Dear Future Wolves, Thank you in advance for considering the 5th Victrix Wolves as your new "den". As Matt said above and you will learn in game if you spend some time with us, the Wolves at 5th Victrix are an easy going group who enjoy each others company and enjoy the game. We love working with each other to solve…
I just said the same thing on another thread. Glad to see other people can give the benefit of the doubt still also. Really people, **** happens sometimes, its just a game, if you miss out on farming something, so be it, its not the end of the world. Oh and other MMO's have indeed had unexpected crashes. Its not something…
Perhaps they themselves didn't even know until moments before? Computers and their software environments are fickle things on the best of days under controlled circumstances. Take into consideration that they have people logging into a massive set of servers from around the world and the chance of malfunction increase…
I for one can handle them killing the server off without notice so long as they are truly trying to correct problems. Every time they patch the game there is a new issue and by the time they fix it the next week comes along again and another patch with problems. If they need to kill the server and kick us all for a few…
The free ship token system is a little buggy. I've had issues with it myself in the past and spoken to many others on ESD(Earth Space Dock) whom also have had the issue you are having. Its a simple work around to correct it, assuming you have followed the correct steps to acquire the ship token. Step 1. Receive your…
I fully agree with the above posts. This issue has come across my desk twice in 48 hours and both times I have given the same advice. Limit the ability of new recruits to remove items or ec from your fleets bank account, until you are sure of their intentions to remain an active and trustworthy member of it. This should be…
Are you checking that all three rumble settings in the option panel are checked? There is one for each of the drop downs of ground and space under the UI tab and another under the "general" settings tab.