Aye, i second this in its entirety. Very happy that all seems to be 'business as normal' and hope that, at least for the workforce, that doesn't change anytime soon. Someone posted that.. The optimist in them is hopeful things will work out, while the pessimist is worried it won't. While we are unlikely to see no change at…
i don't think anyone is denying that grouping up isn't a good proposition Val, they are simply stating that it doesn't help when, for whatever reason, you are unable too do so. you seem to be trying very hard to discount other folks individual experience of trying to group up under certain constraints, because your…
so what i'm reading here is.. many of these ground changes seem to be things that wont overly impact, for better or worse, pve/solo game play on pc? which by my minuscule powers of speculative reasonlity, lead me to the confusion that.. we all the pc-hamsters, are churning the training wheels, for changes that would seem…
i was in the badlands last night and i kid you not, had the warp happen 2 many times to give a number, at 1 point is was occurring on pretty much every other ability activation, while the other player i was with, didn't experience it once. "it makes no sense.. there is no tactical pattern to these things.. but there must…
also cool seeing something that really benefits from the strength of all 3 classes.. and what a great way for the devs to gather data too. very win win!
aye for sure :D the potential scope with this design is great, very nice to see a ground map event, and i'm confident the console players will be happy to see it too.
got to round 40 in ~2hrs, was actually the best fun i have had with a pug group in forever (not that i ever want to run it for that long again.. ever ever!!) even our '35 round' afk player added something to the humour.. we declared the afker MVP before we quit group.. so hopefully they will have a laugh when they get back…
eek, it was bad enough being limited to [x] number of players, even with the increase in occurrence we were seeing, it did appear to be triggered by our activity/buffs/group buffs/abilities or the such. but if this is now started to proliferate out through npc's.. that is an entirely different thing all together. i really…
i sometimes have this happen 4 or 5 times in quick succession, and it pretty much happens every time i'm in combat now.. mission or group.. it really is beyond a joke, and sucking away my will to play.
ahh, i thought i recognised the tone of op's narrative, it is very similar to something i hear frequently elsewhere, where the idea of true equality its bastardised into something that pushes an ideology of holding back, or dragging down, those who work hard to better and advance their *interest/hobby/job* in order to…
they put some really solid work into the fine details with the new gorn ships.. they provide some of the best canvass, for showing off 'any' of the rep set visuals, and are a most welcome addition to the kdf fleet. i sincerely hope they sell well enough, to encourage cryptic to consider an Orion pack.. would be a perfect…
i do hope they can resolve this sooner rather than later.. i'm not sure if its just a lessening in my tolerance for the bug, or an increase in its frequency, but damn.. its getting exponentially more annoying with each passing play session.
i don't mind the split screen, had a morris minor or 2 in my youth. not been on the traingle's bridge yet, but when i do, i hope to find the controls positioned.. as in your picture.. correctly!!
Exactly ^ i cant understand how someone can look at a busy queue within a game, a game that has many dead queues, and conclude that the best thing for it, is to remove said queue except for 'events' once upon a time a pastry chef sat smiling to himself... 'wow, these piped biscuits sell right out the oven, folks almost…
it would appear he is having flashbacks to the recent drug binge, and is once again pretending to be klingon.. in all fairness though, he does do a killer impersonation of j'mpok.
ok so basically what you are saying is, you two set the standard, and are responsible for the level of content in AOY? lol That is all well and good.. however, the question wasn't what did you achieve, but... was this faction at least equal to LoR? and the answer is no (at least I hope that was this thread?) aside from…
maybe worth remembering the real issue folks had with delta.. was the changes they made to xp.. up until that point everyone was loving it! also may be worth having a look at my posting history before throwing the troll hammer.. i look at things as they are. you can say what you like.. but in balance, no matter how you cut…
i wonder how many players only needed to hear "we are doing TOS" before opening their wallets and throwing money at the screen? nothing wrong with that of course, its folks money to do with what they like lol, but at what point do you sit and think "hang on, i literally do not care what the level of quality or level of…
we have a winner.. you are clearly the target audience for whom this "expansion" was designed. players happy to spend money on some looks, another fine example of how star barbie this star trek game has become. which is why pwe can cash in on the 50th anniversary so easily, adding no playable content of comparable quality…
so they wanted to encourage new players to the game, by greatly reducing their starting options, while providing something that looks very dated compared to the old start of the game? how exactly is that meant to be encouraging to 'new' players? this was nothing more than a blatant money grab, from current players, for the…