May 24 - The Murder There lives a doctor under a hill. They call her the murder, as she breeds and collects pet crows - one for each life she's managed to save. As eerie as she looks, she is humane, watchful, and a masterful surgeon.
I recently found a few screenshots from when I was in Champions Online's beta and used them to rebuild the character I was using at the time. While I don't have a particular desire to play him at this point (just to close to a character I currently have) I figured this would be a good venue for him.
* Uncommon Parts - None to my knowledge: Though some of it might be classified as in the "Variety Pack".
To follow on from last week's Moonblade, I set myself the task of doing a similarly modern, ****-kicking sikh hero that didn't resort to cliches and stereotypes but still incorporated cultural and religious styles.
Traditionally sikhs adhere to the Five Ks, articles of faith that are worn on the body. Triumph only has three of these visible - the Kesh (uncut hair, here wrapped in a turban), Kara (metal bracelet, usually worn on the right wrist), and Kirpan (his sword - most sikhs today only wear a decorative dagger, but as Triumph is a superhero, a full-on weapon is hardly out of place).
Not visible are the Kangha (a comb that is usually kept in the owner's hair, and therefore usually covered by a turban or topknot) and Kachera (traditional underwear, here covered by body armour).
I cannot tell you how many times I tried and failed to create this outfit. I went back and forth with different styles, but every time ended up sinking into silly cliches that made it look like the most interesting stand-out thing about the character was that he was sikh, which wasn't the goal. Both Triumph and Moonblade were envisaged as practical superheroes first, and people of faith second, rather than using their faith as a gimmick. I hope I've succeeded in being respectful with them both.
Granny doesn't approve of your youthful antics. She also thinks your powers make to much noise and she is tired of all the hover-vehicles parked on the roof when you come home from playing with your little friends. No she didn't see you "saved the world" on t.v., as she prefers radio. So just fetch her slippers and then go to bed because its way after your curfew: Tomorrow she expects you to find a real job and stop running around in a cape and tights.
I was messing around with sliders for another project and saw a combo that horrificly lead to this. She would probably make an "interesting" nemesis, or a very wacky hero (I would say arm her with Foxbat fish as a sword for maximum goof, at least until frying pans are available.
* Uncommon Parts - Sets (Martial Arts Master for the hair bun, City Street Defender for the necklace and bracelet, Heroic Formal for the ring, Archer for the frilly collar).
Substitutions: Depending on your jewelry tastes City Street and Heroic Formal can probably be avoided but the hair and collar are fairly important for the look. The build actually looks pretty cool with the Santa, and Firefighter jackets from under the Chest Layer (both potentially available under Tights & Skin) if she needs to go out in nasty weather.
NOTE1: If you dare load this costume keep in mind it is a Male build. It just happens to represent a female character.
NOTE2: As this uses Huge Beast stance to give a suitable hunch and wobbly walk, make sure to set the mood to something other then normal or the mouth will keep flopping. I like Determined but they all provide some pretty funny expressions on this face.
Apologies for missing my day - I actually made a costume, but didn't get around to uploading it. I'll save it for next week. In the meantime to make up for my sloth this week, here's a collection of four interrelated costumes for a team of four characters. I'll post larger portraits of them when I get in from work this afternoon, but for now here's the costume files.
In the meantime, feel free to try and work out the connection between these four.
I seem to recall, among the many flags that you can "plaster across a heroes chest", that each of the above mentioned "parts of Brittan" had a flag available for use. No sure of the exact number of flags available. Hopefully, at least 192 since that's the number of nations the UN recognizes. Oh, that number and at least the 4 more for England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland.
Speaking of Flags...
Perhaps over the Summer it would be nice if we tried to create a few heroes from some nations that have, until now, not had much, if any, representation in the worlds Hero scene. Like, perhaps New Zealand needs a hero. Are there any heroes representing Micronesia?
I'm just tossing an idea out there to see if it stirs some brains cells. The only under par costumes I've seen in this thread, so far, are my own. You guys do great work. And As I've already said, I see costumes from this tread in the wild. Your hard work is not going unnoticed (or unused).
Bluhman, please turn yourself in immediately to Her Majesty's Imperial Re-Education Centre at once. Make sure to bring along 238 years-worth of back taxes.
Britain indeed. Pffft.
Wednesday 4th June 2014
Team Britannia:
The Brave:
The Dragon:
A while back I got to wondering about how best to do a British patriotic hero, and nothing particularly exciting or original came to mind - at least, nothing that'd compete with Zenith's own Britannia character (it was very exciting to see her at the tailor the other day, by the way). So I had the thought: why only one?
Seriously, the Kingdom's been United for over 300 years, but has never really spoken with one voice, or acted with one purpose. The constituent countries of the Union have retained their unique identities, and this continues to cause divides from time to time (Scotland's gearing up for an independence referendum this year. No, really).
So yeah. Far better to represent Britain as a superteam that can only just get along in the face of outside threats than a single-purposed hero that always knows what's right. And honestly, I'd watch the cartoon of these four. The Brave's the one you secretly love, even though he's always threatening to quit the team. Friday's the quiet, troubled type that just wants to end the fighting once and for all, and The Dragon's just along for bit of fun. Albion though? He somehow managed to worm his way into being team leader, and that's kind of a **** move by all accounts. Pulls it off, though.
When I originally made them I put each one in a Tumblr post, which details the character backstories and the process behind creating them. So if you want to know what goes on in my head when I create costumes to a self-made brief (and see me panicking about offending the Northern Irish), click to see them all and be illuminated.
One, I remembered the more obscure of the three, and two, I'm an idiot north american and can't remember the difference between Britain and England and this has no excuse.
May 24 - The Murder There lives a doctor under a hill. They call her the murder, as she breeds and collects pet crows - one for each life she's managed to save. As eerie as she looks, she is humane, watchful, and a masterful surgeon.
Bluhman, please turn yourself in immediately to Her Majesty's Imperial Re-Education Centre at once. Make sure to bring along 238 years-worth of back taxes.
zamuelpwe - I gave your two heroes today (Thursday)
themightydork - lilsteffie has missed a Sunday or two so I will likely put Desert Storm there. If not Sunday, then Monday (my day) I can always post on Thursday.
Betty Cartwright is an inventive genius. She is always looking for ways to improve things, anything and everything... even herself. Yes, that's right, you heard correctly. Betty has performed all of her own modifications.
Adopting the moniker, Bionic Betty, she takes to the streets of Millennium City, always testing her latest inventions against the criminal underworld, often succeeding... sometimes not. Thus the need for self-induced anatomical upgrades.
Hey, I said she is was genius... I never said she was normal.
When you just can't afford sharks, sometimes you are stuck with sticking lasers on whatever animal is handy. Thus, the Artillaturtle. Fans of Cape Radio can note that this was originally inspired by the mention of the "Terror Turtle" refit in the advert for the "Rogue Islands Pet Shelter"...
* Uncommon Parts - Sets (Power Armor, Sakura Heavy Armor, Roin'Esh, Steampunk Cyborg, Santa Suit, Dinosaur Suit, Tactical Armor), Flight Helmet, Steampunk Smokestack, Dragon Armor Belt..
The mutated Man/Cat Uses Mind powers combined holography tech to live among the New Purple Gang a thwart their plots from within their ranks.
Okay, so to test my skill I decided to try an copy the holographic NPG member your hero pretends to be for Talos Takedown. It was nice, but never accurate enough for me. So I stuck a cat head on it and Wah-Lah! Cool Cat was born.
Have you guys ever tried to copy any every day citizens? I personally think it might be fun to copy them and use one or more as a Secret Identity for our heroes.
Edited to add a cap.
btw - It's early to make up for all of the times posted late.
Edit- Decided to add the non-Animal version in case some wants a NPG member.
I played him for a while as an anti-hero Revenger. Used Soldier Arch. Gave him a Hover Disk for long distance travel.
(Requires: pretty much everything. Retro sci-fi, Steelhawk, Robot Samurai, Sci-fi Soldier, tactical armour, Serpent's Lantern VIPER armour, Golden Age, Victorian... yeah, that's a lot)
So I did a slow binge on the MCU movies recently. This is my attempt at tributing the Asgardian style of dress on those films, with most inspiration taken from Frandral and Loki. It doesn't quite work exactly, as there's no way to have the front of the jacket come down over the torso without being tightly done up, but it'll have to do. Also the VIPER armour looks really good in non-metal textures.
Sissy Spellstorm is a witch, a sister of the Stormcaller Coven. Witches of this coven command the powers of the storm, gale force winds and powerful lightning strikes.
Harbinger of destruction or savior of the world... which one is Sissy?
Sissy Spellstorm
This concludes my regularly scheduled costume spot. I now return you to your random hero-ing.
Special trick using a bit of the Holoforce costume set. Use of an aura is strongly encouraged. The ones that work best include: Shadow Form (pictured here, and frankly designed around it), Seraphim, and Kinetic Manipulation. I bet Fire Form could also work well.
Pistol Wizard - The real magic is the way those flintlocks fire rapidly, like a modern pistols. ;-)
The Coat and Vest are Victorian. Also, to use it as directed: Flintlock and Harquebus.
Man, you guys really don't want to see the hideous bonus one I have ready to go on Thursday. eek It's hideous. I really hope someone has an extra one for this week.
Man, you guys really don't want to see the hideous bonus one I have ready to go on Thursday. :eek: It's hideous. I really hope someone has an extra one for this week.
You realize this is probably encouraging us all not to have an extra, just to see it?
Just messing around with something simple today so it is available if I ever need a baseline template for generating a heroic / cyborg / half-pony ("What's with all the screaming?") version on the fly. I don't think this build even uses any non-free parts.
Just messing around with something simple today so it is available if I ever need a baseline template for generating a heroic / cyborg / half-pony ("What's with all the screaming?") version on the fly. I don't think this build even uses any non-free parts.
I love the costume, but this is a .png instead of the costume file.
Also...this is definitely a baby chimp. Adults top 5' and can tear your arm from you socket without much effort.
For Monday 30th Jun <--- yup. an even earlier post
Months ago an idea struck me in the middle of the night. A phrase American Jedi. I wonder what such a hero would look like. I imagined a Red, White and Blue Jedi with flag speed zooming into action, but that was about it
And as the costume ideas churned, I could never imagine that exact hero, using that exact name would work with copyrights and all. I even remember trying to say it out loud and it felt like there was a better name.
Patriotic Jedi, Patriotic Lightsworder, Patriotic Lightwielder, Patriotic Force, and many other equaled a big NAAAAAAAAAAH.
I give you...
Unleashed Patriot I
Using the Unleashed Basic as a starting point, I create the one above.
I was not finished, so I tried again.
Unleashed Patriot II
Who knows, might even be an Unleashed Patriot III in me. Only time will tell.
Ouch! My toes! You're treading on my toes!
Also, great minds think alike, so I guess great costumers also create alike. :biggrin:
Oh, I'm not in the least bit offended. I mean they both look great. Only mine doesn't have clipping issues, just saying.
*runs off giggling like a loon*
{ points up } Your next costume, perhaps?
bobsy26 Presents The Giggling Loon :biggrin:
LOL - I just Googled the above to see what happened. Could this be OUR Bob? :biggrin:
Dino Eating a Cookie OM NOM NOM (What more can i say?)
Costume File
Costume File
Costume File
Champions Online.. where we sell lockboxes by the dozen.
Liz Lemon
Vermin Hard
Liz was meant to be a Scourge and Vermin should be something punchy. Two very simple costumes.
Like Sapphire Knight and Redvenger that I posted a while back, these two were designed to be each other Nemesis, but could easily be part of a team.
Edited to add caps.
Monday 19th May: A Big Ugly Bug! by zedbrightlander1
Tuesday 20th May: Heaven's Marshal by serpinecoh
Wednesday 21st May: Moonblade by bobsy26
Thursday 22nd May: Unbound Wrangler (The Scourge) by zamuelpwe
Friday 23rd May: Bloodstone by velis3
Saturday 24th May: The Murder by bluhman
Sunday 25th May: Dino Eating a Cookie, The Outsider and Power Nova by lilsteffie
Just realized that Power Nova sends us to the screen shot and not the hero file.
btw - I am talking about the link at the bottom.
Edit - Never mind. Found it.
I recently found a few screenshots from when I was in Champions Online's beta and used them to rebuild the character I was using at the time. While I don't have a particular desire to play him at this point (just to close to a character I currently have) I figured this would be a good venue for him.
* Uncommon Parts - None to my knowledge: Though some of it might be classified as in the "Variety Pack".
To follow on from last week's Moonblade, I set myself the task of doing a similarly modern, ****-kicking sikh hero that didn't resort to cliches and stereotypes but still incorporated cultural and religious styles.
Traditionally sikhs adhere to the Five Ks, articles of faith that are worn on the body. Triumph only has three of these visible - the Kesh (uncut hair, here wrapped in a turban), Kara (metal bracelet, usually worn on the right wrist), and Kirpan (his sword - most sikhs today only wear a decorative dagger, but as Triumph is a superhero, a full-on weapon is hardly out of place).
Not visible are the Kangha (a comb that is usually kept in the owner's hair, and therefore usually covered by a turban or topknot) and Kachera (traditional underwear, here covered by body armour).
I cannot tell you how many times I tried and failed to create this outfit. I went back and forth with different styles, but every time ended up sinking into silly cliches that made it look like the most interesting stand-out thing about the character was that he was sikh, which wasn't the goal. Both Triumph and Moonblade were envisaged as practical superheroes first, and people of faith second, rather than using their faith as a gimmick. I hope I've succeeded in being respectful with them both.
Hmm, it's later than usual but I'm ready to present now.
Victoria Walters was a volcanologist until the day she had a close encounter with an active volcano, some Lemurians and a wayward magic spell.
Now her skin looks like obsidian but is stronger than steel. She can also harness the power of the volcano, manipulating rock and fire.
Today, she calls herself Obsidia, and she fights evil throughout the world.
Another week comes to a close. Thanks for stopping by!
This tiny wonder goes by the name of - The Golden Girl
Hair requires Golden Age, but all else is free.
Just an FYI - Obsidia was this threads 200th costume. :cool:
Keep up the great work guys.
Edited for a cap.
Just a dragon template, with proportions modeled after traditional european mythical dragons. Put clothes on him or don't.
Costumey File
Granny doesn't approve of your youthful antics. She also thinks your powers make to much noise and she is tired of all the hover-vehicles parked on the roof when you come home from playing with your little friends. No she didn't see you "saved the world" on t.v., as she prefers radio. So just fetch her slippers and then go to bed because its way after your curfew: Tomorrow she expects you to find a real job and stop running around in a cape and tights.
I was messing around with sliders for another project and saw a combo that horrificly lead to this. She would probably make an "interesting" nemesis, or a very wacky hero (I would say arm her with Foxbat fish as a sword for maximum goof, at least until frying pans are available.
* Uncommon Parts - Sets (Martial Arts Master for the hair bun, City Street Defender for the necklace and bracelet, Heroic Formal for the ring, Archer for the frilly collar).
Substitutions: Depending on your jewelry tastes City Street and Heroic Formal can probably be avoided but the hair and collar are fairly important for the look. The build actually looks pretty cool with the Santa, and Firefighter jackets from under the Chest Layer (both potentially available under Tights & Skin) if she needs to go out in nasty weather.
NOTE1: If you dare load this costume keep in mind it is a Male build. It just happens to represent a female character.
NOTE2: As this uses Huge Beast stance to give a suitable hunch and wobbly walk, make sure to set the mood to something other then normal or the mouth will keep flopping. I like Determined but they all provide some pretty funny expressions on this face.
->Costume File<-
This is so disturbing
For Monday June 2nd
Armored Unleashed
I think all of the parts are free to all. Might need to double check though. :redface:
Edited to add a cap.
In the meantime, feel free to try and work out the connection between these four.
I think the first one looks more like it's based off the English flag, rather than Britain.
Britain=Scotland, Wales, and England.
United Kingdom=Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland and England. The official name being The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
-Official member of the British Pedantic Society- ;-)
Click here to check out my costumes/milleniumguardian (MG) in-game/We need more tights, stances and moods
I seem to recall, among the many flags that you can "plaster across a heroes chest", that each of the above mentioned "parts of Brittan" had a flag available for use. No sure of the exact number of flags available. Hopefully, at least 192 since that's the number of nations the UN recognizes. Oh, that number and at least the 4 more for England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland.
Speaking of Flags...
Perhaps over the Summer it would be nice if we tried to create a few heroes from some nations that have, until now, not had much, if any, representation in the worlds Hero scene. Like, perhaps New Zealand needs a hero. Are there any heroes representing Micronesia?
I'm just tossing an idea out there to see if it stirs some brains cells. The only under par costumes I've seen in this thread, so far, are my own. You guys do great work. And As I've already said, I see costumes from this tread in the wild. Your hard work is not going unnoticed (or unused).
Bluhman, please turn yourself in immediately to Her Majesty's Imperial Re-Education Centre at once. Make sure to bring along 238 years-worth of back taxes.
Britain indeed. Pffft.
Team Britannia:
The Brave:
The Dragon:
A while back I got to wondering about how best to do a British patriotic hero, and nothing particularly exciting or original came to mind - at least, nothing that'd compete with Zenith's own Britannia character (it was very exciting to see her at the tailor the other day, by the way). So I had the thought: why only one?
Seriously, the Kingdom's been United for over 300 years, but has never really spoken with one voice, or acted with one purpose. The constituent countries of the Union have retained their unique identities, and this continues to cause divides from time to time (Scotland's gearing up for an independence referendum this year. No, really).
So yeah. Far better to represent Britain as a superteam that can only just get along in the face of outside threats than a single-purposed hero that always knows what's right. And honestly, I'd watch the cartoon of these four. The Brave's the one you secretly love, even though he's always threatening to quit the team. Friday's the quiet, troubled type that just wants to end the fighting once and for all, and The Dragon's just along for bit of fun. Albion though? He somehow managed to worm his way into being team leader, and that's kind of a **** move by all accounts. Pulls it off, though.
When I originally made them I put each one in a Tumblr post, which details the character backstories and the process behind creating them. So if you want to know what goes on in my head when I create costumes to a self-made brief (and see me panicking about offending the Northern Irish), click to see them all and be illuminated.
A little late to the party, I know... but had to be said. Great work there!
For Sunday June 2nd - Firefly
Okay, I lolled hard :biggrin: *noms biscuit*
Click here to check out my costumes/milleniumguardian (MG) in-game/We need more tights, stances and moods
Was messing about with some of the new costume sets on my Soldier AT and came up with this which I thought i would share
Desert Storm
Needs: Tactical Armor, Sci Fi Soldier and Soldier of Fortune
Costume File
Circuit Breaker (The Tempest)
Attempting another somewhat basic costume style. Trying to see how well some of these concepts would work as opposed to something more elaborate.
themightydork - lilsteffie has missed a Sunday or two so I will likely put Desert Storm there. If not Sunday, then Monday (my day) I can always post on Thursday.
Betty Cartwright is an inventive genius. She is always looking for ways to improve things, anything and everything... even herself. Yes, that's right, you heard correctly. Betty has performed all of her own modifications.
Adopting the moniker, Bionic Betty, she takes to the streets of Millennium City, always testing her latest inventions against the criminal underworld, often succeeding... sometimes not. Thus the need for self-induced anatomical upgrades.
Hey, I said she is was genius... I never said she was normal.
Bionic Betty
Ok, thanks for having me and see you next Friday.
the inspiration of this one isn't very subtle. probably best suited to specialist.
Costume Fle
When you just can't afford sharks, sometimes you are stuck with sticking lasers on whatever animal is handy. Thus, the Artillaturtle. Fans of Cape Radio can note that this was originally inspired by the mention of the "Terror Turtle" refit in the advert for the "Rogue Islands Pet Shelter"...
* Uncommon Parts - Sets (Power Armor, Sakura Heavy Armor, Roin'Esh, Steampunk Cyborg, Santa Suit, Dinosaur Suit, Tactical Armor), Flight Helmet, Steampunk Smokestack, Dragon Armor Belt..
->Costume File<-
Monday 26th May: Liz Lemon and Vermin Hard by zedbrightlander1 by zedbrightlander1
Tuesday 27th May: Ultrakitten by serpinecoh
Wednesday 28th May: Triumph by bobsy26
Thursday 29th May: The Golden Girl by zedbrightlander1
Friday 30th May: Obsidia by velis3
Saturday 31st May: Draygone by bluhman
Sunday 1st Jun: Firefly by zedbrightlander1
Ankh if your happy.
Okay, so I guess this costume more about the pun than a well developed costume. { rolls eyes }
What do you want for nothin' Rubber brisket? :biggrin:
The mutated Man/Cat Uses Mind powers combined holography tech to live among the New Purple Gang a thwart their plots from within their ranks.
Okay, so to test my skill I decided to try an copy the holographic NPG member your hero pretends to be for Talos Takedown. It was nice, but never accurate enough for me. So I stuck a cat head on it and Wah-Lah! Cool Cat was born.
Have you guys ever tried to copy any every day citizens? I personally think it might be fun to copy them and use one or more as a Secret Identity for our heroes.
Edited to add a cap.
btw - It's early to make up for all of the times posted late.
Edit- Decided to add the non-Animal version in case some wants a NPG member.
I played him for a while as an anti-hero Revenger. Used Soldier Arch. Gave him a Hover Disk for long distance travel.
I keep meaning to do that and then enter the result into the next costume contest with a "ninja" category...
I get it. Make it one of the cute girls, call her Sally (or any cute girl name), then under the bio you type only; "...a Ninja." :biggrin:
(Requires: pretty much everything. Retro sci-fi, Steelhawk, Robot Samurai, Sci-fi Soldier, tactical armour, Serpent's Lantern VIPER armour, Golden Age, Victorian... yeah, that's a lot)
So I did a slow binge on the MCU movies recently. This is my attempt at tributing the Asgardian style of dress on those films, with most inspiration taken from Frandral and Loki. It doesn't quite work exactly, as there's no way to have the front of the jacket come down over the torso without being tightly done up, but it'll have to do. Also the VIPER armour looks really good in non-metal textures.
These are all SO great! and inspiring.. i wish I could play, but tech support could not figure out my "issues" with the game...
anyway, just wanted to say great job everyone.
Costume File
Champions Online.. where we sell lockboxes by the dozen.
Sissy Spellstorm is a witch, a sister of the Stormcaller Coven. Witches of this coven command the powers of the storm, gale force winds and powerful lightning strikes.
Harbinger of destruction or savior of the world... which one is Sissy?
Sissy Spellstorm
This concludes my regularly scheduled costume spot. I now return you to your random hero-ing.
Monday 2nd Jun: Armored Unleashed by zedbrightlander1
Tuesday 3rd Jun: Granny by serpinecoh
Wednesday 4th Jun: Team Britannia: Albion, The Brave, The Dragon, and Friday by bobsy26
Thursday 5th Jun: Circuit Breaker (The Tempest) by zamuelpwe
Friday 6th Jun: Bionic Betty by velis3
Saturday 7th Jun: Roswell by bluhman
Sunday 8th Jun: Ankhie by zedbrightlander1
Special trick using a bit of the Holoforce costume set. Use of an aura is strongly encouraged. The ones that work best include: Shadow Form (pictured here, and frankly designed around it), Seraphim, and Kinetic Manipulation. I bet Fire Form could also work well.
Costume File
For Monday 16th Jun
Pistol Wizard - The real magic is the way those flintlocks fire rapidly, like a modern pistols. ;-)
The Coat and Vest are Victorian. Also, to use it as directed: Flintlock and Harquebus.
Man, you guys really don't want to see the hideous bonus one I have ready to go on Thursday. eek It's hideous. I really hope someone has an extra one for this week.
Edited to add a cap.
Monday 9th Jun: Desert Storm by themightydork (guest)
Tuesday 10th Jun: Artillaturtle by serpinecoh
Wednesday 11th Jun: Agathe by bobsy26
Thursday 12th Jun: Cool Cat by zedbrightlander1
Friday 13th Jun: Sissy Spellstorm by velis3
Saturday 14th Jun: Gas Giant by bluhman
Sunday 15th Jun: Ancient Rising by lilsteffie
You realize this is probably encouraging us all not to have an extra, just to see it?
You've been warned.
'course the guy who created THIS, probably won't flinch.
Just messing around with something simple today so it is available if I ever need a baseline template for generating a heroic / cyborg / half-pony ("What's with all the screaming?") version on the fly. I don't think this build even uses any non-free parts.
I love the costume, but this is a .png instead of the costume file.
Also...this is definitely a baby chimp. Adults top 5' and can tear your arm from you socket without much effort.
Liquid Mercury is designed if we ever get a Water set.
Using light blue-greenish colors, teal and such, I tried to use the flame pattern to create a wave-like effect. I like it.
Not sure what Aura or color to use to complement it.
Edited to add a cap.
Months ago an idea struck me in the middle of the night. A phrase American Jedi. I wonder what such a hero would look like. I imagined a Red, White and Blue Jedi with flag speed zooming into action, but that was about it
And as the costume ideas churned, I could never imagine that exact hero, using that exact name would work with copyrights and all. I even remember trying to say it out loud and it felt like there was a better name.
Patriotic Jedi, Patriotic Lightsworder, Patriotic Lightwielder, Patriotic Force, and many other equaled a big NAAAAAAAAAAH.
I give you...
Unleashed Patriot I
Using the Unleashed Basic as a starting point, I create the one above.
I was not finished, so I tried again.
Unleashed Patriot II
Who knows, might even be an Unleashed Patriot III in me. Only time will tell.
Edited to add caps. Limit of for pics means two are links
What would your Unleashed Patriot look like? :-)
Edit - Here is a link to a third one. The best, yet, IMHO. :-)