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What is the Arc Client?
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raviolilover Arc User



  • if you equip it with the universal saucer seperation console from the galaxy class retrofit ship, the star drive section when seperated becomes a fast,incredibly nimble attack ship capapable of out turning ANY cruiser and a lot of escort ships. not to mention the saucer section keeps and does fire the phaser lance, not to…
  • you need to go to perfect world, then your account after signing in,then character transfer to copy tribble to your account. good luck though, arcs been blocking everyone from getting into the site.
  • I'm wondering if the site got TRIBBLE by a disgruntled jerk that may have been banned or something or looking for easy credits or the like.
  • I also don't particularly like arc,lately every time i've tried to get to perfect world website an arc pop up blocks me and redirects me to the arc site when my buisness must be taken care of on perfect world, whats up with that? i need to get to perfect world to add tribble to an account, arc prevents me from so much as…
  • Im having the same issue, i can get to the logging into server window after the usual wait but get the unable to connect to log in server after about a minute.
  • My worst was oddly, the conduit. Seemed i got stuck with a bunch that didnt have a clue how to moniter their shields or wepons power and kept getting killed fast. When it came to defense,i was pretty much on my own and had to deal with whine about this, complain about that the whole time. The worst was one individual*who…
  • One thing i'de like to see in the revamp is the the origional series federation dreadnaught cruiser added into the federation ship lineup. I've seen it twice in the origional series but only twice briefly, it looked like a rougha and ready ship.
  • i seem to have bad experiences regularly,half the rooms i'm in i seem to be the supporting ship that's doing the hard work while everyone else either muddles about or just plain don't know what to do. Last one i was in i had to destroy all 3 cubes myself.(cure found) while the lame braines were all busy trying to defend…