There's a Gorn captain of a Federation Starship from the 29th century in game but at that point both the Klingon Empire and the Romulan Republic have joined the Federation so......
in terms of the game storyline/uniform guide Starfleet officers of Captain rank wear white,red and black but obviously you can wear whatever you want.
Hmmm I didn't think I would be able to take advantage of this but appartenly there's a gamer café in Liverpool that stocks them so will have to have a look!
Sorry if I misread your post but we already have a T6 Galaxy called the Andromeda Class and the T6 Galaxy Dread is the Yamato Class,but if you're asking if they could release the bundle again then I don't see why not but probably only a T6 bundle.
None at the moment,consoles are slowly getting ships that PC players already have.I honestly wouldn't expect any new ships for at least a month, probably two
Not sure if it's still free but I got mine from the downloadable content section on the PS Store,just go to the Star Trek Online page and it might still be there....What console are you using?
Europe is sort of weird when it comes to game releases, I think it's Wednesday for France,Thursday for most of the EU and Friday for the UK and Ireland..........yeah talk about confusing (and not to mention EA games coming out on Thursdays in Europe)
Well my thoughts on the film are that it wasn't as good as the first one, Brent Spiner was just simply amazing in it but I felt the side stories were sort of pointless,still a good film though.
Just played it overall excellent mission (as always) I did notice though at the briefing Lt Juraez (or something!) seemed to have mastered the art of levitation!
I am definitely going to grind out both the ground sets for the armour and the space sets to outfit one of my temporal starships I will get (unsure which actual ship to buy yet)
the T5 ones should be able to be upgraded to T5-U as they're C-Store ships However if you own the old ships and their T6 version like the ranger and paladin then you can use the old skin if you wish to.
You can take a look at the upcoming ships here The Cross faction ships though are Federation ships from the 31st century so don't know if that bothers you or not. As for other ships I quite like the Andromeda and the Science…