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nobadee Arc User



  • The launcher is still broke as TRIBBLE for me. Fails to initiate the game after hitting launch. Looks like I am uninstalling this trash.
  • My client is busted as well. Running it on 64bit Windows 7. I did a fresh install of the game today. Running as admin, added the client to all exceptions lists on my PC. It crashes immediately after hitting launch and I get no error messages. My client crashed multiple times during the download; so, red flags were going…
  • I noticed this as well. It has been slow for a long time; but, I just logged into DS9 a moment ago and it took several minutes. I literally made coffee while I was waiting for it to finish.
  • I feel your pain guys. I log in nearly every day and had no idea such a promotion existed. It wasn't until the day after it ended that I noticed it; when I was on the launcher and happened to notice the ad (which is still on there by the way). I find it a bit lame that I was actually in the game when it was going on and…
  • I haven't been there recently; thanks for checking it out. I'll run back there and run around soon.
  • I was both surprised and not surprised by the number of people that want to see this game fixed. Personally, I would have put overhauling in with fixing and re-balancing. There are so many things wrong with this game, that if fixed, would make it easier for players to consider long term investments in the game. I would…
  • Hanger bay pets are rather worthless in their current incarnation. Within about sixty seconds of combat all of my pets are dead, due to core breaches or they are trying to play catch up with me. It's almost like having a fifth wheel. On top of this, hanger bay types are worthless and almost never used. Cryptic really needs…
  • It's a plot hole, stop trying to fill it with fluff. lol
  • Sad too, I missed out on the weekend double XP event, because I couldn't get anything done. I was hoping they would extend it; but, that didn't happen. =/
  • Pretty much this. It's a no true Scotsman fallacy. Who is to say the Romulan Republic are not real Romulans? They are all Romulans by race and they still have their Romulan culture, they just happen to not be murderous psychopaths like Sela. That isn't a cultural issue, as much as it is a personality issue. If Sela wasn't…
  • I gave it a 3; I didn't dislike it. It was full of "hu?" moments, however, when you compare it to the Star Trek IP in general, it's pretty much on par. No really, you cannot sit here and tell me that Star Trek is not riddled with inconsistencies, absurd plots and bad narratives. The entire mirror universe and virtually…
  • He was his mother from another other.
  • Only the Galaxy-X is classified as a dreadnought. Why it is classified as one is beyond me? Historically battleships (particularly during WWII) were bigger, faster and had more firepower than their outdated predecessors, the dreadnought class battleships. Though I have often seen the terms battleship and dreadnought used…
  • Exactly! This whole "because feelings" treatment needs to stop right now. This character has been an irritating antagonist to the entire galaxy. She can feel bad on death row.
  • This times a million. Cryptic really needs to wake up to the idea that this is a role-playing game and that god modding players into horribly awkward positions is the kind of thing that makes people not care about their stories. It was clear almost the entire time on Iconia, that she was going to spill blood no matter what…
  • And to think, before Delta Rising, I deleted a few alts, because I felt like they were too much of a time sink. ha! Just dealing with the excessive list of post 50 treadmills on one character is soul destroying. I thought the Apexis dailies in WoW were awful, then I came back to STO and realized; "hmm, maybe they weren't…
  • I am on the boat with leaving the V'ger story where it should have been left, back in the 70s. Why does everything interesting or mysterious need to be explained away until it becomes cheesy? What made TMP so appealing was that it left a lot of questions at the end, that didn't actually ask to be answered. Star Trek could…
  • This admiralty system sounds oddly similar to the shipyard on WoW; which, was a huge success! No, actually it was an utter failure and was rejected by the vast majority of the community. Wouldn't it be fun if your ships were completely destroyed if they failed their mission; especially if you had a 96% chance of success?…
  • i didn't answer the poll, the choices were too silly; so, I'll just give my own short review. I thought the episode started off okay; but, it ended on an incredibly awkward note. My only real complaint about the first part was that there really was no reason for you to stand inside of the holodeck as the simulations ran on…
  • I never had any CTDs with the game until I did that Ground Battlezone; it was happening frequently there. I have a pretty beastly machine; so, I tend to play with the graphics turned all the way up and even in the Space Battlezone I never have issues. I suppose I could play with the graphics settings a bit to see what…
  • 0 out of 5 characters. Granted, I mostly play my main character; a Fed Engineer, it is only level 57. I have been playing STO on and off since Beta and do enjoy many aspects of the game; however, the leveling process after 50 is atrocious. At the pace I am going, I will be level 60 around 2017.
  • My mind was literally blown away when I came across the ARC page detailing all of the changes to sector space. This is a long overdue update that, in my opinion, could definitely breath a whole new life into this game. One thing that always bugged the hell out of me about STO was space travel. It was a little weird to me…
  • The game has been acting extremely flaky for me lately. I was wondering how long it would take before it came down in a ball of fire.
  • I have been seeing this as well. The window that lists the missions and the chat window are the most noticeable. But every once in awhile I will see other windows flicker uncontrollably as well.
  • If I am going to make a statement, I am going to be honest about it. I'm not here to entertain your interests.
  • I could not agree more. I absolutely hate many of the missions in this game and that one in particular is by far the most absurd of them all. Nothing like blindly murdering a facility full of people, simply because some person you don't know at all is driving you on a hunch. There are quite a few missions I would love to…
  • Not sure if it is just me or not; but, when I was flying the Negh'Var I noticed an annoying little problem with the windows textures and it also relates to the Qu'Daj. When you change the window textures on either model, it only changes the windows on the mission pods on both ships. On the Starfleet side; I'm sure it…
  • I came back to the game recently, after a long time away. I immediately went browsing the ship selection to see if the Typhoon was in the game somewhere. I didn't see it; so, I went online to see if there was some way to obtain it; to my surprise it was never added. I am still scratching my head why they would not…
  • Bonnie Kiiiiin! I see you! ha ha! No, why not allow us to have playable Qs! Then we can just snap our fingers and beat the game.
  • But he wasn't the official Captain of the ship. Kirk was temporarily overseeing the mission as a more experienced officer, same in the other ST movies. In the different ST series, many times, higher ranking officers took charge of the ships on special missions; that, didn't mean it was their official command though. It was…