So, will the "Bond With Life" pets be "until map-move", or will we be able to build up a permanent stable of pets to choose from? (After all, some maps don't have any animals, but making the boost from the number of animals a permanent thing is similar to the Endeavour points; presumably there would be a cap?)
The new B'Rel and Ambassador traits look interesting, but I'm not overly enthused by this bundle — I was rather hoping for a Legendary Bortasqu' and Sarcophagus for the Year of the Klingon :( That said: while it's nice that the B'Rel trait, Deadly Appearances, remembers EBC exists (so many cloak traits are ‘after…
Also having the same issue; after the first few attempts, I wondered if it was a bugged tooltip (i.e. you had to destroy the ship while under Ambush, not just Damage them under Ambush, and then destroy them), but even adjusting for that didn't work.
Not even a fanfic. They're all the things Gene Roddenberry thought where so un-"Star Trek" that he wrote an entire new series, "Gene Roddenberry's Andromeda", for them to be a part of instead.
Quick quibble: "Upcoming Content" and "July: Risian Lolhnaut Festival" - a tad late, methinks? I suspect the Altamid Drones will be a ship Console or Device, since it's Kobayashi Maru. A "swarm" style ship which lost members and had attack drop and defence (dodge rate) go up as it took damage and lost drones would have…
Hence why all it would do is effectively remove you and they from each other's game world. It's an opt-out, to say "do what you want, but I'm not going to see, hear, or be affected by any of it." So, the trolls can use it against you, and... make themselves vanish so far as you are concerned? Sounds like a self-limiting…
Only getting the "correct" trait for your faction will be annoying for those of us that use a different type - no using the "Legacy of Qo’noS" on your Fed toons, for example. So, I hope that unlocking each faction's trait will add it to the "Account Starship Trait Unlock" tab of the Dilithium Store. Perhaps requiring that…
When I was having this issue, it was because the Video Memory Limit (Options > Advanced) had defaulted to 128mb. Put it up to 1024+mb and see if that helps
Check "Video Memory Limit" under Options > Advanced. Mine had defaulted to 128mb (also running AMD) so I put it up to "1024+mb". Since then I've not had any crashes or performance drops, with all settings maxed out.
The game was also freezing on certain transitions for me (for example changing Quadrant or, in Echoes of Light, going from Mission Space to the Planet caused the game to freeze, but going from Sector Space to Planet or from Login Screen to anything did not) I went into "Options", and saw that under "Advanced", it was…
About time we get a proper flying saucer! Charlie Foxtrot Tango Whiskey! So, Borg Probes then? (Actually, a Collective/Cooperative ship set could be quite cool, as would getting the "Borg" outfit available on liberated Borg Captains, like it is for the BOffs)
Try using "Maximised Window" instead of Fullscreen? (It also reduces the chance of Alt+Tab-ing out - or a background task deciding to jump in your face with an alert - triggering a CTD)
T5-U should be able to fight most things just as well as T6. A new (T5-U or T6) Fleet version of the Odyssey/Bortas/Scimitar would be cool though, something like: Odyssey: Cmdr Eng, LtCmdr Universal, Lt Sci, Lt Tac, Lt Universal/Universal, 5 Eng consoles, 3 Sci Consoles, 3 Tac Consoles Bortas: Cmdr Eng, LtCmdr Universal,…
It's a cool fix. The Cloak Cooldown is still useful for when you're picking up items, or get hailed by an NPC to break cloak even without the Battle Cloak. (Seriously, why does getting hailed break cloak? Especially when it's one of your Bridge Officers?!?!) The T5 B'rel still gets a bit of a short-changing though - it had…
The new console effectively makes the Valiant/Malem 5/3 and the Kor 5/2, in much the same way that the Tempest is 4/4 with the TailGun. It costs the Tempest a BOff, it optionally costs these ships a console. Stop complaining about the weapons layout People complaining that Feds shouldn't get BattleCloak because it messes…
I don't mind the 4/3 weapons... It lets me have 2 turrets/omnis and a 'kinetic withdrawal expediator' (torp/mine) on the back without worrying that everything should be narrow front-facing. Dropping a destructable torpedo at point-blank after the attack run gets around the AOE/BFAW issue without sacrificing the damage
@amayakitsune: That's odd, given my biggest issue with the Andromeda was that the Science BOff was Cmdr instead of LtCmdr... Still think the Malem is the best ship in the bundle. Kor is also pretty good for hit-and-run or PvE (ETI trait with well timed heals work well with EBC) but the shield pen would have been nice.…
I figure about half of the gripes for the Valiant could be 'fixed' if they add the Quad Cannons to the set, and make the 3pc bonuses turn the cloak into a standard Battle Cloak. But, then you're stuck running a Phaser/Cannon set-up... :neutral: (Well, the M5 trait is for cannons anyway) Disappointed that it doesn't get any…
In that case, I think I may have found a bug when playing BotS yesterday then... The blue one is the original IDIC tribble I picked up in the Europe event, the gold one is from BotS - anyone know where to get a purple one? :D {EDIT} The BoE version from the Zen Store is Purple... :D
If this is the T6 Defiant, I hope they take the opportunity to take a fresh look at the T5 one... Drop the cloak to a 'built in' ability on that & the Galaxy-X, and give the T5 Defiant a new console with set bonuses on the Quad-cannons and T6 console. ("'Responsive Evasion Controls' - attacks which miss your ship have a 5%…