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Suggestion: Special Consoles Slots

pissycutapissycuta Member Posts: 40 Arc User
I am not sure this is the right place to make this suggestion, so accept my apologies if i am using the wrong forum.

I know people will start complaining on "how OP" this is going to be before even reading and i doubt Cryptic takes player suggestions into account but at any rate here goes:

Please introduce a new "row" of console slots - Special Consoles - which would be available to pack ships or ships that have unique special consoles.
With the introduction of the warp cores it's obviously possible to add or modify existing ships.
The special console slots would vary between 1-3 console slots per ship and would only accept that ship special console or that pack special set consoles. (these slots would not allow any other console than the inherit ones from the said ship/ships, so in the case of an Odyssey they would take the chevron separation console and the rest, they would not allow any other console, not even universals)

Eg. Galaxy X would get 1 slot which could slot only the cloaking device
Kumari/Oddy/Bortas/Scimitar would get 3 that could only slot the 3 special consoles.

While some ppl will cry foul and OP, i think it is only fair to have it like this, it is not fair to make players pay 10000 zen and than be faced with a decision of either making your build as you like or sacrifice everything to use the consoles you already payed for.

It is all fine and dandy when we are talking 1 console and some built in abilities like let's say on the dkora with the missile barrage or the enhanced battle cloak of the B'rel... but on the pack ships it's getting ridiculous... Either take this suggestion into consideration Cryptic or enhance the number of consoles on all ships... what is the point in having so many consoles if we don't have space to use them? Consoles from sets, consoles from lobi's, consoles from lobi sets, consoles from reputation, universal consoles... And while more consoles slots might end up with an OPness factor, the set consoles are already there... we payed for those ships and those consoles... why do we need to sacrifice some other consoles from our builds just to be able to use the set consoles we payed for? Does that look fair?

In regards to the OPness factor of this suggestion... honestly this is not a MMORPG or the like where you go cry that player is op and cheating and has an advantage and if i die by him, he steals my gear and the like :P If you deem a ship/build/class OP in this game feel free to buy and use that said ship/build/class... More ppl buying "OP" stuff more money for Cryptic to keep this game alive, introduce new things and all that.
Post edited by pissycuta on


  • foundrelicfoundrelic Member Posts: 1,380 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Won't happen.

    The version unique consoles are meant to make you choose what you're going to slot.
  • tonyalmeida2tonyalmeida2 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I could see them possibly separating armor consoles from engineering consoles since besides RCS Accelerators the others are barely used and either house armor or universal consoles and to me I think that is a good idea as it would promote diversity.

    The idea of special console slots while possibly appealing is improbable to happen.
    pvp = small package
  • fmgtorres1979fmgtorres1979 Member Posts: 1,327 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    If i would like it? Obviously. Is it fair? Not so much.
    Most things are a matter of sacrifice to use something you like best or works for you. Can you imagine the Tactical Scimitar with the set bonus, plus the whole console slots?
  • pissycutapissycuta Member Posts: 40 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    But isn't that like saying buy this for hell lot of zen, but you won't be able to use it?
    Then i ask the question why buy a 5 tac console ship if you can only use 2 if you want to survive? Or why pay so much for a ship / ships which actually make you be worse (with less usable consoles) than the person that uses a normal or free ship?
    What's the point in all those rep consoles and universals and lobi consoles? We pay just to have them as we don't have slots to use them... and the solution apparently is to make a choice in what you use... fine then i choose not to spend more on lobis or set consoles i don't have space to use... if more will come to that conclusion we will see where STO ends up....
  • dracounguisdracounguis Member Posts: 5,358 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I posted the same thing on another thread yesterday not knowing someone made a thread about this. :D Great minds thinking alike and all that jazz...
    I had the same thought as the OP, you buy a bundle and get 3 consoles. So now your ship kinda feels like you only have 7 console slots to play with.

    I'd love to see where ships with special consoles have that "special" console slots. But those extra slots will only take the 3 specials from that ship.

    So for example... My Oddy would have it's 10 console slots and 3 more console slots that would only accept the Work-bees, Aquarius & Chevron Separation consoles.

    Sci Oddy...
    Eng [][][][]
    Sci [][][][]
    Tac [][]
    Special [][][]

    If I wanted some other ship's special console on my Oddy, it would have to go in the normal slots because it's not of my ship.

    This would really help some ships, like the Regent and Nebula, who have crappy or very specialized use consoles that no one wastes a slot on.
    Sometimes I think I play STO just to have something to complain about on the forums.
  • msk5msk5 Member Posts: 185 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Eh, I'd obviously like it, but I think it would have to be way limited in some way. Like only one per ship, max. Or only be able to retrofit your ship with one for an insane amount of fleet credits and ship modules.
  • fmgtorres1979fmgtorres1979 Member Posts: 1,327 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    pissycuta wrote: »
    But isn't that like saying buy this for hell lot of zen, but you won't be able to use it?
    Then i ask the question why buy a 5 tac console ship if you can only use 2 if you want to survive? Or why pay so much for a ship / ships which actually make you be worse (with less usable consoles) than the person that uses a normal or free ship?
    What's the point in all those rep consoles and universals and lobi consoles? We pay just to have them as we don't have slots to use them... and the solution apparently is to make a choice in what you use... fine then i choose not to spend more on lobis or set consoles i don't have space to use... if more will come to that conclusion we will see where STO ends up....
    No, It's saying you have a choice.
    For instance, on my Odyssey and MVAE I ended up removing the separation consoles because I wasn't using them frequently so it made no tactical sense keeping them. That way I equipped consoles that are "always in use".
    And what do you mean only use 2? My Scimitar uses the five tact consoles for weapons consoles. The set consoles were put on engineering and science slots. The next step is adjusting your tactics to what you choose. You are perfectly capable of surviving, as you get the secondary shields, you can do an alpha strike fully cloaked (and fire a few more rounds), etc... But obviously I didn't build it like that to park and "battleship-away" the war zone. I need to keep moving, and I only do (real) damage facing the enemy.
  • pissycutapissycuta Member Posts: 40 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    @dracounguis: Indeed :D

    @msk5: I'm fine with that, i have an even better idea, allow us to buy the 3 ship packs and the like for fleet modules, than i can make a choice if i use real life money, dilithium or ECs to buy them.

    @fmgtorres1979: No you don't have a choice, your example says it all, you removed the separation from the MVAM, why? Why did you buy the MVAM in the first place? Why would anyone buy a MVAM now? Without the console the fleet version is better, i can get that for ECs... so in essence you wasted 2500 ZEN... That's my whole point, the consoles aren't all that great to make up for the slot(s) you lose... so you end up using your normal day to day consoles and not the consoles you payed 5000 ZEN for...
  • fmgtorres1979fmgtorres1979 Member Posts: 1,327 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    pissycuta wrote: »

    @fmgtorres1979: No you don't have a choice, your example says it all, you removed the separation from the MVAM, why? Why did you buy the MVAM in the first place? Why would anyone buy a MVAM now? Without the console the fleet version is better, i can get that for ECs... so in essence you wasted 2500 ZEN... That's my whole point, the consoles aren't all that great to make up for the slot(s) you lose... so you end up using your normal day to day consoles and not the consoles you payed 5000 ZEN for...
    I get what you are saying, but in my particular case it ended up this way because the missions I was doing most make the separation completely unnecessary! It's a tactical choice. I was only doing STF's and Azure, so I have no use for ship separation. Even if I had a specific slot for the separation I would not be using it. I used to separate the ship while doing system patrols because I viewed those missions more in a RP perspective. The same with the Odyssey. I use the full Romulan Dreadnaught set on the Scimitar and I don't think I'll stop, and I use the disruptor cannon on my Bortasqu' as well. Each ship and playstyle I use make them usefull or not.
    But again, as I said from the start; if it were possible to get the set consoles without loosing slots it would be great, i just don't see it happening for balance issues.
  • edtheheroedthehero Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    pissycuta wrote: »
    While some ppl will cry foul and OP, i think it is only fair to have it like this, it is not fair to make players pay 10000 zen and than be faced with a decision of either making your build as you like or sacrifice everything to use the consoles you already payed for.

    It's not necessarily OP, but it's definitely just another way of cramming more stuff into the ships to squeeze even more DPS, tanking capacity, etc. It's unnecessary. Same goes for similar requests for armor slots and the like, IMO.

    Also, no one is making anyone pay 10,000 zen, or any amount, for any ship. Anyone who pays zen to buy ships, bundled or not, is supposed to know or find out what they're buying, including console limitations. More so those players that have some experience and already know the builds they like or want to try. If a ship won't work with the build you like, then you shouldn't buy it. Unfortunately, people nowadays just scram to buy C-store ships just because they're new and shiny, and then complain because they're not as good (for them) as expected.
    Captain Selek - Vulcan (TAC Lvl 50) - U.S.S. Chimera (Fleet Heavy Escort Carrier NCC-92810) / Captain Krell - Liberated Borg Klingon (TAC Lvl 50) - I.K.S. Nogh'Sar (Fleet Qin Heavy Raptor) / Commander Kel'ara Teerel - Romulan (ENG Lvl 50) - R.R.W. Silverhawk (Fleet T'Varo Light Warbird Retrofit) / Fed Fleet: Section 31 / KDF Fleet: Klingon Intelligence / Romulan Fleet (Fed): Romulan Intelligence / STO Handle: @ed583
  • darkhorse281darkhorse281 Member Posts: 256 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Another were not powerful enough yet thread. With the power creep we already have you want more? Exactly how easy do you want this game to be? I'm already tanking estf cubes with an Andorian escort with all 3 of its consoles. I cant imagine being able to slot my other consoles, then the ship just becomes indestructible. Not to mention the balance issue's we already have, 9 console slot ships(including z-store) are already obsolete and the vet ship is in the same boat as it only has 9 slots but has a special console, should we do this with 10 console slot ships as well and make only the bundled z-store ships viable? Its time for people to start using their brains in this game and actually choose a ship that fits their play style then build the ship to its strengths.

    Lock Box ships - 10 slots plus 2 special consoles, now less viable than bundled ships with 12 slots max yeah I can see people being happy about that

    Mirror Ships/other free or Dil ships - already obsolete only 9 slots and no specials, might as well stick these in the bone yard

    Single Z-store ships - 9 slots one special console, already obsolete unless you get the fleet versions, put it in the bone yard with this threads idea as max slots would be 11, bundled ships win out again

    Z-store bundle ships - With this idea you now have 13 console slots and basically become GOD.
  • pissycutapissycuta Member Posts: 40 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    edthehero wrote: »
    Also, no one is making anyone pay 10,000 zen, or any amount, for any ship. Anyone who pays zen to buy ships, bundled or not, is supposed to know or find out what they're buying, including console limitations. More so those players that have some experience and already know the builds they like or want to try. If a ship won't work with the build you like, then you shouldn't buy it. Unfortunately, people nowadays just scram to buy C-store ships just because they're new and shiny, and then complain because they're not as good (for them) as expected.

    Wrong, because you have no way of knowing until you actually have the ship(s), now if they put all these nice bundles on Tribble and let me and the other ppl like me test everything in an enviroment that doesn't require 3 hours to start an STF and the like i'll be happy to check and test in advance.


    A small flaw in your plan "Mirror Ships/other free or Dil ships - already obsolete only 9 slots and no specials, might as well stick these in the bone yard", errr.... oh look bundled ships 10 slots 3 specials => 7 usable consoles... who should be in the bone yard?

    As for "I'm already tanking estf cubes with an Andorian escort with all 3 of its consoles." i know "you are strong, you look for things that make you go, and the borg didn't use their crimson torpedo on you yet", apart from that i have my doubts you are "tanking" more to the point you are killing the cube fast before it takes you out, most likely by using all buffs and RSP and the like, so yes you can "tank" once every 3 minutes, or you do so little damage that you are not the threat target or are running like some other ppl with a scimitar with 1-2 tactical consoles, they can tank well :D

    The base point however... who should be in the bone yard? The ship with 9 consoles, or the ship with 7?
  • kyeto13kyeto13 Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Even as a Vesta Captain, I can see this as overpowered. There is a reason you have a to choose between the the 3-pack consoles or regular consoles. That is how you balance the ships while still having them be awesome enough to sell. Sure, I can have my perfect shield, and the Fermion Generator and the Quantum focused Phaser attack, but then I loose out on some basic stats bonus i could be getting form gear. So either I get cool buttons, or the tougher ship. Balance....

    Sure, I would LOVE to have the Vesta consoles built into my ship for free. However, it won't be balanced for the game and would destroy what little balacne we have. Either EVERY ship would have to have an extra three slots which min-maxers would use for more tac consoles. Or, you would make it "Zen" console slots only meaning that you would have to put money into the game to fully kit out your ship, which in principle undoes the very premise of "You dont have to pay a dime to be competitive at End Game".

    No No and No.

    You want your cool powers. You have to pay a price for them.
    Live on Earth. Work in Space. Play with Dragons. Join the best add on to STO, the Neverwinter holodeck program! Only 14 GPL a month.
  • omegashinzonomegashinzon Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    kyeto13 wrote: »
    Even as a Vesta Captain, I can see this as overpowered. There is a reason you have a to choose between the the 3-pack consoles or regular consoles. That is how you balance the ships while still having them be awesome enough to sell. Sure, I can have my perfect shield, and the Fermion Generator and the Quantum focused Phaser attack, but then I loose out on some basic stats bonus i could be getting form gear. So either I get cool buttons, or the tougher ship. Balance....

    Sure, I would LOVE to have the Vesta consoles built into my ship for free. However, it won't be balanced for the game and would destroy what little balacne we have. Either EVERY ship would have to have an extra three slots which min-maxers would use for more tac consoles. Or, you would make it "Zen" console slots only meaning that you would have to put money into the game to fully kit out your ship, which in principle undoes the very premise of "You dont have to pay a dime to be competitive at End Game".

    No No and No.

    You want your cool powers. You have to pay a price for them.


    I can't even begin to think all the problems this would cause. What he's basically asking is for built in "super-buffs" and weapons + 10 consoles.
    If your post is anything like, "I have a sandwich so you can't be starving" it's time to rethink posting. ~thlaylierah
    So realistically, you only need to have the exact number of doffs that you need. ~leadme2kirk
  • darkhorse281darkhorse281 Member Posts: 256 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    pissycuta wrote: »
    Wrong, because you have no way of knowing until you actually have the ship(s), now if they put all these nice bundles on Tribble and let me and the other ppl like me test everything in an enviroment that doesn't require 3 hours to start an STF and the like i'll be happy to check and test in advance.


    A small flaw in your plan "Mirror Ships/other free or Dil ships - already obsolete only 9 slots and no specials, might as well stick these in the bone yard", errr.... oh look bundled ships 10 slots 3 specials => 7 usable consoles... who should be in the bone yard?

    As for "I'm already tanking estf cubes with an Andorian escort with all 3 of its consoles." i know "you are strong, you look for things that make you go, and the borg didn't use their crimson torpedo on you yet", apart from that i have my doubts you are "tanking" more to the point you are killing the cube fast before it takes you out, most likely by using all buffs and RSP and the like, so yes you can "tank" once every 3 minutes, or you do so little damage that you are not the threat target or are running like some other ppl with a scimitar with 1-2 tactical consoles, they can tank well :D

    The base point however... who should be in the bone yard? The ship with 9 consoles, or the ship with 7?

    Point defense and/or scatter volley render the borg HY torp irrelevant. Yeah I use rsp and eps that's what they are their for, I even use attack patterns:eek:. As for their only being 7 console slots you are incorrect you still have 10 you just have to pick and choose which specials you want. Their is no law that says you HAVE to use all 3 consoles just because they come with the ships. With the special abilities come choices, some harder than others but that's part of what suppose to make this game challenging.
  • omegashinzonomegashinzon Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Point defense and/or scatter volley render the borg HY torp irrelevant. Yeah I use rsp and eps that's what they are their for, I even use attack patterns:eek:. As for their only being 7 console slots you are incorrect you still have 10 you just have to pick and choose which specials you want. Their is no law that says you HAVE to use all 3 consoles just because they come with the ships. With the special abilities come choices, some harder than others but that's part of what suppose to make this game challenging.

    Yet another reason NOT to get the 3 packs... Just sayin.
    If your post is anything like, "I have a sandwich so you can't be starving" it's time to rethink posting. ~thlaylierah
    So realistically, you only need to have the exact number of doffs that you need. ~leadme2kirk
  • pissycutapissycuta Member Posts: 40 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Think Mr. Shinzon nailed the issue :D

    NO you don't get 10 consoles you get 7, because those special consoles are mostly worthless with high cooldown.

    "Their is no law that says you HAVE to use all 3 consoles just because they come with the ships. With the special abilities come choices, some harder than others but that's part of what suppose to make this game challenging. " That's a very funny statement, so the reason people spend money on this game is because they want to be nerfed and make the game harder... sorry i didn't know, i presume that you are one of those ppl that go to a 5 star high comfort hotel, pay 10000 $ for a night of accomodation and sleeps on the floor, because "you are strong" :P

    "You want your cool powers. You have to pay a price for them." While others don't pay a dime on this game and yet are more competitive, again very funny.

    In essence, the way it is now, it's not even canon, it's not even right... sorry if some of you just can't see it. I don't honestly recall any dialogue along the lines:

    Picard: Bridge crew report to the battle bridge, prepare for saucer separation!
    Data: Captain we cannot use the saucer separation for another 4 days, 15 hours, 23 minutes and 59 seconds.
    Riker: Sorry captain, we took the separation console off to make room for the warp core diagnostic unit.
    La Forge: Captain the separation unit will only be installed on tuesday!
  • darkhorse281darkhorse281 Member Posts: 256 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    pissycuta wrote: »
    Think Mr. Shinzon nailed the issue :D

    NO you don't get 10 consoles you get 7, because those special consoles are mostly worthless with high cooldown.

    "Their is no law that says you HAVE to use all 3 consoles just because they come with the ships. With the special abilities come choices, some harder than others but that's part of what suppose to make this game challenging. " That's a very funny statement, so the reason people spend money on this game is because they want to be nerfed and make the game harder... sorry i didn't know, i presume that you are one of those ppl that go to a 5 star high comfort hotel, pay 10000 $ for a night of accomodation and sleeps on the floor, because "you are strong" :P

    "You want your cool powers. You have to pay a price for them." While others don't pay a dime on this game and yet are more competitive, again very funny.

    In essence, the way it is now, it's not even canon, it's not even right... sorry if some of you just can't see it. I don't honestly recall any dialogue along the lines:

    Picard: Bridge crew report to the battle bridge, prepare for saucer separation!
    Data: Captain we cannot use the saucer separation for another 4 days, 15 hours, 23 minutes and 59 seconds.
    Riker: Sorry captain, we took the separation console off to make room for the warp core diagnostic unit.
    La Forge: Captain the separation unit will only be installed on tuesday!

    Now your just being childish......
  • tekehdtekehd Member Posts: 2,032 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I myself fly a ship with special consoles (actually I do so on 3 of my 4 accounts).... and I don't want this. The consoles are universal so you can already put them in any slot. The challenge is where to put them and what other consoles you want with the build. The console give you enhanced capacity, but such should still come at a price. on my scimitar I found sci consoles mostly useless, so I have the universals stacked there, which frees me up for eng and tac consoles for armor and stacked disruptor tac consoles. On my Klink bortasqu I have the three pack, but only outfit the tac and war consoles. The way it is now makes you sacrifice and think about your builds.... and that should not change by handing you fre console slots.
  • omegashinzonomegashinzon Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    pissycuta wrote: »

    In essence, the way it is now, it's not even canon, it's not even right... sorry if some of you just can't see it. I don't honestly recall any dialogue along the lines:

    Picard: Bridge crew report to the battle bridge, prepare for saucer separation!
    Data: Captain we cannot use the saucer separation for another 4 days, 15 hours, 23 minutes and 59 seconds.
    Riker: Sorry captain, we took the separation console off to make room for the warp core diagnostic unit.
    La Forge: Captain the separation unit will only be installed on tuesday!
    Now your just being childish......

    Is he really??? It's true, with weapons I can understand due to power issues, but with saucer sep? No more reason it should have a lengthy CD than launching pets. Which BTW should not be an infinite number. Why have a recall command or the ability to heal them if they are disposable? As far as it being a console and not built in ability.... this is one exception I could see. The engy ody could easily have a different set console and all odys include sauc sep. But this is splitting hairs, you still would'nt want a Vesta having all 3 consoles and their mega abilities + 10 regular consoles. That would just be nuts.
    If your post is anything like, "I have a sandwich so you can't be starving" it's time to rethink posting. ~thlaylierah
    So realistically, you only need to have the exact number of doffs that you need. ~leadme2kirk
  • o0kami87o0kami87 Member Posts: 590 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Not a good idea, the objects of these C-store ship are two fold; you like the look of the ship, or you like the special ability of a console. It was never meant to make a pay to win situation, the slow power creep is unfortunately having that effect but I do believe the dens will correct it. But not all of your idea is bad, let's take the special console part. How about all ships having a number of these based on your ships tier starting at 1 for starter ships and add one for each tier. That way you are limited to the number of "universal" consoles you can have on a ship, so if you own a ship pack that has three consoles for that ship and want to use all three of them then you have 3 slots for other "special" consoles that are not ship specific. Where as others like free 2 play members or those of us that want to use a ship that doesn't have all that fancy stuff have 6 (note you have 6 too, you just already picked 3 that you can swap out at your discretion)
    First, Vice Admiral, U.S.S. Wolf Pack-F, NX-101687-FFirst., Vice Admiral, A.R.W. Moon WolfWolf, I.K.S. Frost Bite
  • omegashinzonomegashinzon Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    o0kami87 wrote: »
    Not a good idea, the objects of these C-store ship are two fold; you like the look of the ship, or you like the special ability of a console. It was never meant to make a pay to win situation, the slow power creep is unfortunately having that effect but I do believe the dens will correct it. But not all of your idea is bad, let's take the special console part. How about all ships having a number of these based on your ships tier starting at 1 for starter ships and add one for each tier. That way you are limited to the number of "universal" consoles you can have on a ship, so if you own a ship pack that has three consoles for that ship and want to use all three of them then you have 3 slots for other "special" consoles that are not ship specific. Where as others like free 2 play members or those of us that want to use a ship that doesn't have all that fancy stuff have 6 (note you have 6 too, you just already picked 3 that you can swap out at your discretion)

    Well now, if ALL ships had 3 uni console slot, that would be something. Not sure how power creep would factor in but as long as all ships can do it, perhaps. Still think it's a bad idea, if for no other reason that it would widen the pvp newb v elite even gap more.
    If your post is anything like, "I have a sandwich so you can't be starving" it's time to rethink posting. ~thlaylierah
    So realistically, you only need to have the exact number of doffs that you need. ~leadme2kirk
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