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  • Yes, I have the exact same problem. But it's intermittent: sometimes I'll be able to see some images on the page, but not others. I have only seen this behavior on sto/perfect world sites. EDIT: The bug happens in Google Chrome (running on windows 7 professional x64), but not in Waterfox on the same machine. Waterfox is a…
  • This is a great idea. Borticus has stated that one reason they haven't allowed higher-quality doff contributions to projects is that they have no way (that's currently implemented) to make the progress bar go up more for higher-quality doffs. This would solve the problem nicely, because you could just convert your…
  • So you're saying that playing on my desktop when I'm at home, and on my laptop when I'm travelling, could be considered an exploit? That seems a bit far-fetched, to say the least.
  • There are all sorts of problems with this idea. For one, what about people who use multiple computers to play? If I log off from one computer, and log on to another one, do I then lose access to my mail? I keep coming back to this thread hoping for an official response from Dan Stahl. Please? Talk to us here!
  • There's only one exchange, for FED/KDF/ROM. Starting with LoR, they added a button to hide items you can't use (wrong faction or too high a mk), but you can turn that off easily. For example, Klingons can buy FED doffs, they just can't send them on assignments or slot them as active. But they work great for storage, or for…
  • It's actually pretty common for online games to have an instant ban applied to anyone who disputes a payment. The assumption is that you've stolen someone else's credit card, or are otherwise up to no good. I think they mostly do it because it's easier to just ban you than to actually look at the problem and fix it. While…
  • :) You're welcome! It's great to get messages like yours to balance out the "your [sic] stupid" ones.
  • Is this patch expected to increase the maximum number of players in-game, and thus reduce the queue size? Can you please tell us HOW you're "working to get us in-game as soon as possible?" You could say something like "We are installing new hardware to deal with this increase." Or perhaps "We have developers working on…
  • Could we maybe get this stickied?
  • A fair point. I changed it.
  • Ideas for things to do while waiting to log on: Read about the new 100-attachment limit on mail [thread=697471]here[/thread] or [thread=695071]here[/thread] (I don't think this is getting nearly as much attention as it deserves) Suggestions for Cryptic: Make whatever flag activates the queue-jumping power that lets…
  • Players, please post helpful information in this thread, and I will highlight it on the first page (to the extent that I am online and working on it). Here are a few that I've compiled: Regarding what cryptic is or is not doing to help us get into the game (click the little red dot to read the full post:
  • The title says it all. Branflakes has in bright red text at the top of the page, We are aware there is a queue to log in at this time. We are working to get you in-game as soon as possible. Bran, could you enlighten us as to what exactly it is that the cryptic team is doing to get us in-game ASAP? Are you preparing more…
  • As a matter of fact, they DO have a reconnect window. The problem is that it's per character, not per account. I'm not sure how long it is, but after being disconnected once because of the game client crashing, I was able to get right back in on the same character. It put me at around position 10 in the queue, and I waited…
  • It appears that there is now a limit of 100 items stored in your mailbox as attachments. This was not announced in any of the patch notes. Items stored in your mailbox before LoR don't seem to count towards the limit, and one mail with 5 attachments counts as 5/100. 20 mails with 5 attachments each will take you to the…
  • Could we possibly get something we could set in the options to determine the pull order for using devices, and a separate one for contributing them (and other things like data samples and commodities) to rep/fleet projects? Basically, let us choose which order to take from our bank/inventory/person. Also, letting us…
  • A couple of days ago, borticus told me in TTS chat that this change is NOT going to be included in the LoR release, but it's still something they're thinking about/working on, possibly in conjunction with their next release in June.
  • Borticus, any update on whether this is going to happen?
  • Has there been a decision on what to do about character slots? Does everyone get a new romulan-only character slot? Also, I currently am a silver member, although I have three characters because I created the third one while I had a gold membership for a month. Will I also get a new character slot? I'm curious what the…
  • Ok. Time for bed. Here's hoping they've fixed it by morning.
  • again? seriously? Is tribble down too? I know DStahl was chatting on tribble right before it went down, so hopefully we'll get some prompt attention. However, it is 12:45AM in california right now...
  • Clearly, this Cryptic has a looooong way to go before they can be considered a http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/High_availability system. What do you think their uptime is? 97% is my best guess. around 5 hours/week seems about average.
  • Based on what I can tell from looking at various public internet records, startrekonline.com is hosted on the same network as crypticstudios.com, which is down. However, perfectworld.com is still up (otherwise we wouldn't be able to use this forum).
  • I had a tech support guy once tell me a horror story about someone who called in to their phone support because their equipment was overheating. After some brief troubleshooting, he determined that not only was the equipment overheating, it was currently on fire. Hang up and call the fire department, dumbass.
  • "Maintenance" basically means "fixing things that can only be fixed when the server isn't running" When they take the server down, they have a bunch of people trying to fix the problems as fast as they can, but sometimes it takes longer than they thought, or they find new problems along the way, etc, hence the extension.
  • Yes, it was ground, and we were also walking a newbie through it.
  • Is there a limit to the number of times we can start the 96-hour bonus timer? If I start the timer shortly before the event ends, will I still get the full 96 hours?
  • I was the little ferengi on your team.
  • I think (one of) the problems involved the server having trouble making new instances. I think your trouble with the planetary patrols was probably another symptom of that larger problem.
  • It was IGE, and we were doing OK, but not great, and then about the same time the 15-minute warning popped up, we all fell to pieces. *shrug* Oh well, off to find something else to do.....