amenar is there any chance you can create a new thread please from fresh with your list of changes etc? Then put a link or something here so we can go to it.
This has gone to 40 pages and a nightmare to read. It actually slows my laptop down quite a bit with screen freezing... it only seems to be this thread (my laptop is a bit rubbish I have to admit).
Thanks! Overlooking all the hard work I did by compiling all the changes in 3 separate posts just a few pages back. Slap. In. The. Face.
Our pain is self chosen.
The most important thing in life is to be yourself. Unless you can be Batman. Always be Batman.
beckylunaticMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 14,231Arc User
@amenar is there any chance you can create a new thread please from fresh with your list of changes etc? Then put a link or something here so we can go to it.
This has gone to 40 pages and a nightmare to read. It actually slows my laptop down quite a bit with screen freezing... it only seems to be this thread (my laptop is a bit rubbish I have to admit).
Thanks! Overlooking all the hard work I did by compiling all the changes in 3 separate posts just a few pages back. Slap. In. The. Face.
To be fair, finding those posts still requires getting the thread to load in the first place.
Think Clear the Ground need's it's ranged decreased. That or make it function like it says, deal more damage the closer you are to the target AKA base damage that decreases the further the target is.
Does it not function as the tooltip says on live? The range seems fine to me, if mobs further away are taking less damage.
Our pain is self chosen.
The most important thing in life is to be yourself. Unless you can be Batman. Always be Batman.
lirithielMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 2,482Arc User
And yea, Blade Hurricane is much better now, though I still think the targeted at-will melee buffs are warranted, and the 2sec duration still kinda pigeon-holes us into using at least one of the short cd melee powers (not many of em) and/or Stormstep Action. Still tied to PG_GW to be really good, but I highly doubt that would ever change. At least now you have a bit more variety of 'okay-ish' powers to combine. Combat is looking much better. Truly competitive as a Striker? Not sure about that, but we'll see.
Well if you're using Gushing Wound and Plant Growth, it leaves you with just one more encounter slot open. I tried them both on live with Marauder's, but it's difficult to pull off smoothly due to the longer CDs on live. Also there seems to be a slight delay (not as long as Boar Charge mind you) when I use Marauder's Rush and try to cast Plant Growth. Just running in normally and using Plant Growth, the cast is instantaneous but not when I combine powers with Marauder's Rush.
Running GW and PG without MR, I'm not sure what 3rd encounter will work effectively with those 2, especially if you look to utilise the ranged versions as well.
Our pain is self chosen.
The most important thing in life is to be yourself. Unless you can be Batman. Always be Batman.
I hit up Preview to test a few of the Combat HR changes. I like to go to Dwarven Pass and do the Major Heroics, to see where I stand. I was doing the Chilltooth Troll Invasion - which probably was a bad choice considering the Fell Trolls self-heal all the time and spam CC - and managed to finish it solo within the time limit as a Combat HR, albeit barely (10 seconds left).
The damage output wasn't impressive compared to when I run Trapper, but what really surprised me was the sheer survivability. With Lone Wolf, the change to feats to add deflect and Oak Skin I was hitting 75% DR - Bondings, 2x R10 Azure in my Companion, Negation - and 60% Deflect. Add Wild Medicine, Lifesteal, Oak Skin heal, and I could just stand there and tank them all day long. I got a bit cocky and pulled two groups of Fell Trolls plus their Shaman healer, which I survived, but made killing them take a long time.
Also, I feel my damage output was lacking because of my inexperience with Combat rotations. I wanted to run Fox/Growth/Split the Sky, but in the end settled on Oak/Growth/Breeze for Stamina Regen, added DR and Regen. The Trolls were firing off so much CC it was hard to fire Split the Sky, and the dodge from Fox wasn't needed at all. I saw less than 10% effectiveness on the mob hits.
When it comes to damage output: Plant Growth (25%), Piercing Blades (17%), Cordon of Arrows (13%) , Clear the Ground (12%) and Blade Hurricane and Blade Storm each took 7%. I imagine getting Hurricane higher as I get a better feel for proccing Flurry.
Isaac the Adequate - Level 70 Oath of Protection Paladin
We have looked into reports of players experiencing connection problems and have been unable to identify any server, data center, or client-side issues. We believe this may be ISP related.
lirithielMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 2,482Arc User
Something I want to mention about the animation for Gushing Wound. The tooltip says it's a slashing attack, but the animation shows a stabbing attack, similar to Aimed Strike, and has caused issues in the past. Any thought to changing GW to a slashing animation @amenar? There are many to mimic from in the HR arsenal (Steel Breeze, Hindering Strike et al). Perhaps it will help with targeting issues and speed of application.
Our pain is self chosen.
The most important thing in life is to be yourself. Unless you can be Batman. Always be Batman.
Its not a huge priority imo, though, just cause Archery and Combat can still be fine w/o any of those powers- its more about build better diversity in the long term. Aye, the main culprits here now are Rapid Strike, Split Strike, and Aimed Strike, imo. CtG may be decent enough now for a pbAoE at-will, and DA/CA are still prob fine in groups.
Perhaps Combat's feats should buff those three melee at-wills specifically somewhere (they are shared among both paths anyways). Afaik, Feat buffs tend to be 'total dmg' boosts, instead of this 'base dmg' boost going around that ignores wpn dmg's contribution.
<CO docs> .: Petco :. // Base DPS Sheet (needs revision) // PSA on Power Activation Delay
- Themed Tanks // Misc Build Dump // Ayonachan's Gift Horse (stat data)
- Be safe and have fun, champs - for science!
@amenar please fix this.
And yea, Blade Hurricane is much better now, though I still think the targeted at-will melee buffs are warranted, and the 2sec duration still kinda pigeon-holes us into using at least one of the short cd melee powers (not many of em) and/or Stormstep Action. Still tied to PG_GW to be really good, but I highly doubt that would ever change. At least now you have a bit more variety of 'okay-ish' powers to combine. Combat is looking much better. Truly competitive as a Striker? Not sure about that, but we'll see.
Really wish these changes were implemented sooner. May try some more detailed testing later.
edit: also still kinda dumb that Skirm's Gambit and Lucky Blades work against each other a bit. Before it wasn't a huge deal w/ just the AP gen boost, but now that the latter can also give 15% more encounter power (read: Plant Growth) dmg on a proc then.. yeah..
<CO docs> .: Petco :. // Base DPS Sheet (needs revision) // PSA on Power Activation Delay
- Themed Tanks // Misc Build Dump // Ayonachan's Gift Horse (stat data)
- Be safe and have fun, champs - for science!
Not too sure. But I think something might need to be adjusted somewhat. Clear the Ground's range might need toned down to the tip of the blades. There's currently no reason to use rapid strike.
But it felt good to round em all in the lair and slaughter them like lambs. Didn't even use Flurry for that. Seems Scything Blades has no cap to it. Is it a good thing, or a bad thing?
Will have to test it out also as a longshot archery hybrid to see is it could be pushed to brokenness.
Did the Totem of Auril HE in IWD, DPS seems to keep up, and it's quite heavy. Actually was sorta keeping up with my GWF in AoE. Maybe I'll try something other than a vorpal and Skirmisher's gambit.
TL;DR: they're very close in 4-target AoE for me. Trapper would edge out vs. more clumped mobs since I was using CoA on him but not on the Combat HR (hitting all 4 targets instead of 2-3 per, so these test conditions favor the Combat HR a bit).
Combat: Thorn Strike, Throw Caution (Feated), Plant Growth, Clear the Ground, Disrupting Shot + Stormstep Action, Blade Storm - all rank 4. Positioning myself to hit all 4 targets w/ CtG and PG most of the time:
Basically just used the encounters as they came up, Disrupting Shot on cd, and (if both were ready) used TCaution before PG for the dmg boost. CtG all in-between.
Quite strong AoE for the mob setup. At-will derived dmg takes up the vast majority of it (would be even moreso w/o PG). The non-PG encounters were basically there to proc the capstone and other things, and as their outright dmg was a small contribution. W/ about 93% of my dmg from AoE stuffing hitting all 4 targets (usually), it came down to about 16.4k dps per target.
Unfortunately, this leaves Pathfinder in the dust for selfish AoE dps setups, as Split Strike's reach sucks compared to CtG and its tough to hit even >1 target w/ it, and Bear Trap doesn't make up for it.
Trapper: Hindering, Constricting/Steel Breeze, CoA/PG, Clear the Ground, Disrupting Shot + SSA, AotS - all rank 4. Positioning myself to hit all 4 targets w/ PG, SB, and CtG most of the time:
CoA gets recorded as a sep entity on ACT, so throwing that in:
About ~70k dps total (ie. close to my Combat test).
Took some breaking in w/ the SotF changes, but settled on cycling between all 3 encounters in each stance- w/ one full cycle of CtG and a Disrupting Shot used after switching to melee and using all those encounters first. CoA wasn't always up when I went back into ranged, and sometimes had to throw some Elec Shots in there while waiting for Hindering Shot to refill. Still had all melee encounters ready by the time I swapped back to melee stance, so I was using PG pretty much as often as I could. There may be a better AoE setup for the Trapper out there, but I'm not as well-versed in it.
Full-ranged Archery AoE isn't really fair to compare on the dummies atm, since most of its powers can't hit all 4 of them. I'd prob have to play around w/ weaving in PG and going in and out of melee range, but I'd rather not atm.
That's said, Aimed Shot is really nice now. Archery is gonna be the single-target slayer build.
For the time being, I did a rough single-target test w/ the Archer from range: Thorn Ward + Commanding Shot + Longstrider's, Aimed Shot, Disrupting + SSA - all rank 4.
The log got a bit messed up by getting CA from another player for a bit of it (so not gonna post it), but I was getting ~35-37k dps on ONE target w/ that setup (~48% Aimed Shot, ~24% Thorn Ward (sep log entry), ~16% Commanding Shot, ~3-4% Longstrider, and ~3-4% for Disrupting). Considering that the AoE rotations above for the other trees were about 16.5k dps per target, and I wasn't using PG here at all, that's pretty freaking crazy for Archery.
I'll try to do more tests in a day or two (family is in, busy). Will be trying to focus on single-target stuff for it (prob to come to the conclusion that Rapid Strike and Aimed Strike still prob need a buff :x ), though it may be tough to eliminate most incidental/splash dmg to >1 target for some builds.
<CO docs> .: Petco :. // Base DPS Sheet (needs revision) // PSA on Power Activation Delay
- Themed Tanks // Misc Build Dump // Ayonachan's Gift Horse (stat data)
- Be safe and have fun, champs - for science!
EDIT: Okay, just tested with other skills. Hawk Shot is not procing skill effects such as Ambush and Hawkeye past the 60' range mark. At least certainly not with an enchantment equipped.
Also, Hawkeye and probably Blade Storm are still being affected by damage buffs.
FEEDBACK: please remove at-wills from Swiftness of the Fox in PvP. Additionally, Careful Attack as I mentioned earlier in a bug post, is procing Swiftness for every tick rather than just the application.
Also requiring Split Strike to need attention, or Pathfinder is completely garbage as combat.
@ralexinor : do you think that the Ambush/Hawkeye dropping out bug may be related to the Cordon/ Chains one (issues at distances over 50/60 feet)?
Born of Black Wind: SW Level 80
Additionally, I isolated the issue to be possibly related with weapon enchantment/dot enchantments, as it was working when I didn't have Dread equipped (Hawkeye, at least, didn't test with Ambush).
I can test further later, but right now I don't have the time to as I'm busy with other things.
This has gone to 40 pages and a nightmare to read. It actually slows my laptop down quite a bit with screen freezing... it only seems to be this thread (my laptop is a bit rubbish I have to admit).
Alts :
Storm (SW70), Edge (TR70), AD Farm (CW70), Grunt (GF70), Rosa (DC70), AD AD AD (GWF70), Your Mum (OP70)
Member of Q-Snipe
I would like to propose the following change (assuming Careful Attack is fixed to proc Swiftness only on cast).
Swiftness of the Fox: cooldown reductions are halved in PvP (7.5% instead of 15%).
feedback: make flurry stacking up to 3 times, extend flurry to 4 sec
May test 2-target Archery w/ Elec Shot (rank 1), Rain of Arrows, CoA, and Longstrider's, since its ranged AoE is generally tighter, and ya can't really test Split the Sky on the dummies.
<CO docs> .: Petco :. // Base DPS Sheet (needs revision) // PSA on Power Activation Delay
- Themed Tanks // Misc Build Dump // Ayonachan's Gift Horse (stat data)
- Be safe and have fun, champs - for science!
Its more like Split and Rapid Strike are slacking than CtG doing too much, imo.
But yeah, Split Strike's AoE coverage should be improved. It'll prob still end up tighter than CtG, but that's okay as its avail to both paths early on, and has a minor lunge/range component to it. Maybe just turn the strike into a 12-15' burst/sphere around the main target (its an "8' blast" atm).
<CO docs> .: Petco :. // Base DPS Sheet (needs revision) // PSA on Power Activation Delay
- Themed Tanks // Misc Build Dump // Ayonachan's Gift Horse (stat data)
- Be safe and have fun, champs - for science!
The most important thing in life is to be yourself. Unless you can be Batman. Always be Batman.
Neverwinter Census 2017
All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
The most important thing in life is to be yourself. Unless you can be Batman. Always be Batman.
Running GW and PG without MR, I'm not sure what 3rd encounter will work effectively with those 2, especially if you look to utilise the ranged versions as well.
The most important thing in life is to be yourself. Unless you can be Batman. Always be Batman.
The damage output wasn't impressive compared to when I run Trapper, but what really surprised me was the sheer survivability. With Lone Wolf, the change to feats to add deflect and Oak Skin I was hitting 75% DR - Bondings, 2x R10 Azure in my Companion, Negation - and 60% Deflect. Add Wild Medicine, Lifesteal, Oak Skin heal, and I could just stand there and tank them all day long. I got a bit cocky and pulled two groups of Fell Trolls plus their Shaman healer, which I survived, but made killing them take a long time.
Also, I feel my damage output was lacking because of my inexperience with Combat rotations. I wanted to run Fox/Growth/Split the Sky, but in the end settled on Oak/Growth/Breeze for Stamina Regen, added DR and Regen. The Trolls were firing off so much CC it was hard to fire Split the Sky, and the dodge from Fox wasn't needed at all. I saw less than 10% effectiveness on the mob hits.
When it comes to damage output: Plant Growth (25%), Piercing Blades (17%), Cordon of Arrows (13%) , Clear the Ground (12%) and Blade Hurricane and Blade Storm each took 7%. I imagine getting Hurricane higher as I get a better feel for proccing Flurry.
The most important thing in life is to be yourself. Unless you can be Batman. Always be Batman.