Every time you see something being implemented by Cryptic i want you to instead think Perfect World Entertainment , becausce it is PWE who is calling the shots. :( This blatant squeeze is just one among many as PWE does it's very best to remove money from you the player to their bank account... making sure that they have…
Up until this year i was getting my monthly stipend with no problem (lifetime member) but for the past several months i have only gotten one monthly payment.................................. WHERE THE **** IS MY ZEN!?!?!?!!!!!! :mad:
If you have to buy one: Kumari is a pubbie trap, Sci ships & their powers are limited, i found the Charal to be best of all. I bought the three pack, stupid me, if i have to fly one it's the Charal and i dump the Andorian "special" weapons.
I see no point in me logging in to do anything for the time being, was all set to buy the Vesta set but now i can't be bothered. No idea what they were thinking by limiting dilithium at the same time as making doffs etc costing dil as well, it's like standing on a rope bridge and cutting the supports at both ends of it....…