The newest baddies appear to have stolen something from the borg and modified it to be even more annoying. During the last of the newest missions the "sphere builder" seem to have either a weapon or a skill that goes right through my shields, hit my hull and drains it from 100% to 60% to 30% to BOOM! Now I am not a new player, but I am not a min-maxxer, I play for fun. Am I missing something? My ship is the Vengeance, it has roughly 90,000 Hull, so whatever this skill is makes me nervous about some of my other characters with lower hull, especially those in Escorts.
Is there a counter skill to this? Should I use a specific trait/traits to counteract this. Or just roll my eyes, hit respawn and run at the baddies once again?
Fleet Admiral In charge of Bacon
Fighting 5th Attack Squadron
The Devils Henchman
It seems enemies now have Particle Generators set to infinity. My tank of a Bortasqu' which was meant to hull tank was whittled down to 0 hull in under 5 seconds. Next battle I popped a Polarize Hull, I stayed alive.
I hope this is a bug but if it isn't, I highly recommend slotting a Polarize Hull or Attack Pattern: Omega and activating it the second you see your hull going down while your shields are up.
My character Tsin'xing
They really don't hit that hard when you know what to do.
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I'm guessing this was on Elite?
My character Tsin'xing
Once you get used to it you can develop counter-measure. The simplest and easiest it to fly away... unless of course you are caught in a tractor beam. Then use polarized hull which breaks the tractor beam effect and gives you damage resistance for 15 seconds.
*I know, the BOff training revamp did away with the need for so many BOffs
Sounds like your typical sci tactics :P
Rouge Sto Wiki Editor.
Member Access Denied Armada!
My forum single-issue of rage: Make the Proton Experimental Weapon go for subsystem targetting!
But it's not a heal, and it doesn't help shield tank. However when you NEED to hull tank or die....
My character Tsin'xing
My character Tsin'xing
I think one of the newest temporal missions eng consoles features Specifically a Physical damage resistance mod...
I dont use any armor at all in PVE content tho (typically less than 14% all rez), If i need it I use Pol hull and/or AuxtoDamp.
Rouge Sto Wiki Editor.
No, there are other options, though they are more expensive than Neutronium.
Conductive RCS Accelerator consoles and Exotic Particle Field Exciter consoles are craftable items when you reach level 15 in Engineering / Science crafting schools assuming you have the special Doff that allows you to craft those items. These can also be purchased from the Exchange.
If the crafted console turns out to be ultra rare quality, then will receive a random mod. The resistance mods are as follows:
ResA - Resistance to 4 types of energy weapons.
ResB - Resistance to 4 other types of energy weapons.
Kin - Resistance to Kinetic damage (similar to Neutronium)
ResAll - All of the above.
The first 3 are fairly inexpensive. Prior to AoY and the mass influx of new captains, ultra rare Conductive RCS Accelerator console MK XII with any of the 1st 3 mods probably sold for around 8m each. The Mk XII [ResAll] sold for around 15m. Although I saw four ultra rare Conductive RCS Accelerator Mk XIV [ResAll] for 12m - 13m EC each and I snagged all of them. Since AoY released I have seen Mk XII [ResAll] selling for at least 30m EC. As for the current prices of the others... don't know, I don't bother with them.
The Exotic Particle Field Exciter consoles with the [ResAll] mod are around 10m to 15m EC more expensive than the RCS consoles.
I went back and looked at the build and recalled that I did a rush build job on the ship. I was so excited to get it and fly it I didn't bother optimizing my build. I will do that, as well as incorporate the suggestions I have gotten and see what happens.
Thanks again!
Fleet Admiral In charge of Bacon
Fighting 5th Attack Squadron
The Devils Henchman
My character Tsin'xing
I've played the new missions.My Hull heals are:Reactive armor console,Haz emitters, and either the Dyson set (4) or the Assimilated set (3) and energy refresher space trait on my tiny sci ship.. Granted I can be overwhelmed once a certain number of ships is present but I typically play most missions on advanced.
Rouge Sto Wiki Editor.
Im pretty sure your right...One of the more recent episodes does have a conlse that is +50 (MK 14 VR) Physical Damage resist.
Rouge Sto Wiki Editor.