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wr3knar21 Arc User



  • DDDDddooooOOOOoooomMMMM!
  • That's what I thought, it's intentional and I'm not missing anything here. The original thought and question only compared the two in a vacuum, I have no interest in dragging in a KDF vs. FED discussion here. The KDF gets "better" ships while the Fed has a better variety. I honestly don't care about that last point, only…
  • Ah sorry there's a slight typo here, there wasn't an Omni Phaser Beam array on the planner, so I substituted the AP variety in lieu of. It's a more recent change since I've dusted it off. Additionally, I wanted to be phaser centric for RP and QFFC console reasons. The drone hangar pets were also a RP change as I felt bad…
  • I really didn't like the antiquated look of the Sovereign when I was building my Engy Capt's beam boat...at first. It really has to get time to grow on you for people like me. That being said, I really had fun menacing it up with a full assimilated set and romulan plasma weapons. Now it looks like something right out of…
  • Thanks Wolv, but all said and done, even when running a drain boat, the ability still seems to fall flat. To the best of my knowledge the radius is static, which tends to make it easy to escape. However, I did not exactly think of using Chroniton torps, to supplement TR. I suppose even with that, TR isn't really all that a…
  • +1 vote for the Vesta The versatility of the ship is pretty much unmatched. You can go full Sci, Escort-Hybrid, or a Shield Tanked Cruiser-Hybrid. And you also have your choice of carrier pets too, except frigates. I have both the Oddy and the Vesta, to date, none of my 3 Fed toons use the Oddy, but 2 of them have saved…
  • Perhaps, but the Hirogen isn't exactly cheap either. Anecdotally, there are reports of people spending upwards $200+ in keys before they got the lockbox ship they were looking for.
  • This really is nothing new. The Vet Destroyers have always been able to fit a build like this. The fleet version is a bit more tankier too.
  • That's a lot of build choices that corner you into a build that is very weak in other aspects. Worrying about builds that spam engineering cleanses is nothing when a subnuke will take care of that.
  • I doubt it will, 20% weapons offline uptime per person firing on a target is pretty mean. Especially if you can somehow incorporate a fakeout with Beam Target Weapon Systems after they clear the first knockout. Under concetrated fire, just forget it, you won't be firing back much at all.
  • By spammed, do you mean once every 20 seconds? That the rate limiter which was discussed in the Dev blog.
  • Yeah, I figured you'd shut down with a "LOL, power creep" and not listen to what is actually being suggested. Seriously, what do you think is going to happen? Everyone's TTK all of a sudden drops to zero? Aren't we already there? And really, name one ability granting console that would make instagibbing possible that isn't…
  • Then how about this? We want ability consoles to become devices. Why, because we're tired of these ability consoles competing with blatantly overpowered or stat granting consoles. We want to have more abilities and variety in our power tray that these consoles grant while not completely gimping ourselves in the stat…
  • This is something I've suggested as well. Ability granting consoles mirror other devices more than stat granting (or passive) ones. RMC, Subspace Mod, Batteries, Surplus Deuterium, they aren't much different than A2B (RMC), PH (Subspace Mod), EPtX (Batteries), and Evasive Maneuvers (SurpDeut). Granted some of these are…
  • Point of order, he never claimed to be as good of a healer, only just as effective in survival. The overall point still stands though, the deliberate stacking of resistance debuffs to the point of negative values is blatantly out of whack. This is where all the inflated DPS parses are coming from, power creep from items is…
  • Just to add another bit of spice to the GW + TS + GravPhoton combo; On my Pallisade build, I throw on the Spatial Charges console as well. It works nicely in the CE/Fleet Defense event where you can find a target that isn't going to die instantaneously. Sure its a little gimmicky, but going all in like that gets pretty…
  • Perhaps with that solution, but I really prefer moving all these ability consoles to devices. We already have devices that act like an ability granting console (Subspace Field Modulator anyone?), it's not that far of a stretch to extend the same logic to this. The overhyped concern about power creep is pretty much…
  • Since everyone's already been talking about the Rommie version; Not really grousing about it, but the Fed Sci Destroyers really are 'meh'. The KDF version really has my attention though as it fills a very sorely needed gap, AND has a really, really nice hull strength. Couple that with standard cloak, it really shines on…
  • I would agree with this keeping in mind that the CStore version gives you a Uni LT in place of the Sci LT. Normally a subtle difference like this really can make ships that were seemingly hard to setup, easy again.
  • It was a similar trend with the Vesta when it came out, science abilities that are awesome on paper, but behind a paywall and tied to consoles. I don't disagree with your assessment, but this is something that isn't likely to change as it has been here for awhile. What's worse is that after awhile, the luster of these…
  • While we may disagree that the AI is relatively the same, the toolset is definitely not. NPC difficulty cannot exist without both being tuned appropriately. At one point in time prior to F2P, I remember the MU ships being less trigger happy with their abilities, so at the very least, they did get a balance pass somewhere.…
  • /signed Especially the Typhoon, I like that the sight of one makes most klinks soil their drawers.
  • I can definitely relate to the frustration here. One thing I would like to point out though that it's been stated that many of the STF's and NPCs of old are being refactored just like the Undine and Terradome. The Voth have shown that Cryptic is not adverse to beefing up their NPC difficulty, but more inclined to do so in…
  • It does for the DHC Protons but not the Exp Proton Weapon. The penchant of the Exp Prot Weapon was it's versatility as a beam or cannon like weapon. The added versatility offset the fact that you had to commit to a split energy type loadout, which the Dyson Tac Consoles were designed to support.
  • No weapon that utilizes CSV has any realistic chance of causing collateral damage similar to the multiple procs fired off by GravTorps in a TS. Not even the Nukara weapons. Solid investment in GravGens will increase the radius of the microwells, which, in turn, increases the damage range exponentially (remember, the damage…
  • Sorry have to disagree with the OP and several others in this thread. I don't find the quick equip feature at all annoying. Its actually quite handy when switching Sci ships for me.
  • I have to say I like the current way these consoles work. It really seems like the outcome of this change is to make another weak console with another useless proc like the protonic weaponry, only now, we can't boost its output except for stacking a skill that suffers from heavily diminishing returns. The damage split that…
  • The Grav Torp has an exceptional use that really makes it a bit grizzly...Grav Well. Take my current Sci build of choice right now; http://skillplanner.stoacademy.com/?build=gw3odoom_0 The idea is to lead with GW3 for clustering, then slam the whole group with Torp Spread 2. With a sufficiently large group of targets under…
  • Going to use this one for both the "Deal With It" crowd and "Meaningful Choices" group as it showcases the difference between ability universal consoles and passive bonus consoles. Plasmonic Leech is always on and as long as your firing, is always giving you a benefit. There is never at any point in this game where more…