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This is the reality of the post-bonding change.



  • jaysun1977jaysun1977 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 177 Arc User
    abrams121 said:

    @metalldjt. I can write that because VIP is 10 dollars a month. This game is fun but it isn't worth it if I have to pay basically a sub fee plus pay for everything else to upgrade my character. Plus it seems like the game is run by college intern quality programmers for the amount of bugs and some days unplayable lag. Add to that the constant character balance changes because they can't seem to get their 3 year old combat system in line. Incompetent game developers don't deserve the kind of money they are asking. There are a lot of things they got right with the gameplay style and that has been the only thing keeping me here. That and the awesome people that I have met.

    Since VIP nets you around 730K AD per month and costs you 500K AD a month to maintain, your argument is plain wrong.
  • schietindebuxschietindebux Member Posts: 4,292 Arc User
    edited June 2016
    metalldjt said:

    its 500.000 ad , which the vip from 30 keys can pay by itself if you get crappy rewards, u can make even more than 500.000 ad in 1 month, so it's not 10$ , its 500.000 AD , alot of games do not have this type of EXCHANGE, and this game has it and thats what it makes great.

    500k AD is 2-3 days playing and selling stuff doing dungeons and dailies with 3-4 lev 70 chars, depending on how many time you spend in this game. If you prefer to grind for an hour a day things will last much longer.
  • mamalion1234mamalion1234 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 3,415 Arc User
    POEPLE chasing only cleric first to remove the brutalities and precisions from companion then to talk. THAT should get fix as well companion should get only companion gear.
  • jugger71jugger71 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 252 Arc User
    Take away DCs stacking and call it good. I have no problem with GFs. No problem with single DCs. Multiple DCs, thats the issue.
  • ghoulz66ghoulz66 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 3,748 Arc User
    jugger71 said:

    Take away DCs stacking and call it good. I have no problem with GFs. No problem with single DCs. Multiple DCs, thats the issue.

    Still say ITF should just be a flat buff for the sake of balance. Power creeping has gotten out of hand. We don't need a dozen party buffs that keep on scaling upward and upward.
  • abrams121abrams121 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 90 Arc User
    If you flatten the buff from ITF, you would need to do so in a way that won't make it pointless to advance past a certain point.
  • gomok72gomok72 Member Posts: 616 Arc User
    I been saying this all along, I don't use bonding stones and won't based on the fact that they are out of control in buffing my and teams damage. I think this was/is another non planned out effect of the developers making a knee jerk decision in helping the "New" players in the game, while not really thinking how it would affect the BIS players.
    I may not be considered by most the BEST PVP Warlock on the server but, I am the most HATED amongst them.

  • jaysun1977jaysun1977 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 177 Arc User
    edited July 2016
    kalindra said:

    Since VIP nets you around 730K AD per month and costs you 500K AD a month to maintain, your argument is plain wrong.

    ...if RNG ist you friend, ...else not so much.
    Actually, I was lowballing the numbers. If you get the poorest drop you can possibly get on each and every chest you open, you net 17K per chest. That means 510K per month. So even if you have HAMSTER poor luck, you still net a profit for doing absolutely nothing.

    That is very unlikely, however. Take a look at the current lockbox:

    The Firemane lockbox has an average value of 42K, if you know what and when to sell, boiling down to 1.2M AD a month. You will most likely hit a low every now and then, but you can reasonably assume that you will hit at least half the average mark, can you not? That would net you 630K a month, a net profit of 130K AD for doing absolutely nothing. 730K a month is a VERY reasonable number.
    kalindra said:

    You still get stuff in dungeons you can sell for any amount?
    How do you do this?
    Where are those dungeons?
    I'm positive surpriced if I get any blue **** wort a few hundred AD, and expect nothing, because that's the most probable result from any dungeon runs (plus maybe enough RPs for 1% or 2% of a single level of an artifact).

    I am assuming you are not purposefully obtuse, so I'll help you out on this one:

    Salvage the blue stuff you get from the dungeons, don't sell it on the AH. That's 3-5K a piece without VIP. Using the example your comment referred to, you will hit your daily cap on all 4 accounts within 20 dungeon runs total, including 2 skirmishes on each account. That nets you a daily AD income of 144K AD on 4 characters total or 108K AD on 3 characters.

    In other words: 3,5 days on 4 characters and 4,6 days on 3 characters. And you only need the other characters to salvage the drops, not even run the dungens themselves, so their equipment is irrelevant.

    And that all assumes that in those 20 runs a day, you have not a single sellable drop, like rank 8 enchants, or artifacts.

  • schietindebuxschietindebux Member Posts: 4,292 Arc User
    edited July 2016
    To the ones that vote for a nerf of warlock class.
    Please specify the nerf itself. What do you want exactly to happen? And no answers like: "just fix it".
    Only for my interest, if any of those forummembers do realise and understand the problem, because I get more and more the impression some here do not even read those posts or don´t understand what is written above.
    kalindra said:

    500k AD is 2-3 days playing and selling stuff doing dungeons and dailies with 3-4 lev 70 chars, depending on how many time you spend in this game. If you prefer to grind for an hour a day things will last much longer.

    You still get stuff in dungeons you can sell for any amount?
    How do you do this?
    Where are those dungeons?
    I'm positive surpriced if I get any blue **** wort a few hundred AD, and expect nothing, because that's the most probable result from any dungeon runs (plus maybe enough RPs for 1% or 2% of a single level of an artifact).

    4x35k AD a day is 140kx3 days= 420k AD
    If I run CN + dailies every daywith 3 chars, plus sells from Auctionhouse from drops and lockbox, plus some AH buys and sells I easily get >>500k AD in few days , more in 2 days than in 3 I would say.
    Doing some Tiamat runs every hour , done in about 10 min, eliminating those heads near every time in the first round, if you are in one of those chats for 3k+ IL.
    Crafting keys for elol/tiamat/CN/edemo continously etc. by running sharandar/Dreadring etc.
    NWO is about farming AD and RP using the most effective build imo, so I run a lazy 3,3k damnationlock, a rightous max buff DC and a GF tank , who get´s invite in PE chat in few seconds for a successfull CN run all time.
  • thefabricantthefabricant Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 5,248 Arc User
    The reality of the post bonding stone change is since the change, I was able to 2 man eCC with the high vizier set on, with a DC wearing HP, with 50k HP. Its rather balanced isn't it?
  • talon1970talon1970 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 152 Arc User
    We did yesterday some CN Runs, i changed my active companion from legendary Zentlock to an blue Firearchon,
    Group was 2x GF, 2x DC and my TR bc we wanted to test what is "possible" if everyone in the group is using a "special" mount insignia bonus and how good they can buff me.
    ilvl was from 2.5k up to 4k and......yes i was able to be buffed and selfbuffed to over 400k power as an TR.

    Then we did another round with 4x DC and 1 GF ilvl again from 2.5k to 3k+......GF was buffed to over 500k power.
    He oneshotted more or less Orcus after we said in TS that every DC had his buff and debuff up.

    As funny as it could be in such a group (with the not called insignia bonus with an ridiciulous runspeed...i was permanently hitting walls for example)..
    ...this could not be the future of the game.

    Actually it makes no sense to push your artifacts to mythic, enchants higher than Rank 7 and so on...all you "need" is an active companion with 3 attackslots, 3 Bondings (normal or higher) and a good buff/debuff group and then everything went out of control.
  • tripsofthrymrtripsofthrymr Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,624 Community Moderator
    edited July 2016
    kalindra said:

    You still get stuff in dungeons you can sell for any amount?
    How do you do this?
    Where are those dungeons?
    I'm positive surpriced if I get any blue **** wort a few hundred AD, and expect nothing, because that's the most probable result from any dungeon runs (plus maybe enough RPs for 1% or 2% of a single level of an artifact).

    For one geared level 70 toon with sufficient VIP you have 3 keys from VIP, 1 free daily key and 10% AD bonus from salvage.

    - 4x T2 chest loot = 4x4400 AD = 17600
    - One random purple drop from 4 runs = 4400
    - Invoke 5 times = 3000
    - AD from first two DD runs = 6000 (don't recall exact amount)
    - Average 1 purple item from one round of hard SH HE's, average salvage value = 6600

    That's 37,600 AD for one toon. I haven't even run any skirmishes or PVP for the bonus AD, but sub that in for HE's if you want. I'm over the daily AD refining limit.

    Do that on 4 toons = 150,400 AD (OK a bit over the refining limit of 144,000/day for 4 toons).

    With the broken-ness of the bonding change (and broken-ness of some class interactions), those T2 dungeon runs hardly take 15 minutes. I have done eTOS in less time than that, with most time spent just running.

    Don't want to grind on 4 toons but want to progress at that rate? You can spend money. Don't want to grind that much and don't want to spend real money? You progress slower. The game is well balanced in that way. Only one of those options actually pays for developer's salaries and a profit for the company.

    Caritas Guild Founder (Greycloak Alliance)

    Sci-fi author: The Gods We Make, The Gods We Seek, and Ji-min
  • getsume#1425 getsume Member Posts: 36 Arc User

    kalindra said:

    You still get stuff in dungeons you can sell for any amount?
    How do you do this?
    Where are those dungeons?
    I'm positive surpriced if I get any blue **** wort a few hundred AD, and expect nothing, because that's the most probable result from any dungeon runs (plus maybe enough RPs for 1% or 2% of a single level of an artifact).

    For one geared level 70 toon with sufficient VIP you have 3 keys from VIP, 1 free daily key and 10% AD bonus from salvage.

    - 4x T2 chest loot = 4x4400 AD = 17600
    - One random purple drop from 4 runs = 4400
    - Invoke 5 times = 3000
    - AD from first two DD runs = 6000 (don't recall exact amount)
    - Average 1 purple item from one round of hard SH HE's, average salvage value = 6600

    That's 37,600 AD for one toon. I haven't even run any skirmishes or PVP for the bonus AD, but sub that in for HE's if you want. I'm over the daily AD refining limit.

    Do that on 4 toons = 150,400 AD (OK a bit over the refining limit of 144,000/day for 4 toons).

    With the broken-ness of the bonding change (and broken-ness of some class interactions), those T2 dungeon runs hardly take 15 minutes. I have done eTOS in less time than that, with most time spent just running.

    Don't want to grind on 4 toons but want to progress at that rate? You can spend money. Don't want to grind that much and don't want to spend real money? You progress slower. The game is well balanced in that way. Only one of those options actually pays for developer's salaries and a profit for the company.

    The thing about spending real money to upgrade your characters is that it would take several hundred dollars to get them up but would you really spend hundreds of dollars on a game like this? I mean it's a fun game and all but i probably wouldn't spend more than $60 on a game and there's a lot of people that feel the same. If the company refuses to see they could earn more by charging less that's there problem but eventually the game will shut down.

    Also some people seem to forget that when you buy Zen with AD you're buying Zen that somebody paid real money for. So the company doesn't actually lose money if people use AD to get Zen because it only creates a new demand for their cash that you have to buy that other free to play games don't have. Since the price of Zen has been going up though this shows that the number of people buying Zen for real money and selling it has been going down. If it keeps up they wont make enough money and will have to shut down the servers.
    Have I ever told you I'm a genius?
  • ajlir#7970 ajlir Member Posts: 367 Arc User

    kalindra said:

    You still get stuff in dungeons you can sell for any amount?
    How do you do this?
    Where are those dungeons?
    I'm positive surpriced if I get any blue **** wort a few hundred AD, and expect nothing, because that's the most probable result from any dungeon runs (plus maybe enough RPs for 1% or 2% of a single level of an artifact).

    For one geared level 70 toon with sufficient VIP you have 3 keys from VIP, 1 free daily key and 10% AD bonus from salvage.

    - 4x T2 chest loot = 4x4400 AD = 17600
    - One random purple drop from 4 runs = 4400
    - Invoke 5 times = 3000
    - AD from first two DD runs = 6000 (don't recall exact amount)
    - Average 1 purple item from one round of hard SH HE's, average salvage value = 6600

    That's 37,600 AD for one toon. I haven't even run any skirmishes or PVP for the bonus AD, but sub that in for HE's if you want. I'm over the daily AD refining limit.

    Do that on 4 toons = 150,400 AD (OK a bit over the refining limit of 144,000/day for 4 toons).

    With the broken-ness of the bonding change (and broken-ness of some class interactions), those T2 dungeon runs hardly take 15 minutes. I have done eTOS in less time than that, with most time spent just running.

    Don't want to grind on 4 toons but want to progress at that rate? You can spend money. Don't want to grind that much and don't want to spend real money? You progress slower. The game is well balanced in that way. Only one of those options actually pays for developer's salaries and a profit for the company.

    The thing about spending real money to upgrade your characters is that it would take several hundred dollars to get them up but would you really spend hundreds of dollars on a game like this? I mean it's a fun game and all but i probably wouldn't spend more than $60 on a game and there's a lot of people that feel the same. If the company refuses to see they could earn more by charging less that's there problem but eventually the game will shut down.

    Also some people seem to forget that when you buy Zen with AD you're buying Zen that somebody paid real money for. So the company doesn't actually lose money if people use AD to get Zen because it only creates a new demand for their cash that you have to buy that other free to play games don't have. Since the price of Zen has been going up though this shows that the number of people buying Zen for real money and selling it has been going down. If it keeps up they wont make enough money and will have to shut down the servers.
    Well, there are a lot of variety of spenders in any MMO game and every person has an opinion of their own on what to spend with their money.

    Since I can't get any Zen from ZAX, I can only use AD on AH or Wondrous Bazaar. Plus, I use AD for RPs and cheap rare/epic active bonus companions anyway.
  • micky1p00micky1p00 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 3,594 Arc User

    kalindra said:

    You still get stuff in dungeons you can sell for any amount?
    How do you do this?
    Where are those dungeons?
    I'm positive surpriced if I get any blue **** wort a few hundred AD, and expect nothing, because that's the most probable result from any dungeon runs (plus maybe enough RPs for 1% or 2% of a single level of an artifact).

    For one geared level 70 toon with sufficient VIP you have 3 keys from VIP, 1 free daily key and 10% AD bonus from salvage.

    - 4x T2 chest loot = 4x4400 AD = 17600
    - One random purple drop from 4 runs = 4400
    - Invoke 5 times = 3000
    - AD from first two DD runs = 6000 (don't recall exact amount)
    - Average 1 purple item from one round of hard SH HE's, average salvage value = 6600

    That's 37,600 AD for one toon. I haven't even run any skirmishes or PVP for the bonus AD, but sub that in for HE's if you want. I'm over the daily AD refining limit.

    Do that on 4 toons = 150,400 AD (OK a bit over the refining limit of 144,000/day for 4 toons).

    With the broken-ness of the bonding change (and broken-ness of some class interactions), those T2 dungeon runs hardly take 15 minutes. I have done eTOS in less time than that, with most time spent just running.

    Don't want to grind on 4 toons but want to progress at that rate? You can spend money. Don't want to grind that much and don't want to spend real money? You progress slower. The game is well balanced in that way. Only one of those options actually pays for developer's salaries and a profit for the company.

    The thing about spending real money to upgrade your characters is that it would take several hundred dollars to get them up but would you really spend hundreds of dollars on a game like this? I mean it's a fun game and all but i probably wouldn't spend more than $60 on a game and there's a lot of people that feel the same. If the company refuses to see they could earn more by charging less that's there problem but eventually the game will shut down.

    Also some people seem to forget that when you buy Zen with AD you're buying Zen that somebody paid real money for. So the company doesn't actually lose money if people use AD to get Zen because it only creates a new demand for their cash that you have to buy that other free to play games don't have. Since the price of Zen has been going up though this shows that the number of people buying Zen for real money and selling it has been going down. If it keeps up they wont make enough money and will have to shut down the servers.
    Well, there are a lot of variety of spenders in any MMO game and every person has an opinion of their own on what to spend with their money.

    Since I can't get any Zen from ZAX, I can only use AD on AH or Wondrous Bazaar. Plus, I use AD for RPs and cheap rare/epic active bonus companions anyway.
    And why you can't get ZEN ? You can't wait a week or two once you post the request?
  • ajlir#7970 ajlir Member Posts: 367 Arc User
    micky1p00 said:

    And why you can't get ZEN ? You can't wait a week or two once you post the request?

    No. It's the 1 Zen per 500 AD, at which I usually convert them when it was 470-490. At this point, I rather spend it on character progression.
  • urabaskurabask Member Posts: 2,923 Arc User

    micky1p00 said:

    And why you can't get ZEN ? You can't wait a week or two once you post the request?

    No. It's the 1 Zen per 500 AD, at which I usually convert them when it was 470-490. At this point, I rather spend it on character progression.
    This is possible up to a point. Once you get to the point that you're upgrading enchants past r8 you need more wards than you can reasonably get without zen.
  • ajlir#7970 ajlir Member Posts: 367 Arc User
    urabask said:

    micky1p00 said:

    And why you can't get ZEN ? You can't wait a week or two once you post the request?

    No. It's the 1 Zen per 500 AD, at which I usually convert them when it was 470-490. At this point, I rather spend it on character progression.
    This is possible up to a point. Once you get to the point that you're upgrading enchants past r8 you need more wards than you can reasonably get without zen.
    If I want something, I'll buy on AH, no point gambling with wards. Under guild leader's advice.
  • ironzerg79ironzerg79 Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4,942 Arc User
    Please don't raise threads from the dead.

    If a thread has not been posted on in over thirty days, it likely contains out of date information or opinions. If you would like to continue such a discussion, please create a new thread to do so, or find an existing "living" one.

    "Meanwhile in the moderator's lounge..."
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