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obeythenagus Arc User



  • This is really annoying had no choice but to do pve to get rep gear get the tiers up doing the same missions against AI`s again and again and again could pvp to get daily dil cap and never have to do them again at least for the dil cap, became choice where what gear / what marks now, have to do PVE , have no choice but to…
  • Way to kick us in the teeth cryptic, yeah we all have to do a bit of rep grind to get up the tiers and get the shinys, but the dil was nice, meant you could pvp all day and have a dil income and not have to do annoying pve missions you already done 1k times again and again and again. Now its like if i want a dil income I…
  • You would think the idea is to prevent a high energy need for the processors, so that consoles dont explode maiming and killing the crew members as soon as the ship gets tickled by phaser fire http://youtu.be/Bxy20bgot0Q?t=58s o wait..
  • <3 best post about why pvp is good, EVAR
  • Hating Neelix, is like hating Wesley Crusher, its fashion. They are two of the most likable characters in the star trek canon, but we know what hipsters think of anything likable..
  • Exactly, it would be a nice diversion. He could even set up a stall on Risa now we have easy access to and from the delta quadrant.
  • If they added Ferenginar to the game, they could put the lobi consortium headquarters there.
  • More Ferengi content would be good, a shame that we have no homeworld, while the Andorians do... A ground map like Bajor would be nice, perhaps with some missions, rain all the time and supply's purchasable with latinum rather than EC.
    in Ferengi Comment by obeythenagus May 2014
  • Yes, we could get a purple Talaxian chef doff for completion, it would be the most treasured doff ever. His foods could be added with a variety of ground buffs. His coffee could give you a willpower boost, as something was clearly making Janeway so strong headed, his foods could give a bonus health regen, the possibilities…
  • It wont fix "everything" thats true, but I was on Age of Conan when it had a similar problem of uber synergy teams dominating the arenas. Which put people off of entering the arenas, so rather than make 2 queues or have a matchmaking system, they simply removed the option to enter the queue in a team, and teams were semi…
  • As has already been pointed out, capture and hold requires a better team to do well than arena. Also it is empty. (fed v fed) its all empty. If you want a match arena is where you go, sometimes a good pug sometimes a bad, but even then its pretty empty sometimes. This is an international game yet most of the PvP queues are…
  • Lol I actually hate forums, but hell, lets do some replies. Am talking about bringing in new blood, which is something I often see people talk about on Opvp. And hell a lot of us prefer to pug due to the constraints of time / "get teamspeak or GTFO" ect ect. Hell sometimes a pug whups a premade. Its not about doing well or…
  • If its been discussed to death, why did we get a shuttle queue in the last update? but no other change? People who are against the idea I would say just want to get in 5 man `scort squads and sit there laughing on teamspeak while they dominate most pugs for easy quick dil. I doubt they would be against it due to caring how…