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  • its 50 guys in a basement running this, for what they have they do amazingly well, it is kind of a surprise that cbs doesn't hire more peps to work with them but hey it is what it is, just kill time until the oblivion mmo comes out or someone does a real star trek mmo
  • 30%of my income and volunteer work with my disabled child's school....you?
  • War, disease, famine, run rampant over the planet we are destroying with our greed. thousand of people starve to death each day while world hunger and poverty grows at a alarming rate. Star Trek Online is Offline....this **** just got real.
  • l lol i like this guy
  • let clarify this all up here. yes escorts are extremely overpowered, yes capitol ships need to be buffed or simply removed from the game. no not all cruisers are obsolete . no that i have said that let me say this. there is no, abosolutly no federation cruiser in the game period that can out damage or out dps or out pvp…
  • dont waste ur money friend the andorains all suck, way to squishy to be effective and they are nerfing the andorain special weapons, not at all worth the cot, trust me, i know i was one of the suckers who bought the bundle, i want my money back.
  • ............milking the cow, TRIBBLE customers over, allowing fleets like starfleet special forces omega divison and thier nub leader contiue on with thier bs, this game is most definatly not run by blizzard and is in fact luck blizz dont jump up make a similar game of its own, if they did this would shut down over night…
  • DO NOT JOIN starfleet special forces omega divison. your members will lose all rank. thier leaders only log in twice a day to remove anyone who disagrees with them, or que a base project, meanwhile the members do all the recuitng, and all of the work on base projects. as a former member with 4 million in contributions i…
  • ..whatever you do do NOT join up with Starfleet special forces omega divison, bunch of kids, newbs, and they are all but leaderless, guy logs in once a day to make sure everyone is running groups he should be doing and contributing to ''his'' base.
  • Are you going to offer refunds to those of use already in full andorain who would never have purchased them at all if they was not equal or better than most mkxii? or am i just out the 140,0000 dilithium that could have gone to a starbase or zen? Now im going to be stuck with some underpowered weapons thatI will again have…
  • PVP is a JOKE in this game. It is the most in balanced circus I have ever seen in a mmo. First cruisers outdated, no need or room for them at all. Second tac captains just lay down and die the new generation of exploitation is here. Now come the engineers and sci captains flying jem attack ships or fleet escort.…
  • D not be jelous of 5 forward faceing weapons, due to the power drain, and slow fire rate of the wing cannons this ship hit no harder than anyother escort. If your use the tacticla version good luck paper tiger with a in effective boff layout. Also the survival overal on any of these ships absolutly sucks. Combine this with…
  • hry its great your improveing the andorain's toys. BUT WHO CARES? serious players dont use the consoles, they no matter what you guys do are not worth giveng up normal armor , rcs, or field gens. That said lets break it down to the base ship. When if ever are you guys going to fix this thing. The shields SUCK, the hull,…
  • Dude quit whining about KDF ships seriously. I play both factions and i can assure you anything KDF far exceeds federation for quality. Perfect example would be the kdf command cruiser vrs the odesy, command cruisers wins hands down. And why are you whining about feds getting a andorain? As one of the SUCKERS who bought…
  • the anforian is no where near as viable as a fleet patrol or fleet advanced the shield and hull mod combined with higher turn realy sets you at a disadvantage, and 5 dhc isnt all u would think.....i want my money back
  • My question is for a bundle pack why is the ship just overall patheticaly weak. no matter what you do you can not get around the fact any jem attack ship, fleet advanced escort, or even a fleet patrol has higher survival and more dps.....so whats the point........???? i want my money back!
  • also the only reason the foundry exists in the first place is Cryptic is to small of a company to add real content to the game. Look at the maps, all perfect rectangles. They are simply to lazy to add content of their own so they give players the ability to make up their own using stock npcs and items.
  • To the changes in the foundry I say this. make up your minds already please or remove the dang thing from the game. Second the only, let me say that again ONLY reason to take fleet marks out of investigate officer report is to slow yes SLOW fleet down. A rather common factor among mmos realy find any way you can to slow…
  • Before you post something acting like you have a clue please check the ship...The fleet advanced does not have a uni ensign .....
  • If i sold cars for a livng, but every car i sold only ran part of the time, and had major issues at every turn, could i expect the consumer to buy thier next car from me? how then can you ask use, paying customers to stand by? this is not the first or last issue the game has had. burn me once shame on you...burn me twice…
  • and again here we go with server issues, was on playing fine until 10 mins ago and now can not get back in. This is what the Star Trek legacy has come to? This is your customer service, consider me another cancelled account as i am sick and tierd of the endless bugs, and problems of this game, and further more i will never…
  • After reading the many post on this problem, and realizing the issue is not local but global I began to search for a reasonable connection to the issue. It seems that Wifi and or dsl customers can get in just fine , but those with a hard cable connection cannot...........is this a pattern or am I just seeing things?
  • I see by the string this seems to be a global problem ac-crossed a lot of different internet providers. Not sure if my information being posted would do much good but i can tell you im in the far northerner part of New England if that helps. I do not have any other internet problems at all and my provider assures me it is…
  • anybody else have the song lyrics ''Take the money and run''...playing over and over in thier mind?
  • so im not the only one unable to access the servers in any way, well strangely that makes me feel slightly better but not to much better , geuss instead of playing i might as well do some ...ugh work
  • sir i still cannot get past the launcher. i am not techincally inclined and cannot post the information you ask for. is this a cryptic issue that needs to be fix or am i doing somthing wrong here. i have restarted reset my ip and made failed attempt to phone supprt. is there a way to get in contact with a customer support…
  • do you guys have any plans to introduce a fleet odey at some point in time? i ask because when a fleet excelsior flies up next to me with higher hull and shields its relay annoying considering they are 1/4 the size and about 200 years older. ''The pinicale of star fleet design'' the flagship... shouldn't it be more than a…
  • .........the question is ...how much better should'nt we be able to see if it would make that much improvement when the silithium cost is out ragously high? it takes a full 4 days per pice ..times 3 thats 12 days or refineing to get the set....a set we have noidea if its any better in terms of practical use over the…
  • tac team 1 cannon rapid fire 1 attack pattern omega 1 attack pattern omega 3 tac team 1 torp spread 2 can rapid fire 2 transefer shield stregth 1 emergancy to shields 1 rsp 1 hazzard emitors 1 tractor beam repulsers 1 never underestimate the power of attack pattern omega.....ever