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What is the Arc Client?
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unclereeky Arc User



  • Lately, I've been finding it difficult to find or locate prepaid cards To use for my STO account. I use the use the Perfect World Prepaid Cards But for some reason...EVERYONE is out of them. What I'm seeing now Are ARC prepaid cards..but I have always seen the Steam Prepaid cards. Because of the availability of the Steam…
  • When you say account wide..are you referring to everything you start once the Delta Recruitment event starts..or account wide for everything you have to date?
  • regardless...the point is..you don't dangle that carrot in front of our faces..to where we learn where we can go to farm xp..then because some children cry and whine about something..your change "EVERYTHING"..2708 plus crumbs of xp for the npc's you kill...the one gentleman hit it on the head..about 32 patrols will get you…
  • I really don't care what they look like..as long as they do what they are suppose to do. What I don't understand is the..."its not broken..but lets fix it anyway" attitude STO is taking here. Oh..and lets not forget that we're going to have to spend MORE dilithium when we craft these so called manuals. I have spent good…
  • If I want to get some xp for specialization, then I go to Argala with a group of people. Yes..it might be a bit tedious..but it gets the job done..we average running it about 14 to 15 times..then we level..sometimes..it doesn't take that long..but in the end..we get what we came for...specialization points. Unclereeky
  • I know this guy..and he's telling the truth..I have played along side this gentleman and can vouch for everything he is saying. I know he's not the only one that feels this way..so please listen..like he says..to your player base!!!
  • Would be easy to fix..just adjust the numbers..instead of 155 dilithium to buy 1 zen..they could change it to 300 dilithium to buy 1 zen..there are always ways to work it.
  • A master race of machines..other than the borg..but smart..smarter than us. Can they be defeated? Can we become allies? Last thing we saw was Decker and Llia becoming one with the creator...was this a good thing..or a bad thing??? You never know..maybe its the one thing to bring the Borg back into the mix..assimilating a…
  • Just tried to log in at 3:00pm EST..how long has it been down?
  • Thanks for the replies. Are you saying that all toons Started under Gold will keep the Gold Benefits That My main and present alts have now? I won't lose all the ec's Ive earned? I have 3 toons which have around 600,000,000 Ec. Lotsa hard work there. Don't want to lose anything.
  • That was explained in my post. 4 years of monthly Payments totaling over $720. 2 years paying $14.99 And The rest of the time(25 months) I payed $29.99 Every 3 months. I looking for an answer from STO. If I need to put this in another forum, please let me know.
  • From an earlier response to my "demodulation" problem, someone asked what weaponry I was using. When I go to Defera, I use elite Antiproton High Density Beam Rifle Mk XII [Dmg]x3 [DoT3]. That is the weapon I have used there since I started going to Defera. But, when Season 9 started, the integral frequency demodulation has…
  • The post below is what I posted to the Facebook page..I've gotten better response through that page than submitting tickets. I have been watching for a particular problem I've noticed since the start of season 9. When we all did the Omega reputation, we strived to try to get the ground sets that would pretty much having to…
  • On June 10, 2014, I will have played this game for 4 years..all of it in the same fleet..the 106th Fleet. Great Fleet, Great People!! During this 4 years, I have grinded and grinded and have so much time and money/ec invested in this game..that its come to the point of just going to the Remove Programs feature in my…
  • Since the inception of STO, I've been using the Nvidia GeForce GTX 430. Will this still be plenty Of video card for all that's available for us to play? If it's an issue of RAM, I can upgrade there too. I need a reason to give my wife to go out and buy the Nvidia GeForce GTX 760...lol...:)
  • I think its funny that about 3 months ago..someone in our fleet predicted that after ARC took over..this kind of stuff would happen..whats this..2 or 3 times in the past 2 to 3 days? How long had it been since we had any downtime like this..other than the scheduled downtime??? :mad: I don't even know if ARC has taken…
  • The night before last..I was playing STO..little laggy..but playing just the same. The next morning, I got up..went in to log into STO...I saw the little box come up in the corner saying that the launcher tried 1 time..then 2 times..then..its starts a countdown from 4267kb. When it gets to zero(0)...the only thing that…
  • All my friends in the 106th fleet seem to have no problem getting online to play..and for that matter..neither have I over the past 3 years..but the last month has been a living hell. Has anyone seen any word or explanation from anyone in the technical support department as to what is going on? I just downloaded a…
  • NOTHING 2 computers in this house..one with Legacy of Romulus and one without..can you guess which one isn't having the problems??? Thats right..the one without LOR!! I logged in on the computer without LOR and its now in the process of d/l'ing LOR. Hopefully, this will be fixed before that download is finished..but I…
  • Turned on my computer..clicked on STO desktop shortcut..and got "nothing"...no patch...no start up page..no log in page..NOTHING...WHY? It's not 5:18pm est..and I can't get into the game..I still pay to play this game..so I expect professionalism and courtesy..which usually includes an answer or acknowledgement of a…
  • "Originally Posted by pwebranflakes View Post Hi Captains," "While the team is working to bring up all Cryptic services, we will conduct this week's Holodeck maintenance to avoid scheduled downtime on Thursday." "Patch note: Focus target should now work on the french client again." "Cheers, Brandon =/\="…
  • Nevermind..must have been the "super lag"..sorry for bothering you. Unclereeky
  • What kind of idiot would make a bullcrap move such as this? Buy a lifetime membership and get the 1000 day veterans awards. And....if you only got a few days left until your 1000 days..to bad..because if you don't buy a lifetime sub..your really out of luck. Been a member for 929 days...get online yesterday and hear the…
  • As a player who has been with the game since its inception..and one who chose to pay monthly..I have a real problem with the way this Veteran's awards thing is being done. I am on day 929..and now I've been told that regardless of whether I've been paying to play this game since it began..when I reach 1000 days..there…