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robuille Arc User



  • Seriously..., the Galor issue that's taunting you is nothing even remotely close to the issue I'm addressing. I OWN THE JEM'HADDAR ATTACK SHIP! If you owned the Galor and couldn't get access to the Spiral Phasers then that would be a problem. That would at least be similar to my problem. My problem is that I own, opened…
  • Hi all. My name is Robuille and I own a Jem'Hadar Attack Ship. Why am I telling you this you might be wondering? Because I also own the new Jem'Hadar Dreadnaught Carrier now. You might be saying to yourself..., well..., so what? See the thing is, I own both of those ships but on two different characters. Still, I own both…
  • Figured no one is getting a good look at this thread. I think it is important. Don't want this post to get lost as a dead end thread. I guess I'm trying to encourage all you other players to post replies. So hopefully typing this out gets it bumped up to the top so you guys get a chance to read it and post other issues…
  • Oh yeah, and please post a reply if you notice that any of these issues have been fixed. It's good to get feedback about any positive progress that's been made regarding our issues.
  • I want to thank Stahl and Branflakes for hearing us out and putting dilithium back into the system. Today's change with omega mark to dilithium conversion solves the dilithium problem entirely. I no longer have any doubts that PW isn't renewing their license to Star Trek. We can now collect a reasonable amount of dilithium…
  • I still think Perfect World is cashing out on us, but first taking as much from us as they can before they lose their licensing rights to Star Trek for whatever reason they let it expire. I refuse to believe that these economy changes didn't originate with Cryptic Studios' asian paymasters, Perfect World, and were forced…
  • looks like this post got pushed back into obscurity so that most people won't get a look at it. Nice tactic to keep people from taking a look at it. Still no answer about the license eh PW?
  • Why is no one else asking the deeper question? How soon is PW planning on losing their license to the Star Trek franchise? Is it because they're refusing to renew it, or is it because they're being refused a renewal? How soon will it be before PW's Star Trek license expires? Seriously? When a corporation knows for certain…
  • What it really seems like is they're milking the sinking ship for all its treasure before they scuttle it to the ocean floor. Steal every dime from its player base before destroying it entirely. Does anyone know when the license to use Star Trek brand name is up? I bet you it's within the next 2 years. PW probably doesn't…
  • Oh yeah, REASSIGN UNDERPERFORMING OFFICER DILITHIU COST NEEDS TO REVERT TO SEASON 6 PRICES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Count FDC in for ground.
  • Counter offer Stahl..., we understand you have to comply to your paymasters at PW. We get it. But this "fix" is a dirty lie that only set the system back again. Put gear rewards back into STF's and endgame content. Put the original amounts of dilithium back into all the events the way it was before. That means 1440…
  • What I don't like is the company telling us contradicting things that aren't even logical explanations for why they changed the economy. I mean, they take monumental amounts of dilithium (our game's lifeblood) out of the game and tell us it is for our benefit. They tell us that the average player didn't get any more than…
  • The truth of the matter is that they were making a killing with the system the way it was before. The evidence is in how cheap zen became in the dilithium exchange. The lower the price of dilithium per zen the more valuable dilithium becomes. The starbases require an almost impossible amount of dilithium to advance…
  • Oh, and good call on the diplomatic immunity/raiding party suggestion too. It add more significance than just a speed buff to being an ambassador/marauder. And seriously, how hilarious would it be when a Commander lvl player runs out of his hour in a warzone sector block. :D Hell, I'd purposely make the mistake just for…
  • Love that idea! I've been wanting that since I got on man. They used to have a system like that over on SW Galaxies before it shut down and I absolutely LOVED that particular aspect of their PvP system. The system was slightly different than the one you're suggesting, but basically warzones like Ker'rat and Otha were…
  • ..., and this last page and a half of posts on this thread have been off topic, trolling and an attempt to sabotage what this thread is trying to accomplish. We all know who on this thread has been doing nothing but rehashing the same thing and trolling..., let him post, but ignore it so we can all get back to the topic of…
  • A false statement. What really happened was the developer working on overhauling the PvP system was notified that work on the project would be delayed in lieu of a heavier emphasis on the projects that were about to be released at the time. Starbases and this newest season about to be released were moved to priority for…
  • Ha! I just had another thought for the rewards system..., unique duty officers! Photonic lifeform duty officers that are strategic replicas of the most famous/notorious Iconic characters from Star Trek history. Call it "Federation/KDF College of Strategy/War Photonic Reinforcements." Photonic Sulu Conn Officer anyone? And…
  • It's too bad then that you haven't grasped or simply dislike the concept. But as everyone is entitled to their opinion..., But as stated before..., it would be a system that wouldn't effect anyone who did not prefer it. So thank you for the input. It seems there is nothing left for you to say on this topic without simply…
  • And see..., this guy likes it. I think if more of our gaming community were exposed to this thread, we'd see this kind of enthusiasm in their responses. So spread the word for those of you who like this idea and link this post to friends. And of course, post your ideas, wishful thinking, or just post Iconic arenas,…
  • I think I understand where you are coming from. I also hope you don't think that I was suggesting a PvP system replacement. On the contrary..., this would just be a different kind of PvP que. The normal ques would still exist and this would be an extra system. So no one is saying anything about the current PvP system or…
  • Well, not everyone may like the idea..., but as for money in it and if it would draw in players..., Sony makes a ton off of this idea in their comic based MMORPG. It's a proven profit driven platform that their players support enthusiastically. I just started playing the game and already I bought two of their Legendary…
  • I posted that this was a thread for positive feedback on new ideas and not about the current PvP system.
  • Thus making Data and his Nebula a perfect nominee for Iconic PvP
  • Yeah, make the Klingon/Federation War mean something tangible in the game. Make it so that the only sectors in the game that aren't under territorial dispute are the home sector blocks or the sector blocks that are being reserved for other future factions.
  • Yeah, I don't think it does considering the servers can't even handle effects renderting in a 5v5 in normal pvp. They'd have to invest ludacris amounts of money just to buy the servers capable of handling pvp battles of that magnitude. However..., it would be nice. :D But keep adding to the idea guys. I think what's most…
  • Please refrain from complaints on the current pvp system. This wasn't a post meant for people to vent frustration on how the game currently works. It's a post about introducing a new idea and seeing how much people liked it. Then..., seeing how many people we can get to post their thumbs up so that Cryptic takes enough of…
  • Thing is..., there's money in it. And I don't think it would be too big a project considering this past season Perfect World brought us Starbases, several fleet mark events, and a vault shuttle event. Next season..., which you can check out now on Tribble server has a reputation system added in with similarities to the…
  • Alright..., easy done. In both ground and space you start out with only one character. So say in space everyone has to start out with Khan piloting his Miranda. Then, through earning enough..., I don't know, lets say Marks of Strategy..., you unlock ships that increase in marks and to some degree quality. Here's the…