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  • I have the Tyton class Strategic Dyson Warbird on a sci character due to the upgrade to T5-U giving it 3 - eng, 4 - sci, 4 - tac console configuration along with the Protonic Shield Matrix console. That gives me a nice mix of sci consoles / tac consoles + a nice defense console if it gets a little too much aggro, overall…
  • I wasn't aware there was such an in-depth back story on the Romulans. Could you possibly suggest some reading material on this subject? Thanks in advance.
  • I noticed.... referring to the Spock board Is the following included but someone forgot to add to patch notes in time?
  • Just a personal compilation of the road not taken Nandi photoshop enjoy. ;)
  • That is not a "Klingon" thing any faction member can request reinforcements if you go to the Power plant instance, though they still don't count as team members when trying to start a Hard mission instance. The Cover shield thing was present last year also, it is annoying but you'll have to work around it till the devs…
  • Hmmm most desired T6 in order would be..... A T6 Son'a ship pack [Battleship, Command ship, shuttle, the collector ship re-purposed as deep space explorer possibly] A T6 Ferasan/Caitian warship A T6 Dacoit flight deck A T6 Nebula if I could get an updated Miranda skin option on it [not likely] :P Touching up some of the…
  • Comparing in-game versions on Plesh brek frigates [EC, dilith store, fleet store from here] It appears the Elite version loses a turret and only gains the Breen energy dissipator ability..... * Tachyon Beam I, Cannon: Rapid Fire II, Torpedo: High Yield II from elite variant are exactly the same as dilith store variant…
  • I'm gonna assume that English is not your primary language because what you seem to be talking about and what the CS response you posted I]pretty sure not supposed to do that btw[/I don't seem to be about remotely the same thing. Assumptions.... 1. You are stuck somehow on the Romulan reputation [post level50] for claiming…
  • Personally I got a nice Powerboard for my 3 - Delta recruits to play with, but the powerboard race is frankly more hassle than its worth, better to raise birds for marks, build sand castles, do the dance competition and Horg'n hunt if your interested in favors.
  • Actually the Superior floaters and Superior Powerboards only cost 1000 favors with the slightly lower Enhanced versions costing 500 favors, only the new Pitbull Powerboard and Superior Faction versions of Powerboard cost 1500 favors.
  • Always curious why ppl are so hung up on wanting cruiser commands on other ship classes, Destroyer class already has a turn point advantage over standard "cruiser" classes. Except for the veteran/dyson special ships they seem to gain the 4/4 weapons of a typical cruiser also. PS I do wish the veteran destroyers had a 4/4…
  • Ok , because the following was how I always understood diminishing returns
  • Has this changed I wasn't aware any consoles had diminishing return except for armor consoles ?
  • Haven't seen this answered yet but back on the May 1st tribble patch notes the following was changed... * Iconian Resistance Shotgun: * Removed the blinking glow from the metal surface. * The reflection on the gun should be visible on low end graphic machines. * Added audio to this weapon. After that went live to holodeck…
  • I'm bored atm checking which of my alts have surfboards, tropical tags and jetpacks, but thought it sounded off as I have all three of those ships.
  • Wrong, order of release was April 12, 2012 D'Kora in Ferengi lock box Jun 20 2012 Tuffli in Reinforcements Duty Officer Pack Jun 26 2013 Suliban in Romulan Survivor Duty Officer Pack
  • Actually thats the same Destroyer mastery package that the Breen Chell Grett has had since upgrades came out.
  • Really some more details should have been clarified in the blog like what are the exact bonus numbers the special console gives ? its not like they whipped this ship up yesterday, a minimum of testing should have been done at least to see if the model worked in sector space, etc. having a whole blog about an aftrificial…
  • I'll repost this here..... Also is it suspicious that we knew the name of the the Iconian from a simple visual observation, Food for thought :)
  • I'm confused FAW is not supposed to affect the KCB or turrets so why use that over CSV?
  • After a couple of replays of the new FE it seems we were mislead.... It is made to seem like its our idea to beam down and "stabilize" the omega molecules, but after we arrive Kahless shows up for what reason?, we already had a capable away team, no need for the "Emperor" to come on an information and sabotage mission. We…
  • Effective cheap build for most shuttle missions..... pick shuttle any will do most of their unique abilities are set on a really long timer so more gimmick than necessary. Equip 1 - Photon torpedo Equip 1 - Beam Array [omni beam not required as shuttles turn fast enough to keep target in arc] Slot Torpedo Spread 1 as boff…
  • SO the question begging an answer we already set the explosives to destroy the base why not set them off as we are warping out? Kahless got killed [maybe, weird death transporter effect?] things we have learned..... If we can siphon energy away from Iconians then the become baby kittens for a short while so new energy…
  • The only issue I had with the mission was what was the other team doing while my team was stabilizing the Omega molecule and setting charges, and if they did set their charges why not blow the facility as we were leaving?
  • Tholian Crystalline sword so nope just use the Ferengi whip, Vaadwaur Pulsewave pistol, or a Standard Pulsewave Assault.
  • New shiny ships is kinda the reason we buy new ships, I do it so I can say oh it looks purty in my collection. :D There have been several threads discussing foundry made interiors, short version answer is they won't do it as they may be able to monetize it in the future.
  • If you have to change instances while on Power Plant Hard missions to find a working Node it will also fill in missing team members till there are 5. All Easy and Medium Missions can be completed solo only Hard missions require a team of 3 to start and everyone must be in close proximity to the start node which varies for…
  • Maybe they don't consider the Federation a credible threat? they can destroy the Romulans and Klingons and the Federation will still negotiate terms with them. :D
  • What about having it as an always on ability, But it having a 15sec continuous firing cycle with priority of small inbound targets with a 15sec cd to recharge before firing resumes. That gives you 2 firing cycles per minute.
  • The idea was with the trait once every 2mins you could instantly launch a full strike wing [12 fighters or 4 frigates or 6 fighters/2 frigate mix] if you desired. I believe that was the general thought for the trait.