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zidanemor Arc User



  • Yeeeaah no. Way to expensive for the amount the boost gives, like the xp boost this is frankly a complete rip off.
  • Yeah its an afker (possibly gold seller?) fleet, seen them in pretty much every gorn minefield run i've done over the last 2-3 months. Always the same thing every time, they use the follow option on a random player so that they appear to be flying around, and will shoot at a target within range every now and then. They…
  • A 'sort of fix but not really' that could be done (maybe, not sure if this would actually work) would be to have the game engine prioritize the player effects over other players and ai/enemy/npc(?) ship effects. What i mean by this is the game should always show your effects and visuals at all times, and when needed only…
  • That is literally the one thing i didnt try, removing all boffs in sector space, then selecting the loadout. And it worked, it actually seems to be working. Beamed down to DS9 and back to space, then tried the mining asteroid and going back to sector space. Seems to be remembering my loadout now. The hell. Thanks for…
  • Well im pissed, just had to spend over half a game (queued pve, starbase 24 i think it was?) redoing all my hotbars due to it resetting, best part is i didnt notice until i flew into combat, and realised i had nothing bound to my bars anymore x) Got given an afk penalty for taking to long rebinding.. so cant play for 2…
  • Didn't work for me, resaving a loadout, or saving to all loadout slots does nothing :( Only thing that seems to work is deleting the ship from the roster and redeeming it again from the c-store (c-store ships only ofc) and that seems to fix it, but problem with that is it doesnt work with lobi/lockbox or fleet ones, as…
  • Just tested this with one of my older c-store ships i no longer use, it does work! Only problem is i generally only use lobi/lockbox or fleet ships these days.. xD Sooo thats a pain in the TRIBBLE, hope they fix this by letting us kill/delete our existing loadouts or something soon, or just fix the bug that would be nice…
  • Thing is i have almost my entire set of hotbars completely getting reset on ships i havent even got loadouts on, so it can even effect them regardless, though that only started happening to me very recently.
  • Yeah mines completely ***** as well now, constantly resets to some random setup, like when you first get a ship and assign it BOFF's then enter space with it for the first time, my loadout looks like that on every ship now (even the ones i never gave loadouts..), and keeps resetting to that after joining any queued PvE…
  • I hope they seriously fix the current space loadouts system before then, I havent been able to play for the last few days due to needing to manually remake my only loadout i use after every loading screen. Would hate to end up with the same kind of buggy system for ground combat to!
  • I am :) Literally just randomly decided to check out the game again after 3-4 months, and just happened to be shortly after a new season update! Liking the sound of some of the changes i've read about in the news posts a few minutes ago, looking forward to checking out the revamped ESD.
  • Dont get your hopes up :P
  • Fuuuuuu just three days after i buy 45 euros worth of points! >.<
  • Could you please add a *Only works for those in the US* Since after going through the card redemption process to see if it would be worth while to buy these cards for the offer (being in the UK) since the cards only come in US $ variants. Due to the cards not actually being redeemable straight for points, but having to…
  • Bah 5 attempts now, given up for a bit, i'll try again a day or two after launch and update through the launchers startup patcher. Why this does not resume your progress after being closed/freezing/crashing i don't know, but i've wasted more time than i feel its worth.
  • Due to STO's most recent tribble/hamster/gerbil death i am required to make my mandatory post on the forums. My first post infact! So.. *ahem* hi all?