Winter Event
For the next 4 weeks the Winter Event will be running!
- New Mission: Complete the Misfit Toys mission 5 times. Rewards the Ice Shards Back costume.
- Lowered Misfit Toy requirement on the Misfit Toys mission.
- Added Ice Shards Bracers 1, Shoulders 1 and Greaves costumes to the event store.
- Moved DuckFoot Shotgun to the Nemesis vendor.
- Moved many costumes in the event store and gift drops to the Trade Paperback store.
- Moved Emotes and Transformations as possible drops from Holiday Stockings.
Reprint Event
- For the next week the Reprint event will be running.
- During this event you can access all event vendors in the Recognition area.
- There is a daily mission to choose a small amount of event currency.
- All enemies in game have a chance to drop random event currency.
- All current event currency expires after the winter event ends, be sure to use up what currency you have!
- For the next week the Qularr Invasion Simulation will be active.
- Added new perks for collecting the Steampunk Mecha, Cosmos, Teddy and Ice Shards costumes.
- Added perks for collecting the High Five emote, Formal Bow emote, Snowball costume transformation and Blizzard costume transformation.
Dev Store
- Added Sharp Glasses costume.
- Added Ambassador Kael action figure.
- Added Kevlar Vest 4 costume.
- Updated Krampus bracers options. If you had these on you will have to re-apply the chains in the tailor.
I assume the Qularr Invasion doesn't reward winter event tokens like with anniversary tokens during anniversary. Though I guess since it's reprint week, it could drop anniversary tokens as well...
Happy to see the new costumes. Hopefully soon next year we'll have an ice rework to use them with!
I love me some Elementalist costumes I have a BUGGED Feeling about this again...
Those are some AWESOME over the top glasses and I know REGRET wasting my 5 Dev tokens on Toothy Jaw for the sake of costume collection
I should have waited some more
> I'm not seeing Kevlar Vest 4 in the tailor, or on any of the usual costume vendors. Is it a drop from something?
Yeah, confirmed here too. I checked on female and male characters and it's not found in tailor.
Your wish has been granted! All old currency unspent at the end of the year is wiped from all your characters! Unless of course you have a CO IRA which allows you to put currency away for retirement
And this is why people can't enjoy things for fun and have to turn a game into a second job for farming. Because as jaazaniah1 said:
What does it hurt you I ask if it is in your currency? It not takes space away. Guess we go back to the very old currencies then as items you had to pick up and can discard.
And people say I complain a lot, people at times, jeez.
The Best solution is able to turn any currency in until tokens or so you can at least sell them as items or so.
Yes, that's why it's been changed. It's now use it or lose it, to ensure that players actually play the events.
Thad said, a way of getting rid of leftover currencies would also still be appreciated. 1 for 1 conversion to Until Tokens would also work fine, but I'd even be happy with just a way to outright discard them.
It looks like Kevlar Vest 4 made in to live with a patch today. Pretty minor difference between Kevlar Vest 3 and 4 but all new costume pieces are welcome
There's already a better option than converting currency to Until tokens. You can buy items under the event vendors' miscellaneous category (mods and catalysts) and sell them.
But not a item for 1 token, that is the main problem really, minimum is 5. I can actually understand people, it not takes space but it looks cramped in the currency window simply so you want to get rid of it.
Epic Stronghold
Block timing explained
Edit: So I started farming lizard people and, other than knocking eggs out of them, I've found I knock event currency out of them, too. So that's nice. Though even at 40 and 41 the amount isn't great after about an hour and a half. It's a pity there isn't a single universal currency just for this event. Or, instead of randomized currency it'd be nice if they dropped 999 stackable currency lootboxes that you could choose what you wanted from them. Though the universal currency would probably make more sense.
Honestly, at this point it feels like the Reprint event is more just a way to spend leftover currency from an event. It'd make more sense just to keep the vendors around all year than drag them out at the end and call it an event. I mean, don't get me wrong, it's nice, especially if you were really working for a particular thing and were 100 or so of that currency away, you'd at least get it by the end of the week of this event thanks to the daily.
Though an event currency exchange would be nice, too. Something like 2 of one event currency to convert into 1 of another currency you actually choose. /shrug Just my thoughts on the reprint event.
I have brought a few characters to a few Dev costume contests. While most players "get" the costume or reference, etc, the Devs spend 1 - 2 seconds in front of my characters and quickly move on.
Mispronouncing names, not getting special references, etc, are all standard faire.
-=-=-=-=-=-(CO in-game handle: @WarCan )-=-=-=-=-=-
"Okay, you're DEAD, what do you do NEXT?"
You do realize Kael doesn’t judge right? You’ve already been judged before he butchers your name.
Yeah, but .. but ... but ...
-=-=-=-=-=-(CO in-game handle: @WarCan )-=-=-=-=-=-
"Okay, you're DEAD, what do you do NEXT?"
That "Event" is a failure and advertisement at best to show that they "do something" for us at all, either most people used all tokens due to knowing they vanish at the end of the year anyway and those without any won't get enough for anything worthwhile with those as well. I not see the point of this, rather than this garbage not delete the tokens at the end of the year, people worked for them if they not do the event next year, let them for god’s sake, people not need to do every holiday event and need breaks.
Rather focus on make big events scale better so it not breaks, is beatable with how many participate and not need to many in the first place so instances crash on top. You won't get more money if people keep tokens, because no one sane would open lockboxes for drifter salvages only to exchange them for holiday tokens for god's sake.
Unfortunately they only upload Seasonal DEV CC videos there, so out of Festivities contents like "Edgy OC" is gone now from Twitch VOD
Welcome to the "Kael completely Butchered my character's name" Club, Population: RISING
- The Overlord
1) why would you make the Krampus chains default off if you're adding the option to remove them? I had to spend over 4G just fixing that change to one of my characters. I like having the option to remove the chains but why do I have to pay for changes YOU made to my character?
2) How are we supposed to generate currency in this first week? I've been doing the daily mission every day and am still under the 300 needed to get the new costume parts.
Well, pretty obviously they don't want you to earn everything you need in the intro week to buy everything you want. Whether you like their decision is another matter entirely.
Given the small number of new costume pieces in the store now and likely to be added, and the fact that we don't have Clarence and BH yet, I'm pretty sure that I'll have all my shopping done by Christmas (only 5 things I want atm).