Just a question. I claimed the jacket on my Romulan toon who has a Federation affiliation, but the jacket does not show up at the tailor. I take it Federated Romulans are not eligible?
I think the Kelvin uniform is only for true Feds/TOS. TRy a fed boff to see.
Yes, it does work on my Fed toon. I was just wondering if the allied factions got it. Apparently not. I wish they had mentioned that in the announcement -- or somewhere. "ONLY for Federation players!" Perhaps they'll throw Romulans and Klingons a bone sometime! Don't forget us, Cryptic! We play too! ;-)
Hopefully we'll get the uniform variant that Kirk and Spock wore that I would assume would get the other rank options.
Good ref pic of the rank buttons. We can put that on a list to match better.
As for the other ranks a la Kirk and Spock, the cut, piping, etc is slightly different on their uniforms - it isn't just a color swap. So as you said, it is truly a variant. Unfortunately it didn't fit our schedule to do them both.
Hopefully we'll get the uniform variant that Kirk and Spock wore that I would assume would get the other rank options.
Good ref pic of the rank buttons. We can put that on a list to match better.
As for the other ranks a la Kirk and Spock, the cut, piping, etc is slightly different on their uniforms - it isn't just a color swap. So as you said, it is truly a variant. Unfortunately it didn't fit our schedule to do them both.
Great! The rank buttons will be fixed . Wow, you guys were planning to add Kirk & Spock's uniform variant? Awesome!
Hopefully we'll get the uniform variant that Kirk and Spock wore that I would assume would get the other rank options.
Good ref pic of the rank buttons. We can put that on a list to match better.
As for the other ranks a la Kirk and Spock, the cut, piping, etc is slightly different on their uniforms - it isn't just a color swap. So as you said, it is truly a variant. Unfortunately it didn't fit our schedule to do them both.
Great! The rank buttons will be fixed . Wow, you guys were planning to add Kirk & Spock's uniform variant? Awesome!
I'm hoping to see that officer's uniform in-game too. Or... is that more like a dress uniform?
If it fits the schedule of course.
Post edited by kelettes on
"Ad astra audacter eamus in alis fidelium."
"To boldly go to the stars on the wings of the faithful."
Got the Uniform. Doesn't look that good. You can ONLY select the Admirals rank even though we saw Kirk and Spock wearing this uniform Variant. All other Ranks have either no Rank insignia or the Bajoran Generals insignia.
And the shoulder parts also don't look like in the movie, they just look like grey, round buttons.
Even if its a free giveaway, i think they should work on it and give us a better version with all ranks and more details
It's kinda weird... It has a drop down list of rank insignia that's pretty long, but most of the options seem to be invisible when applied.
Exactly. Many options are invisible, others are just the Bajoran ranks. So they mixed Admirals and Generals. And the only Rank insignia that is visible and kinda correct is the JJ (4 star) Admirals rank. And if i am correct you can't even change the color of the buttons/ranks on the shoulder. THe Uniform should be grey but the buttons be gold.
Hopefully we'll get the uniform variant that Kirk and Spock wore that I would assume would get the other rank options.
Good ref pic of the rank buttons. We can put that on a list to match better.
As for the other ranks a la Kirk and Spock, the cut, piping, etc is slightly different on their uniforms - it isn't just a color swap. So as you said, it is truly a variant. Unfortunately it didn't fit our schedule to do them both.
any chance that the Kirk/Spock variant will be added in the future? And can't you just add the other ranks to this uniform? THat sould just be the sleeve stripes and, since you are working on the rank buttons anyway, 1-5 colorable buttons so a captain could have 4 in black or silver and an admiral could have 4 in Gold...
As expected - just back from SDCC, missed it by a couple of hours. Ah well.
It was posted to news a week in advance and you had a 4-day window, not much more Cryptic could do short of showing up at your house, breaking in and using your computer to claim it.
Couldnt give a monkeys about this uniform I am ignoring everything to do with JJTrek. Missions ships and the giveaways and nothing released from the genre will make me do otherwise
Vice Admiral Volmack ISS Thundermole
Brigadier General Jokag IKS Gorkan
Centurion Kares RRW Tomalak
Couldnt give a monkeys about this uniform I am ignoring everything to do with JJTrek. Missions ships and the giveaways and nothing released from the genre will make me do otherwise
Manners. Hopefully you're nicer to people at Christmas when people give you free gifts.
Couldnt give a monkeys about this uniform I am ignoring everything to do with JJTrek. Missions ships and the giveaways and nothing released from the genre will make me do otherwise
Manners. Hopefully you're nicer to people at Christmas when people give you free gifts.
I know, every time a company gives out free content, someone has to take a TRIBBLE on it.
I guess since this is the internet, and since you don't have to see someone's face, it entitles you to be mean. Instead of being happy a company who's soul purpose is to make money is giving out hard work and effort for free, they should be upset about it.
No real appreciation exists any more.
Support the movement! Come stand with us in supporting Star Trek: The Animated Series content for STO! (It's canon!) #TASforSTO
Time travel and glass-cannon ships hurt my head and is NOT what Trek is about. Trek is exploration, becoming better as a species, and gaining scientific knowledge while holding on to the traditions that got us where were are. Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
Couldnt give a monkeys about this uniform I am ignoring everything to do with JJTrek. Missions ships and the giveaways and nothing released from the genre will make me do otherwise
Couldnt give a monkeys about this uniform I am ignoring everything to do with JJTrek. Missions ships and the giveaways and nothing released from the genre will make me do otherwise
What about Star Trek: Discovery if that ever gets the go-ahead to be added into the game? Are you going to be as conceited about freebies as you are about the CANONICAL Kelvin-Timeline stuff? You may not like it, but unfortunately the destruction of Romulus and the Red Matter Capacitor - both taking influence from '09 Trek - are in the game. Regardless of your opinion of the new films, they are ST and have been stated so by the holders of the IP.
If you aren't happy with that, send a strongly worded letter/email to the CBS/Paramount CEOs; they're the only ones with the power to do anything about it anyway (if they wanted to, they could quite easily revoke Cryptic's license for STO - not that I'd want that to happen).
@sharpie65 Im not sure i understand your whole post. I heard that the new series is going to be prime universe setting. Are you saying it will be KT universe setting?
While i understand that KT arena is legally canon. There is this headcanon practice to not observe and disregard certain areas. I used to do this with KT stuff however upon seeing Star Trek Beyond i have to the conclusion that they are not as conflicting as i once thought and can coexist, like a seperate fractured timeline or alternate reality like the game presents.
Im not sure i understand your whole post. I heard that the new series is going to be prime universe setting. Are you saying it will be KT universe setting?
While i understand that KT arena is legally canon. There is this headcanon practice to not observe and disregard certain areas. I used to do this with KT stuff however upon seeing Star Trek Beyond i have to the conclusion that they are not as conflicting as i once thought and can coexist, like a seperate fractured timeline or alternate reality like the game presents.
Let me clarify: the way some of these posts are worded, you'd think that any new iteration of Star Trek - KT or PT - will be unfairly judged before it even gets seen.
For the record, Discoveryis going to be set in the Prime Timeline.
Couldnt give a monkeys about this uniform I am ignoring everything to do with JJTrek. Missions ships and the giveaways and nothing released from the genre will make me do otherwise
What about Star Trek: Discovery if that ever gets the go-ahead to be added into the game? Are you going to be as conceited about freebies as you are about the CANONICAL Kelvin-Timeline stuff? You may not like it, but unfortunately the destruction of Romulus and the Red Matter Capacitor - both taking influence from '09 Trek - are in the game. Regardless of your opinion of the new films, they are ST and have been stated so by the holders of the IP.
If you aren't happy with that, send a strongly worded letter/email to the CBS/Paramount CEOs; they're the only ones with the power to do anything about it anyway (if they wanted to, they could quite easily revoke Cryptic's license for STO - not that I'd want that to happen).
It already had the green light to be added in the game. When CBS first announced there was gonna be a new TV series, Trendy (or another dev) said they looked forward to all the cool stuff they'll be able to add to the game. More recently, sometime around the announcement of the AoY expansion they said it again. So it's safe to say at this point that it's a sure thing, unless the new series is cancelled before it airs.
It was posted to news a week in advance and you had a 4-day window, not much more Cryptic could do short of showing up at your house, breaking in and using your computer to claim it.
And SD Comic Con is a 5 day show plus travel time. They could have posted 14,000 years in advance and that wouldn't have made a bit of difference. Do I sound enormously put out? Going to the ST:Beyond preview ranks considerably higher on my priority list .
Correct . I work from a full-sized rig at my home. I was hoping one of my friends would bring one of theirs to the show but they're all running around with smart-phones these days.
On a tangential but not too unrelated point, the Lobi Kelvin costumes... I think the ladies short sleeve variant needs to be added as a customisation option - both Uhura and Carol Marcus wore this in the first two films. There's probably a case for the Beyond variant being added as an option as well... although I'd totally accept that the away team jacket would probably have to be a separate item.
On a tangential but not too unrelated point, the Lobi Kelvin costumes... I think the ladies short sleeve variant needs to be added as a customisation option - both Uhura and Carol Marcus wore this in the first two films. There's probably a case for the Beyond variant being added as an option as well... although I'd totally accept that the away team jacket would probably have to be a separate item.
If it's what I think it is, the short sleeve/sleeveless version is already included. It's in jackets-tight.
On a tangential but not too unrelated point, the Lobi Kelvin costumes... I think the ladies short sleeve variant needs to be added as a customisation option - both Uhura and Carol Marcus wore this in the first two films. There's probably a case for the Beyond variant being added as an option as well... although I'd totally accept that the away team jacket would probably have to be a separate item.
If it's what I think it is, the short sleeve/sleeveless version is already included. It's in jackets-tight.
Ah awesome I'll check that out tonight... thanks for the heads up.
Yes, it does work on my Fed toon. I was just wondering if the allied factions got it. Apparently not. I wish they had mentioned that in the announcement -- or somewhere. "ONLY for Federation players!" Perhaps they'll throw Romulans and Klingons a bone sometime! Don't forget us, Cryptic! We play too! ;-)
USS Casinghead NCC 92047 launched 2350
Fleet Admiral Stowe - Dominion War Vet.
Good ref pic of the rank buttons. We can put that on a list to match better.
As for the other ranks a la Kirk and Spock, the cut, piping, etc is slightly different on their uniforms - it isn't just a color swap. So as you said, it is truly a variant. Unfortunately it didn't fit our schedule to do them both.
Great! The rank buttons will be fixed
I'm hoping to see that officer's uniform in-game too.
If it fits the schedule of course.
"To boldly go to the stars on the wings of the faithful."
Exactly. Many options are invisible, others are just the Bajoran ranks. So they mixed Admirals and Generals. And the only Rank insignia that is visible and kinda correct is the JJ (4 star) Admirals rank. And if i am correct you can't even change the color of the buttons/ranks on the shoulder. THe Uniform should be grey but the buttons be gold.
any chance that the Kirk/Spock variant will be added in the future? And can't you just add the other ranks to this uniform? THat sould just be the sleeve stripes and, since you are working on the rank buttons anyway, 1-5 colorable buttons so a captain could have 4 in black or silver and an admiral could have 4 in Gold...
It was posted to news a week in advance and you had a 4-day window, not much more Cryptic could do short of showing up at your house, breaking in and using your computer to claim it.
Vice Admiral Volmack ISS Thundermole
Brigadier General Jokag IKS Gorkan
Centurion Kares RRW Tomalak
Manners. Hopefully you're nicer to people at Christmas when people give you free gifts.
I know, every time a company gives out free content, someone has to take a TRIBBLE on it.
I guess since this is the internet, and since you don't have to see someone's face, it entitles you to be mean. Instead of being happy a company who's soul purpose is to make money is giving out hard work and effort for free, they should be upset about it.
No real appreciation exists any more.
Come stand with us in supporting Star Trek: The Animated Series content for STO! (It's canon!) #TASforSTO
Time travel and glass-cannon ships hurt my head and is NOT what Trek is about. Trek is exploration, becoming better as a species, and gaining scientific knowledge while holding on to the traditions that got us where were are.
Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
I'm insulted. JJ Trek is good.
What about Star Trek: Discovery if that ever gets the go-ahead to be added into the game? Are you going to be as conceited about freebies as you are about the CANONICAL Kelvin-Timeline stuff? You may not like it, but unfortunately the destruction of Romulus and the Red Matter Capacitor - both taking influence from '09 Trek - are in the game. Regardless of your opinion of the new films, they are ST and have been stated so by the holders of the IP.
If you aren't happy with that, send a strongly worded letter/email to the CBS/Paramount CEOs; they're the only ones with the power to do anything about it anyway (if they wanted to, they could quite easily revoke Cryptic's license for STO - not that I'd want that to happen).
Im not sure i understand your whole post. I heard that the new series is going to be prime universe setting. Are you saying it will be KT universe setting?
While i understand that KT arena is legally canon. There is this headcanon practice to not observe and disregard certain areas. I used to do this with KT stuff however upon seeing Star Trek Beyond i have to the conclusion that they are not as conflicting as i once thought and can coexist, like a seperate fractured timeline or alternate reality like the game presents.
Let me clarify: the way some of these posts are worded, you'd think that any new iteration of Star Trek - KT or PT - will be unfairly judged before it even gets seen.
For the record, Discovery is going to be set in the Prime Timeline.
I have a feeling it will pull through, but after such a long break we can expect the same, it will be a new chapter.
It already had the green light to be added in the game. When CBS first announced there was gonna be a new TV series, Trendy (or another dev) said they looked forward to all the cool stuff they'll be able to add to the game. More recently, sometime around the announcement of the AoY expansion they said it again. So it's safe to say at this point that it's a sure thing, unless the new series is cancelled before it airs.
And SD Comic Con is a 5 day show plus travel time. They could have posted 14,000 years in advance and that wouldn't have made a bit of difference. Do I sound enormously put out? Going to the ST:Beyond preview ranks considerably higher on my priority list
My character Tsin'xing
I'm still working on making it look good in a skirt.
USS Casinghead NCC 92047 launched 2350
Fleet Admiral Stowe - Dominion War Vet.
Ah awesome I'll check that out tonight... thanks for the heads up.