Namaste. I've been looking for Borg DOffs and came across these with long names that i can't find anywhere either on the Fandom or using Google:
- Ael Eleevn of Fourteen
- Arrai Eleven of Twenty-One
- Arrai Five of Twenty-Seven
- Jann Two of Twelve
- Kata Nine of Twenty-Four
- Nine of Nine
- Odela Seventeen of Nineteen
- Odela Six of Twenty-One
- One of One
- Shirara Seven of Eleven
- Shirara Six of Fourteen
- Six of Six
- Solena One of Twenty-Five
- Solena Thirty-One of Twenty-Nine
- Vriha Twenty-One of Thirty
- Etc.
Where are these from and how many of them are there? I already know of the "of 47"s that are listed on Fandom, Neal Falconer. Reclaim Assimilated Borg Drone, Task Force Omega, and B'Tran Cluster. Am i missing any others?
IIRC it was the latest Borg Lockbox that they were in, and I'm not sure they were assimilated into the Infinity Box.