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koltoroc Arc User



  • Another patch without change. still crashing. Safe mode doesn't help either
  • I would be upset, IF I could even get into the game. but since the emergency maintenance about 2 weeks ago, I always crash at the LoR load screen, so meh.
  • I did try to them out of curiosity on my kdf rom back then, you can't use them.
  • The last update didn't change anything, still crashing on the LoR screen Shadow, it is not a memory leak, I can't even get into the game, it crashes at the LoR loading screen, BEFORE the character select. I know memory leak issues. STO has one in the texture memory, that was fixed quite a while ago and returned with S8
  • safe mode does not work either
  • before I would even start with anything game design related, I would do 2 things 1: Fire the muppets that are currently posing as devs (but keep most artists) and hire a proper dev team 2: hire an actual QA departement anything else can be thought of after this happened.
  • I have that very issue since the emergency patch this morning. never had this issue before
  • you do realise that the base investment in doffs is about 100M+ and that the components for each console are about 1M each? you then have an about 25% chance to get a purple console. that one is randomly selected from *all* possible consoles, giving less then about 10% chance to get one that is worth that much. with about…
  • Autorefine works. what it does is refining "yesterdays" quota if it has not been used. It does not autorefine what you can refine the day you log on, but the amount you didn't refine on previous days. If you refine everyday manually, it will never trigger the only thing I do not know is, if it is based on amount or actual…
  • You need to have the ship claimed on the character you want to buy the stalkers for, just having it bought is not enough. That also means romulans can't get the stalkers, since they can't claim the atrox.
  • that are not stats of the weapon. You have a ship with sensor analysis.
  • don't remember it either, only thing I can imagine it could be a one off from one of the story missions, but then it did not leave any lasting impression. btw, about being older that reasoning makes sense since it looks like a decendent of the IKS sword of kahless from klingon academy. which played around the time of ST V…
  • then you will be looking till the end of time. It is not there.
  • None of these ships were ever shown in any episode of star trek, except in your own imagination. None of them are even related to canon. If either would had been in an episode the usual suspects like ex astris scientia would have been all over them to analyse them in any way imaginable. The biggest and newest kdf ship ever…
  • ah, the mysterious 930 dmg bio neural hits. was driving our fleet nuts for a while, but we managed to figure out what it is. It is *not* the damage it does to any target, its the damage it does to *itself*. when you fire it and take a look at its hit points you will see, that a max lvl Bio neural has exactly 930 HP. I…
  • He maginalized them because there were certainly way more then a hundred on tribble. out of our fleet alone there were 20-30 on tribble, the various private channels I have subscribed had a healthy part of the population on tribble at all times, way more then "just a hundred or so" definitely. Short, He lied about the…
  • How about a deal? the community learns manners, once cryptic learns not to lie? Oh, I forgot, Lying is corporate culture there, so we are pretty safe methinks...
  • yeah, sure, whatever. As a rule of thumb, when dstahl says something assume the opposite, that's closer to the truth.
  • Wow, just wow. They really specialize in "Customer Service" it seems. Everything that has been communicated about season 7 fell somewhere between misleading and outright lies. I am frankly appalled by the whole thing. Who in his right mind could think this whole cluster**** was a good idea to begin with? Who in his right…
  • Well, I can only talk about our fleet, after all these delicious news and taking a personal look on tribble, half the active members have been starting to look for other games to play. our Teamspeak server was a very interesting place this evening and I doubt I can say here what was said about cryptic and perfect world…
  • You have an interesting definition of painless. A grind over weeks or probably months to get the same gear that right now is only an STF and a bit of Luck away, and additionally stacking a dilithium tax on top of it where previously it was a potential net source of it is not painless. Calling it painless is exceptionally…
  • While I agree mostly with your assessment, there are 2 problems you fail to see. 1: with the recent announcement of their own tablet they are intending to sell combined with the way they intend to license Win 8 for arm they managed to alienate the majority of third party manufacturers, which are now flocking to google,…