All three have Ominous Device and Built to Last. So, no, if you have any of the legendaries, you have the trait and console from all three. The Walker has Vulcan Hello and Obfuscation Screen. The Jem'Hadar Battlecruiser has Obedience is Victory (brings in a JHAS when you use a team ability), and Personal Wormhole Generator…
Yeah, me too. It does feel like a response to how poorly the Mirror Crossfield was taken. Which, fair. I've also seen some speculation that this was always the plan, which I don't think so, but I do suspect they had this lined up as a contingency in-case the response to the initial bundle was poor.
Yeah, there were a lot of people who were desperately hoping that the Crossfield would turn out to be the Crossfield Refit and not the Mirror Crossfield. Technically, that is possible, but, given this is a mirror universe themed bundle, that always struck me as wishful thinking.
The mirror Aquarius is a Raider, and the Mirror Prometheus is a Destroyer (from a 10 Forward last year), The Mirror Nebula and Galaxy-X are question marks. If they're just a normal science ship and dread, then that's going to be particularly underwhelming. The Crossfield is probably the Mirror Crossfield Science Destroyer…
I'll still admit, I was seriously hoping for the Mirror Warship, in large part because of the, "stolen technology," line. With the Styx, I'm actually considering the bundle. The Mirror Crossfield wasn't a hard no, but it wasn't appealing. If it was just the Styx, I'd still probably be uninterested. With both... maybe. It's…
Uh... the Archon is cheaper than the Vizier. I mean, the only real difference is that the Archon is Intel, and the Vizier is Command, so pick your poison. I guess the point I should have made is, buy the Sovereign you want to fly for the ship itself, not for the console or the trait. There are no Sovereign variants that…
So, I don't actually fly my Vizier anymore. The Lego completely replaced it for me. However, if you don't have experience with the Archon or Regent, something to keep in mind about all of the Assault Cruisers (aside from the basic T5 one), there's no dedicated science seats. So, that universal LtCmdr seat is the only place…
If I understand correctly, it's a stripped down version of the Discovery Pilot BoP, which already has access to those parts. So, looks like that's not interchangeable with the B'rel.
While I'd love new ships, even just releasing new seating versions of the Destroyers would be a really nice change. Those are ships that are gated behind a significant paywall. Having new versions, with dual-spec seating that reflects their relevant faction, would be a really nice change. I assume re-releasing a T6 with…
I mean, there is a Legendary Multi-Mission Miracle Worker Science ship... but, you mean the Vesta, and yeah, I'd love to see a legendary version of that. Though, I kinda suspect it wouldn't be MW, given the Warship Voyager exists. Maybe full on TO with a Lt MW slot, or maybe an Intel configuration. (Though, I'd be less…
It does. But, it's also entirely viable to log in, queue up some Admiralty missions and come back tomorrow, or, if you've got time to kill in the game, go run some actual content. This is a much more finite system than DOffing, so if you've got 40+ ships and enough stats to burn all day on the system, you can actually…
Also some of the event ships. The Dyson Science Destroyer ignores +SCI events. I'm not sure about the others, but there are some options to clear those massive crisis events.
They're talking about the T6 Warbird that's in the Escort Carrier Bundle. So, while you're technically correct, it doesn't really matter. Either way, I got the T6 Escort Carrier Bundle, so the freebie was nice for the console, but I haven't actually used the T5. The T6 is a sweet ship. Easily my favorite Warbird to date.
Yeah, I don't expect others to be amused. To be fair, I'm on an account that's had an LTS since 2010. I had access to a Chimera for a week before they changed the system so that LTSs got access to all the vet rewards instantly. I've got at least 13 liberated borg, split between all three flavors. So, for me, this isn't, "I…
To be fair, this is a bug. The liberated Romulans and Talaxians do exist, so if you picked up an LTS they will be fixing this one. That said, it's amusing the ad's been changed from a pair of Talaxians to the T6 Chimera.
Yeah, that would have made sense. But, since 50->60 seems to be a slog for most players, I can see why they'd want to sell those ships to more players. At the same time, yeah, the T5s, especially the ones with T6 versions, really should be bumped down to 40.
Sooner or later we'll get a T6 Odyssey. Honestly, when you're looking at changing an existing ship that people paid money for, about the most you can do is change existing stations to universal. Which, I mean, if the Andromeda changed one of its LtCmdr stations to a universal one, I don't think you'd see many complaints…
To be fair, even without that trait, Cruisers are stupidly durable. Add in Miracle Worker, and the slew of self heals you can pump out and dying becomes much less likely. It can happen, but it's not the norm.
I would be seriously tempted by a token that let you add a specialization to the seat of your choice on a T6 or T5U, but I don't think I'd want to change the ones we've got.