nearly ever source I've read assumes the second 5 year mission was between TMP and WoK. Current show canon (VOY:"Q2") sets the end of Kirk's first 5 year mission as 2270.
Tribble doesn't have the C-store and can't acknowledge a c-store purchase. maybe they just don't feel like it? "lack of content" it's the test server, and we're discussing something that won't be released for another two months. They're adding missions two at a time, once a week, just like with Delta Rising. As for the…
This is slowly starting to feel like some easter egg thing where you've got to run around like a maniac... If anyone suggests "Flying to Cinnabar Island", I'm leaving.
I think people get confused because YouTube and it's inability to grasp "fair use" has been talked about a lot recently. "Fair Use" is more meant for news and review. Probibly the best way to explain it is "Siskel & Ebert" and later "Ebert and Roeper". the show could use copyrighted materal, for profit making purposes,…
one could argue the environmental belts were of similar design (we are roughly concurrent with TAS). But, as I like to point out, there are limits to the game's engine design. as currently set up, PCs have shields. we can nitpick this detail later when the rifle bug is fixed.
well, so far this has helped slightly. I've actually gotten to the point the rifle targets can be shot up (every other time even that wouldn't), but I still can't get the game to accept I'm holding flipping rifle...
the build is incomplete, the doctor has a 25th century rifle because that is what the game's code thinks he should have, because what rifle he's holding has no effect on what's going on. This is like walking up to a half built house and demanding to know why there are no windows...
project is locked and funded. Our grand total is over $6.3 million, enough for 14 episodes. btw, their livestream telethon was such a technical cluster-f it makes a season launch her look smooth and simple.
On behalf of the MST3K Revival League, of which I am a member in good standing, we can happily announce the project has surpassed it's goal of $5.5 Million. Anyone who pledged $85 or higher is now entitled to 12 new episodes and 13 classics. Since we have a few hours left, and Mr. Hodgson had already set up a telethon…
OK folks, we're at just about 26 hours to go. Yesterday (Wednesday) we finally crossed the $4.4 Million mark, and actually it's been going up.. down... Which means things are going great? We now stand at just over $5 Million in total dontations ($4,625,000 on kickstarter and at least $375,000 in add on reward purchase,…
Well, there are only 4 days left to the finish line. The total pledges have reached $3,964,000 and the add-on sales have added another $240,000, for a grand total of $4,204,000.
With one week to go, here is the most recent update. The total amount collected, which includes pledged money and Add on money is $3.85 million. 3.7 in pledges and 150K in add-ons. To push forward, the following rewards will be added if the total passes a certain level buy 11AM eastern time Tuesday. $3.96M Everyone $35 and…
each episode will ideally cost about $250K. Like before, most of that will be going to licensing the movies. Startup costs are incudled in the first $2 Million. They have to pay 8% to Kickstarter and the credit card company and a good 1/4 has to be spend making and shipping the rewards.
Update for Monday 11/30 including the background funds (online downloads over the weekend and the extra pledge money), we've past the $3.3 Million dollar mark, so at least six episodes will be made (which is equal to season 7). the actual one screen tote (which we've taken to calling "Magic Tote") reads at about…
update: the project is now 50% funded to the $5.5 Million 12 epsiode goal. There are two sets of two rewards that cost more than the team is allowed to ask for, so there are $40K in "hidden money" not listed. currently the total on the site reads as $2,741,119, white the total pledged is actually $2.78 million. Basicly…
So... you missed the momments where Mike activley tried to escape (most notibly 904: Werewolf where he was inches from thr ground), activley tried to call for help, and actively tried to get one over on the Mads (great examples 907: Hobgoblins and 1009: Hamlet)...
In the less than 8 hours or so since I wrote that first posr, they have added another $100,000. only $150,000 to the next set of free classic series epsiodes (and half way to the full goal), and just another $700,000 to finaince another three new ones.