Currently, we can fly through what will eventually be the Beta Quadrant, or part of it. But there is no Alpha Quadrant equivalent, just a lightyear from Sol or so there is nothing but "Deep space".
Shouldn't the 23rd century sector block at east have
some space around the "western" side of Sol that can be flown through? I mean, are we supposed to believe that Starfleet really did not send a single ship into that direction?
But I like the handling of the Romulan Neutral Zone.
What's my position?
That people should know what they're screaming about!
(paraphrased from "The Newsroom)
There have been many, many debates on the subject. In short, most of the references to it being in the Alpha Quadrant come from Voyager, but DS9 and TNG have on-screen maps showing that Sol is the border between alpha and beta, with delta above beta and gamma above alpha. Even if Sol WERE in alpha, the entire "need to return to the alpha quadrant" idea is dumb, because Voyager would need to go through beta to get there, and the Federation is as much there as it is in alpha no matter what source you look at. The folks at Cryptic chose to use the book Star Trek Star Charts by Geoffrey Mandel for their maps, and it uses the Sol as a divider rule.