I was running the ground battlezone in the Solanae Dyson Sphere, lastnight and I couldn't help but notice that I was getting CTD's every few minutes. In the park it rarely happened; but, when I was in the outskirts, particularly around the Omega generators, it happened every few seconds. I just started avoiding the outskirts. I tried looking for a pattern; to see if something in the game triggered the CTD; but, the only thing I could notice was when the small dinasuars would spawn around the Omega generators, they would actually fly right past me straight to the center of the are; once there, I would crash. I don't think that was the cause, just something I noticed. It seems the entire area is really buggy. Also, when areas have been captured, even when they are reinforced, I noticed they can be taken back pretty quickly; so, it can be pretty time consuming to try and clear the entire map as you actually end up having to take zones multiple times before eventually summoning the zone bosses.
Having to frequently retake zones is never a problem, that I have noticed, in the space battlezone; why is it such an issue on the ground?
I never had any CTDs with the game until I did that Ground Battlezone; it was happening frequently there. I have a pretty beastly machine; so, I tend to play with the graphics turned all the way up and even in the Space Battlezone I never have issues. I suppose I could play with the graphics settings a bit to see what happens.
How about other people that constantly got crashed to desktop in this battlezone? Does it work for you guys as well, again?
I haven't been there recently; thanks for checking it out. I'll run back there and run around soon.
You're welcome & good luck.