So your entire argument boils down to that you felt satisfied because you suffered through the same small set of content endlessly until you finally got a food pellet. Congratulations!
I want a food pellet too so I can be a special snowflake in the hamster wheel!:D
Meh it is still grind grind grind to get anything but luckily the grind can be mixed up between different missions and still make progress in getting the gear you want. What is needed is more gear to choose from and more variety in missions to choose from so there is even less of a hamster wheel feeling.
As for elitist feeling special because they got some gear... Not special as far as I am concerned, they just repeated content more often than I would do to get what they have.:rolleyes:
Join Date: Nobody cares.
"I'm drunk, whats your excuse for being an idiot?" - Unknown drunk man. :eek:
I grinded several MK XII sets during the old days. Thinking your something special just because you got lucky on a loot drop is ridiculous.
Indeed. There are also people who ran STFs nonstop for weeks- or longer- trying to get stuff. Were they less... skillful? Less special?
The only reason I took Omega Reputation to completion was for the costume unlocks. No, I don't care about ground STFs. And while the ground sets are nice- especially the Pulsewave- I have access to any fleet gear I'd like and frankly it's just as good.
Indeed. There are also people who ran STFs nonstop for weeks- or longer- trying to get stuff. Were they less... skillful? Less special?
The only reason I took Omega Reputation to completion was for the costume unlocks. No, I don't care about ground STFs. And while the ground sets are nice- especially the Pulsewave- I have access to any fleet gear I'd like and frankly it's just as good.
So, yeah. I did it for the costumes. Sue me.
Same. People think they are some sort of powerful being because they got a shiny costume pixel.
The old system was infuriating and stupid, and depended too much on luck.
The new system, however, rewards playing the easy space missions over and over.
There is no reason to ever play a ground STF except for the fun and challenge, and the accolades that lead to the costume unlock. You DO at least get a costume unlock to show off you're "elite-ness", provided you don't prefer the Omega Force costume, and the parts of the elite MACO and KHG costumes you want to wear actually work at the tailor.
The only obvious solution that comes to mind is to create separate types of marks to collect for ground and space gear, if you can stand having yet another form of currency in the game. Here's the problem I see though: At least with the current system, you still have a reason to play the missions once you collect all the best gear on one side of space/ground. Like if I get all the top ground gear, I can use that to get marks for the space gear without having to play the tedious Space STFs. If I had to get "Space Omega Marks" for space omega gear, when would I ever use my ground omega equipment again? We've got a system which encourages holding off until the final tier before you invest in omega task force ground gear, and then once you buy the final piece, there's no reason to actually use it. There aren't any harder ground missions, and if there were you'd use different equipment unless the enemies were still borg.
Maybe the thing to do is just get rid of Infected Space, make Khitomer Space harder (since that would become the new Infected Space), and then the risk-to-reward ratio would start to even out between space and ground STFs. The real problem is that there is one STF that is much easier and faster than the others, and it happens to be a space STF. It used to be even easier, but it's still by far the easiest.
Just to be clear- 'cause my main had the accolade before S7- can you get all the costume unlocks just through the reputation system?
I kinda understand what the OP is saying. I did all of the ground mission 75-100 times each, on two toons, to get two sets of Mk XII gear. But, that didn't make me skilled or elite. Sure, their was some improvement in skill after doing it over and over and over. But, once I got my prototype tech I was done.
Plus, I don't think 'elite' is quite the right word. I have an alt I took into a ground elite mission, with nothing but the Jem'Hadar set. I've never done a single normal STF on that character. Did the same thing with space.
Doing an elite 1 or 300 times doesn't mean you're elite. It just means you've got half decent gear and can play well with others.
What the OP is saying doesn't really have anything to do with 'eliteism' or even skill. His main point was that in the old system, the reward simply showed that you actually played the mission. It's no different than some of the accolades and titles you get for other things, like killing 1000 borg, or doing 500 exploration dailies. Is it 'eliteism' to say that you've completed 500 exploration dailies? If I have that accolade, does that mean I have UBER STO player skill? No. It just means that I took the time to grind out those missions. In the old system, having the costume unlock just meant that you at least played and completed elite ground STFs. Nothing more, nothing less. Did some people get a prototype by just playing it once? Sure. But those were the exception rather than the rule. And it still meant that you played and completed it at least once. Does it matter if it was 'fun'? Well fun for one person doesn't necessarily mean its fun for someone else. Personally, I can't stand to do the exploration dailies anymore, so I'll fore-go the accolade/title.
Come join the 44th Fleet.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
You're kind of cute. You still think it's skill. It isn't. Running those missions isn't skillful. It proves you're capable of putting up with something that isn't particularly fun. You didn't have to know how the mission works, you merely had to follow a guide or listen to someone else tell you what to do. There's no "skill" there, just basic gameplay knowledge. Basic gameplay knowledge that is completely useless outside of those 3 missions because nothing else in the game expects that sort of behavior from you, at that.
They still have to play missions. They can even play the ground ones if they want. They're not locked into endlessly grinding the same mission every hour on the hour trying to get that one. last. drop. they need however. It honestly sounds like you're bemoaning the fact the game dared to get easier and new players don't have to suffer through the same miserable grind that you and I did to get the same equipment.
Honestly? Get over it. It doesn't mean we're ~elite~ for it. It just means we ran more laps in the hamster wheel with nothing worthwhile to show for it but earlier access to equipment and aesthetic choices.
I'm going to drop the conversation with this final point. Ultimately I agree, it is now worlds easier for people to attain the ground gear cause the randomness of days past has been eliminated. That should only be a good thing for everyone involved.
My only consternation comes from the fact that while now everyone has access to the ground stuff, they still don't play the ground stuff (leaving aside preferences or beliefs in the ground play is sub-par to space play, both have their pros and cons and that is not relevant to the conversation at hand). I just wish people would actually use that gear they now have access to to play other parts of the game as well. Look at the ground queues vs space queues, especially during an event. Practically a ghost town. I personally enjoy ground missions and would like to see more people playing ground stuff, which could in-turn drive cryptic to potentially add more ground stuff. More content = more stuff to do = more fun to be had by all
Solution, require completion of a mission as a prerequisite to buying the ground/space set.
Say 20 normal g/s, then a mission for 10 elite g/s. Also solves the problem of newbs in elite.
Then we can all say we're all special snowflakes and "skilled" our way to glory.
I'm going to drop the conversation with this final point. Ultimately I agree, it is now worlds easier for people to attain the ground gear cause the randomness of days past has been eliminated. That should only be a good thing for everyone involved.
My only consternation comes from the fact that while now everyone has access to the ground stuff, they still don't play the ground stuff (leaving aside preferences or beliefs in the ground play is sub-par to space play, both have their pros and cons and that is not relevant to the conversation at hand). I just wish people would actually use that gear they now have access to to play other parts of the game as well. Look at the ground queues vs space queues, especially during an event. Practically a ghost town. I personally enjoy ground missions and would like to see more people playing ground stuff, which could in-turn drive cryptic to potentially add more ground stuff. More content = more stuff to do = more fun to be had by all
My final 2 EC
Frankly? Fighting the Borg just isn't fun on the ground. That's why no one wants to do it. In general, space combat is more fun than ground combat. I do Colony Invasion, Starbase Incursion, and when possible Mine Trap to grind Fleet Marks but that's about it personally. I did enjoy the Nimbus 3 stuff however. I'll likely never willingly run The Cure, Ground again however. I've done Infected, Ground and KA, Ground a few times however. It's just not fun. Even with Mk 12 Omega sets. I do love running 2x Omega and 2x Adapted MACO pieces to better run ground content however.
As others have said, the way to show that you did all the missions is to use the final costume unlocks. Using the regular Mk XII STF ground sets, doesn't tell anything to anyone that someone ran more than just the ISE. There is no possible way I can use the final STF costume since I have only unlocked the IGE and ISE on my fed character. Although, the ultimate method of showing elitism in this game is the Kirk's Protege title from the No Win Scenario mission.
OK. I remember a day so long ago when if you had Mark 12 Omega Ground Gear or M.A.C.O. gear there was purity much no way any one could get away with calling you a Noob.
As much as I like the reputation system for the potential it brings into the game, they ruined the value of the ground gear and destroyed any reason for people other then us ground pounders to bother doing ground Elite STFs. I remember if you had any Omega force mk12 ground set you were the king of ground combat. It represented the time and effort and TRIBBLE you went through to get it. Now its nothing more then a costume option. My entire away team has MK12 Omega Force ground gear. Something I would have thought completely impossible prior to the Reputation update.
If the Developers are going to ruin what it meant to have Omega Force Ground Gear and not fix it they should at least add something in that would allow us ground players to make ourselves stand out so we can have a shield against dumb noobies Trolling us telling us they know better. Like it use to be.
Well look at it this way, the helmet is broken for any new person getting the Mk XII set, so your virtual e-peen has been preserved. Huzzah!
Anyway, like I was sayin', shrimp is the fruit of the sea. You can barbecue it, boil it, broil it, bake it, saute it. Dey's uh, shrimp-kabobs, shrimp creole, shrimp gumbo. Pan fried, deep fried, stir-fried. There's pineapple shrimp, lemon shrimp, coconut shrimp, pepper shrimp, shrimp soup, shrimp stew, shrimp salad, shrimp and potatoes, shrimp burger, shrimp sandwich. That- that's about it. - Bubba
The real issue is that one can earn ground gear while never completing an elite ground STF.
And because completing ground (except maybe for KAGE) is much harder, I, who got MKXII sets on three toons before the reputation system, I am not running any ground these days.
Why ? Because they are harder, much harder to complete even if you know your game.
I miss my hard, stressing IGE and CGE runs. I did those because of the chance to get special, very rare gear. Now that there is an alternate option to get that gear, why should I tire through it ? I have the optionals already.
There was a promise that if MKXII end-game gear becomes more available (than the former scarce droprate allowed), there will still be new items and gear to grind STF's for. This promise has not been fulfilled by the devs. Hence, I am not going to run any of the ground STFs, because simply they don't worth the trouble. The same rewards can be got much faster running space STFs. The only thing what would make one run a ground STF is getting very rare MKXII ground items, but I am afraid those are outclassed by the fleet ones. Maybe for the melee weapons ... but I already have those.
Whatever we deny or embrace, we belong togheter./ Pat Benatar
All I know is I worked my butt off on my Fed toon completing all of the elite optionals, only for them to bug it with the release of S7, so now I can't get any of the uniform options for either the maco or omega. So all that hard work so I could finally have one of the snazzy outfits that I so liked can now not even be gotten with that toon. So you know what? I completely stopped even caring to do ground missions all together, because that ruined it for me. I am experienced to say the least, and good at working with good ground teams after countless runs to get the old preS7 gear, but that quickly got ruined by Cryptic and doesn't seem they are really ever going to fix it, so no more ground for me......EVER.
I want a food pellet too so I can be a special snowflake in the hamster wheel!:D
Meh it is still grind grind grind to get anything but luckily the grind can be mixed up between different missions and still make progress in getting the gear you want. What is needed is more gear to choose from and more variety in missions to choose from so there is even less of a hamster wheel feeling.
As for elitist feeling special because they got some gear... Not special as far as I am concerned, they just repeated content more often than I would do to get what they have.:rolleyes:
"I'm drunk, whats your excuse for being an idiot?" - Unknown drunk man. :eek:
Indeed. There are also people who ran STFs nonstop for weeks- or longer- trying to get stuff. Were they less... skillful? Less special?
The only reason I took Omega Reputation to completion was for the costume unlocks. No, I don't care about ground STFs. And while the ground sets are nice- especially the Pulsewave- I have access to any fleet gear I'd like and frankly it's just as good.
So, yeah. I did it for the costumes. Sue me.
Same. People think they are some sort of powerful being because they got a shiny costume pixel.
The new system, however, rewards playing the easy space missions over and over.
There is no reason to ever play a ground STF except for the fun and challenge, and the accolades that lead to the costume unlock. You DO at least get a costume unlock to show off you're "elite-ness", provided you don't prefer the Omega Force costume, and the parts of the elite MACO and KHG costumes you want to wear actually work at the tailor.
The only obvious solution that comes to mind is to create separate types of marks to collect for ground and space gear, if you can stand having yet another form of currency in the game. Here's the problem I see though: At least with the current system, you still have a reason to play the missions once you collect all the best gear on one side of space/ground. Like if I get all the top ground gear, I can use that to get marks for the space gear without having to play the tedious Space STFs. If I had to get "Space Omega Marks" for space omega gear, when would I ever use my ground omega equipment again? We've got a system which encourages holding off until the final tier before you invest in omega task force ground gear, and then once you buy the final piece, there's no reason to actually use it. There aren't any harder ground missions, and if there were you'd use different equipment unless the enemies were still borg.
Maybe the thing to do is just get rid of Infected Space, make Khitomer Space harder (since that would become the new Infected Space), and then the risk-to-reward ratio would start to even out between space and ground STFs. The real problem is that there is one STF that is much easier and faster than the others, and it happens to be a space STF. It used to be even easier, but it's still by far the easiest.
I kinda understand what the OP is saying. I did all of the ground mission 75-100 times each, on two toons, to get two sets of Mk XII gear. But, that didn't make me skilled or elite. Sure, their was some improvement in skill after doing it over and over and over. But, once I got my prototype tech I was done.
Plus, I don't think 'elite' is quite the right word. I have an alt I took into a ground elite mission, with nothing but the Jem'Hadar set. I've never done a single normal STF on that character. Did the same thing with space.
Doing an elite 1 or 300 times doesn't mean you're elite. It just means you've got half decent gear and can play well with others.
Come join the 44th Fleet.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
I'm going to drop the conversation with this final point. Ultimately I agree, it is now worlds easier for people to attain the ground gear cause the randomness of days past has been eliminated. That should only be a good thing for everyone involved.
My only consternation comes from the fact that while now everyone has access to the ground stuff, they still don't play the ground stuff (leaving aside preferences or beliefs in the ground play is sub-par to space play, both have their pros and cons and that is not relevant to the conversation at hand). I just wish people would actually use that gear they now have access to to play other parts of the game as well. Look at the ground queues vs space queues, especially during an event. Practically a ghost town. I personally enjoy ground missions and would like to see more people playing ground stuff, which could in-turn drive cryptic to potentially add more ground stuff. More content = more stuff to do = more fun to be had by all
My final 2 EC
Say 20 normal g/s, then a mission for 10 elite g/s. Also solves the problem of newbs in elite.
Then we can all say we're all special snowflakes and "skilled" our way to glory.
Officially Nerfed In Early 2410
Frankly? Fighting the Borg just isn't fun on the ground. That's why no one wants to do it. In general, space combat is more fun than ground combat. I do Colony Invasion, Starbase Incursion, and when possible Mine Trap to grind Fleet Marks but that's about it personally. I did enjoy the Nimbus 3 stuff however. I'll likely never willingly run The Cure, Ground again however. I've done Infected, Ground and KA, Ground a few times however. It's just not fun. Even with Mk 12 Omega sets. I do love running 2x Omega and 2x Adapted MACO pieces to better run ground content however.
Well look at it this way, the helmet is broken for any new person getting the Mk XII set, so your virtual e-peen has been preserved. Huzzah!
And because completing ground (except maybe for KAGE) is much harder, I, who got MKXII sets on three toons before the reputation system, I am not running any ground these days.
Why ? Because they are harder, much harder to complete even if you know your game.
I miss my hard, stressing IGE and CGE runs. I did those because of the chance to get special, very rare gear. Now that there is an alternate option to get that gear, why should I tire through it ? I have the optionals already.
There was a promise that if MKXII end-game gear becomes more available (than the former scarce droprate allowed), there will still be new items and gear to grind STF's for. This promise has not been fulfilled by the devs. Hence, I am not going to run any of the ground STFs, because simply they don't worth the trouble. The same rewards can be got much faster running space STFs. The only thing what would make one run a ground STF is getting very rare MKXII ground items, but I am afraid those are outclassed by the fleet ones. Maybe for the melee weapons ... but I already have those.
Praetor of the -RTS- Romulan Tal Shiar fleet!
I prefer to hide all my visuals and simply let my actions in the mission speak for my level of skill...
In my opinion if you need to show someone you're "awesome" you're most likely not as awesome as you think you are.
Skill is expressed through action, not little trinkets...
Captain Ariel Trueheart Department of Temporal Investigations
U.S.S. Valkyrie - NCC 991701
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