Yes they very much could, probably won't though since from what we have been told their new deal with Paramount only gives them access to stuff from ST09 & STID.
No the deal was they couldn't put anything in that hasn't been released yet for spoiler reasons. That doesn't mean they can't put things in from this movie at some point.
If they can make Dyson Sphere with its super large ship maps with lots of structures and random sci fi knick knacks and two command centres social zones and a large ground combat map with 3 areas than they could so make yorktown station at some point.
They also could keep STO fully canon, but choose not too.
Well it wasn't really ever "canon" in the first place. Because it being 30 years after TNG. I guess it "isn't canon." However we could also look at because it is fully licensed by CBS/Paramount, it is canon. Or we could also say anything not written by Gene himself isn't canon.
There are people that declare this game not being canon just because they are die-hard trekkers, (Yet they still play this game. ROFL.) Its like trying to get fire and ice to agree. They never will.
What is and isn't canon is subject to debate. However, the authority on the subject of Trek Canon said, "If it isn't on screen, it isn't canon." The implication being that if it was on screen it is.
And there is the issue in a nutshell: which parts of what was on screen, but contradicted by something else which was on screen, are canon?
So, you see, the debate has no end. No matter where you draw the line, no matter what your reasons for drawing your line, there are others out there who draw the line elsewhere and have reasons just as good for so doing. They aren't wrong, and neither are you.
Canon is dictated internally in each show and movie. Period. There is no hard and fast canon for all of Star Trek, save that it can't be found in books, magazines, fan-films, or background materials. For STO, canon is not the same as for TMP or DS9. Each of those has its own canon.
What is and isn't canon is subject to debate. However, the authority on the subject of Trek Canon said, "If it isn't on screen, it isn't canon." The implication being that if it was on screen it is.
And there is the issue in a nutshell: which parts of what was on screen, but contradicted by something else which was on screen, are canon?
So, you see, the debate has no end. No matter where you draw the line, no matter what your reasons for drawing your line, there are others out there who draw the line elsewhere and have reasons just as good for so doing. They aren't wrong, and neither are you.
Canon is dictated internally in each show and movie. Period. There is no hard and fast canon for all of Star Trek, save that it can't be found in books, magazines, fan-films, or background materials. For STO, canon is not the same as for TMP or DS9. Each of those has its own canon.
There is too a hard rule on canon, and it is not subject to any form of debate. Whatever the franchise owners say is canon is canon, period, no options, no debate, no nothing can ever change that no matter what anyone thinks about it.
On this subject the franchise owners have been silent. My guess is that the owners do not care, and leave it to the development team of the next 'official' product to dictate what is or is not canon for that product.
They also could keep STO fully canon, but choose not too.
CBS owns the franchise, it is their property, ergo they can do whatever they want with it. Canon is whatever CBS says it is; your opinion will never, ever change that. CBS says Kelvin Timeline is canon, guess what? It's canon. End of story.
That doesn't preclude people from having opinions or their own headcanon, but getting your undies in a bunch because the official canon doesn't match what's in your head is both irrational and illogical.
They don't say it on a timetable that ostensibly satisfies the righteously indignant.
Saying it just once in an Official Capacity, apparently is equal to quantifying it as "I am Right and You are Wrong".
STO Member since February 2009. I Was A Trekkie Before It Was Cool ... Sept. 8th, 1966 ... Not To Mention Before Most Folks Around Here Were Born! Forever a STO Veteran-Minion
The statement was attributed to Gene Roddenberry who, unfortunately, no longer has a say in the matter. The question put to him was about the development of background materials for the various books and games that had been published under license. Rather than favor one author over another, he simplified it by saying that canon was what was seen on screen. Now that CBS/Paramount are the copyright holders, what is canon is for them to say, and they have been silent on the matter. I suppose, to them, it is a non-issue or, even worse, if they step into the debate it will become a major issue.
Clearly jjverse isn't canon, nor any spin off. Only one thing is canon and that is Spocks Brain! STO should only include "Brain Brain What Is Brain?!" on loop to the image of McCoy driving remote control Spock into a wall repeatedly. Then it will be pure canon.
Like in every religion, each one has his own interpretation of what is canon and what isn't. But some are just more fundamentalist in their interpretation of "their" canon, by leaving no room for other interpretations. Some even try to force their own interpretation onto others, with words and sometimes force. They justify their interpretation as the only "true" or "pure" canon.
Normally I'd stay away from these fanatics and let them indulge in their ignorance, but here on the internet I like to insult them. So anybody who thinks I'm describing them, feel insulted!
"Hard-canon" is, by Gene's own definition, what was shown on both the small and silver screens. STO, and the various books, comics, and other off-screen material, is soft-canon by that very same definition. So, until CBS/Paramount come and say otherwise, we will largely be following that "rule".
Guess what the Kelvin Timeline falls under? Hard-canon, and there's no two ways about it.
Back on topic, I would LOVE to see Starbase Yorktown in-game. Although..would it be a Prime-Timeline variation, or would we get the station from the KT?
There are people that declare this game not being canon just because they are die-hard trekkers, (Yet they still play this game. ROFL.) Its like trying to get fire and ice to agree. They never will.
And there is the issue in a nutshell: which parts of what was on screen, but contradicted by something else which was on screen, are canon?
So, you see, the debate has no end. No matter where you draw the line, no matter what your reasons for drawing your line, there are others out there who draw the line elsewhere and have reasons just as good for so doing. They aren't wrong, and neither are you.
Canon is dictated internally in each show and movie. Period. There is no hard and fast canon for all of Star Trek, save that it can't be found in books, magazines, fan-films, or background materials. For STO, canon is not the same as for TMP or DS9. Each of those has its own canon.
On this subject the franchise owners have been silent. My guess is that the owners do not care, and leave it to the development team of the next 'official' product to dictate what is or is not canon for that product.
CBS owns the franchise, it is their property, ergo they can do whatever they want with it. Canon is whatever CBS says it is; your opinion will never, ever change that. CBS says Kelvin Timeline is canon, guess what? It's canon. End of story.
That doesn't preclude people from having opinions or their own headcanon, but getting your undies in a bunch because the official canon doesn't match what's in your head is both irrational and illogical.
Saying it just once in an Official Capacity, apparently is equal to quantifying it as "I am Right and You are Wrong".
I Was A Trekkie Before It Was Cool ... Sept. 8th, 1966 ... Not To Mention Before Most Folks Around Here Were Born!
Forever a STO Veteran-Minion
The statement was attributed to Gene Roddenberry who, unfortunately, no longer has a say in the matter. The question put to him was about the development of background materials for the various books and games that had been published under license. Rather than favor one author over another, he simplified it by saying that canon was what was seen on screen. Now that CBS/Paramount are the copyright holders, what is canon is for them to say, and they have been silent on the matter. I suppose, to them, it is a non-issue or, even worse, if they step into the debate it will become a major issue.
Normally I'd stay away from these fanatics and let them indulge in their ignorance, but here on the internet I like to insult them. So anybody who thinks I'm describing them, feel insulted!
Guess what the Kelvin Timeline falls under? Hard-canon, and there's no two ways about it.
Back on topic, I would LOVE to see Starbase Yorktown in-game. Although..would it be a Prime-Timeline variation, or would we get the station from the KT?