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Strongholds Maintenance 8/11 at 6am PDT



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    mistressphoenixmistressphoenix Member Posts: 369 Arc User
    kvet wrote: »
    charononus wrote: »
    1-3:30 is a big time jump. I wonder what blew up.

    It was Minsc and Boo. Lets chop Minsc's head off, sew Boos head on the body and hang it from our stronghold wall. Then, we can do those Seed quests in peace without him knocking all the mobs out of our AoE zones.

    Amen to that! I'm sick and tired of Minsc being a jerk and knocking away all the mobs I carefully lined up!
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    teamstephanteamstephan Member Posts: 46 Arc User
    if we hadn't played expansions i know this would of been a great game without them
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    theycallmetomutheycallmetomu Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,861 Arc User
    kvet wrote: »
    charononus wrote: »
    1-3:30 is a big time jump. I wonder what blew up.

    It was Minsc and Boo. Lets chop Minsc's head off, sew Boos head on the body and hang it from our stronghold wall. Then, we can do those Seed quests in peace without him knocking all the mobs out of our AoE zones.

    Amen to that! I'm sick and tired of Minsc being a jerk and knocking away all the mobs I carefully lined up!

    Yeah, Minsc was kind of a pain to party with. He's such a gary stu as well, completely immune to damage. Gee, may as well just let him solo the instances.
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    samildanacsamildanac Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    The hamsters loose, as soon as they catch him and put him back in the wheel the server will be back up.
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    drkbodhidrkbodhi Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 2,378 Arc User
    The last time this happened there were serious issues in game. Last time they gave us a 2xRP weekend.
    Atwil "At" - Tiefling TR / Saardush - Black Dragonborn GWF / White - Tiefling OP
    Leadership Council of Civil Anarchy
    SYNERGY Alliance
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    makeituniquemakeitunique Member Posts: 9 New User
    I have no interest in hating, I just need to know whether to go to bed or not. It would be good if we had some form of communication.
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    cerberusxllcerberusxll Member Posts: 387 Arc User
    An update that take all day long, that's strange. As others have said I hope we will have some kind of feedback of what is happening and at what time the server is expected to be up again.

    except where neverwinter is concerened, it's not that strange. it's actually quite the norm.

    going off past releases, something in the back of my mind tells me this latest extension won't be the last.
    Cerberus | Scylla | Orion | Makelo | Nemesis | Ares | Artemis | Asclepius | Nyx | Hades | Dexithea | Dolos | Demonax | Athena | Enyo | Medusa | Talos | Alcyone
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    swapilotswapilot Member Posts: 58 Arc User
    Can anyone say Déjà vu?
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    ellellelleellellelle Member Posts: 45 Arc User
    ETA is 11.30pm in GMT / UK time. I hope i can get in before i get too sleepy.
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    knightraistyknightraisty Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    A ZEN sale...would be much appreciated...maybe 20% this time...certainly should be something good :)
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    makeituniquemakeitunique Member Posts: 9 New User
    Blackwidowskiss, whatever the last update said, add one hour to the UTC time.
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    aimeesellersaimeesellers Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 342 Arc User
    From The Twitter Feed:

    Neverwinter ‏@NeverwinterGame 2 minutes ago
    Valindra vs. Boo. Who would win?

    Are you serious?
    A'Mie Stormshield (GF) / A'Mie Stormshard (CW)
    Play Legit or Quit
    Pandora's Misfits Guild Leader
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    juleadreamjuleadream Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 372 Arc User
    Wow, extended again... who would have guessed...
    GranD wrote: »
    >>>>>> 30 Days R1 FREE VIP for ALL <<<<<<

    - we should get this at least for all the wait!

    I sincerely hope you aren't holding your breath waiting for that :P

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    mistressphoenixmistressphoenix Member Posts: 369 Arc User
    amvek wrote: »
    A ZEN sale...would be much appreciated...maybe 20% this time...certainly should be something good :)

    You are willing to put money into the game after stuff like this? Wow you are brave!

    I'm not. I was all set to spend real money on the game when I got my Paladin, until I saw that all the dungeons had been removed and so many other little things were messed up. Then I decided I absolutely would NOT spend money on this game. That may change if they ever give me my dungeons back. That's the biggest annoyance for me. I have had my duo'ed paladin sitting in Tower District since the day after Mod6 came out, waiting to do Cloak Tower. She's very sad and lonely, since her duo partner will not play with her until we can do the dungeon!
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    rafaeldarafaelda Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 666 Arc User
    edited August 2015
    amvek wrote: »
    A ZEN sale...would be much appreciated...maybe 20% this time...certainly should be something good :)

    You are willing to put money into the game after stuff like this? Wow you are brave!

    Man i'm and "old-time gamer" and i really miss the years when a bugged release would ruin a game's name, these days people play for months with the same bugs spending money on it
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    pointsmanpointsman Member Posts: 2,327 Arc User
    No big deal, they just accidentally erased all the TR characters.
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    jezabelsragejezabelsrage Member Posts: 10 Arc User
    So it's like 4 pm CST and the server is still down. Imma go out on a limb here and say it won't be up and running till after 6 pm my time. Which kinda sorta sucks because I only play this game on my days off. I know things happen and bugs need to get worked out... but SERIOUSLY.... how many times can you mess up a patch on anything and everything you release. I agree it does get old and there is not much any of us can do but complain and lament on the inaccuracy of NW/PWE/<font color="orange">HAMSTER</font>-tics antics. I wish they'd come up with a new system than the one they have now. Such a shame that a great game with some of the best graphics and player-base/FTP, is stinking at keeping up with the rest of gaming society with getting a release done on time and right. Hang in there my fellow Neverwinterians..... Hopefully someone finds that hamster and puts him back in his place!
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    kemnimtarkaskemnimtarkas Member Posts: 838 Arc User
    delitus wrote: »
    ....how hard can it be to do it right after all they have a test server; to pin point the problems before the release....

    I have no idea what the problem is, but I have pretty high confidence that a) it's pretty fricking hard to get it right,...2) I'm also pretty certain everyone working at Arc knows exactly how big a deal this is by now and iii) if the content / functionality has been found to be broken during the update - they are doing us all a favor by not having a repeat of the pervasive issues that have plagued the roll-out of some past mods.
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    sirusleesiruslee Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    pointsman wrote: »
    No big deal, they just accidentally erased all the TR characters.

    You cant see them anyway so what's the difference? lol

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    kemnimtarkaskemnimtarkas Member Posts: 838 Arc User
    A ZEN sale...would be much appreciated...maybe 20% this time...certainly should be something good :)

    How about something with real value - like a few FREE enchanted keys.
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    putzboy78putzboy78 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,950 Arc User
    In all seriousness the repairs have taken longer than the scheduled deploy. In the real world someone would have made the call to backout the release, resolve the issues, and redeploy at a more appropriate time.
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    jaydenomega812jaydenomega812 Member Posts: 152 Arc User
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    mistressphoenixmistressphoenix Member Posts: 369 Arc User
    putzboy78 wrote: »
    In all seriousness the repairs have taken longer than the scheduled deploy. In the real world someone would have made the call to backout the release, resolve the issues, and redeploy at a more appropriate time.

    You mean... This is NOT the real world?!?

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    reiwulfreiwulf Member Posts: 2,687 Arc User
    oh well, just gonna have to wait till it's up.
    I'll play some other MMO meanwhile.
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    josephdjosephd Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 27 Arc User
    Please have some patience, if you want things to go faster learn to do what they do and apply for a job....or stfu and wait it out NW is excellent for doing nice things for players patience. They always have and always will, let it be, stop complaining and watch a movie. it will be up when it is up.
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    serlo371serlo371 Member Posts: 11 Arc User
    No update yet on server outage?
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    psivamp69psivamp69 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 14 Arc User
    Anyone know what the new time for the servers being up?
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    asterotgasterotg Member Posts: 1,742 Arc User
    If I would be a Dev for PW I would just add a +X to the counter and to the EST, so they will never be to late again.
    Chars: CW, DC, GF, GWF, HR and TR.
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    highlyunstablehighlyunstable Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 343 Arc User
    Honestly, is there anyone here that would have been upset with a Sept. roll out of Strongholds? Not me.
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