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philiptodd Arc User



  • I expect that while season 10 will not solve the whole iconian situation, I do expect that at the end of this conflict we will discover that the group of Iconian's we've been fighting is not the whole of the Iconian race. Don't expect either that season 11 will have anything new or at least anything apparently new attached…
  • Oh, everyone knows that s10 will run as smoothly as a waxed sled on snow.
  • As was earlier posted, this is most likely because of season 9. It happened during the reveal of seasons 7 and 8. So as was advised earlier, give it a bit of time and it will go back to normal as people return to their normal routines and stop going to the same location all the time.
  • I have to agree, I have enjoyed playing a romulan. As one who loves to collect all of the different accolades that exist for characters, it makes this doubly fun as I seek to find out what differences exist for romulans who choose to side with the federation and those who side with the Klingons. Nearly all of what has been…
  • I want to make a point and mention that I truly love what s coming with LOR and think that it's been long in coming. Still I find that I have a complaint from an issue I found during the open testing. While I spent two hours in real time trying to play LOR during Tribble test weekend, I found that I spent nearly 30 minuets…
  • I expect that this unexpected maintenance has to do with the disconnects that have been taking place over all of their games. I don't believe this has anything to do with legacy. This doesn't mean they wont be taking the chance to prepare for legacy and strengthen when already exist before the release date.
  • the present fleet that I am a member of a fleet where your rank determines what provisions you have access to. Going up in rank has different types of requirements: 1 is either speaking in fleet speak or using the fleet team speak channel. (which is voice chat) 2 you provide to different types of station/embassy projects.…
  • Normally, I myself have little or no problem during this time of day. Yet today I found myself running with a message of server not responding (140.50s) I hadn't noticed anything wrong until I started playing a foundry mission. I first noticed that it started running slow and then, I would do something only to have the…
  • so from what you are saying, I am simply stuck with something I cannot use and will not be able to finish because I do not have a carrier in my group of ships. Well that kinda sucks
  • Since playing Star Trek online i've had more then a couple of ships either named from places or family names of importance. My most recent ship which is a Mirror Assault cruiser is named the U.S.S. Franklin Family name with all of its historical connections. :)
  • It seems to me that a bunch of what has been posted is more about why something should not be or how impossibly powerful it had to be, without anyone really taken the time to think that the best way to make these time ships a portion of the STO game would be as another portion of missions. Think about it?.we know that the…
  • I hit my first empty Borg attack yesterday while I was playing. I figured that it might have had something to do with the fact that they were getting ready for the move to season six through thier updates. I must admit to not responding to too many Borg alerts after reaching (50) Admiral. This being that after all of the…