I don't think we will ever get procedurally generated stories done to that level of detail. However, what I think we could see is procedural generation of explorable sector blocks, with data on how many inhabited planets exist in them, the relationship of the civilizations originating on them to each other, the way they relate to outsiders, what sort of raw materials exist, and what sort of methods it would take to get the easiest access to them, the sort of lines the civilizations might draw in terms of militarizing their space by placing starbases or shipyards, or how they might feel about having their neighboring star systems colonized.
A Strong AI installed on a supercomputer would be required to accomplish what I want. I don't expect this to happen until at least 2114, but it could happen a lot sooner than I think.
The only way, honestly, I could see a "STO 2" is if Cryptic also got the MMO license from Paramount and made it J.J.-Trek.
It's not unthinkable in some ways and there would likely be some advantages to it in that they could design ground combat better from the ground up (probably more with a shooter-style; that didn't work in STO because it conflicted with existing mechanics) and probably with ships occupying a narrower niche, possibly more escort-y and possibly with shooter mode in space. In fact, the shortage of J.J.-Trek style ships might actually have some productive consequences and implications for the game design.
Thing is, they aren't going to open a STO 2 which competes with STO, particularly so recently after spending money on a STO expansion. Shutting down STO would diminish confidence in a STO 2.
It really can't be set in post-TNG Trek and J.J. Trek is as far out as you could get by being both TOS and having its own design style. Meanwhile, most of the more popular game features would port well and even be something they could improve on in a J.J. Trek setting (where the Enterprise has cannons, the sets are large by design, the action on the ground is intense and violent). J.J. Trek would almost certainly launch and perpetually remain as a single faction game, which would allow for better design focus on the core game. (Maybe just put playable Klingon/Romulan/etc. costumes and ships entirely in lockboxes. Those things are more exotic in the J.J. Trek setting as opposed to TNG era where we expect them to be common and out of the box.)
I also think the exploration and cleverness of the game would only improve so that it would launch much deeper than STO. So that they'd get better character animation, deeper story in missions, a better minimalist UI, less feature clutter by focusing on the more active features of STO, and it would launch as a console friendly Trek MMO, which STO isn't anywhere near ready for.
I realize that isn't what people who want a STO 2 want but a second STO is going to have to be something other than just a STO 2.0. It really would have to be a higher profile companion game. And the way I see that happening is as a lighter and more polished game that avoids the existing canon. Which means J.J. Trek and a Paramount deal.
I realize that isn't what people who want a STO 2 want but a second STO is going to have to be something other than just a STO 2.0. It really would have to be a higher profile companion game.
I'm under the sincere impression that people who want a STO 2 have no idea of what they want, only vague ideas of what they think they want in a reality that is not inhabited by the rest of the human population.
It's like kids sitting in front of a toy catalogue before Christmas circling things of what they want Santa to get them this year. It's cute and adorable and it's nice to see children getting excited over things that more than likely will not happen, but when it's grown adults doing it, it's really kind of sad.
Didn't read the op. Can someone sum up the thread in 140 characters or less?
"I am delusional and have no idea how to communicate like an adult to Cryptic, so I am going to wish for STO 2 as if the world exists in a Disney movie."
You can bill me 2 EC per character over 140. I'm good for it.
1) Copy'n'Paste STO PvP
2) Delete Reputation
3) Delete Lobi & Lockbox Ships
4) Delete uncommen, rare, very rare, ultra rare and epic rarity
5) Delete Doffs
6) Delete Traits
7) Delete universal consoles
8) Add matchmaking
9) Add spectator mode
10) Add ingame stats tracker
11) Balance
12) Grafical Overhaul
13) Never touch it again
This just invalidated your entire post. You don't copy'n'Paste a PvP system that the devs were contemplating on getting rid of at one point with only one real change (shuttle pvp) over the years.
Sadly, it does not seem like anything worth delving into, as I can read about a dozen or so threads -- all much shorter -- that contain the same basic meaning.
Pretty much it in a nutshell. If the thread was sincere about an idea for Star Trek Online 2, it would be nothing but feedback regarding that idea.
Instead, it is another passive-aggressive attempt to point out STO's shortcomings under the veil of an STO sequel, instead of... I don't know. Pointing out what people don't like and alternatives to fix it.
I would like to know the specific names of these development teams that run entirely on rainbows and unicorn farts.
Oh you wouldn't know their names since they're chained to their terminals working for free and all and never see the light of day.
As for for Cryptic working on STO II uh ya, the same bunch as this one and you expect it will be different OP?
If this game goes belly up, that's it for a Star Trek MMO folks.
Go read up on Elite Dangerous and find out why they went to Kickstarter, it was because they couldn't talk a publisher into financing them, those companies need to be convinced that a product will make them a sizeable profit, with examples of similar successes in the existing market, before they will lay out a dime, and when you are talking about tens of millions of dollars of development expenses, who can blame them.
Now imagine those same people being asked to take a chance on a previously failed product like an mmo based on a dated IP like Star Trek, after STO has supposedly gone under, and it is dated, it's friggin ancient as far as the market is concerned, and not only would they be expected to pay for the development, they'd have to pay CBS for the license as well.
Now look at that, not as a Star Trek fan or as a Sci Fi fan, but as a business executive looking to make a major investment, if you say it would be worth the risk, you need to lay off the sauce and stop smoking whatever the hell it is you're smoking. Star Trek is a dwindling niche market with a bad reputation for having a psychotic fanbase and if it fails as an MMO even once, that's already 3 strikes against it, for it to be taken up again at that point would be to say the least, miraculous, or as Douglas Adams would have said, Infinitely Improbable.
So we had best hope that these guys can make the best of this thing, can turn it around, make it more player friendly or whatever, because tis the only Star Trek thar be and dreaming and hoping for an STO-II ain't gonna make it happen.
If something is not broken, don't fix it, if it is broken, don't leave it broken.
For every Kickstarter project that is a 'success', I can point to two that were blatant scams. Kickstarter doesn't mean 'better'.
Any person who believes that because a development team is hiring themselves out on a crowdfunding website like Kickstarter automatically qualifies them to be awesome at whatever it is they're peddling, they deserve to lose 100% of the money given to those projects just like some of these fools.
Good. Star trek fans don't even deserve the mmo they have, as imperfect as it is. Here's to a dwindling niche...rest in peace.
This too. STO continues to prove the impression I got after the dry spell following Enterprise and Nemesis. Which is Star Trek fans do not deserve to have creators create anything for them, and the fact people are willing to do so makes them good samaritans.
Star Trek fans, by in large, continue to be amongst the most horrible fanboys and fangirls in existance.
For every Kickstarter project that is a 'success', I can point to two that were blatant scams. Kickstarter doesn't mean 'better'.
Any person who believes that because a development team is hiring themselves out on a crowdfunding website like Kickstarter automatically qualifies them to be awesome at whatever it is they're peddling, they deserve to lose 100% of the money given to those projects just like some of these fools.
This too. STO continues to prove the impression I got after the dry spell following Enterprise and Nemesis. Which is Star Trek fans do not deserve to have creators create anything for them, and the fact people are willing to do so makes them good samaritans.
Star Trek fans, by in large, continue to be amongst the most horrible fanboys and fangirls in existance.
I'm not sure it's possible to be more cynical than this.
I'm not sure it's possible to be more cynical than this.
Gen Xer, I take it?
Not really, no. I just feel venom from Star Trek fans in every instance I come across them. It isn't just in STO or the STO forums, or anywhere STO related.
I have never seen a fanbase so rabidly worked into a frenzy to destroy the very thing they love as much as I have the Star Trek fanbase. There are plenty of instances where this isn't the case, but the fanatics always appear to be the loudest.
I thought the absence of Star Trek after Nemesis and Enterprise would make the fans of Star Trek rethink their feelings if it meant allowing creators another shot to provide Star Trek media in some form.
But I was wrong. They are just as vehemently toxic now as they have ever been, and no amount of dry spell or complete absence of Star Trek will ever alter that.
Thus, I do agree with Nabreeki. The Star Trek fans do not deserve a Star Trek MMO. Even the current one, despite being in its flawed and imperfect form.
Not really, no. I just feel venom from Star Trek fans in every instance I come across them. It isn't just in STO or the STO forums, or anywhere STO related.
I have never seen a fanbase so rabidly worked into a frenzy to destroy the very thing they love as much as I have the Star Trek fanbase. There are plenty of instances where this isn't the case, but the fanatics always appear to be the loudest.
I thought the absence of Star Trek after Nemesis and Enterprise would make the fans of Star Trek rethink their feelings if it meant allowing creators another shot to provide Star Trek media in some form.
But I was wrong. They are just as vehemently toxic now as they have ever been, and no amount of dry spell or complete absence of Star Trek will ever alter that.
I'll take it, sure.
I agree.
I love Star Trek, I love the idea of it.
But the fans...oh my god, I hate them more than Bajorans
I like nerding it up, talking about Trek stuff with my friends, and stuff...but some fans take things to an extreme if they don't get their way, or don't agree with stuff it's like Heeyy how bout you put that anger, and energy towards real life issues, and then maaaaybe the world would be better, and we might end up in space:eek:
A Fan is smart. Fans are dumb, panicky dangerous animals and you know it:cool:
But the fans...oh my god, I hate them more than Bajorans
I like nerding it up, talking about Trek stuff with my friends, and stuff...but some fans take things to an extreme if they don't get their way, or don't agree with stuff it's like Heeyy how bout you put that anger, and energy towards real life issues, and then maaaaybe the world would be better, and we might end up in space:eek:
A Fan is smart. Fans are dumb, panicky dangerous animals and you know it:cool:
This reminds of a truth of the world.
Anything that has ever been liked has been ruined by fans of it. Food, sports, people, you name it.
But the fans...oh my god, I hate them more than Bajorans
I like nerding it up, talking about Trek stuff with my friends, and stuff...but some fans take things to an extreme if they don't get their way, or don't agree with stuff it's like Heeyy how bout you put that anger, and energy towards real life issues, and then maaaaybe the world would be better, and we might end up in space:eek:
A Fan is smart. Fans are dumb, panicky dangerous animals and you know it:cool:
To this day, I don't get Bajoran hate. Granted, the only Trek community I interacted with while DS9 was on the air (aside from family) was the Decipher card game.
That's impossible, because people say Geko hates Star Trek. Then again, he's kind of like Schroedinger's Lizard. He simultaneously hates and loves Star Trek depending on the narrative someone is trying to fabricate.
It's all very convenient to blame Geko, or DStahl, or D'Angelo, (even Taco) or whomever else seems to be around to draw the players' ire, and while I'll be the first to agree there were/are many missed opportunities in the game, things that are broken that shouldn't be, unaddressed issues, etc, the fact of the matter is it really doesn't matter who is at the helm. The result will be the same. There will be moaning, outrage, so-and-so doesn't *get* Trek like I *get* Trek, etc. We have all these player whining "bring TREK back into the game," but, as we've seen time and time again, what that really means is "make the game more like WHAT I think Trek should be. Let me give you MY take," as if there aren't hundreds of others clamoring for THEIR vision of Trek.
The fanbase is growing older, crankier, and increasingly irrelevant in popular consumer culture. Good riddance.
1) Copy'n'Paste STO PvP
2) Delete Reputation
3) Delete Lobi & Lockbox Ships
4) Delete uncommen, rare, very rare, ultra rare and epic rarity
5) Delete Doffs
6) Delete Traits
7) Delete universal consoles
8) Add matchmaking
9) Add spectator mode
10) Add ingame stats tracker
11) Balance
12) Grafical Overhaul
13) Never touch it again
A Strong AI installed on a supercomputer would be required to accomplish what I want. I don't expect this to happen until at least 2114, but it could happen a lot sooner than I think.
It's not unthinkable in some ways and there would likely be some advantages to it in that they could design ground combat better from the ground up (probably more with a shooter-style; that didn't work in STO because it conflicted with existing mechanics) and probably with ships occupying a narrower niche, possibly more escort-y and possibly with shooter mode in space. In fact, the shortage of J.J.-Trek style ships might actually have some productive consequences and implications for the game design.
Thing is, they aren't going to open a STO 2 which competes with STO, particularly so recently after spending money on a STO expansion. Shutting down STO would diminish confidence in a STO 2.
It really can't be set in post-TNG Trek and J.J. Trek is as far out as you could get by being both TOS and having its own design style. Meanwhile, most of the more popular game features would port well and even be something they could improve on in a J.J. Trek setting (where the Enterprise has cannons, the sets are large by design, the action on the ground is intense and violent). J.J. Trek would almost certainly launch and perpetually remain as a single faction game, which would allow for better design focus on the core game. (Maybe just put playable Klingon/Romulan/etc. costumes and ships entirely in lockboxes. Those things are more exotic in the J.J. Trek setting as opposed to TNG era where we expect them to be common and out of the box.)
I also think the exploration and cleverness of the game would only improve so that it would launch much deeper than STO. So that they'd get better character animation, deeper story in missions, a better minimalist UI, less feature clutter by focusing on the more active features of STO, and it would launch as a console friendly Trek MMO, which STO isn't anywhere near ready for.
I realize that isn't what people who want a STO 2 want but a second STO is going to have to be something other than just a STO 2.0. It really would have to be a higher profile companion game. And the way I see that happening is as a lighter and more polished game that avoids the existing canon. Which means J.J. Trek and a Paramount deal.
I'm under the sincere impression that people who want a STO 2 have no idea of what they want, only vague ideas of what they think they want in a reality that is not inhabited by the rest of the human population.
It's like kids sitting in front of a toy catalogue before Christmas circling things of what they want Santa to get them this year. It's cute and adorable and it's nice to see children getting excited over things that more than likely will not happen, but when it's grown adults doing it, it's really kind of sad.
"I am delusional and have no idea how to communicate like an adult to Cryptic, so I am going to wish for STO 2 as if the world exists in a Disney movie."
You can bill me 2 EC per character over 140. I'm good for it.
This just invalidated your entire post. You don't copy'n'Paste a PvP system that the devs were contemplating on getting rid of at one point with only one real change (shuttle pvp) over the years.
Based on this post, I don't recommend you to read or write in posts.
Pretty much it in a nutshell. If the thread was sincere about an idea for Star Trek Online 2, it would be nothing but feedback regarding that idea.
Instead, it is another passive-aggressive attempt to point out STO's shortcomings under the veil of an STO sequel, instead of... I don't know. Pointing out what people don't like and alternatives to fix it.
As for for Cryptic working on STO II uh ya, the same bunch as this one and you expect it will be different OP?
If this game goes belly up, that's it for a Star Trek MMO folks.
Go read up on Elite Dangerous and find out why they went to Kickstarter, it was because they couldn't talk a publisher into financing them, those companies need to be convinced that a product will make them a sizeable profit, with examples of similar successes in the existing market, before they will lay out a dime, and when you are talking about tens of millions of dollars of development expenses, who can blame them.
Now imagine those same people being asked to take a chance on a previously failed product like an mmo based on a dated IP like Star Trek, after STO has supposedly gone under, and it is dated, it's friggin ancient as far as the market is concerned, and not only would they be expected to pay for the development, they'd have to pay CBS for the license as well.
Now look at that, not as a Star Trek fan or as a Sci Fi fan, but as a business executive looking to make a major investment, if you say it would be worth the risk, you need to lay off the sauce and stop smoking whatever the hell it is you're smoking. Star Trek is a dwindling niche market with a bad reputation for having a psychotic fanbase and if it fails as an MMO even once, that's already 3 strikes against it, for it to be taken up again at that point would be to say the least, miraculous, or as Douglas Adams would have said, Infinitely Improbable.
So we had best hope that these guys can make the best of this thing, can turn it around, make it more player friendly or whatever, because tis the only Star Trek thar be and dreaming and hoping for an STO-II ain't gonna make it happen.
Any person who believes that because a development team is hiring themselves out on a crowdfunding website like Kickstarter automatically qualifies them to be awesome at whatever it is they're peddling, they deserve to lose 100% of the money given to those projects just like some of these fools.
This too. STO continues to prove the impression I got after the dry spell following Enterprise and Nemesis. Which is Star Trek fans do not deserve to have creators create anything for them, and the fact people are willing to do so makes them good samaritans.
Star Trek fans, by in large, continue to be amongst the most horrible fanboys and fangirls in existance.
I'm not sure it's possible to be more cynical than this.
Gen Xer, I take it?
Not really, no. I just feel venom from Star Trek fans in every instance I come across them. It isn't just in STO or the STO forums, or anywhere STO related.
I have never seen a fanbase so rabidly worked into a frenzy to destroy the very thing they love as much as I have the Star Trek fanbase. There are plenty of instances where this isn't the case, but the fanatics always appear to be the loudest.
I thought the absence of Star Trek after Nemesis and Enterprise would make the fans of Star Trek rethink their feelings if it meant allowing creators another shot to provide Star Trek media in some form.
But I was wrong. They are just as vehemently toxic now as they have ever been, and no amount of dry spell or complete absence of Star Trek will ever alter that.
Thus, I do agree with Nabreeki. The Star Trek fans do not deserve a Star Trek MMO. Even the current one, despite being in its flawed and imperfect form.
I'll take it, sure.
I agree.
I love Star Trek, I love the idea of it.
But the fans...oh my god, I hate them more than Bajorans
I like nerding it up, talking about Trek stuff with my friends, and stuff...but some fans take things to an extreme if they don't get their way, or don't agree with stuff it's like Heeyy how bout you put that anger, and energy towards real life issues, and then maaaaybe the world would be better, and we might end up in space:eek:
A Fan is smart. Fans are dumb, panicky dangerous animals and you know it:cool:
This reminds of a truth of the world.
Anything that has ever been liked has been ruined by fans of it. Food, sports, people, you name it.
To this day, I don't get Bajoran hate. Granted, the only Trek community I interacted with while DS9 was on the air (aside from family) was the Decipher card game.
Do you mean giraffes? Because having giraffe pets would be awesome!
would have to be mini.. micro sized actually. full sized giraffe are much to large. :P
if I stop posting it doesn't make you right it. just means I don't have enough rum to continue interacting with you.
That's impossible, because people say Geko hates Star Trek. Then again, he's kind of like Schroedinger's Lizard. He simultaneously hates and loves Star Trek depending on the narrative someone is trying to fabricate.
They need to get this game right before making a second STO game.
Good thing you aren't bitter or anything. :P