Did an update break something again? For some reason switching between metal or leather material on costumes isn't working; my robot character was metal head to toe, now the outfit is all matte or leather instead and I can't fix it.
There's a grand total of four costume pieces to choose from in the event store; boots, a new pistol, a sword, and heavy cannons. Is there any other event with so few options that you can think of? No event should have fewer choices than the developer store.
So devs forgot to make a forum post advertising the Winter Costume Contest for tonight so I have to post this here; will somebody send Kael a friggin' Blu-ray of A Christmas Story already? Three years in a row i've worn the Pink Nightmare outfit to a costume contest and he still doesn't get the reference when he sees it.…
Rimshot kicking off the Roaring 20's in style: She loves dancing to swing music at the local jazz club. Now this is a clown fit for any Zoot suit riot! Ain't she just the bee's knees? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1IqH3uliwJY
So I see, but still doesn't help if we want a different character to have the sidekick.. Also why is the Plague Mask a headwear category? How are we supposed to pair a hat with it?
Is there any way the sidekicks could be acquired through an event store or the Questionite store or even Drifter's store? I'd like to have them and give them to a future character.
I feel the biggest problem with CO is the sheer lack of new powersets for players to choose from; we got revamps of old powers every so often but the new ATs are just a rehash of existing powers with one or two new/recycled attacks added in to fill in the gaps. There's a real lack of variety for what we can choose, and…
So close, yet so far. Not the Noir lockbox I was hoping for, but nice to see they used my idea for an umbrella costume/weapon skin. Still hoping that veteran costume pieces will be made available someday, since the only way to get them now is to buy lifetime for $300. :T
They were added as a "possible" drop from facing Oakley. Which means you have an astronomically low chance of getting them, just like every other costume piece exclusive to certain enemies. I got the perk for defeating 5,000 Cobra Lords on four different toons and never got the costume piece I wanted, after six weeks…
Yeah, i've had that problem last 3 High Noon events in a row. Was maxed out on currency and had nothing to buy since I already owned everything. Guess we just have to spend it on mods before it expires at the end of the year.
We've been receiving fewer rewards for High Noon since it began. For February 2017, the event store featured: Gunslinger Archetype, ASCII's Precision Mod, Iron Horse Grav Bike, Military Pose Emote, Revolver Weapon Skin Unlock, Branding Iron Device, Yodel Device, Whistling Aura, Quicksilver Aura. Then in August 2017 the…
So you've removed a bunch of costumes from the event store, took away the ability to earn Snakebucks by trading action figures to Toy Master, removed any form of drop reward from farming event enemies, and created exactly one new costume piece for the duration of the event? After we unlock the Poncho, what exactly is the…
Okay it's nice that we can choose any weapon skin for Gunslinger's Legacy but how about making another actual single pistol power for us to put Advantage Points in? It's a pretty weak attack device for Munitions by itself and is redundant if you already have SMG/Assault Rifle/Bullet Hail anyway. Steady Shot is the only…
It would be nice if they added new villains to the daily Alerts, we've been fighting the same roster of enemies since they were created. I suggested holding another contest to create new ones like they did before, but not many people here on the forum seemed to like that idea very much.