Adding on to what the cat above me said, after deciding on what weapons you want, think about your science/exotic damage abilities. Do you want a crowd-control build (very limited usage in PvE) or exotic damage build? Power leech (only really viable in PvP, since AI combatants don't really have limited power levels like…
True, but outside of this promotion, how else would the collectors/"completionists" among us find out about such a thing, unless they already play ST:AW? This was probably done in the attempt that it would get players of STO over onto the ST:AW boat as well.
While there is precedent for this type of contest, it really wasn't fair for them to only allow it for US residents when there is a digital component. As somebody who entered that contest without reading it was only open to US residents, I feel a bit let down - in previous "competitions" there has always been a Zen…
All that being said, I guess I prefer the engineer because of the playstyle over anything else. Due to me being the type to die quite a lot regardless of what I play, every bit of survivability helps. The only problem in the game is, why would you need to survive when you can just slaughter your way through mobs as tac/sci?
That's cruisers. Built right, even tacs and science can tank effectively in those cruisers. Just because you see a cruiser, it's not necessarily an engineer flying it.
While there is precedent for that to happen, I'm hoping for a Pilot cruiser. The Sov will be one of the best candidates for that due to how much more agile the ship is when you compare it to other large-sized cruiser-type vessels of it's era; while it isn't a battlecruiser, it's the next best thing to one when you consider…
With that paragraph, I'm going to assume it's getting a C-store release as well as the freebie. If not, there will probably be a few unhappy people for a while.
Escorts. Just because I had bad experiences with them a few years ago (seriously, did anybody else struggle to play them effectively), and was playing as an engie at the time.
It was found 140 years after it disappeared, so both are correct. Rephrase: It did go 700 years into the past, but it wasn't rediscovered until 2410. Hope that clears it up. :)
"Hard-canon" is, by Gene's own definition, what was shown on both the small and silver screens. STO, and the various books, comics, and other off-screen material, is soft-canon by that very same definition. So, until CBS/Paramount come and say otherwise, we will largely be following that "rule". Guess what the Kelvin…
Let me clarify: the way some of these posts are worded, you'd think that any new iteration of Star Trek - KT or PT - will be unfairly judged before it even gets seen. For the record, Discovery is going to be set in the Prime Timeline.
What about Star Trek: Discovery if that ever gets the go-ahead to be added into the game? Are you going to be as conceited about freebies as you are about the CANONICAL Kelvin-Timeline stuff? You may not like it, but unfortunately the destruction of Romulus and the Red Matter Capacitor - both taking influence from '09 Trek…
I agree to some extent, although most if not all interior structure would have needed retrofitting at some point..can you imagine some civilian or Starfleet personnel just disappearing through the 150-year-old floor because of wear and tear? Although it could be much worse, like Drozana station.
It's a good idea since the only CD that it had was during the assignment itself. As soon as that was done, you'd be able to queue another one, and get 12k dilithium (assuming, of course, that you queue'd the assignment as soon as the last one finished) for doing absolutely nothing, per day. It's not as if that's the only…
It's been stated on numerous occasions that there is no sort of "account transfer" available for PC players. As with newcomers, they (current/PC players) will have to start from scratch if they make the decision to start up on console. They will also get no such bonuses from being a PC player, apart from experience and…
Damn...yes, popping either AP Omega or Polarize Hull is invaluable against those with an itchy tractor-trigger-finger like the Jem'Hadar. Although, the only thing that could possibly make PH attractive at all would be the Nautilus' trait - considering there are better ENS-level science powers than PH (such as Hazard…
Whatever the reason, I believe the same thing happens when you pick an allied-faction ship (i.e. Defiant/Sao Paulo) as a Romulan - you still have the green transporter glow from being a Romulan, even though it would make more sense to have your ally's transporter effect so long as you're using that ship.
It could be the pain-in-the-TRIBBLE Entropy abilities that the Builder ships use (for example Channelled Deconstruction) to it happening with JH, I have no idea as to the cause.
You're forgetting: the Excelsior was the fleet workhorse for nearly 150 years - like the C-47 Dakota, it was most probably heavily over-engineered in order to meet the demands and expectations required of such a role. The Galaxy is only about 50 years old, and was intended for approximately 100+ years of service. The…
Not everybody who's seen the film will have read the script though. AFAICare, they don't look anything like the torpedo launcher that we're used to - thus, they're plasma cannons in my headcanon.