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This is the reality of the post-bonding change.



  • szejhuludpuchaczszejhuludpuchacz Member Posts: 306 Arc User
    You cant say its not ITF problem, its not bonding problem, its not cleric problem... Its all linked. Nature of bonding allow some support classes buff people into DPS monsters. Its problem when ITF has no hard cap, cleric power buffs crazy stacks. What was that in tiamat 25 cleric one shot heads. Its broken. And bondings are behind most speedkills or crazy numbers.
  • urabaskurabask Member Posts: 2,923 Arc User

    You cant say its not ITF problem, its not bonding problem, its not cleric problem... Its all linked. Nature of bonding allow some support classes buff people into DPS monsters. Its problem when ITF has no hard cap, cleric power buffs crazy stacks. What was that in tiamat 25 cleric one shot heads. Its broken. And bondings are behind most speedkills or crazy numbers.

    That's only possible in Tia though because you need 11+ clerics for them to stack enough power.
  • schietindebuxschietindebux Member Posts: 4,292 Arc User
    edited June 2016
    some points I can´t understand for now
    1. some of the forummembers obviously like to run 24/7 witha 285% statbuff from bondings ?
    2. I read in one post the companionbuff is only a small part of the problem ?
    3. about ITF and some comments it should stay as it is....huh?? 300% damageboost ...who needs that? cap that bullshi.et

    questions to the players about point 1: what is the purpose to play this game in your case , killing bosses in 5 seconds ?

    question to point 2: if my pet boosts my damage(power) for 30% and my cristchance +50%, this can´t be considered to be a small problem
    --> switchnig my equip to my GF (2xrank 12, 1xrank 11 bonding, azures rank 12, rank 11, rank 10 ), companion spends silly ammounts of DR 45% ! this can´t be considered to be a small issue, if you take 3xrank12 and 3xrank 12 azures this will be about >50% damageboost from ITF! small?

    those buffs interact, OP buffs DC, DC buffs GF...all 285% stat buffed by companion with >50% boost to power/crit/DR

    btw. do not forget one class/tree wich has to be considered as the "near most powerfull buffer", and is no getting into account in most posts so far --> CW with rene-mof build triples the damage off most groups
  • scathiasscathias Member Posts: 1,174 Arc User
    well lancer, your bondings are magnifying the power shared from the DC, so it isn't the DC's fault it is the bondings
    Guild - The Imaginary Friends
    We are searching for slave labor, will pay with food from our farm!
  • foxxy#4211 foxxy Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 563 Arc User
    urabask said:

    urabask said:

    clonkyo1 said:

    rinat114 said:


    If we must follow the "advice" [notice quotes, because no a serious player can take their words as "advice" at all] from some bad players like Micky, Death, Hyper, etc, this screenshot is just **** and worths -1 because "you only wanted to show your own PoV". My opinion[not want to humilliate these players more than they did themselves] is: bondings need a HUGE nerf ASAP.

    I was told once that Into the fray is boosted by all damage mitigation sources

    And that person was right. ITF "seeds" (don't know if this makes sense in english, sorry) its buff from ANY DR modifier, either buff (your personal DR) or mitigation (enemy's RI)... But seems like we, non-GF-players are the ones knowing this "bug" (a dev stated that this is WAI back on mod 6, i think, sorry if i'm mistaking the mod. ^^U)...

    EDIT: Now, waiting for Kreatyve to delete this answer because"its a flame bait"... sadly, even if they delete this post, the ROOT of the problem will stay: bad and misinformed players spreading their BIAS will around all over forums...

    EDIT 2: i got part of the code source of the game between my hands (few screenshots. ^^U) a few days ago... reading the code itself, i find some "i don't know if they exist" commands... Maybe, these "i dont know if these commands exist" are the main source of problems we suffer right now. ^^U.
    This isn't true. There are some sources of DR like Divine glow and actually most of the ecounters that GFs have that add DR that don't work with ITF. HG and AS are really the only reliable sources to increase your DR for ITF other than defense.
    alos not correct imo, there are more buff to ITF as far as I remember from those 100 threads of testing, pally buffs it also i think--> http://neverwinter.gamepedia.com/Sigil_of_the_Oathbound_Paladin
    forgot about the rest
    please devs cap those buffs (ITF, annoited army in first spot) or fix them, maybe capping will be easier for you, since fixes are rare in this game...
    Ok you found one more that add 20% more DR every minute. The two that matter are AS and HG because combined they add 75% DR, and you can spam them.

    There's one more DC that adds 5% more too. Whoopdeedoo. Overall the only ones that matter are AS and HG because nothing comes remotely close to adding that much DR.
    HG is a daily that doesnt allow u to gain ap while it is active, so DC cant spam them, also unless dc has high recovery astral shield cant be spammed. the problem here is not dc, its into the fray buffing for more than 80%
  • urabaskurabask Member Posts: 2,923 Arc User
    edited June 2016
    metalldjt said:

    scathias said:

    well lancer, your bondings are magnifying the power shared from the DC, so it isn't the DC's fault it is the bondings

    they dont do that unfortunate.
    Yes they do. Bonding runestones are stacking power gained from BoB, AA and weapons of light each time the stack of companion's gift refreshes. This didn't use to happen prior to the bonding "fix".
  • scathiasscathias Member Posts: 1,174 Arc User
    You know how power sharing from DCs works right (from the 3 skills/feat that share power)? And you know how bondings work yes? so the bondings are boosting the power sharing. Simple really.
    Guild - The Imaginary Friends
    We are searching for slave labor, will pay with food from our farm!
  • foxxy#4211 foxxy Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 563 Arc User
    metalldjt said:

    @metalldjt That's exactly my point. There has to be some bugs in how ITF and the DC buffs are being calculated.

    Something somewhere is multiplying inappropriately. Unless @rinat114 can show us how he's hitting for 35 million damage with IBS without the DC or GF buffs, I wouldn't immediately point to bonding runestones as the core cause of this problem.

    in the first post she said what was the comp, didn't she? so its a GF and a DC buffs and interractions and the outcome is shown on GWF damage.
    now since with the bonding stones being 100% uptime and maximizing everyone Power and Defense , GF and DC spells that are based over a % of stat are also more effective than before. few examples annointed champion and itf.

    since ITF is based on Damage Resistance, using bonding stones to keep up the DEFENSE at a high number is possible, he can also increases his own DR through his feats/powers/spells ex: lungin strike along side Astral Shield and HG . so there's a portion of good buffing coming from the GF.
    after that there comes the Cleric, i posted the screen shot, only 1 DC in my party increased my power by 154k = 385% , my power is usual at 57k , 154k + 57k = 211k like in screenshot , since their buff to increase my power (ex annointed champion and there are a few more others) is based on POWER rating stat you could say if there were 2 DCs that can increase eachother POWER stat and then i get the entire buffs to myself similar to a russian puppet model. :smile:

    ex: first DC increases my power with 154.000 and this happens the same with the second DC ,his power is increased with 154.000 which means that the buff coming from the second DC would be even higher than the 1st one, this could be vice versa, that could be called multiplyin inappropriately which most likely happend in the later post with the 34 mil IBs, Since you are a GWF you are buffed from both of them.

    You have to understand that alot of threads were made asking for guardian fighter to be tonned down, because power creep is not goin anywhere , and since GF is one of the classes that outperforms there ended up being 5-6 threads asking for the same nerf .
    1. Their Damage
    2. ITF

    That doesn't mean anyone is hating the Guardian fighter , NO . The Devoted Cleric is overperforming aswell.

    when you bring stuff like this and you are accused by those people sayin that you are part of some illuminati nerfing crusade or that all that is a plan to be 1st in pain giver chart, also sayin that you cannot do class balance over 5 GFs (even thou the number is higher) now you can add more GWFs that are affected by these interractions that are coming from GFs, so the number is increasing ,it's just plain outrageous, do people expect to have insane damage as the released baphomet set until they realize "hey maybe those ppl that we trolled on forum are right!"

    GWF gettin buffed by these 2 classes will deal only with his IBS (thanks for the multipliers) 17mil in 1 swing, i have made a few dungeon runs without a DC and GF , and for the surprise the overall damage is quite equal with other classes, so the issue stands with GF + DC buffs and their effectiveness. For now thats the problem, if somethin else comes in the way i will be sure to advocate against the broken.

    it's kinda funny that there are no GFs that can troll this thread aswell as they've done with the others, and i am not flamebaitin anyone, is just i haven't seen the same treatment from those users as there were in the other threads.
    Devoted cleric is not overperforming.
    1. U got 10% based off dc power from a feat called weapons of light
    2. if the same dc has virtuous path and using blessing of battle thats another 15%, meaning 25%. If the dc had bonding bonus, u got a 25% of what its power was at that moment.
    3. Anointed army doesnt increase power stat, the daily shows tooltip: takes very little damage, have increased damage and immunity to control effects. the daily doesnt last more than 5 secs if u are hit. the damage this daily increases is not more than 20%. and i even doubt this daily buffs into the fray.

    the problem here is the combination of all mitigations buffs towards into the fray. plus the overpowered bonding bonus.
  • mamalion1234mamalion1234 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 3,415 Arc User
    edited June 2016
    [Combat (Self)] Critical Hit! Your Ice Knife deals 10124607 (5062304) Cold Damage to Ethraniev Marrowslake. in act says 200% effectiveness ( debuff value) imagine how was the buff value x the debuff to happen the +5 m. SO bonding is not the case.
  • foxxy#4211 foxxy Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 563 Arc User

    About ITF. It would work fine if transfer real damage resist -> capped at 80% not DR statwise. This cap should be permament. I mean if GF has his DR under 80% and stand on empowered shield or HG daily then he hit 80% max and not above.
    AA should not stack. Murderous flames, hawkeye are somehow broken too

    Bondings... If you want buff 100% uptime then make them working with auguments too (keep in mid pets deal dmg, buff, debuff, tank, procs insignias...) or lower buffs to level proposed by someone else here. Or just simple make them respect cooldowns.

    AA doesnt stack. Anointed army stacks the recipients, which are the little holy balls around u, those little balls keep u buffed. u can have 60 of those balls; ur damage, mitigation and control resistance are gonna be the same of 1 stack.
  • scathiasscathias Member Posts: 1,174 Arc User

    3. Anointed army doesnt increase power stat, the daily shows tooltip: takes very little damage, have increased damage and immunity to control effects. the daily doesnt last more than 5 secs if u are hit. the damage this daily increases is not more than 20%. and i even doubt this daily buffs into the fray.

    the problem here is the combination of all mitigations buffs towards into the fray. plus the overpowered bonding bonus.

    Here you are completely wrong I am afraid. AA gives 50% of the DC's power to anyone who gets hit by the glowing balls. The bit about Greatly increased power in the tooltip is what is referring to the 50% power sharing
    Guild - The Imaginary Friends
    We are searching for slave labor, will pay with food from our farm!
  • foxxy#4211 foxxy Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 563 Arc User
    Anointed army does increase power stat, but something curious happened:
    I called someone to test with me 2 stacks of the power. he got his daily at r4, so do i.
    I have 24k power, when i do my anointed army, it increases my power to 10k. when he does his, it decreased my power to 29k. I dont know if this is correct but if anointed army dmg increase buff is based on dc's power that means a dc having weapons of light + battle fervor + bonding runestones applied, that would result in a absolutely increase of power from Anointed army for allies. apart of the 25% power allies would get of that power is possible that the guy above could have got 154k power of the dc this way.
    1 thing is right, anointed army is not stacking, only the recipients and bonding bonus are affecting this.
  • foxxy#4211 foxxy Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 563 Arc User

    Anointed army does increase power stat, but something curious happened:
    I called someone to test with me 2 stacks of the power. he got his daily at r4, so do i.
    I have 24k power, when i do my anointed army, it increases my power to 34k. when he does his, it decreased my power to 29k. I dont know if this is correct but if anointed army dmg increase buff is based on dc's power that means a dc having weapons of light + battle fervor + bonding runestones applied, that would result in a absolutely increase of power from Anointed army for allies. apart of the 25% power allies would get of that power is possible that the guy above could have got 154k power of the dc this way.
    1 thing is right, anointed army is not stacking, only the recipients and bonding bonus are affecting this.

  • foxxy#4211 foxxy Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 563 Arc User
    scathias said:

    3. Anointed army doesnt increase power stat, the daily shows tooltip: takes very little damage, have increased damage and immunity to control effects. the daily doesnt last more than 5 secs if u are hit. the damage this daily increases is not more than 20%. and i even doubt this daily buffs into the fray.

    the problem here is the combination of all mitigations buffs towards into the fray. plus the overpowered bonding bonus.

    Here you are completely wrong I am afraid. AA gives 50% of the DC's power to anyone who gets hit by the glowing balls. The bit about Greatly increased power in the tooltip is what is referring to the 50% power sharing
    well that clears up a bit.
  • scathiasscathias Member Posts: 1,174 Arc User
    edited June 2016
    urabask said:

    metalldjt said:

    scathias said:

    well lancer, your bondings are magnifying the power shared from the DC, so it isn't the DC's fault it is the bondings

    they dont do that unfortunate.
    Yes they do. Bonding runestones are stacking power gained from BoB, AA and weapons of light each time the stack of companion's gift refreshes. This didn't use to happen prior to the bonding "fix".
    This always happened actually, it is not a new interaction in anyway. To be clear though, there is no loop happening with power gaining the way Warlords Inspiration was working when it was first released. whenever the bonding stack is refreshed it simply takes the latest values of stats the companion has received and puts those through the bonding process. So if you put a brutality ring on a bonding pet you will have the magnified effect of the brutality (4000 power from brutality * bonding percentage) for 10s max (at a +5) and then after that brutality effect falls off and the pet applies the bonding stack again you will no longer get the power from butality. basically the bonding stack is now a real time reflection of the stats the pet has.

    In addition, BoB and AA can only be applied once per player, anything more and the old version gets overwritten with the latest application.
    Guild - The Imaginary Friends
    We are searching for slave labor, will pay with food from our farm!
  • urabaskurabask Member Posts: 2,923 Arc User
    edited June 2016
    scathias said:

    urabask said:

    metalldjt said:

    scathias said:

    well lancer, your bondings are magnifying the power shared from the DC, so it isn't the DC's fault it is the bondings

    they dont do that unfortunate.
    Yes they do. Bonding runestones are stacking power gained from BoB, AA and weapons of light each time the stack of companion's gift refreshes. This didn't use to happen prior to the bonding "fix".
    This always happened actually, it is not a new interaction in anyway. To be clear though, there is no loop happening with power gaining the way Warlords Inspiration was working when it was first released. whenever the bonding stack is refreshed it simply takes the latest values of stats the companion has received and puts those through the bonding process. So if you put a brutality ring on a bonding pet you will have the magnified effect of the brutality (4000 power from brutality * bonding percentage) for 10s max (at a +5) and then after that brutality effect falls off and the pet applies the bonding stack again you will no longer get the power from butality. basically the bonding stack is now a real time reflection of the stats the pet has.

    In addition, BoB and AA can only be applied once per player, anything more and the old version gets overwritten with the latest application.
    Before the bonding "fix" you could couldn't keep stacks up long enough to keep adding multiple additions of BoB/AA though.

    So pre-"fix" I could go from 23k to 50k. Now I can go from 23k to 120k. While soloing. If you get another DC you can get to 300k+
  • lantern22lantern22 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,111 Arc User
    I'm not sure that only nerfing the buffers is the solution, it needs to be a bit of both, well perhaps more one than the other - definitely ITF needs capping, its out of control in BIS parties.

    But you need to leave a reason for ppl to play buffers otherwise everyone will just be on the DPS tree.
  • mamalion1234mamalion1234 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 3,415 Arc User
    edited June 2016
    lantern22 said:

    I'm not sure that only nerfing the buffers is the solution, it needs to be a bit of both, well perhaps more one than the other - definitely ITF needs capping, its out of control in BIS parties.

    But you need to leave a reason for ppl to play buffers otherwise everyone will just be on the DPS tree.

    before players discover bondings etc and the interactions with other classes itf was fine as damage buff around 40-50% stilll was a big boost. i have gf even if the cap itf i will not feel like become useless as i said some posts above the buff give also speed and action points + gf has and tide of iron and the mark for debuffs
  • lantern22lantern22 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,111 Arc User
    rinat114 said:

    First of all, I'm a she.

    lol - oops

  • scathiasscathias Member Posts: 1,174 Arc User
    edited June 2016
    urabask said:

    scathias said:

    urabask said:

    metalldjt said:

    scathias said:

    well lancer, your bondings are magnifying the power shared from the DC, so it isn't the DC's fault it is the bondings

    they dont do that unfortunate.
    Yes they do. Bonding runestones are stacking power gained from BoB, AA and weapons of light each time the stack of companion's gift refreshes. This didn't use to happen prior to the bonding "fix".
    This always happened actually, it is not a new interaction in anyway. To be clear though, there is no loop happening with power gaining the way Warlords Inspiration was working when it was first released. whenever the bonding stack is refreshed it simply takes the latest values of stats the companion has received and puts those through the bonding process. So if you put a brutality ring on a bonding pet you will have the magnified effect of the brutality (4000 power from brutality * bonding percentage) for 10s max (at a +5) and then after that brutality effect falls off and the pet applies the bonding stack again you will no longer get the power from butality. basically the bonding stack is now a real time reflection of the stats the pet has.

    In addition, BoB and AA can only be applied once per player, anything more and the old version gets overwritten with the latest application.
    Before the bonding "fix" you could couldn't keep stacks up long enough to keep adding multiple additions of BoB/AA though.

    So pre-"fix" I could go from 23k to 50k. Now I can go from 23k to 120k. While soloing. If you get another DC you can get to 300k+
    Again, since you didn't see what i said before, If you reapply Bob the last one is removed. The same with AA. You can get a BoB "empowered" AA or a AA empowered BoB, but not a AA empowered AA. If you have 2 DCs who use BoB only the most recent version of BoB will apply and it will only take into consideration 1 AA when it is cast. AA and BoB both have a "base" power that they work off of that are self exclusive. AA sees that the casting DC has 30k base power and will add another 15k power for a total of 45k, on the next cast of AA though (even if AA is still running) it will still only see that the DC has 30k base and will reapply the 15k, not 50% of 45k. This is how the AA interaction works with multiple DCs and is applicable to any target that gets hit by AA and BoB
    Guild - The Imaginary Friends
    We are searching for slave labor, will pay with food from our farm!
  • foxxy#4211 foxxy Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 563 Arc User
    scathias said:

    urabask said:

    scathias said:

    urabask said:

    metalldjt said:

    scathias said:

    well lancer, your bondings are magnifying the power shared from the DC, so it isn't the DC's fault it is the bondings

    they dont do that unfortunate.
    Yes they do. Bonding runestones are stacking power gained from BoB, AA and weapons of light each time the stack of companion's gift refreshes. This didn't use to happen prior to the bonding "fix".
    This always happened actually, it is not a new interaction in anyway. To be clear though, there is no loop happening with power gaining the way Warlords Inspiration was working when it was first released. whenever the bonding stack is refreshed it simply takes the latest values of stats the companion has received and puts those through the bonding process. So if you put a brutality ring on a bonding pet you will have the magnified effect of the brutality (4000 power from brutality * bonding percentage) for 10s max (at a +5) and then after that brutality effect falls off and the pet applies the bonding stack again you will no longer get the power from butality. basically the bonding stack is now a real time reflection of the stats the pet has.

    In addition, BoB and AA can only be applied once per player, anything more and the old version gets overwritten with the latest application.
    Before the bonding "fix" you could couldn't keep stacks up long enough to keep adding multiple additions of BoB/AA though.

    So pre-"fix" I could go from 23k to 50k. Now I can go from 23k to 120k. While soloing. If you get another DC you can get to 300k+
    AA sees that the casting DC has 30k base power and will add another 15k power for a total of 45k, on the next cast of AA though (even if AA is still running) it will still only see that the DC has 30k base and will reapply the 15k, not 50% of 45k. This is how the AA interaction works with multiple DCs and is applicable to any target that gets hit by AA and BoB
    Exactly, people need to stop saying anointed army, blesing of battle (battle fervor) stack. However weapon of light feat stacks, but i think weapon of light is 10% of the based dc' power, not the power after buffs. same works for blessing of battle.
  • schietindebuxschietindebux Member Posts: 4,292 Arc User
    edited June 2016
    The way to get those results by buffing power with AA reaching crazy numbers is surely reached by statbuffs from companions
    It´s not only your own powerbuff from 3xradiants a 700, 3x bondings a 840 power and 3x loyal avenger a 640 power multiplied with 285%+15% from legendary companion.
    You also get buffend from OP and Warlock on top, who also get a 285% buff from bondings. So in the end your 285% companionbuffs stack from all classes.
    This happens to all those uncapped, open buffs by interacting powers like HG, AS, Pally sigil with ITF.
    About that DC problem using a broken mechanic leading to infinite power, as shown in the 25-DC run .. this is not the effect you can watch in a 5 man dungeon.
    About GF.... mark, ToI themselves are pretty good debuffs, ITF on top breaks everything. Even a 20 or 30% buff would be powerfull since its up near all time.
    No, companionbuffs are not a "small problem" by sure !
    Maybe if cryptic get´s those interactions fixed , things will look different.
  • urabaskurabask Member Posts: 2,923 Arc User
    scathias said:

    urabask said:

    scathias said:

    urabask said:

    metalldjt said:

    scathias said:

    well lancer, your bondings are magnifying the power shared from the DC, so it isn't the DC's fault it is the bondings

    they dont do that unfortunate.
    Yes they do. Bonding runestones are stacking power gained from BoB, AA and weapons of light each time the stack of companion's gift refreshes. This didn't use to happen prior to the bonding "fix".
    This always happened actually, it is not a new interaction in anyway. To be clear though, there is no loop happening with power gaining the way Warlords Inspiration was working when it was first released. whenever the bonding stack is refreshed it simply takes the latest values of stats the companion has received and puts those through the bonding process. So if you put a brutality ring on a bonding pet you will have the magnified effect of the brutality (4000 power from brutality * bonding percentage) for 10s max (at a +5) and then after that brutality effect falls off and the pet applies the bonding stack again you will no longer get the power from butality. basically the bonding stack is now a real time reflection of the stats the pet has.

    In addition, BoB and AA can only be applied once per player, anything more and the old version gets overwritten with the latest application.
    Before the bonding "fix" you could couldn't keep stacks up long enough to keep adding multiple additions of BoB/AA though.

    So pre-"fix" I could go from 23k to 50k. Now I can go from 23k to 120k. While soloing. If you get another DC you can get to 300k+
    Again, since you didn't see what i said before, If you reapply Bob the last one is removed. The same with AA. You can get a BoB "empowered" AA or a AA empowered BoB, but not a AA empowered AA. If you have 2 DCs who use BoB only the most recent version of BoB will apply and it will only take into consideration 1 AA when it is cast. AA and BoB both have a "base" power that they work off of that are self exclusive. AA sees that the casting DC has 30k base power and will add another 15k power for a total of 45k, on the next cast of AA though (even if AA is still running) it will still only see that the DC has 30k base and will reapply the 15k, not 50% of 45k. This is how the AA interaction works with multiple DCs and is applicable to any target that gets hit by AA and BoB
    I think you're misunderstanding what I'm implying. I'm not saying that AA or BoB are being stacked multiple times at once. You're applying them over and over essentially when the bonding stacks refresh. So while it might not be on your buff bar that power is being applied multiple times through your bonding runestones.
  • schietindebuxschietindebux Member Posts: 4,292 Arc User
    edited June 2016
    urabask said:

    scathias said:

    urabask said:

    scathias said:

    urabask said:

    metalldjt said:

    scathias said:

    well lancer, your bondings are magnifying the power shared from the DC, so it isn't the DC's fault it is the bondings

    they dont do that unfortunate.
    Yes they do. Bonding runestones are stacking power gained from BoB, AA and weapons of light each time the stack of companion's gift refreshes. This didn't use to happen prior to the bonding "fix".
    This always happened actually, it is not a new interaction in anyway. To be clear though, there is no loop happening with power gaining the way Warlords Inspiration was working when it was first released. whenever the bonding stack is refreshed it simply takes the latest values of stats the companion has received and puts those through the bonding process. So if you put a brutality ring on a bonding pet you will have the magnified effect of the brutality (4000 power from brutality * bonding percentage) for 10s max (at a +5) and then after that brutality effect falls off and the pet applies the bonding stack again you will no longer get the power from butality. basically the bonding stack is now a real time reflection of the stats the pet has.

    In addition, BoB and AA can only be applied once per player, anything more and the old version gets overwritten with the latest application.
    Before the bonding "fix" you could couldn't keep stacks up long enough to keep adding multiple additions of BoB/AA though.

    So pre-"fix" I could go from 23k to 50k. Now I can go from 23k to 120k. While soloing. If you get another DC you can get to 300k+
    Again, since you didn't see what i said before, If you reapply Bob the last one is removed. The same with AA. You can get a BoB "empowered" AA or a AA empowered BoB, but not a AA empowered AA. If you have 2 DCs who use BoB only the most recent version of BoB will apply and it will only take into consideration 1 AA when it is cast. AA and BoB both have a "base" power that they work off of that are self exclusive. AA sees that the casting DC has 30k base power and will add another 15k power for a total of 45k, on the next cast of AA though (even if AA is still running) it will still only see that the DC has 30k base and will reapply the 15k, not 50% of 45k. This is how the AA interaction works with multiple DCs and is applicable to any target that gets hit by AA and BoB
    I think you're misunderstanding what I'm implying. I'm not saying that AA or BoB are being stacked multiple times at once. You're applying them over and over essentially when the bonding stacks refresh. So while it might not be on your buff bar that power is being applied multiple times through your bonding runestones.
    To get your conversation even more confusing, some of those powerbuffs like dark relvelry , not sure about AA, are buffing your companions on top.
    Means, in case of a warlock you get a "rebuff" from your companion wich is not that bad. 20% powerbuff from your power to your companion, leads to a rebuffs to you wich scales with the power of your bondings, easy to test.
    Buff, rebuff, buff, rebuff.... get a DC, OP and warlock, in the end all those powers stack, and on top the buffed companions rebuff those player on top.

    I remember putzyboy or someone else told about that companionrebuff in case of DC, battle fervor (15% power), weapon of light (10% power) are given to you, your group ....and your companions as well?
    Post edited by schietindebux on
  • lonewolfmk1lonewolfmk1 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 137 Arc User
    In my opinion, the simplest way would be to bring back the soft caps, though on a higher statlevel than before, maybe in combination with a DR and DR reduction soft or hardcap. Would solve most issues without having to try to deconstruct the whole gordic knot that is the interaction of buffs/debuffs, which i am fairly confident cryptic is at this point barely able to do.
  • jeffsliderjeffslider Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 112 Arc User
    edited June 2016
    Due to further investigation, I researched & ran tests about these bondings/companions & everything else. I came up with a final conclusion based on these same tests/research. Please check this out as soon as possible.
  • fernuufernuu Member Posts: 453 Arc User

    urabask said:

    scathias said:

    urabask said:

    scathias said:

    urabask said:

    metalldjt said:

    scathias said:

    well lancer, your bondings are magnifying the power shared from the DC, so it isn't the DC's fault it is the bondings

    they dont do that unfortunate.
    Yes they do. Bonding runestones are stacking power gained from BoB, AA and weapons of light each time the stack of companion's gift refreshes. This didn't use to happen prior to the bonding "fix".
    This always happened actually, it is not a new interaction in anyway. To be clear though, there is no loop happening with power gaining the way Warlords Inspiration was working when it was first released. whenever the bonding stack is refreshed it simply takes the latest values of stats the companion has received and puts those through the bonding process. So if you put a brutality ring on a bonding pet you will have the magnified effect of the brutality (4000 power from brutality * bonding percentage) for 10s max (at a +5) and then after that brutality effect falls off and the pet applies the bonding stack again you will no longer get the power from butality. basically the bonding stack is now a real time reflection of the stats the pet has.

    In addition, BoB and AA can only be applied once per player, anything more and the old version gets overwritten with the latest application.
    Before the bonding "fix" you could couldn't keep stacks up long enough to keep adding multiple additions of BoB/AA though.

    So pre-"fix" I could go from 23k to 50k. Now I can go from 23k to 120k. While soloing. If you get another DC you can get to 300k+
    Again, since you didn't see what i said before, If you reapply Bob the last one is removed. The same with AA. You can get a BoB "empowered" AA or a AA empowered BoB, but not a AA empowered AA. If you have 2 DCs who use BoB only the most recent version of BoB will apply and it will only take into consideration 1 AA when it is cast. AA and BoB both have a "base" power that they work off of that are self exclusive. AA sees that the casting DC has 30k base power and will add another 15k power for a total of 45k, on the next cast of AA though (even if AA is still running) it will still only see that the DC has 30k base and will reapply the 15k, not 50% of 45k. This is how the AA interaction works with multiple DCs and is applicable to any target that gets hit by AA and BoB
    I think you're misunderstanding what I'm implying. I'm not saying that AA or BoB are being stacked multiple times at once. You're applying them over and over essentially when the bonding stacks refresh. So while it might not be on your buff bar that power is being applied multiple times through your bonding runestones.
    To get your conversation even more confusing, some of those powerbuffs like dark relvelry , not sure about AA, are buffing your companions on top.
    Means, in case of a warlock you get a "rebuff" from your companion wich is not that bad. 20% powerbuff from your power to your companion, leads to a rebuffs to you wich scales with the power of your bondings, easy to test.
    Buff, rebuff, buff, rebuff.... get a DC, OP and warlock, in the end all those powers stack, and on top the buffed companions rebuff those player on top.

    I remember putzyboy or someone else told about that companionrebuff in case of DC, battle fervor (15% power), weapon of light (10% power) are given to you, your group ....and your companions as well?
    Dark Revelry buff only base Power (no buffs, no guild boon), so it isn't rebuffing that much. But yeah, it affects buffs from AA and similar.

    Mod 10:
    [Combat (Self)] Critical Hit! Your Killing Flames deals 16636893 (1009292) Fire Damage to Ethraniev Marrowslake.

    Mod 9:
    [Combat (Self)] Your Murderous Flames deals 376274433 (18876929) Fire Damage to Red Tiamat Head.
  • schietindebuxschietindebux Member Posts: 4,292 Arc User
    edited June 2016
    rebuff from companions due to dark revelry spends several k power depending on your powerstat 2-3k maybe more sometimes, not that bad imo. Last time I tested it was about 2.4k in my case.
    I am not sure if those companions get buffed by Annoited Army, don´t think so.
    As far as I understood, bondings combined with radiants rank 12 buff your power 285% , OP´s powerboost and dark revelry buff DC on top, and AA is taking this buffed power into account, leading to silly numbers.
    Dark revelry buffs teammates and teamates companion 20% from your power, so it also spends your hole party the same rebuff from companion as you get, depending on your bondings.
    About Pally I can´t say.
    So high ammount of power meets high ammounts of damagebuff from ITF/HG/AS/Pally sigil etc., bam
    Pop Hollowed Ground , pop DC sigil, cast Astral shield...GF steps inside--> ITF..and now you pop your second daily AA on top.

    Post edited by schietindebux on
  • schietindebuxschietindebux Member Posts: 4,292 Arc User
    edited June 2016
    I would also suggest to prevent any buff to interact with each other..doesn´t make sense...
    a buff buffs another buff, buffs another buff and so on = poor developement
    And yes, prevent companions getting buffed to stop those rebuffs on top of a flat 285% (lol, bondings also need a tone down imo) statbuff, maybe this will also fix damnation tree at once.
    Cap ITF, cap Annoited army etc., no open buffs any more, doesn´t work as we experience atm.
    Btw AA is not the source of all evil , since it only last short time and ends being hit, it´s only a small part of the problem, regarding a 5-man dungeon.
  • fernuufernuu Member Posts: 453 Arc User

    rebuff from companions due to dark revelry spends several k power depending on your powerstat 2-3k maybe more sometimes, not that bad imo. Last time I tested it was about 2.4k in my case.
    I am not sure if those companions get buffed by Annoited Army, don´t think so.
    As far as I understood, bondings combined with radiants rank 12 buff your power 285% , OP´s powerboost and dark revelry buff DC on top, and AA is taking this buffed power into account, leading to silly numbers.
    Dark revelry buffs teammates and teamates companion 20% from your power, so it also spends your hole party the same rebuff from companion as you get, depending on your bondings.
    About Pally I can´t say.
    So high ammount of power meets high ammounts of damagebuff from ITF/HG/AS/Pally sigil etc., bam
    Pop Hollowed Ground , pop DC sigil, cast Astral shield...GF steps inside--> ITF..and now you pop your second daily AA on top.


    Not exactly. Dark Revelry buff teammate for 20% ofhis base Power, which still counts for DC further buffs. Anyway, DR is useless for SW's damage, it's viable only for temptation... which is barely useful. The only goal for DR is making sick numbers with DC/OP/CW... which is meritum of this topic.

    Mod 10:
    [Combat (Self)] Critical Hit! Your Killing Flames deals 16636893 (1009292) Fire Damage to Ethraniev Marrowslake.

    Mod 9:
    [Combat (Self)] Your Murderous Flames deals 376274433 (18876929) Fire Damage to Red Tiamat Head.
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