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Official Feedback Thread: October Bugfix Month

Summary: We want to fix the bugs that annoy you the most. Help us out!

Hello everyone! A while back, we made some changes to how Weapon Enhancements worked, and the forum feedback thread (https://www.arcgames.com/en/forums/neverwinter#/discussion/1227227/official-feedback-thread-weapon-enhancement-changes/) turned into a big bugfix fest. We even managed to squeeze in a bunch of bugfixes for things predating the WE changes themselves (including some more or less unrelated ones, like a CW Chill Stack problem). We didn’t manage to tackle everything, not by a long shot, but still there was some good progress, and it seemed well-received in general. @darthpotater even suggested we should get all the devs involved (at the time it was just asterdahl and me).

Well, now we want to do just that -- get all the devs involved, spend a whole month, and open it up to whatever bugs are the ones you want fixed the most!

Here’s how it works:
* Lasts for the month of October
* You all post bugs on this forum thread
* We fix as many as we can
* We post on this thread as we make the fixes

Of course, we’re NOT going to be able to fix them all, not even close. But hopefully we can fix a lot, and hopefully we can focus on ones that are the worst for you all. (That’s why we’re doing it with a forum thread, rather than just working from our own bug backlog -- we want to hit the ones you care about the most!)

How are we going to pick which bugs to fix? Well, each designer will mostly pick their own (of course we’ll be discussing among ourselves too), based on:
* How annoying is it?
* How easy is it to fix?
So please keep that in mind as you give us suggestions.

Don’t forget that the most important thing that makes something easy to fix is that it’s easy to reproduce, so if there’s anything tricky about getting the bug to happen, please explain that clearly for us!

For this forum thread, we won’t be looking for things that are whole new features. Also unlikely to be chosen are things that are very controversial or where the fix isn’t clear -- for example, “It’s really weird that GFs have a burst damage role in PvP. It seems like the best dps should be attached to more fragile classes” is great feedback, but it’s beyond what we’re looking for here for this month of bug-bashing.

So... what would you like us to tackle?


  • onodrainonodrain Member Posts: 334 Arc User
    Since the beginning of time, profession nodes have had an annoying issue.

    A person has a full inventory and they collect from the node all the profession stuff. Bur since their inventory is full, it leaves the one piece of worthless junk in the node. So the next person who comes to the node, does not get the profession stuff. The only thing in the node is the junk item that takes up inventory. This occurs even when you are in your own instance, such as a lair.

    Can we have the profession nodes reset when you enter your own instance in a lair? So I can actually get profession resources instead of an inventory full of junk? I don't care so much about public instances. But a private instance should have juicy profession resources for me, not sloppy seconds!
  • scathiasscathias Member Posts: 1,174 Arc User
    @micky1p00 has threatened my kidneys if I don't support their reported bugs for the guild logs. But honestly I really want to see handles on donation logs and in the Join/leave log I wold love to see if that person who left got kicked or left on their own.
    Guild - The Imaginary Friends
    We are searching for slave labor, will pay with food from our farm!
  • frozenfirevrfrozenfirevr Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,475 Community Moderator
    edited September 2017
    @rgutscheradev @asterdahl @terramak

    Great move! Would you guys please take a look at https://trello.com/b/cSitD7BS/neverwinter-community-issue-tracker if you haven't already?
  • jaime4312#3760 jaime4312 Member Posts: 844 Arc User
    zebular said:

    Shadowclad (and whatever other ones) constantly proccing sound and visuals when not in combat. (sooo annoying)

    @rgutscheradev that definitely needs to be looked at, that pseudo "pew" sounding nonstop is very irritating o.O
  • pitshadepitshade Member Posts: 5,665 Arc User
    Mobs who are aggro'd on a TR doing Duelist Flurry attempt to walk towards the rogue, pushing them. This seems to be one of the causes of people getting knocked out of Baphomet's arena. Outside of the weekly, I have seen the undead mobs in Shroud of Souls Cultist Caves instance do it as well as other places.

    Speaking of which, Baphomet's Wall of Stone seems to affect players who got out of the splat before the power activates, unless they do it as soon as the Red zone appears.

    There was an undocumented change at the Mod 4 release where TR run animation now has a very jerky stop, which appears to be an exaggerated version of what the Warlock does. Moving the rogue short distances gives the appearance that your avatar is stumbling or tripping.

    The Epic Dungeon chest in Castle Never only allows one player to interact with it, unlike other chests. Additionally, the exit portal spawns so close to the chest that it is possible to accidentally leave when trying to click the chest.

    Also from Castle Never, Navigate the Darkness/Gather Your Party doesn't often trigger correctly. Many times, players have to repeatedly leave and re-enter the final room to get the Death Spheres cutscene to play. Occasionally, the cutscene plays and barrier disappears before all players have reached the final room.
    "We have always been at war with Dread Vault" ~ Little Brother
  • cilginordekcilginordek Member Posts: 459 Arc User
    edited September 2017
    Feytouched Enchant applies debuff to the user instead of enemy when you use Knight's Challenge.
    It also has bunch of other bugs with abilites that spawn entities.

    T9G: If someone falls from the platform at the last boss and die, and respawn before they hit the ground, they will respawn dead. Respawning again there will send them back to the trap room with NPCs.
  • beckylunaticbeckylunatic Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 14,231 Arc User
    onodrain said:

    Since the beginning of time, profession nodes have had an annoying issue.

    A person has a full inventory and they collect from the node all the profession stuff. Bur since their inventory is full, it leaves the one piece of worthless junk in the node. So the next person who comes to the node, does not get the profession stuff. The only thing in the node is the junk item that takes up inventory. This occurs even when you are in your own instance, such as a lair.

    This should not be happening under any circumstances that I know of. Skill nodes should have unique loot for any players that look in them. Used to be a problem, but should be fixed long ago.

    But... in any skill node that used to be able to drop refinement, the removed refinement items were not replaced with anything. The way I describe it is skill node loot that used to use two table lookups to determine loot now only uses one, so if it rolls you a "treasure" class item, that is all you are getting (insignia is a separate y/n). I may not have the mechanics of it exactly right, but this is how it looks.

    I don't think we can call this a bug. It's an anti-bot change that was implemented in an unsatisfactory fashion.
    Guild Leader - The Lords of Light

    Neverwinter Census 2017

    All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
  • tripsofthrymrtripsofthrymr Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,624 Community Moderator

    @rgutscheradev @asterdahl @terramak

    Great move! Would you guys please take a look at https://trello.com/b/cSitD7BS/neverwinter-community-issue-tracker if you haven't already?

    He mentioned the trello list in the original post :smile:
    Caritas Guild Founder (Greycloak Alliance)

    Sci-fi author: The Gods We Make, The Gods We Seek, and Ji-min
  • btairbornebtairborne Member Posts: 352 Arc User
    edited September 2017
    micky1p00 said:

    5. TR: smoke bomb (except vorpal), PotB do not proc weapon enchants, making more or less vorpal the only practical choice.

    Not entirely accurate. With Lightning enchant it procs Lightning Arc but it does not proc Lightning Weapon.
    This is highly annoying because Smoke Bomb is so widely used, TR AOE DPS is so weak, and you Devs clearly designed Lightning Enchant as the #1 AOE weapon enchant.
  • theguiidotheguiido Member Posts: 467 Arc User
    edited October 2017
    Question: @rgutscheradev Is this the only time you will be fixing bugs? Or do you plan on doing more in the future? It would be pretty nice to know October isn't the only time you plan on doing this, especially since there are SO MANY class specific bugs. Many of the class specific issues I really never see get fixed.

    General Game Pet Peeves

    I will edit this post more if more ideas come to mind.

    There is no [Friend Log on Notify] for Xbox Players. PS4 and PC have this feature where you are able to see when a friend has logged on.

    Garb of the Wild Noble fashion does not properly attach the mid section to the legs.

    Shadow Demon in Open World PvP.


    Guardian Fighter Bugs

    *This list below shows the biggest and most annoying bugs of the GF, with video proof to help you understand the bug, and the problem with the Power/Feat. Anything that has no video I described as with much detail as I could so that you can identify the problem easier.

    Shield: When in Combat, Shield consistently goes up and down when the player is wanting to go into a defensive position and hold their shield up. It usually happens when an enemy player is about to use a Daily, or a move like an Encounter. It also happens in PvE when an enemy is going to knock you back or when you you are facing multiple mobs at once. It seems to also happens similarly in PvP especially when facing multiple enemies at once or even just one sometimes. When being Knocked or Prone, the Shield takes forever to get back up. These bugs have been around for awhile and really hinders a GF survivability especially during those situations when you need your shield up the most.

    Mark: Tab Primary Mark Focused Target's consistently lose there mark and sometimes you need to spam the Tab to keep it on. This is very annoying especially when trying to hold agro or trying to keep a Primary Focus Mark on an enemy player. It is EXTREMELY frustrating.

    Strength Focus: How is the effectiveness of "Strength" increased? The video here clearly shows no ability score stats were increased, how exactly is it supposed to work because I have reports of people using it and then not using it and not really seeing a difference in damage or any attribute in Strength.


    Armor Specialization: Similar to above, how is the effectiveness of "Armor Class and Defense" increased? This video here shows no Armor Class was increased from before, and there was no increase in Damage Resistance in anyway, nor was there an increase in AC in anyway.


    Jagged Blades: Does not proc correctly. When using an Encounter or Daily, and even Atwill Powers sometimes Jagged Blades do not proc onto an enemy like it should. This is a serious bug that has not been fixed for quite some time.

    Villain's Menace: Does not make you CC immune. This has been for a while. You are still able to be Prone, Knocked, Pushed, Stunned, Dazed, Disabled, Rooted, Paralyzed, and Interrupted and also says (You cannot use this power). Also the Damage Resistance you gain while in the buff is not able to be seen as a stat. I know it is a buff, but for clarity reasons it should be a stat you are able to see on your Character Sheet. The cast time is a huge issue as it takes very long to cast, and can easily be interrupted by CC. A QoL change would to change it so it also has a quicker cast time.

    This video you will see a TR's Dazing Strike Temporarily put my Encounter Powers on a 1 second cooldown, Villains Menace stops working within the first second it was casted, and Dazing Strike is Locking Aggravating Strike, Crushing Surge, and any Atwill from doing its action. It locks you in place not being able to cast the move.


    Indomitable Strength: Range issue: Uses the Players Action Points and does the animation, but the enemy is not Knocked or Prone, nor are they even hit with the move.


    Also @sgrantdev#8718 was looking into this issue, but I thought it would be worth it to also show you since this can also be a good opportunity for you to check it out and get it fixed.
    theguiido said:
    Post edited by theguiido on
    Guardian Fighter
    https://www.arcgames.com/en/forums/neverwinter/#/discussion/1221446/the-future-of-the-gf/p1 Existing Problems Still In The Guardian Fighter

    Feat Changes I'd like to see in The Guardian Fighter
  • frozenfirevrfrozenfirevr Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,475 Community Moderator

    @rgutscheradev @asterdahl @terramak

    Great move! Would you guys please take a look at https://trello.com/b/cSitD7BS/neverwinter-community-issue-tracker if you haven't already?

    He mentioned the trello list in the original post :smile:
    Oh... I probably missed that OP... Can you give me a link so I can read up?
  • ollybongo89#3420 ollybongo89 Member Posts: 138 Arc User
    This forum uses a dark theme, it would be nice if ppl would not use red writing, it dont make your post stand out bruv it burns my eyes
  • beckylunaticbeckylunatic Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 14,231 Arc User

    @rgutscheradev @asterdahl @terramak

    Great move! Would you guys please take a look at https://trello.com/b/cSitD7BS/neverwinter-community-issue-tracker if you haven't already?

    He mentioned the trello list in the original post :smile:
    Oh... I probably missed that OP... Can you give me a link so I can read up?
    Technically the second post. Of this thread. Post your bugs "even if it's already on the trello".
    Guild Leader - The Lords of Light

    Neverwinter Census 2017

    All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
  • btairbornebtairborne Member Posts: 352 Arc User
    Companions have no innate Armor Penetration stat which I feel must be a bug. They are adventurers too no? What newbie is going to run out to high level zones with 0 Armor penetration I ask you? They should have at least 60%.
    Also it gets worse- if you have Armor Penetration on companion gear, it does not affect them.
  • minotaur2857minotaur2857 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,141 Arc User
    Timing of when the game thinks you're standing up from knockdown not matching when you do so visually, so you can't activate powers when it appears you should be able to. This combined with the timing and area of red circle attacks not matching the visuals makes giants in SKT an absolute misery for me.
This discussion has been closed.