I had things go missing but caught this on video. Item: Refracting Tetryon Dual Cannons Mk XII [Dmg]x2 [Proc] Character: Orionnie@Mystarlite#1876 The item changes from purple to white in the items received notification and doesn't appear in inventory. Video link.
The second time you talk to the Na'khul representative shows the correct dialogue but the voice file is a repeat of the first time assuming you're ready to begin.
Since the patch whenever i log in my USB headset disconnects a minute or so after and then the Output device changes to Unknown and the list stays empty. Going to have to play without sound.
Did some more digging as they were all very rare liberated Romulans and it turns out they're from the Romulan Survivor Duty Officer Pack or the Suliban Cell Ship assignments. Not sure how many there are though. I might have to buy more DOff slots since i'm collecting rare and higher romulans and liberated borg.
I reset the key binds, set my mouse button key binds, went into shooter mode, and when i left the key binds were gone again. Not sure if this only happens in certain instances or what.
I just got on and saw that a typo was fixed for today's giveaway. But the ZEN store shows "T6 Ship Coupon - Promotional" and says "The pack can be traded to other players." However, this is false. What type did they fix when they took it off and then failed to see these issues?
Sorry, my picture disappeared. I am referring to the Liberated Borg Tactical Officer (Reman). The Lobi one is the Romulan Science. Was this an old Lobi item? If so, i couldn't find any information on it being available there, only ZEN STORE and Legacy pack.
Character name@Handle: Orionnie@mystarlite#1876 Specific name of missing item: Outfit Box: Pink Ribbon I believe is the name for it. Approximate date and time of purchase: 1754h EST Oct. 31 2019 from groupees; about 1740h EST Nov. 1 2019 I redeemed from the C-Store. Could be a bit before as I sent a message at 1746h EST…
For this one i just went through GAMEPEDIA looking through the NPCs list of missions. I started doing Beyond the Nexus for the requirements. That site also has a list of Endeavors so maybe i'll go through looking for which episodes would be quick and easy for me to do. I don't do all the Endeavors, mind you, and if…
I found this infograph on the uniform. Did a search for boots and from ComicCon pics the flap looks darker than the main part. Here's what i'm using for my Admiral Captain right now: Upper: Discovery Admiral K1 A3 A9 Badge: Discovery Captain Command A9 Lower: Tight - Discovery K1 A9 Feet: Boot Discovery S24 A9 S1 A9 For…
It says on the C-Store: "Note: Purchase of this option unlocks these costumes for every TOS and Starfleet character on an account." I think i'll use this for colours until someone figures out the default values.
Yeah i just got on. The pic i had showed the voucher was available but i just got out of queue so the queues were red on cooldown. But i did it again and lasted past wave 4 and got the voucher the next time around :)