Is Cryptic nerfing the amount of xp you gain as you level from 1 to 50? "Star Trek: Online" is slowly becoming "Star Trash: Online". Is this even a game anymore? Cryptic has been recycling old material for a long time. Geko and company need to be fired.
Psychology 101: You are trying to own Cryptic's problems. Player do not have a problem with others, but they do have a problem with Cryptic. You have to stop taking the negative backlash personally, for it does not directly affect you on a personal level. Cryptic may never change direction. Since they are making enough…
According to a recent report, Perfect World had missed their projected earnings. Link: Can Perfect World Make a Comeback After Its Earnings Miss? "Delta Rising+" was created in response of people logging in for short time periods. Around the time "Delta Rising" had surfaced, no pun intended, Perfect World reported a drop…
Unless we have the actual figures, I don't think anything can be definitively determined. Cryptic is the only entity in which has the actual projections. Before I decided to take a leave of absence, the stf-ground queues were barely triggering. Some of the problems were due to bad game mechanics, low reward systems, and…
"Legacy of Romulus" was an awesome upgrade. When it comes to "Delta Rising", including the stuff that follows, I am now seeing the new content as a reboot. Since "Star Trek: Online" has been out for four to five years, I can honestly see the need for some serious changes. "Star Trek: Online" is no longer catering to the…
Is that even possible? Does Cryptic know what the phrase 'quality of life improvements' means? Players might have to spend dilithium to unlock the new feature. I bet there is a twenty hour timegate.
As long as Cryptic continues to make: fleet holdings, timegates, dilithium sinks, reputation systems, micro-micro-transactions, long progression cycles, useless GUI upgrades, overly expensive items, and endless grinding, I want nothing to do with the game. If Cryptic can get away from those issues, I will have no problem…
...but, you will only run the same stfs (missions) over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over... STO is an endless repetitive circle. Players 'don't need' these skills. *grind through same exact missions a 1,000 times* *obtain…
I completely disagree. If you really want Cryptic to change, you would protest with your wallet and installs. I have. "Star Trek: Online" has turned into a game in which contradicts my tastes. I would rather have no "Star Trek" game. Why? Cryptic is not going to change anything.
Unless CBS/Paramount creates something more substantial and rewarding, I would rather have "Star Trek: Online" come to an end. I just don't see how the obsessive implementation of 'the grind' and 'micro-micro-transaction' equates to the "Star Trek" experience and philosophy. Trekkies and Trekkers deserve so much more in…
"Star Trek: Online" has become a generic MMO, which obsessively relies upon 'the grinding' mechanic and heavy monetization. "Star Trek: Online" lacks a soul. Link: :: MY COMMENTS EXPLAINED IN THIS POST ::
When everything is said and done, the only people responsible for STO is Cryptic. Many-many-many players have given advice and feedback. If you sum up everyone's criticism, the choir is echoing the same exact problems. Once you stop to look around, you will begin to hear and understand. obsessive grinding long timegates…
Here is the irony... After people played through "Delta Rising", many players explained everything in the forums. During the first few months of "Delta Rising", Geko and a few others used podcasts to deflect the negative feedback. Now, you are acting as though you don't understand? *shrugs* Here is why... First, "Star…
Actually, PerfectWorld is about to become a privatized company. After one of the executives buys out the company, PerfectWorld may be merged with Shanda. According to a recent report, PerfectWorld's stocks are falling due to possible accounting irregularities. Many Chinese based companies have been forced out of the NYSE,…
Regardless about if certain players are in the minority or majority, the overall problem is that a group of customers are upset. Before the invention of the online public forum, customers never got in the way of other customers.
You made a few flawed assumptions. In order for your statement to be correct, you have to prove that every negative comment was created by a non-paying Free2Play player. Can you do that? I can prove you wrong. I am a Free2Play player, and I have spent roughly $600 on "Star Trek: Online". Second, are there more subscribers…
Developers are trying to turn games into oil. Unlike our reliance on oil and gas, we don't need games to: turn on the lights, fuel a car, etc... Games are 'extra' expenses. I would rather grind physical money, so I can go out and buy a house or car.
"I swear its a technical issue. Its not a population issue!!!" - Cryptic :D Agreed. rofl... I gave up on playing STO about two to three weeks ago. I took out a three months subscription with Cryptic's rival. As long as they keep nerfing rewards and gear, I am going to see these 'technical' issues as excuses. "...but, but,…
Perfect World: Moving Average Crossover Alert Link: Perfect World (PWRD): Moving Average Crossover Alert (December 16, 2014) As I have been pointing out for some time, the latest changes to STO reflect what is happening over at PerfectWorld. Even though they have made gains in mobile users, PerfectWorld is struggling to…
...but, in order for the zen to get onto the dilithium exchange, some player needs to purchase it with cash. 'Free' ships are paid for through zen purchases, which are turned into dilithium and c-store items. If the majority of the players are grinding dilithium, with only a few people buying zen, Star Trek: Online would…
rofl... Approximately three to four weeks ago, I decided to find an entirely different game to play. I gave up. 'Star Trek: Online' is currently a crappy product. Players have already posted their concerns. 'Delta Rising' makes up a small portion of what is wrong. If Cryptic doesn't want to listen to players, they can…
True. True. I just find it disturbing that he is in the first "Star Trek" movie. Within all hindsight and logic, the Collins revelation will not taint the entire franchise.
Too bad "Star Trek: The Motion Picture" is now tainted by a pedophile (Stephen Collins). Kirk should have kicked Decker's but around the bridge. I think its a reality that is a little hard to confront.
At this point in the game, I don't think we have enough information. Link to Original Article: Roberto Orci Beaming Off Star Trek As Director Remember, Orci's removal occurred after JJ released the "Star Wars: The Force Awakens" trailer. I bet there is a conflict of interest.