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knightdmosaic170 Arc User



  • As a Fed Player, I guess I'll be the odd man out and say we didn't need the Aceton Assimilator. A Federation player doesn't need this console. Equip a Photon Torpedo, Quantum Torpedo, or anything else that's not a beam array and for the love of all that is holy blast it with Torpedo Spread 3. That is the only answer to the…
  • From my own Experience, I'll say this. Rep's: While people are going to say do the Omega rep first, don't. If you can't hang in simple stuff the Borg will rip you apart. Start out with Nukara and Romulan Rep's. The daily Rom patrol and CE/CEE are Easy marks and don't require any build that's hard core. Plus, with the…
  • This is the only community I have ever known were there is complaint about finding a way to make the game easier. Honestly, this kind of logic reminds me of when Netflix use to offer the Streaming and DVD service together. People didn't have the internet or they don't use DVD's anymore so why have both as an option? So,…
  • Federation Side: The best looking to me is the Heavy Cruiser line (Cheyenne Class). I love the design with it's four long warp Nacelle's on two swept back wing pylon's. That and I've always liked the work horse ships of the Federation that weren't the flagship. Second runner up would have to be the Defiant and Miranda…
  • Honestly, the best thing to do that I find appealing is to not just send an Invite. Send them a Private Message and ask them if they want to be in a fleet. I've always declined any fleet Invite without some sort of contact. I and other people I expect like to know what they are getting into. Blasting a zone message can get…
  • Thank you. I'll try this next time my game goes white and bright on me.
  • I agree with this completely. Usually every other hour or so STO on my computer becomes a white screen at worst and at best every ship in sight glows blinding with pixel's everywhere. So, a day or so ago I am doing The Breach we take out the hard points and Breach the hull. STO, video Card, or whatever trigger's and the…
  • Now part of me wish's that if they ever release this ship that it ends up like the Jem'Hadar Attack ship. In Star Trek Cannon it was the old worn out ship. However, in STO it would be the Cruiser DPS God of the Federation lineup. Okay, that is never going to happen. Still, I like to hope they let the Constellation out. I…
  • Really, after reading your post it comes down to a single question. Can you look at the Avenger all day long? If you can, get the Avenger. It is a better deal for twenty five bucks and doesn't need a special console's to be at it's best. It will hit harder, turn faster, use Cannons/Dual Beam Banks better, and has a better…
  • The best advice so far, just do what you want and have fun. It's the way I roll when I log on. If you want to run a single Fleet Action a night do so. If you want to just skip all the grind and play in the foundry mission's do that. It's a never ending game anyway. Don't; especially don't, buy into the DPS race and the…
  • This is kind of funny, you know Enterprise got me back into Star Trek. After Voyager I didn't watch any Star Trek for a long time. Voyager was a let down for me as it never took advantage of the potential it had. The other races were bland and I never liked most of the character's. I skipped over Enterprise because I…
  • I currently run a Dual Disruptor Beam Bank on my Vor'cha in place of a Torp Crashdragon. I like using it to drop out of cloak, take out the first target quickly, and then turn and broadside the rest still standing. I like Dual Beam Bank's but I wouldn't use more than one on the Vor'cha however. Plus, after running nothing…
  • Your correct. It's an Alien with the KDF that looks like a Romulan. I like Romulan's I just hate Romulan ships. So, yeah. Note: I know I will have to do damage. This isn't my first run as an engineer. I've run two Fed Engineer's prior to this one. I guess I was just trying to say I am not in the obsessed DPS race in this…
  • I just like to hope that the new Star Wars movie will be good. I don't like J.J. Abram's and not for just ruining Star Trek. However, that would certainly be one of the many. What further scare's me is that they are setting the timeline so far ahead. It just seem's like an excuse to let him do what he wants. I don't have…
  • I wouldn't mind a Mirror Universe Odyssey. I also wouldn't mind a Mirror Universe Miranda either. Of course, neither of those will happen. I don't even use the paint job on them or the prefix. I Just like how they offer a cheap and fairly effective ship for people that may not want to use the endgame ship they get stuck…
  • I have a Tactical officer in a Excelsior with Tetryon Beam Array's and I have never had a problem contributing. Without Critical I manage 1100 to 1300 on average per beam. With critical hits I am within range of 1900 to 2400 per shot/array. I don't have hard data but I have run Tetryon for while and my number's have stayed…
  • I'm glad someone agree's with me. XD Besides, that little event did teach me one thing. I don't have the reaction time to run an escort properly in a Fleet Action when it gets tough. So it's not all bad. Better to find out now than later in an Elite. I mean, if I couldn't deal with resetting between major lag then I don't…
  • Today I did Starbase Defense, which is a very easy thing to do even with basic gear. Recently I went back to Escorts after using Cruiser's for awhile. I have been running a Tactical Escort Retrofit for a few days with almost complete blue/rare gear. This shouldn't be any problem. It never has been. So, I warp in and there…
  • The Federation is not the Principality of Zeon. I doubt Starfleet would indulge one man no matter the rank or power he might have. Plus, the Galaxy Dreadnought seemed to more than effective enough. Would they make a Galaxy Dreadnought? No I doubt that. However, it's seems more than likely their was more than one. At most…
  • I am not referring to it in the since of the cannon/story time line. I am saying the Galaxy Line is dated in the since of Star Trek Online's ship line up/release. Power Creep and Game play style has made them less relevant despite the love of them.
  • Once again, if your expecting the ship from TNG you have your hope's way to high. If we followed TNG logic all the way through this game would be nothing like it is. The only Escort using Cannon's would be the Defiant. Excelsior's would be sub par to a Galaxy, Sovereign, Nebula, Cheyenne, and anything made in the TNG era.…
  • I am getting tired of hearing these comments. - It needs a Lieutenant Commander slot, otherwise it's useless. - If doesn't have a Lieutenant Commander/Commander slot I am not going to use it. - They just tossed on another Hanger. It needed a new Boff layout! - This is how the ships should be. *Toss in random wish list of…
  • There are three thing you need to ask yourself before you go down the Alt. character road is two things. 1. Do you have the time to do it? 2. Do you want to do it? 3. Is it worth it? If you answer no to anyone of those question's then don't make an Alternate. Yes, you can use them to give resource's to your main character.…
  • I love the Mirror Universe Ships. I've bought and been using the Mirror Universe Heavy Cruiser Retrofit when they hit the market for my Tactical character. It's a great ship with a nice science lean that's easy to use, with great turn rate, and effective in combat. I have to many good things to say about it. I don't see…
  • I understood her point. I was making the point that starting a whole new character after you just got one to level 50 is pointless because you think the crafting is useless. That won't change with a new character and gimping yourself. I tried crafting early on and found it useless when I can get better gear from a single…
  • At Level 50 the work really begins. Why would you want to start over again? I've been at level 50 for awhile on my Tactical and just because you reach level cap doesn't mean anything. Yes, your going to have a decent endgame ship. However, it's going to have the most bland weapon's it can get. Your going to have to grind…
  • I don't know your handle so I am going to pass mine along. Ki'el@knightdmosaic170 We may be on at different times. Not sure. However, if you see me on send me an invite and I'll join your fleet.
  • Warning/Note: This is from more of a story point rather than a Game standpoint. Excelsior's, Constitution's, and Miranda's I understand not needing to be in the game from a story point. They were dated by the time the Enterprise D was in service. Hell, you can't put a Phaser Strip on an Excelsior. The Connie is thrown in…
  • It's something worth thinking about. I agree with it too. Four is better than two. However, it's up to you. If you want to keep on with your fleet I'll help out. I'm looking for a small fleet anyway so it works out one way or the other.
  • What was your original intention's with it? Casual? I can't say I be the best recruiter but I'll help how I can with other things. Plus, starting at ground level seems like fun. Give me a post back so I know the best time when we can meet up in game.