I looked at that picture too long. Now Abyss is staring back into me...
"Science teaches us to expect -- demand -- more than just eerie mysteries. What use is a puzzle that can't be solved? Patience is fine, but I'm not going to stop asking the universe to make sense!"
Hello Heroes
I like to set up longer run lottery themes as well as the more spontaneous ones, and as you've seen I like to keep the themes very tight and switch them up often. I have recently been playing on a Silver account and am going to set up a theme in honour of the free Silver ATs. First off I am going to spotlight the Soldier AT (and yes I mean the AT specifically, not FF's and not the Munitions power set). Ranged combat can still be tricky at the size I draw these so I will want to know the name of your Munition: Handgun especially if it's a costume unlock.
The Spotlight Lottery: Soldier AT
(1) Post the name of your hero, AT and Handgun
(2) Post your global name.
(3) Post a full body, full color picture of the hero (doesn't need to be big, just showing head to toe).
* do not post the screen-cap until a winner is announced, no screen cap no doodle however.
The Spotlight Lottery: Soldier AT
(06) (Placeholder)
Thanks everybody, I'll let this theme run for as long as there is interest. So Inferno, Behemoth etc...
Now I have to decide between Captain Americlown and Major Cleavage...
"Science teaches us to expect -- demand -- more than just eerie mysteries. What use is a puzzle that can't be solved? Patience is fine, but I'm not going to stop asking the universe to make sense!"
Yeah, let's go with Major Cleavage@JRS253. Soldier AT. Modern Conventional Handgun 1.
"Science teaches us to expect -- demand -- more than just eerie mysteries. What use is a puzzle that can't be solved? Patience is fine, but I'm not going to stop asking the universe to make sense!"
Nice, even with the Holiday we have our first two entries and that means we have an official Lottery. I'll set up the list right now.
I like to set up longer run lottery themes as well as the more spontaneous ones, and as you've seen I like to keep the themes very tight and switch them up often. I have recently been playing on a Silver account and am going to set up a theme in honour of the free Silver ATs. First off I am going to spotlight the Soldier AT (and yes I mean the AT specifically, not FF's and not the Munitions power set). Ranged combat can still be tricky at the size I draw these so I will want to know the name of your Munition: Handgun especially if it's a costume unlock.
The Spotlight Lottery: Soldier AT
(1) Post the name of your hero, AT and Handgun
(2) Post your global name.
(3) Post a full body, full color picture of the hero (doesn't need to be big, just showing head to toe).
* do not post the screen-cap until a winner is announced, no screen cap no doodle however.
The Spotlight Lottery: Soldier AT
(01) Riot Squad@themightydork (Soldier AT) , GEM Ruby Laser Pistol
(02) Character: Grinder (Soldier AT), Handgun: U-SHL Blaster Pistol, Global name: @Mal666
(03) Yeah, let's go with Major Cleavage@JRS253. Soldier AT. Modern Conventional Handgun 1.
(04) Hello, Craft@blueionstormz please. Modern convention handgun 1.
(10) (Placeholder)
Thanks for all the comments on the Easter Lottery. Oh I guess I should post a deadline too, how about Monday night?
Hello Heroes the Easter Lottery winner's picture is finally posted,"Congratz to Abyss!" Easter01:
Holy Bittersweet victory! Congrats to Abyss@Rune
I just had the image of an evil Willy Wonka homage named the Confectioneer pop in my head.
...hmmmm, me too. HAPPY EASTER EVERYONE!
Thanks AC! Abyss never looked so good as the moment before someone tried to drown her in melted chocolate. I don't think she can breath in that like she can under water!
Hello Heroes
No need for an update, the smaller list just means better odds at winning. Still plenty if time to get on the list as I'll be closing the Lottery on Monday. Either way we currently got a d4 Lottery.
Sunday morning and I'll update the list, it's currently at 20% odds.
I like to set up longer run lottery themes as well as the more spontaneous ones, and as you've seen I like to keep the themes very tight and switch them up often. I have recently been playing on a Silver account and am going to set up a theme in honour of the free Silver ATs. First off I am going to spotlight the Soldier AT (and yes I mean the AT specifically, not FF's and not the Munitions power set). Ranged combat can still be tricky at the size I draw these so I will want to know the name of your Munition: Handgun especially if it's a costume unlock.
The Spotlight Lottery: Soldier AT
(1) Post the name of your hero, AT and Handgun
(2) Post your global name.
(3) Post a full body, full color picture of the hero (doesn't need to be big, just showing head to toe).
* do not post the screen-cap until a winner is announced, no screen cap no doodle however.
The Spotlight Lottery: Soldier AT
(01) Riot Squad@themightydork (Soldier AT) , GEM Ruby Laser Pistol
(02) Character: Grinder (Soldier AT), Handgun: U-SHL Blaster Pistol, Global name: @Mal666
(03) Yeah, let's go with Major Cleavage@JRS253. Soldier AT. Modern Conventional Handgun 1.
(04) Hello, Craft@blueionstormz please. Modern convention handgun 1.
(05) Peace Corpse@prestochango. Modern conventional handgun1 (Soldier AT)
(10) (Placeholder)
This ones pretty slow, maybe I'll close it tonight instead, we'll see if we get anymore entries.
All right lets wrap this up and roll for my winner.
The Spotlight Lottery: Soldier AT
(1) Post the name of your hero, AT and Handgun
(2) Post your global name.
(3) Post a full body, full color picture of the hero (doesn't need to be big, just showing head to toe).
* do not post the screen-cap until a winner is announced, no screen cap no doodle however.
The Spotlight Lottery: Soldier AT
(01) Riot Squad@themightydork (Soldier AT) , GEM Ruby Laser Pistol
(02) Character: Grinder (Soldier AT), Handgun: U-SHL Blaster Pistol, Global name: @Mal666
(03) Yeah, let's go with Major Cleavage@JRS253. Soldier AT. Modern Conventional Handgun 1.
(04) Hello, Craft@blueionstormz please. Modern convention handgun 1.
(05) Peace Corpse@prestochango. Modern conventional handgun1 (Soldier AT)
Rolled as a six-sider, the die faces a "1". "Congratz to Riot Squad!"
I'll get started on this one as soon as the screen cap gets posted to the thread, thanks all.
I have always found it funny how the artwork for the alert bosses don't always resemble the in-game bosses and the most noticeable is Demoiselle Nocturne. She's actually very creepy in-game, and call me weird, but retains a weird Clive Barker sexiness. Her load in art is very clean and looks almost like a vampire diva.
I thought I might do a fan art piece for her that is somewhere inbetween the two images. This is only the high contrast inks and is unfinished. NocturnEx: Nocturne01:
Unfinished as you can see, no facial discolouring as of yet, and a few of my pencils lines still show through. Anyways I hope you like it as much as I do.
I have always found it funny how the artwork for the alert bosses don't always resemble the in-game bosses and the most noticeable is Demoiselle Nocturne. She's actually very creepy in-game, and call me weird, but retains a weird Clive Barker sexiness. Her load in art is very clean and looks almost like a vampire diva.
EXACTLY like that!She is really creepy villain in this game.And totally doesn't look like on that Alert image,I guess it's because of her aura and makeup and hair...and everything else on her.Why don't they just make in-game villain and THEN draw it?
No skin tones mind you but here's the pic with the facial discolourations. NocturneC01:
A little Fan Art for one of my favorite Alert Bosses, somewhere between the two images were presented with.
Hello Heroes.
I'm going to post the unfinished Spotlight picture now as I messed up the right leg pretty badly. I am going to try and fix it up but I wanted you to see it now just in case I totally screw it up. Anyways, I originally ran a Lottery in honour of the first Captain America movie that was for melee toons only called Smash Hydra! and wanted to do something similar here. Freeforms make that a little harder but I wanted to see if I could try something similar using the ATs - so yes you are trashing A.I.M. SpotlightR:
I know the pencils don't scan very well and I am still going to try and fix it up but I hope you get a kick out of this doodle. Sorry for the delay,
AC "Didn't realize that Nocturne had Glasgow smile...."
That's as apt a description as any, pretty creepy.
Hello Heroes
Since I didn't place in the Contest I figured I'd post my entry here with my other pieces. And since I was going to repost it I figured I would add the Default Colours and a few Emblems to the pic.
I admit I never thought to include default colours till another entry did it that way, but I wish I had. I wanted something Supermanesque without infringing on Superman, Superman Red/Blue, or even Marvel's Hyperion, so I went with Purple-Orange-Black-Grey.
For the emblems I used the Slanted C (Crest) on the main pic, the Checkmark for an off center style logo and the Mystic Eye for a larger style emblem. IconicColours01:
Anyways Congratz to the winner and all the finalists, it was an awesome showing.
Up next: The Spotlight Lottery - Riot Squad!
Hello Heroes
The Spotlight Lottery winners picture is finally posted, "Congratz to Riot Squad!" Spotlight01:
My lines got a little squirrely near the end there but I hope you liked your turn in the Spotlight,
Hello Heroes
I've finally caught up so I'll start the next lottery right now. I debated which one to run but I think I'll go with the DC Dust-Up. The DC Dust-Up Lottery works just like the Marvel Mash-Up but with Epic DC Villains instead.
DC Dust-UP - Remember this is for true geeks only, you're going to lose. So pick which Epic DC Villain you would like to see utterly defeat your hero. This is a new series so all villains are available (not including Galactus types). By Epic I mean the big gun / name brand villains not just the cosmic entity types. Do keep in mind that I'm an older fan so the villain you choose must be part of the main DC Universe and will be drawn in the most recognizable costume or era. (Sorry no 52 versions).
Standard Rules:
(01) Post the name of your Hero and your Global name.
(02) Post the name of the Epic DC Villain you lose to.
(03) You are responsible for posting a screen-cap of your hero
* The screen cap doesn't have to be posted until the winner is drawn.
DC DUST-UP Lottery
(06) Agent Canada@BobbyBlaze vs Lord Kobra (placeholder).
I'll close this sometime Sunday night. As always, feel free to ask questions here or in-game.
By the way, I view these as Fan Art but if this type of lottery skirts the EULA, let me know and I'll come up with something else.
MK on his back against a very tempted Catwoman though was a very close second in my head for this entry, but shes more a hero now anyway. Deathstroke is one of the best villains DC has to offer, hands down.
I love your work and art style AC, been hoping to get in on one of these for a while.
Sister Silicon Prime@KWRussell vs. Sinestro. Like shooting black-and-yellow-painted fish in a barrel.
Choose your enemies carefully, because they will define you / Make them interesting, because in some ways they will mind you
They're not there in the beginning, but when your story ends / Gonna last with you longer than your friends
Atomac@epelesker VS Mister Mxyzptlk, who has trapped him inside the pages of a comic book with his *magic".
(Unless if this is too cosmic level, then I'll reconsider. I'm not as much in the know on DC villains, but this sounds fun.)
As a suggestion, what about running a CO villain dust-up or something similar in the future? Might be something to consider if you're concerned about mainstreams causing an issue with forum rules.
As a suggestion, what about running a CO villain dust-up or something similar in the future? Might be something to consider if you're concerned about mainstreams causing an issue with forum rules.
I'm not as worried about it as I wouldn't want to be caught off guard, but as a suggestion it merits a lot of consideration. My only problem is I actually like old school Champions and the game differs quite a bit. One of the jokes my buddy used to say was that Defender was always getting beaten to a pulp on in all the supplements even though I liked that version of Defender. An Epic Defeat against Mechanon would be truly awesome.
Hello Heroes
The Spotlight Lottery winners picture is finally posted, "Congratz to Riot Squad!" Spotlight01:
My lines got a little squirrely near the end there but I hope you liked your turn in the Spotlight,
Auuugh. I missed this set, didn't I? If by any chance it hasn't closed yet, I'd like Solar Saber@randomchance42 to find out that his fiery swords are no match for Killer Frost.
I allways thought that guys who call themselfs Advanced Idea Mechanics, can't figure out how to make a proper helmets instead of chickenwire wrapped with yellow raincoat....
Aaaaand The Finnish@FlyingFinn vs. Evil Power Girl.... wait, was she even a proper villan???
Make that The Finnish vs. Bizarro Power Girl..... was she ever a proper villain???
3rd times a charm: The Finnish vs. Amazo. I think.
CHAMPIONS ONLINE:Join Date: Apr 2008
And playing by myself since Aug 2009 Godtier: Lifetime Subscriber
Hello Heroes, we've got quite a few entries already, so I'll set up the list now.
DC Dust-UP - Remember this is for true geeks only, you're going to lose. So pick which Epic DC Villain you would like to see utterly defeat your hero. This is a new series so all villains are available (not including Galactus types). By Epic I mean the big gun / name brand villains not just the cosmic entity types. Do keep in mind that I'm an older fan so the villain you choose must be part of the main DC Universe and will be drawn in the most recognizable costume or era. (Sorry no 52 versions).
Standard Rules:
(01) Post the name of your Hero and your Global name.
(02) Post the name of the Epic DC Villain you lose to.
(03) You are responsible for posting a screen-cap of your hero
* The screen cap doesn't have to be posted until the winner is drawn.
DC DUST-UP Lottery
(01) Mid-Knight@apygoos vs Deathstroke
(02) Nisroc@esalmighty vs Black Adam (one handed choke in air)
(03) Sister Silicon Prime@KWRussell vs. Sinestro. Like shooting black-and-yellow-painted fish in a barrel.
(04) Atomac@epelesker VS Mister Mxyzptlk, who has trapped him inside the pages of a comic book with his *magic".
(05) Britannia@milleniumguardian Vs Mongul (Father or son)
(06) Hasizet@kallethen finding out that Parasite thinks cosmic energy beings are taaaasty.
(07) I'd like Solar Saber@randomchance42 to find out that his fiery swords are no match for Killer Frost.
(08) Ms. Wonder@prestochango versus Metallo!
(09) 3rd times a charm: The Finnish@FlyingFinn vs. Amazo. I think.
(10) I may as well go for the big guy. Since he's not cosmic sized, Thundrax@Thundrax. vs. Darkseid. Omega beams for the loss.
(15) Agent Canada@BobbyBlaze vs Lord Kobra (placeholder).
" Like shooting black-and-yellow-painted fish in a barrel."
Wasn't quite sure what that meant at first but I guess you mean his Sinestro Corps uniform.
"ERMAHGAWD! LOVE IT! Thanks so very much AC."
Thank you I'm glad you liked it. Thanks for all the comments everybody.
"Auuugh. I missed this set, didn't I? If by any chance it hasn't closed yet"
Nope you're good, lottery doesn't close till Sunday night.
Thundrax, I don't remember your global it's @real Thundrax or something similar right?
"It's @Thundrax."
Thanks pal, I'll add it to the list.
"I allways thought that guys who call themselfs Advanced Idea Mechanics, can't figure out how to make a proper helmets instead of chickenwire wrapped with yellow raincoat...."
I like drawing the uniformed goon types and usually prefer their original /bulkier costumes. It's a great way to add extra bodies without having to commit the limited space to full body poses for the goons. Hydra "H" tunics are one of my favorites but with so many ATs I figured I'd stretch it out a little.
This isn't carved in stone or anything but I think I can pull off quite a few combos like:
Behemoth Vs. The Mindless Ones or The Blade Vs. The Hand / Foot clans, etc. I will be revisiting the Spotlight Lottery again so who knows.
Captain Americlown@jonsills gets out-clowned by the Joker!
"Science teaches us to expect -- demand -- more than just eerie mysteries. What use is a puzzle that can't be solved? Patience is fine, but I'm not going to stop asking the universe to make sense!"
Wow, this one may be a fast closer, I already have fifteen entries and the list has a natural cap of twenty so I'll do my update now.
DC Dust-UP - Remember this is for true geeks only, you're going to lose. So pick which Epic DC Villain you would like to see utterly defeat your hero. This is a new series so all villains are available (not including Galactus types). By Epic I mean the big gun / name brand villains not just the cosmic entity types. Do keep in mind that I'm an older fan so the villain you choose must be part of the main DC Universe and will be drawn in the most recognizable costume or era. (Sorry no 52 versions).
Standard Rules:
(01) Post the name of your Hero and your Global name.
(02) Post the name of the Epic DC Villain you lose to.
(03) You are responsible for posting a screen-cap of your hero
* The screen cap doesn't have to be posted until the winner is drawn.
DC DUST-UP Lottery
(01) Mid-Knight@apygoos vs Deathstroke
(02) Nisroc@esalmighty vs Black Adam (one handed choke in air)
(03) Sister Silicon Prime@KWRussell vs. Sinestro. Like shooting black-and-yellow-painted fish in a barrel.
(04) Atomac@epelesker VS Mister Mxyzptlk, who has trapped him inside the pages of a comic book with his *magic".
(05) Britannia@milleniumguardian Vs Mongul (Father or son)
(06) Hasizet@kallethen finding out that Parasite thinks cosmic energy beings are taaaasty.
(07) I'd like Solar Saber@randomchance42 to find out that his fiery swords are no match for Killer Frost.
(08) Ms. Wonder@prestochango versus Metallo!
(09) 3rd times a charm: The Finnish@FlyingFinn vs. Amazo. I think.
(10) I may as well go for the big guy. Since he's not cosmic sized, Thundrax@Thundrax. vs. Darkseid. Omega beams for the loss.
(11) Mus Sicarius@Liath should be Cheetah's chewtoy this time around.
(12) Stellar Storm@Glass-Rose Vs. Lady Shiva
(13) Blunt Force@Mal666 vs. Lobo (But only cuz Lobo fights dirty)
(14) Tricky The Clown, Tricky@doctorinsaine Vs Scarecrow
(15) Nobody's picked this villain yet? Captain Americlown@jonsills gets out-clowned by the Joker!
(20)Agent Canada@BobbyBlaze vs Lord Kobra (placeholder).
I'll close this sometime Sunday night or at the Nat 20 cap,
" Like shooting black-and-yellow-painted fish in a barrel."
Wasn't quite sure what that meant at first but I guess you mean his Sinestro Corps uniform.
Those are also Prime's colors.
Choose your enemies carefully, because they will define you / Make them interesting, because in some ways they will mind you
They're not there in the beginning, but when your story ends / Gonna last with you longer than your friends
- David Brin, "Those Eyes"
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I like to set up longer run lottery themes as well as the more spontaneous ones, and as you've seen I like to keep the themes very tight and switch them up often. I have recently been playing on a Silver account and am going to set up a theme in honour of the free Silver ATs. First off I am going to spotlight the Soldier AT (and yes I mean the AT specifically, not FF's and not the Munitions power set). Ranged combat can still be tricky at the size I draw these so I will want to know the name of your Munition: Handgun especially if it's a costume unlock.
The Spotlight Lottery: Soldier AT
(1) Post the name of your hero, AT and Handgun
(2) Post your global name.
(3) Post a full body, full color picture of the hero (doesn't need to be big, just showing head to toe).
* do not post the screen-cap until a winner is announced, no screen cap no doodle however.
The Spotlight Lottery: Soldier AT
(06) (Placeholder)
Thanks everybody, I'll let this theme run for as long as there is interest. So Inferno, Behemoth etc...
Riot Squad@themightydork (Soldier AT) , GEM Ruby Laser Pistol
- David Brin, "Those Eyes"
Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
Character: Grinder (Soldier AT)
Handgun: U-SHL Blaster Pistol
Global name: @Mal666
- David Brin, "Those Eyes"
Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
Also, great work on abyss!
Archived CO Wiki site
I like to set up longer run lottery themes as well as the more spontaneous ones, and as you've seen I like to keep the themes very tight and switch them up often. I have recently been playing on a Silver account and am going to set up a theme in honour of the free Silver ATs. First off I am going to spotlight the Soldier AT (and yes I mean the AT specifically, not FF's and not the Munitions power set). Ranged combat can still be tricky at the size I draw these so I will want to know the name of your Munition: Handgun especially if it's a costume unlock.
The Spotlight Lottery: Soldier AT
(1) Post the name of your hero, AT and Handgun
(2) Post your global name.
(3) Post a full body, full color picture of the hero (doesn't need to be big, just showing head to toe).
* do not post the screen-cap until a winner is announced, no screen cap no doodle however.
The Spotlight Lottery: Soldier AT
(01) Riot Squad@themightydork (Soldier AT) , GEM Ruby Laser Pistol
(02) Character: Grinder (Soldier AT), Handgun: U-SHL Blaster Pistol, Global name: @Mal666
(03) Yeah, let's go with Major Cleavage@JRS253. Soldier AT. Modern Conventional Handgun 1.
(04) Hello, Craft@blueionstormz please. Modern convention handgun 1.
(10) (Placeholder)
Thanks for all the comments on the Easter Lottery. Oh I guess I should post a deadline too, how about Monday night?
Thanks AC! Abyss never looked so good as the moment before someone tried to drown her in melted chocolate. I don't think she can breath in that like she can under water!
No need for an update, the smaller list just means better odds at winning. Still plenty if time to get on the list as I'll be closing the Lottery on Monday. Either way we currently got a d4 Lottery.
Thanks, glad you like it Rune.
Peace Corpse@prestochango. Modern conventional handgun1 (Soldier AT)
I like to set up longer run lottery themes as well as the more spontaneous ones, and as you've seen I like to keep the themes very tight and switch them up often. I have recently been playing on a Silver account and am going to set up a theme in honour of the free Silver ATs. First off I am going to spotlight the Soldier AT (and yes I mean the AT specifically, not FF's and not the Munitions power set). Ranged combat can still be tricky at the size I draw these so I will want to know the name of your Munition: Handgun especially if it's a costume unlock.
The Spotlight Lottery: Soldier AT
(1) Post the name of your hero, AT and Handgun
(2) Post your global name.
(3) Post a full body, full color picture of the hero (doesn't need to be big, just showing head to toe).
* do not post the screen-cap until a winner is announced, no screen cap no doodle however.
The Spotlight Lottery: Soldier AT
(01) Riot Squad@themightydork (Soldier AT) , GEM Ruby Laser Pistol
(02) Character: Grinder (Soldier AT), Handgun: U-SHL Blaster Pistol, Global name: @Mal666
(03) Yeah, let's go with Major Cleavage@JRS253. Soldier AT. Modern Conventional Handgun 1.
(04) Hello, Craft@blueionstormz please. Modern convention handgun 1.
(05) Peace Corpse@prestochango. Modern conventional handgun1 (Soldier AT)
(10) (Placeholder)
This ones pretty slow, maybe I'll close it tonight instead, we'll see if we get anymore entries.
The Spotlight Lottery: Soldier AT
(1) Post the name of your hero, AT and Handgun
(2) Post your global name.
(3) Post a full body, full color picture of the hero (doesn't need to be big, just showing head to toe).
* do not post the screen-cap until a winner is announced, no screen cap no doodle however.
The Spotlight Lottery: Soldier AT
(01) Riot Squad@themightydork (Soldier AT) , GEM Ruby Laser Pistol
(02) Character: Grinder (Soldier AT), Handgun: U-SHL Blaster Pistol, Global name: @Mal666
(03) Yeah, let's go with Major Cleavage@JRS253. Soldier AT. Modern Conventional Handgun 1.
(04) Hello, Craft@blueionstormz please. Modern convention handgun 1.
(05) Peace Corpse@prestochango. Modern conventional handgun1 (Soldier AT)
Rolled as a six-sider, the die faces a "1". "Congratz to Riot Squad!"
I'll get started on this one as soon as the screen cap gets posted to the thread, thanks all.
And now that i can log into the forums I can add these:
Er, I can admit some bias towards Blue White and red together, of course.
@Liath | My PRIMUS Page | Altaholics | New Vehicle Models | New Emblems | Flag Tights
Asterelle's Forum Enhancement Extension | Game Side Panel Add-In | Game Server Status Add-In
I thought I might do a fan art piece for her that is somewhere inbetween the two images. This is only the high contrast inks and is unfinished.
Unfinished as you can see, no facial discolouring as of yet, and a few of my pencils lines still show through. Anyways I hope you like it as much as I do.
EXACTLY like that!She is really creepy villain in this game.And totally doesn't look like on that Alert image,I guess it's because of her aura and makeup and hair...and everything else on her.Why don't they just make in-game villain and THEN draw it?
A little Fan Art for one of my favorite Alert Bosses, somewhere between the two images were presented with.
Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
Didn't realize that Nocturne had Glasgow smile....
And playing by myself since Aug 2009
Godtier: Lifetime Subscriber
I'm going to post the unfinished Spotlight picture now as I messed up the right leg pretty badly. I am going to try and fix it up but I wanted you to see it now just in case I totally screw it up. Anyways, I originally ran a Lottery in honour of the first Captain America movie that was for melee toons only called Smash Hydra! and wanted to do something similar here. Freeforms make that a little harder but I wanted to see if I could try something similar using the ATs - so yes you are trashing A.I.M.
I know the pencils don't scan very well and I am still going to try and fix it up but I hope you get a kick out of this doodle. Sorry for the delay,
"Didn't realize that Nocturne had Glasgow smile...."
That's as apt a description as any, pretty creepy.
Can't wait to see the finished piece. Thanks for the update :cool:
Since I didn't place in the Contest I figured I'd post my entry here with my other pieces. And since I was going to repost it I figured I would add the Default Colours and a few Emblems to the pic.
I admit I never thought to include default colours till another entry did it that way, but I wish I had. I wanted something Supermanesque without infringing on Superman, Superman Red/Blue, or even Marvel's Hyperion, so I went with Purple-Orange-Black-Grey.
For the emblems I used the Slanted C (Crest) on the main pic, the Checkmark for an off center style logo and the Mystic Eye for a larger style emblem.
Anyways Congratz to the winner and all the finalists, it was an awesome showing.
Up next: The Spotlight Lottery - Riot Squad!
The Spotlight Lottery winners picture is finally posted, "Congratz to Riot Squad!"
My lines got a little squirrely near the end there but I hope you liked your turn in the Spotlight,
I've finally caught up so I'll start the next lottery right now. I debated which one to run but I think I'll go with the DC Dust-Up. The DC Dust-Up Lottery works just like the Marvel Mash-Up but with Epic DC Villains instead.
DC Dust-UP - Remember this is for true geeks only, you're going to lose. So pick which Epic DC Villain you would like to see utterly defeat your hero. This is a new series so all villains are available (not including Galactus types). By Epic I mean the big gun / name brand villains not just the cosmic entity types. Do keep in mind that I'm an older fan so the villain you choose must be part of the main DC Universe and will be drawn in the most recognizable costume or era. (Sorry no 52 versions).
Standard Rules:
(01) Post the name of your Hero and your Global name.
(02) Post the name of the Epic DC Villain you lose to.
(03) You are responsible for posting a screen-cap of your hero
* The screen cap doesn't have to be posted until the winner is drawn.
DC DUST-UP Lottery
(06) Agent Canada@BobbyBlaze vs Lord Kobra (placeholder).
I'll close this sometime Sunday night. As always, feel free to ask questions here or in-game.
By the way, I view these as Fan Art but if this type of lottery skirts the EULA, let me know and I'll come up with something else.
MK on his back against a very tempted Catwoman though was a very close second in my head for this entry, but shes more a hero now anyway. Deathstroke is one of the best villains DC has to offer, hands down.
I love your work and art style AC, been hoping to get in on one of these for a while.
They're not there in the beginning, but when your story ends / Gonna last with you longer than your friends
Atomac@epelesker VS Mister Mxyzptlk, who has trapped him inside the pages of a comic book with his *magic".
(Unless if this is too cosmic level, then I'll reconsider. I'm not as much in the know on DC villains, but this sounds fun.)
As a suggestion, what about running a CO villain dust-up or something similar in the future? Might be something to consider if you're concerned about mainstreams causing an issue with forum rules.
Heroic Roleplayer @epelesker | PRIMUS Database Moderator | Brigade Advocate
Click here to check out my costumes/milleniumguardian (MG) in-game/We need more tights, stances and moods
I'm not as worried about it as I wouldn't want to be caught off guard, but as a suggestion it merits a lot of consideration. My only problem is I actually like old school Champions and the game differs quite a bit. One of the jokes my buddy used to say was that Defender was always getting beaten to a pulp on in all the supplements even though I liked that version of Defender. An Epic Defeat against Mechanon would be truly awesome.
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ERMAHGAWD! LOVE IT! Thanks so very much AC.
Take A.I.M. turned out fantastic. Well done.
DC Dust up!
Ms. Wonder versus Metallo!
Aaaaand The Finnish@FlyingFinn vs. Evil Power Girl.... wait, was she even a proper villan???
Make that The Finnish vs. Bizarro Power Girl..... was she ever a proper villain???
3rd times a charm: The Finnish vs. Amazo. I think.
And playing by myself since Aug 2009
Godtier: Lifetime Subscriber
DC Dust-UP - Remember this is for true geeks only, you're going to lose. So pick which Epic DC Villain you would like to see utterly defeat your hero. This is a new series so all villains are available (not including Galactus types). By Epic I mean the big gun / name brand villains not just the cosmic entity types. Do keep in mind that I'm an older fan so the villain you choose must be part of the main DC Universe and will be drawn in the most recognizable costume or era. (Sorry no 52 versions).
Standard Rules:
(01) Post the name of your Hero and your Global name.
(02) Post the name of the Epic DC Villain you lose to.
(03) You are responsible for posting a screen-cap of your hero
* The screen cap doesn't have to be posted until the winner is drawn.
DC DUST-UP Lottery
(01) Mid-Knight@apygoos vs Deathstroke
(02) Nisroc@esalmighty vs Black Adam (one handed choke in air)
(03) Sister Silicon Prime@KWRussell vs. Sinestro. Like shooting black-and-yellow-painted fish in a barrel.
(04) Atomac@epelesker VS Mister Mxyzptlk, who has trapped him inside the pages of a comic book with his *magic".
(05) Britannia@milleniumguardian Vs Mongul (Father or son)
(06) Hasizet@kallethen finding out that Parasite thinks cosmic energy beings are taaaasty.
(07) I'd like Solar Saber@randomchance42 to find out that his fiery swords are no match for Killer Frost.
(08) Ms. Wonder@prestochango versus Metallo!
(09) 3rd times a charm: The Finnish@FlyingFinn vs. Amazo. I think.
(10) I may as well go for the big guy. Since he's not cosmic sized, Thundrax@Thundrax. vs. Darkseid. Omega beams for the loss.
(15) Agent Canada@BobbyBlaze vs Lord Kobra (placeholder).
" Like shooting black-and-yellow-painted fish in a barrel."
Wasn't quite sure what that meant at first but I guess you mean his Sinestro Corps uniform.
"ERMAHGAWD! LOVE IT! Thanks so very much AC."
Thank you I'm glad you liked it. Thanks for all the comments everybody.
"Auuugh. I missed this set, didn't I? If by any chance it hasn't closed yet"
Nope you're good, lottery doesn't close till Sunday night.
Thundrax, I don't remember your global it's @real Thundrax or something similar right?
I'll close this sometime Sunday night,
Thanks pal, I'll add it to the list.
"I allways thought that guys who call themselfs Advanced Idea Mechanics, can't figure out how to make a proper helmets instead of chickenwire wrapped with yellow raincoat...."
I like drawing the uniformed goon types and usually prefer their original /bulkier costumes. It's a great way to add extra bodies without having to commit the limited space to full body poses for the goons. Hydra "H" tunics are one of my favorites but with so many ATs I figured I'd stretch it out a little.
This isn't carved in stone or anything but I think I can pull off quite a few combos like:
Behemoth Vs. The Mindless Ones or The Blade Vs. The Hand / Foot clans, etc. I will be revisiting the Spotlight Lottery again so who knows.
and once more I shall submit Mus to the beatdown..
Mus Sicarius@Liath should be Cheetah's chewtoy this time around.
@Liath | My PRIMUS Page | Altaholics | New Vehicle Models | New Emblems | Flag Tights
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Captain Americlown@jonsills gets out-clowned by the Joker!
- David Brin, "Those Eyes"
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DC Dust-UP - Remember this is for true geeks only, you're going to lose. So pick which Epic DC Villain you would like to see utterly defeat your hero. This is a new series so all villains are available (not including Galactus types). By Epic I mean the big gun / name brand villains not just the cosmic entity types. Do keep in mind that I'm an older fan so the villain you choose must be part of the main DC Universe and will be drawn in the most recognizable costume or era. (Sorry no 52 versions).
Standard Rules:
(01) Post the name of your Hero and your Global name.
(02) Post the name of the Epic DC Villain you lose to.
(03) You are responsible for posting a screen-cap of your hero
* The screen cap doesn't have to be posted until the winner is drawn.
DC DUST-UP Lottery
(01) Mid-Knight@apygoos vs Deathstroke
(02) Nisroc@esalmighty vs Black Adam (one handed choke in air)
(03) Sister Silicon Prime@KWRussell vs. Sinestro. Like shooting black-and-yellow-painted fish in a barrel.
(04) Atomac@epelesker VS Mister Mxyzptlk, who has trapped him inside the pages of a comic book with his *magic".
(05) Britannia@milleniumguardian Vs Mongul (Father or son)
(06) Hasizet@kallethen finding out that Parasite thinks cosmic energy beings are taaaasty.
(07) I'd like Solar Saber@randomchance42 to find out that his fiery swords are no match for Killer Frost.
(08) Ms. Wonder@prestochango versus Metallo!
(09) 3rd times a charm: The Finnish@FlyingFinn vs. Amazo. I think.
(10) I may as well go for the big guy. Since he's not cosmic sized, Thundrax@Thundrax. vs. Darkseid. Omega beams for the loss.
(11) Mus Sicarius@Liath should be Cheetah's chewtoy this time around.
(12) Stellar Storm@Glass-Rose Vs. Lady Shiva
(13) Blunt Force@Mal666 vs. Lobo (But only cuz Lobo fights dirty)
(14) Tricky The Clown, Tricky@doctorinsaine Vs Scarecrow
(15) Nobody's picked this villain yet? Captain Americlown@jonsills gets out-clowned by the Joker!
(20)Agent Canada@BobbyBlaze vs Lord Kobra (placeholder).
I'll close this sometime Sunday night or at the Nat 20 cap,
Those are also Prime's colors.
They're not there in the beginning, but when your story ends / Gonna last with you longer than your friends