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zekeferrigno Arc User



  • Let me stop you there, slim. Only confusion is amongst the dev team. I think the consumerbase is pretty unconfused. In fact, what is the opposite of confusion, lucidity? Clarity? Yeah. As a userbase I think people are lucid and clear. Not confused. Please stop putting words and situations into people's mouths and minds. We…
  • Yeah guys. Let all three people post their feedback without attacking them for not looking at it the same way as pretty much the entire playerbase. Smirks needs us to all shut up so these three people can have the floor. Smirks, I am smirking because the time for patience and understanding went out the door when your team…
  • Did you just say go home mom? One, I ain't ya mama. Two, your mama ain't here. I'd see a shrink about that dude. You're gonna be wearing a skin dress and polishing the tops of skulls for a candy dish weirdo.
  • Racist sigs? Ain't nobody got time for that. Also, uber DPS people being PROUD of being GOOD at STAR TREK ONLINE I really wouldn't even know where to begin making fun of all that.
  • You'll get harder content with decreased rewards and like it.
  • Guys, come on. The developers have feelings. You're hurting them guys. C'mon. Have a heart.
  • Now come on y'all. You're gonna hurt the developer's feelings. Sometimes, they have a pain in their chest, like their heart has a bad tummy ache. They hug their money shaped pillows to their chest and cry. Sadness covers them like a blanket. You see, they work so hard for us players, bringing us a fresh game! They always…
  • Uh huh. Imagine how that game was when it wasn't a scam to TRIBBLE people. I remember buying DK when it first came out. No grinds, no paywalls. You played it endlessly. I remember spending days on end playing that. Don't kill the Lord of the Land. Convert him, train him to the highest level then take him with you to the…
  • Any less complex and the dimension system becomes really lame. Rift is the bare minimum for what should be done with player housing. I suspect STOs would be fine if done like SWTORs, the hook system is so boring, but it works for people who aren't creative and complain that they can't create the incredible morphed objects…
  • His type A and B garbage was so dismissive it really didn't need further investigation did it? To link it to people's socioeconomic status is even further pointless. You don't have to be unemployed to know when buying something is a bad deal because they have rigged the system to try to make you give them money. I spend…
  • My spider senses are tingling Batman, they tell me there is a direct correlation between the amount of corn syrup and pork consumed and the amount of zen purchased post DR. It is a fascinating bit of statistical science. You square the amount of bacon and hog jowl and diversify for X which is metric tons of GMO corn syrup…
  • Very sad. I bought collectors edition SWTOR and was super dissapointed at launch and didn't play it again. They adapted to the demands of their playerbase, gave real content, real answers, inside looks, and worked with their fans to create something special. Sadly, STO is going the other direction right now, and as a LTS…
  • All of this so much. You'd be a real idiot to shortchange exactly what you can do with the adaptive armors on SWTOR. Don't get me wrong, I do think STO has a better tailor system, but I'm sorry, looking good while I'm having to play this Asianstyle MMO like a second job doesn't inspire me to do backflips and huzzahs from…
  • Alright! You managed to pick the one aspect of STO that is still fun, the Tailor! Good for you Glen Coco! You go Glen Coco! Give it time, "Costume change? That'll be 600 Dil! Please wait twenty hours for the tailor to complete your ensemble." Also, my entire set of Mandalorian armor plus red and black dyes was 150K credits…
  • Uh huh. And we shall see how well this game does now over how the game used to be. You know, no pressure, a fun casual experience that wasn't overly serious, as opposed to now where you need to grind well beyond what would typically be expected for triviality. Have fun with that I guess? E: ITT the people in this thread…
  • Never was it cited as any golden beacon. However it has successfully monetized the game without introducing the same problems that have been seen here. Also, SWTOR is massive in comparison to this game. It really really is, so your little adorable chuckles about that game are pretty irrelevant sir. Also, GSF pretty much…
  • It really is a crying shame Vekares227, I can feel your frustration. I haven't spent that much over my lifetime sub, but I have bought probably an additional hundred in Zen maybe since the game came out? If they would give stuff worth spending money on that would have been different. I hear you about feeling really left…
  • For the love of god and all that is holy the Laser Pistol from TOS. In a dual pistol variety with an overcharge secondary. http://en.memory-alpha.org/wiki/Laser_pistol
  • Well look at it this way, the helmet is broken for any new person getting the Mk XII set, so your virtual e-peen has been preserved. Huzzah!
  • No I believe you. I meant it. Seems legit.
  • Good luck. I've got a missing Zen ticket sitting at 16 days and no response. The missing helmet is at 12 days and no response. Bless em.
  • I just hope he gets his HELMET from the costume unlock. Kinda sucks they haven't bothered to fix that yet.
  • Hey Devian...do you hear that...nothing. It is silence from the peanut gallery that usually harasses you guys. It must be hard to foment discord when you've done nothing for anyone yet the people you're badmouthing have done so much!
  • We need a pipe organ in this piece for reverence to The Dear Leader who has shared his wealth and grace with so many. I wanna make a plea to those with hatred in their hearts, and bleach on their skins. To those out in the galaxy suffering from vitiligo...spreading disease and infecting tables with filth...imagine how many…
  • Hah see. I said there would be bounties and riches beyond the dreams of avarice yet I was slandered and called mentally unstable. I guess you guys are mentally unstable from seeing these dudes decked out in mad ducats and all you got is yo sour puss grills!…
  • I go outside to chomp the end off a Gurkha cigar, full bodied and delicious, and I come back to find everyone has seen the wonderful light of The Dear Leader? Why...doubters, scoffers, and unrepentant mockers...how can the anger and unjustified persecution be legit if the people you so vilified have done more for their…
  • This is amazing. The tension must be palpable! Now watch the magic pumpkin! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AJ2PCJChsjo
  • Ah me, how much doubt shall this glorious act of kindness quell? How many ill and slanderous words be silenced by such a sheer act of mercy and benevolence! Praise to The Dear Leader indeed! All hail!
  • I will keep playing, but there will not be another dime given to them from me.