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Revitalizing PvP..., Something new for a change!



  • starcommando101starcommando101 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    paxottoman wrote: »

    Then queue up. Get others to queue up. Build a team.

    Then ask for stuff. Otherwise you aren't going to even get a glimpse of what you want.

    That's been the message, and has always been the message by the Devs. Don't forum pvp. Cryptic/PWE only responds to investments into areas of high density of players.

    PvE has lots of players, they get the goodies
    PvP has hardly any players, they get less attention.

    It's how it's been and always will be, unless you get others to use this portion of the game (pvp) showing them a lucrative future to invest into.

    I hope you understand.

    -PaxOttomana of Turkish RP Heroes.

    Good sir as I have stated before, how do you know I am not already queuing? I stay queued in between helping my fleet mates considering I am a fleet leader. But other than that, I stay in the queues.
    The Average PvP player
    1) Teamwork and timing is #1
    2) You cannot "Kirk It" in every ship
    3) You are going to die, just get back up
  • robuillerobuille Member Posts: 48 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    ..., and this last page and a half of posts on this thread have been off topic, trolling and an attempt to sabotage what this thread is trying to accomplish. We all know who on this thread has been doing nothing but rehashing the same thing and trolling..., let him post, but ignore it so we can all get back to the topic of creative ideas for revitalizing PvP. Indulging the same repetive **** is only helping him accomplish his intent, which is to start an argument on every thread I post to get it shut down.

    If you feel like you can't leave his comments alone..., report him. Actually, just report him if you can ignore him. Play it by the books. The more people that ignore this blatant sabotage and report abuse on this thread, the more likely the moderators will take notice and start removing his posts and start awarding him infractions for abusing our community. But otherwise ignore him and any others who are just attempting to divert our attention from the purpose set out in this thread.

    Come on peeps..., bring the creativity and excitement back to this thread. I want to hear the things you all like about the idea..., improvements you might have for it..., or just plain old new creative things we want the devs to do to expand our PvP. :)
  • virusdancervirusdancer Member Posts: 18,687 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    robuille wrote: »
    or just plain old new creative things we want the devs to do to expand our PvP. :)

    An event - one of those doohickeys that last an hour - where the outcome of the particular fights can change the face of the map. Areas can shift between Fed and KDF control depending on which side wins the most battles. The more battles that a side wins compared to the other, the more the map shifts.

    The PvE folks can't complain about it - because they have to acknowledge that there are two sides that have historically been back and forth at war. It's a part of what's gone on in the Star Trek Universe off and on for centuries... they can participate or they can sit outside the zone and spam for DIRP to get to their mission areas.
  • robuillerobuille Member Posts: 48 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    An event - one of those doohickeys that last an hour - where the outcome of the particular fights can change the face of the map. Areas can shift between Fed and KDF control depending on which side wins the most battles. The more battles that a side wins compared to the other, the more the map shifts.

    The PvE folks can't complain about it - because they have to acknowledge that there are two sides that have historically been back and forth at war. It's a part of what's gone on in the Star Trek Universe off and on for centuries... they can participate or they can sit outside the zone and spam for DIRP to get to their mission areas.

    Love that idea! I've been wanting that since I got on man. They used to have a system like that over on SW Galaxies before it shut down and I absolutely LOVED that particular aspect of their PvP system. The system was slightly different than the one you're suggesting, but basically warzones like Ker'rat and Otha were staging grounds for mass PvP battles that decided the fate of the system. Not sure if I remember it correctly since it has been years since I played that game, but I think it had an event timer that roamed from warzone to warzone in succession so that there was always a place at least one planet open for total all out war at all times. Not sure what the deciding factor was for a faction to claim the territory, but when it was over the winning side earned more marks than the losing side and the system being disputed would either change hands to another faction or remain held by the current controlling faction. The marks that players earned would then go towards getting the coolest gear in the game. Imagine if we had a few sector blocks set aside for that..., lets say the two neutral zones? Perhaps frontier space at the federation/cardassian border? That concept alone would expand PvP content in this game a hundred fold in new maps for battlegrounds alone! And good lord the possibilities that come with it for new scenarios and objectives. Thanks for that man. I sincerely appreciate the contribution.

    Oh, and I really like the enter zone at your own risk concept..., something to remind us veteran players that the tone that is supposed to be set for the game is that the Federation is under impossible pressure and at war on EVERY border! In most other MMO's there are places that underskilled or lower level players DARE NOT GO! It adds so much more excitement when players are constantly confronted with the dangerous reality of the backstory and premise of those games. Dude, you got my vote for that!
  • robuillerobuille Member Posts: 48 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Oh, and good call on the diplomatic immunity/raiding party suggestion too. It add more significance than just a speed buff to being an ambassador/marauder. And seriously, how hilarious would it be when a Commander lvl player runs out of his hour in a warzone sector block. :D Hell, I'd purposely make the mistake just for the fun of being digitally self destructive! :D:D:D
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