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pissycuta Arc User



  • Well considering it's been "out" a while and still no statement or "hey sorry for the typo" it looks like it's more of an intentional mistake... i was actually considering buying it... but 50% is not 50 euros... and given the similarity in the "oopsie" it looks more like false advertising... not sure how it is in the US…
  • Here's to an interesting sequel to Voyager's trip through the Delta Quadrant in #DeltaRising
  • Although reading the forums alot, i avoided posting or getting involved most of the time, but in the hopes that Mr. Smirk was actually truthful and the devs will pay attention to the large, very large i would dare say, majority in regards to the Galaxy i will post my thoughts too. The Galaxy is probably one of the most…
  • From your first 2 pics you are using the wrong engines to start with.... You have 2 pieces from the MACO set from before as you said, however when you made the 3rd from rep system you made the ADAPTED MACO part, which is a totally OTHER set to begin with... they will NEVER "see" each other. On the Adapted Omega set…
  • First of all thank you, but i would require a bit of clarification on this event. Mr. Branflakes you said the item(s) will be account unlock, does this mean that once claimed on one character they will act as real zen purchases, account wide unlock forever, including newly created characters? Or is a 1 day account unlock…
  • Add to the list of problems (from an Infected ESTF experience after which i just closed the game seeing how much they ruined the carrier) Pets in question are Elite Birds of Prey. 1) Pets vanish at random - not sure if "too far" would be the same issue here as they were 8km away from me. 2) Pets totally ignore commands -…
  • Add to the list of problems (from an Infected ESTF experience after which i just closed the game seeing how much they ruined the carrier) Pets in question are Elite Birds of Prey. 1) Pets vanish at random - not sure if "too far" would be the same issue here as they were 8km away from me. 2) Pets totally ignore commands -…
  • It's not just a KDF issue, cannot purchase either Elite Mesh Weavers or Elite JHAS pets, even if i own the required ships... the said pets are just greyed out. I would appreciate if a Dev would at least acknowledge the issue or tell us how to fix it or if it's being fixed.
  • A BIG thanks again to NoP for their pets and and an equally BIG thanks to House of Snoo for their access to elite weapons! Keep it up people i see greedy trolls turning to stone at every corner already!
  • Congratulations again to Nerds of Prey for their accomplishments! On the contrary to all the trolls around and all the spammers from the greedy competition, i have been treated very business-like by NoP. The only issue is trying to get the invite while all the HOBO like ppl are spamming the representatives of NoP. Once on…
  • I would like to know if anyone found a solution to this bug? as OP said it's getting annoying.... Each time i login or swap maps i get Joined channel Zone, Joined Channel Fleet, Left channel Fleet.... can't see anything typed in Fleet or select Fleet from the chat drop down box... and i tried the /Fleet command which…
  • Any ETA on the fix please?
  • Think Mr. Shinzon nailed the issue :D NO you don't get 10 consoles you get 7, because those special consoles are mostly worthless with high cooldown. "Their is no law that says you HAVE to use all 3 consoles just because they come with the ships. With the special abilities come choices, some harder than others but that's…
  • Wrong, because you have no way of knowing until you actually have the ship(s), now if they put all these nice bundles on Tribble and let me and the other ppl like me test everything in an enviroment that doesn't require 3 hours to start an STF and the like i'll be happy to check and test in advance. @darkhorse281: A small…
  • @dracounguis: Indeed :D @msk5: I'm fine with that, i have an even better idea, allow us to buy the 3 ship packs and the like for fleet modules, than i can make a choice if i use real life money, dilithium or ECs to buy them. @fmgtorres1979: No you don't have a choice, your example says it all, you removed the separation…
  • But isn't that like saying buy this for hell lot of zen, but you won't be able to use it? Then i ask the question why buy a 5 tac console ship if you can only use 2 if you want to survive? Or why pay so much for a ship / ships which actually make you be worse (with less usable consoles) than the person that uses a normal…
  • Romulan flagship (quote from memory-alpha) The flagship lead the Romulan forces at the Battle of Cardassia, where it was destroyed by Dominion forces during a heavy assault that saw the Romulan lines collapse. (DS9: "What You Leave Behind") The flagship was identified as being the D'ridthau in an early draft of "What You…
  • What's that video supposed to show? How you troll yourself? Max power to shields, tank build, 40 or so weapon power, firing 2 turrets while just running and healing... yup i can see a real tank with real dps... :D Please make a video like that from CEE or ESTF, i bet the tac cube will upload the video named Troll-killing a…
  • I'd have to agree with what others said, it's the ship same as with the Kumari. Now because you are praising the said player so much, he did as you said 900k damage... and got 32 kills... WOW... divide that... oh wait he did 28000 damage per kill... either you all were in shuttles, never healed... or he just got the lucky…
  • And to that statement i can only say that doesn't mean the scimitar is not bugged or badly designed, from canon it's supposed to be a predator... so far every scimitar i encountered that can actually "survive" in an STF and the like had like 2-3 tactical consoles and they got out aggro-ed by me in a fleet dhelan with 5…
  • Sorry but i have to agree with the original poster, something is wrong... before the increase in rewards i think i did the hunt like 4 times and got 3 eggs.... after the patch i did the hunt like 25-30 times and no egg....
  • I know this is feedback thread but i am sorry to say i am doubting more and more i will purchase this pack, while i have the money ready so to say and i was planning on getting it, the feedback i see is highly disappointing. I have already been disappointed once with the kumari line, but at least that you advertised as a…
  • Any reason why cannon builds are favored in this case? You can get dual cannons and turrets and DBB if you don't use a torpedo.... Now i fly a Recluse, the weapons seemed intresting till i realized there are no BEAMS, so what i'll put some random tetryon in the back and 3 DBBs upfront? Put a standard beam array as reward…
  • Currently 152 of 7927, very nice :D been like this for more then 30 minutes.... it's getting ridiculous and frustrating....
  • i've been at 152 out of 560 for like 20 minutes or more... at least now it's 152 out of 3225 :D
  • wow from 12 to 13... Can we have an explanation why this is called an ESCORT? Turn rate of a fast cruiser, boff layout of a cruiser, consoles like a fleet excelsior... At least make that lt.cmdr a uni slot....
  • Only thing is, not everyone is an engy... AND we already have Galor, D'kora and some countless cruisers and the Ambassador on the way... so yes, we REALLY needed more cruisers... at least call it Sort-of Cruiser Carrier... not Heavy Escort....
  • I sure hope that the bridge officer layout on the JH HEC is a typo... or the new motto will be "retreat is life!" :D As a suggestion though in general and especially if you want to make ppl be more intrested in buying lockbox ships, how about you make the layouts like the bird of prey? all universal stations, so players…
  • I must agree that i've been eagerly waiting the JH HEC myself, now not so much... or not at all... PLEASE reconsider that BOFF layout, it's called an ESCORT heavy CARRIER not a CRUISER, in essence it's as "low" as the temporal destroyer, which i have and used with cmdr. tac and lt. tac and only do like half the damage i…
  • Well i'll answer you: 1st because not everyone cares of PVP 95% don't give 2 cents on PvP and if you want PvP then adapt to the situation instead of crying like a kid that some danubes tractor you, use polarize hull, use csv, use ts. 2nd have you ever done fleet defense? have you ever played the new Tau Dewa missions? Is…