I have a few questions, let's start with these. First of all, I noticed you did your build in http://aesica.net/co/herocreator.htm instead of http://powerhouse.nullware.com/powerhouse.html - are there reasons I should know to prefer HeroCreator over the Powerhouse, in terms of running builds? Also, I notice you chose…
OK, guess it's always been that way, and my sudden increase of damage is either simply a misperception or may be related to the content for the new level(s). So given that the afterblock advantages are underwhelming in a way I didn't appreciate before, is it worth even taking them?
If this is true, and then all Force Sheathe gives you is a measely 8% dmg reduc and some free energy when attacked. Is that really worth the ADV points? Is telekinetic shield/reinforcement any better in terms of dmg resist with the afterblock??
I just ran a quick test and I am definitely NOT getting the 250% dmg resist during Force Sheathe's 8 seconds, and I am fairly sure (I think) that I USED to. I think possibly along they way they nerfed Force Sheathe, and when I respecced I lost the older full block Sheathe and got this weak version instead. If that's the…
I will take your advice on the AMetab >> R3 Regen However, since one of the core points of this character is getting crits, I can’t lose my Dex SS. So that leaves EGO/Dex/???. And as you may recall about me, I love me some REC, hate having to use my EB. Quick Question: Given the powers I have, is Thermal Reverb NOT my best…
Just an update, still playing my character up to 40 then dropping them like a hot potato, but now I am running with a full set of Aurum Heirloom gear for levelling. Turns out that with Hybrid Regen I don't need the protection from Armadillo, I still have uber high stats, I still don't have to think about gear, and on top…
From what I understand, especially while levelling, INT's cooldown has been significantly nerfed - so doesn't that make the other SS's more attractive tactically? And if you need a lot of energy, aren't you better off now going to END to get it? (And by the way, factor in that I ALWAYS take REC as a SS.)
OK, this makes sense, perhaps taking END as a SS is not that useful - but flowcyto, is INT that useful anymore (to a minmaxer)? EDIT: apart from needing to take something that scales with INT of course - since I am guessing if INT is now underwhelming, that people will be reluctant to take powers that require it.
Argh, I utterly missed the fact that Surprise Attack ONLY works on STs, not AoEs! Grrrr.... This is why I post my thoughts, because I err... And here I had visions of AoEs with +20% crit, SO disappointed!!!! OK, back to the drawing board.
I want to return to the matter of which Spec tree to pair Vind with on this character, seeing as I am almost 30. Your thoughts of Guardian, Avenger, and Sentry are all good ones, so let me run with those three and see if I can narrow in, as I think out loud, as it were. Sentry I think is the most out of the box thinking,…
Yup. Someday when I have time to kill I will have to test at the PH how much damage in the grand scheme of things one gives up by grabbing Regen in place of an Offensive passive. Quick question, for someone (solo, PvE, levelling) who *was* getting an offensive passive, I am assuming that they would pair that with the…
I think you are right about us talking past each other... Let me try to parse out each separate thread... So perhaps what I *think* you may be getting is this: the idea that by devoting a stat to Con and perhaps taking a heal, a person can not need Regen and instead take an offensive passive upping the damage. By gearing…
OK, logged into the game and went onto the AH, found a secondary offense item @ level 25 with 22 Crit Strike and a primary offense item with a single slot and 39 Crit Strike. Bought a Gambler's Gem level 6 with 57 Crit Strike and dropped it in the primary offense item, giving that item a crit strike of 96. That means…
No, not asking about changing super stats, asking what kind of gear a level 28 character could possibly (and reliably) get that would increase the crit chance substantially. I guess what I should do is look on the AH to see what kind of gear is available at level 28 or below, and see how much crit I can get from that gear.…
Not arguing that point - that all is compromise - I'm just wondering is switching to standard gear at level 28 to get crit bonuses is giving up too much compared to sticking with Armadillo. If I understand this right, in gaining some amount more of Crit % (how much?) I would lose: * many points from my primary * many…
It's not that I am opposed to considering gearing for crit, but even without looking at the dmg res, armadillo gives a LOT of boost to all 3 SS's. Where can I get reliable gear at level 28 that will boost my SS's *and* my crit? Wouldn't any level 28 gear I would get require a compromise that would make me give up something…
kallethen: I think I am going to stay with Regen as my Passive, it makes soloing generally pretty damn safe. Since I also have tunnelling, perhaps something like the following would work for me: Tunnel over to baddie group, hit Ego Surge if up, tap Block for Sheathe, untunnel, hit TK Burst, TK Maelstrom, then TK Eruption.…
Yep, been hacking on the Crime Computer for some time, grin. Is the Resistance Adventure Pack NOT a challenge fest? Is it like mission content? That might be good to know. Thanks.
Well, I for sure will test it in PH, if it fails to impress, it's out. ;) Speaking of fails to impress, I picked up MSA, and the ONLY thing (at level 15) it's currently triggering off of is Ice Sheath! Apparently neither my Ice Blast nor my Frost Breath count. So I switched out MSA for Overload, figuring that at least I…
Yes, I had said "Also, I am not really getting Energy Storm, I am getting the new gravitic one." above - I just didn't see Gravitic Driver in the Powerhouse app online. I'me glad to hear you confirm my experience in testing Shatter on PTS. It didn't seem like it was doing a lot. I'll think about Firesnake, interesting…
How about this? Messed around in powerhouse. This has 187 Equilibrium! Also chains of my Blast with Preemptive Strike, +15% dmg to attack that follow my blast. And it also gives Offensive Expertisex2, = 28% extra active offense recharge redux, plus all that int should be having one of my two Active Offenses up nearly all…
OK, MSA sounds good. Did your choice of Primary SS as Int merely follow in my footsteps, or do you think it's the best choice for what I am trying to build, given Specializations and all?
I'll load that in and mess with it, thanks for the suggestion. In terms of the energy unlock, for Ice looks like you prefer Molecular Self-Assembly to Overdrive - will MSA return much more energy than Overdrive in this sort of sitch? Many more things coming off of cool down than maintains in play? (Especially if Int…
OK, going to do TK on my NEXT character (most likely) because I just got done with TP and need a change. Going to skip wind for now so as not to knock baddies everywhere, that gets annoying, so the winner for this round is ICE. (Seriously thinking of coloring the ice yellow and naming my character Yellow Snow!) So what are…
Which is worse (or better), Wind or Infernal's ST DPS or Ice or TK's AoE DPS? In other words, is Wind/Infernal worse at Single Target than Ice/TK is at AoE, or vice versa? ;)
Wow, thanks for the meaty reply! Archery, Muni, Gadget: I will probably skip these as I like my powers to be powers and not devices/scifi. Your description of Earth, Darkness, Celestial and Sorc make them sound softer - TP felt soft enough, would like something harder hitting. Agan, like Fire/Power Armor - those two powers…
Yup. This is my fourth character I've levelled (and my fourth time through Monster Island) so I don't *think* I am missing much. I went back and did my lower level mish content (mid 20s) and gained half a level, so I only have half a level to go until 40. If my back is against the wall, not sure if I will make myself do…
I did do a whole raft of missions that involved Andrith SIlverback and the guy next to him I think. And I definitely picked up mission from drops in MI as well. However, the idea that pantagrue and others mentioned about going back and doing missions I had missed from lower levels is actually working. I'm doing some of the…
Alerts tends to hit a little harder from what I have seen, plus my current character is a Mind guy that uses sleep to lock down baddies - that's not going to work at all in a team. ;) Pantagrue - you can do missions below your level for full XP? I have a ton of missions I had thought I had outlevelled, grey mission around…
Ah - that's very different from City of heroes, when fear was like a sleep, where if they got attacked during fear they would attack you once and then go back to not attacking you.
Well, so far Regen is quite enough and I haven't even ranked it to 3 yet. So basically, Active Offenses and Defenses to round it out. Petty much what I had guessed, but I wanted to make sure I wasn't overlooking anything. Especially any other attacks or mezzes. ;)
Cool - just got my new character to 13, dropped in some good powers, will upload the build so far in a bit. I skipped CoT only because I think I've fallen in love with Regen for Solo levelling. I did take Ego Sleep, and it works really well with Telepathic Reverberation, as does Ego Blast w/ Mind Opener. Next step,…
Alright, it would seem then that the best strategy for Solo PvE is to lay down an AoE sleep and then pick them off one by one. What are the best AoE sleeps that can last 45 sec+?