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trezlanlorentino Arc User



  • How good is your gag reflex? Do you have any shame? Have you ever considered the wonders of having things surgically implanted inside of yourself? For serious though blowing things up and collecting what's left. The undine space adventure zone used to do wonders for my EC's pre delta rising and you get undine marks for…
  • I would assume it was connected.
  • My fleet is working on tier 5 still and trying to finish the spire!
  • Yeah marks progress you through the rep, but to get the items from the rep itself you have to have the items you get from advanced and elite ques. If you can't get those how will you advance? Other than randomly hopefully getting one in the supply drop which is not a guarantee and at best you get 4 shots a day? Yeah that's…
  • Cool thanks for the info, I'll give it a shot tonight.
  • Good to hear! Were you level 60? I'm just wondering because my current cap is only 56 and I'm wondering if I should even risk trying advanced until I cap?
  • Exactly, and for most that means they quit playing and the game dies. So if you like playing the game accept that difficulty will go down and not up just about every time. Even WoW got beat up when they went full dumb with Cata and que's for dps shot up into the 30 minute range. The longer it takes a casual to get…
  • Honestly as someone who wants more people to do STF's with I prefer them to be easier so I can play with more people, see more ships, see more builds. That was the cool thing about Elites back in Pre Delta, you saw all kinds of different things and most of the time you were successful. Sorry I like to play my games for fun…
  • I don't see the dev's blaming the players, but at the same point I don't think that they will probably let people keep the Dil, and that's their choice. Because again its supposed to award 720, if it gives you 7200 that's a bug and you aren't supposed to have it and so if they take it out you can't scream that they nerfed…
  • I really doubt its a test at all. Especially since they just changed advanced to have lower hps so people would be more likely to run them. Again never attribute to malice what stupidity will explain. A simple mistake is way more easy to understand than some elaborate troll.
  • Just to be clear MIA would be mirror invasion advanced? I'm asking for a friend who's getting off work in like an hour in a half *cough*.
  • Or thats just what you want us to think they want you to think. I think.
  • Now the question I have to ask is has anyone else completed this? Because this could be a masterful troll and if that is the case, I salute you!
  • That's pretty crazy man. Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity. Way easier to flub a zero than have some kind of agenda.
  • And its clearly an error, I mean its giving 7200 when its supposed to be giving 720. So if they roll back anything they'll just give you the 720, which is what you were supposed to get.
  • Someone posted earlier that each captain spec should be doing *blank* job and man alive I hope thats not the direction they go with the game. I liked in pre Delta that it didn't matter I was an engy, I wasn't locked into tanking or debuffing or whtaever. STO was unique in that it didn't have some holy trinity of…
  • That's kind of where I'm at with my phantom. I like the Defiant aesthetic. And there is something awesome about opening up with rapid fire ripping a ship into pieces and then flying by as it explodes. Like a boss.
  • Eh I don't think the rifts have anything to do with its health other than it jumping out to a rift. I know I've done Mirror where when I finished the last rift the ship was down to 20% and had been jumping a ton.
  • I always find myself in pugs trying to blow up the entire enemy mirror fleet and I seriously wonder what the hell the rest of the team is doing. Like are we all amazing and blowing up huge swaths of ships or is like one guy really invested in keeping that generator running? Like O'brien invested.
  • I need to sit down, well I'm already sitting down, but man this is deep. Next thing you'll tell me the Seattle Mariners were over .500 this year.
  • Wait wait, wrestling is scripted?
  • Well the only reason I'd be interested in switching from cannons to beams is to help groups I'm in the best. I hate being some rainbow boating noob putting out poor dps and keeping the team back. I want to be captain awesome saving the STF!
  • Ok so if Cannons are out (sadness) on a phantom what should I be using in my 4/3 set up? 4 DBB's up front borg cutting beam and an omnidirectional phaser in the back possibly the omni anti proton.
  • Man I'm glad this topic is here. I am using the phantom t6, and rocking some DHC's the torp from the undine faction (I forget the name), two turrets and the borg cutting beam. I feel like I'm doing damage and blowing things up and helping my teams (only level 56 and so only doing normal borg stuff and the mirror event).…